《Beyond the Stars》Chapter 03: The Li clan


Chapter 03:

The Hao continent is divided among four states: Jiangu, Yunnan, Hebei and the State of Zhuan.

The Li family is a big clan from Zhuan situated near the border of Yunnan state. The man that brought the name of the family to be mentioned in the same breath as the emperor of Zhuan is Li Hong.

Li Hong was a Martial art genius. At the age of seventeen he engaged in the army and 4 years later he played a major part in repelling the armies of Yunnan.

Therefore, he was elevated to the rank of general and after 5 years protecting the Zhuan state from the greedy eyes of Yunnan he was offered the hand of the emperor’s sister which consolidated his status to right hand of the emperor.

Li Hong had two sons from this marriage: Li Huang and Li Heng.

Li Huang was born a genius and very quickly became the favored son of Li Hong. He was believed to one day become the head of the Li Family.

On the contrary, his brother Li Heng was a cripple and couldn’t practice martial arts. However even though he was laughed at when compared to his brother, it stopped very quickly when Li Heng revealed himself to be a strategic genius.

Both brothers then teamed up and became the biggest threat to Yunnan’s dream of conquering Zhuan state.

A few years later when both sons approached their 25 years of age the Xia family which was the second-biggest clan in Zhuan state offered their only daughter’s hand to Li Huang.

This marriage would bring the Li family to new heights and consolidate the power and stability of Zhuan.

Hence, it shocked the whole state when Li Huang refused to marry Xia Yi to propose to a commoner that would become his wife Li Yu.


Xia Yi, on the other hand, married Li Heng and seemed now in a better position to become the next head of the family.

Li Wei was the first born of Li Huang and Li Yu and it became clear to everyone he had no talent whatsoever.

A martial artist uses ki to transform and train his body. He had very little ki and was the worst in that regard compared to the 10 kids his age in the family. His comprehension level on the other hand was one of the best. That’s why his father believed he might become a strategic genius like his uncle. However, after receiving lessons for a year, the teacher told Li Huang he was average at best.

This lack of talent became even clearer when compared to Li Heng and Xia Yi’s son, Li Yang who seemed to be one of the best at everything he touched.

Li Yang was no cripple like his father and was one of the youngest in Zhuan nation to reach the High Mortal stage. He also had strategic talent second only to his father’s

For 15 years Li Wei carried on his shoulders the weight of responsibilities. He felt like his lack of talent was shaming his whole family and the pressure became heavier as time passed.

His parents loved him, and the rest of the family wouldn’t dare bully him but the talking behind his back soon became unbearable.

That’s why on his 15th birthday, Li Wei decided to kill himself. He took a knife, walked into the forest and was ready to plunge the knife into his own hear.

He believed this way of dying would prove he did not die because he had a weak mind but because he would rather die a warrior’s death than live a commoner’s life.

However, pain suddenly sprung into his head, it was as if needles were moving inside his brain. He soon couldn’t bear it and fainted.

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