《Beyond the Stars》Chapter 01: One for Ten


Chapter 01

Li Wei was defined from those around him as a very out going person. Never the center of attention but always the first one to have a good laugh. If you asked him one quality he had, he would answer that he is easily satisfied from what he has.

You might think that is a pretty good way to describe someone but a quality for you might be a flaw to others. Those that disliked him would say Li Wei lacks a drive. He is like a leaf that has fallen from a tree. Never will he move by himself.

For the past 10 minutes Li Wei had been staring at the class’ ceiling lost in his thoughts.

There is a lot a of important moments in a man's life. Most people talk about being 18 as the most life changing experience but Li Wei felt like his 25 years of age might prove that theory wrong. Everyone he knew was beginning to move on. Moreover, it was this last year as a university student after that he would have to find a job. Being a leaf wasn’t going to cut it anymore. His train of thought was suddenly stopped by his phone. His best friend Lucas was calling him. He was lucky the phone was on silence. Being at the back of the class he decided to answer anyway

“Bro !! It’s been a while. I’m right in front of your class! I’m waiting for you!

Li Wei had no time to answer his friend. There was a huge explosion, he was blasted against the walls and he passed out.

When he woke up was hurting as if he had been binge drinking for a whole week.

It took him a whole 5 minutes to regain a clear vision. The first thing he noticed is that he had been moved outside.


At least two thousand students were all lying on the ground surrounded by 50 men with assault rifles. Some were dead, some were injured and others were lucky and survives with out a scratch

A square faced man walked closer to them, climbed on a bench and shouted " Every ten minutes I will take ten of you. You will kneel over there, and I will execute you. The only way to prevent that is for someone to willingly come and get killed in their place. Now that I've said that" he turned around to look at his men "Grab ten and make them kneel in front of me"

Li Wei watched with eyes wide open as if it wasn’t real just a nightmare. He had heard about this kind of nonsensical terrorism before. However he never thought it woul happen to him.

The soldiers grabbed 10 students and positioned behind each of them waiting for their superior's command. The square faced man stared for a minute while the students that were about to die pleaded and cried. He grinned and said, "shoot".

There were ten consecutive gun shots, then utter silence. He didn’t even wait a minute and said, "take ten more".

It took a few seconds to grab 10 more people. Li Wei was staring at the ground unable to look. However, he heard a voice he recognized right away. His friend Lucas was there trying to get away from the soldier grabbing him. He wanted to save him. His brain was working twice as fast to no end. His face contorted as he was looking down on the ground. He stood up and looked at his friend in the same motion, ready to take their place but instead of his own voice he heard the square faced man yell: “shoot !!!!”.


A bloody hole appeared instead of his best friend's face. Shocked he fell to his knees as their chief ironically smiled and said, " be faster next time" and asked his men to pick ten students once again.

This time Li Wei didn't even look at the new victims. He knew it made no sense. He had been unable to save his friend because he was afraid of death. He would repent by saving 10 stangers. He stood up and with a face distorted in rage he shouted. "kill me in their place!".

The square faced man laughed looked back at his men and said, "See I told you we would have one of those stupide ones this time!".

A soldier then grabbed and forced him to kneel. The last thing he heard was the gun safety, a loud noise and everything turned to oblivion.

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