《Is This The End?》Chapter Sixteen


My feet are dragged along the cement floor, and no matter how much I struggle and scream, the men holding my body refuse to let me go. We come to a large wooden door, and I renew my efforts. There's something terrible behind there. I just know it.

The door is swung open, but that can't be right. I know what's behind that door. The blood. The weapons. That chair. They lead me to a long path crowded by people. I know them. One is the old lady that lives right below me. She would give me food when I was lying low. But now all she has is a deep scowl on her face. I stare too long, and I see her body engulfed by black flames and hear her high-pitched wails.

I blink, and it's all gone. I'm pulled forward until a pyre appears in the darkness. I attempt to run after the men release me from their hold, but two more just appear and carry me to the long pole impaling the ground. They shove me onto the pyre, and I can feel the sharp sticks cutting into my feet with their jagged edges. That man appears, smug, and content.

He turns to the crowd, and they're all screaming, yet I hear nothing but their chant: "Burn the witch! Burn the witch!" Over and over again. He brings a lit match over to the sticks, and I scream myself hoarse, but it does no good. "Burn the witch!" The match drops, and the flames lick at my feet, burning and burning. I'm soon engulfed. I squeeze my eyes shut and try to take one gulp of air.

My head breaks the water, and I look around, and just at the edge, I see Him again standing there without a care in the world. I swim away, but his men simply scoop me up. They drag me into the deep side and push my head under. "Burn the witch! Burn Vanessa!" A hand fists into my hair and yanks my head up.

He looks me over before giving the men a hand motion downward. I struggle, but it is in vain. I scream under the water, and black dots paint my vision. My lungs burn, and my head feels like I'm going to burst. "Oh poor Vanessa, she's an evil witch. Burn, witch, burn!"

The fingers enclose my hair once again, and I'm pulled toward the surface. I land in the chair, trying to breathe in all I can. I tilt my head back, and my exhaustion takes me. "Oh, don't tell me you're giving up already." He sighs and walks around me. "I guess Nate should have left you. After all, any witch can use flames, and that makes you useless. Everybody knows witches with no use get burned."

His nose is right by me, and soon he starts to make that obnoxious sound when people are trying to spit out mucus. I close my eyes fast enough to avoid spit getting into my eye, though I can still feel as it drips in thick glops down my face."Perhaps it's time for another lesson. Boys." Two of the figures come from the shadows holding a rope. I shake my head and try to push my seat back. No, this is worse than the whipping. The rope is now around my head. It's becoming tighter and tighter.


I felt like my head is being squeezed into a small cup. I shake, trying to loosen their hold, but it just makes it worse. I scream, and the world explodes in an inferno. The fire is all around me, and it's already taken my feet as a sacrifice, cripple, and behind repair. The flames are everywhere, and I let out a scream that ricochets and crumbles the walls to bits. Fire, there's fire everywhere.

I jerk awake, a scream at the tip of my tongue. I look around, and sweat breaks out across my forehead as I notice that Nate is nowhere to be found. I debate calling for him but decide against it and instead make my way to the door. I gently open it and peek my head outside to see a dimly lit hallway, but light shines in from the window. Damn, that makes things harder. I glance around and release my breath when I see no guards walking around.

I stride confidently down the hallway and try to feel for Nate. Still, unfortunately, that ability was never a strength of mine. With fire, I'm amazing; telekinesis, sure, if I'm mad enough; and premonitions come and go. But using my magic to feel others' intentions has never been my best suit. Mother would often console me about the fact. Witches have many abilities, she would say, but each witch only has specialties in certain areas. It's all about balance.

Now here I am searching for Nate in a strange place with no idea where he could be. My eyes burn, but I blink the feeling away. I just turn the corner when someone pulls my hair and slams me into the wall. I struggle in their hold, but they just grab me by the roots and slam me a couple of times.

I hear the telltale sound of heels clicking on the ground. I'm pulled around and faced with a woman dressed very impractical. She has on a flowing black dress. It's tight until it reaches her mid-stomach area, and then it loosens quite a bit. The fabric starts around her neck and resembles a choker, though much thicker than the one I made for Nate.

It needs leads down to an opening in her front that reveals her cleavage. The sleeves are short and round, not going past her shoulders. The rest is flowy, with several pieces reach to the ground trailing the dirt as she walks.

"Well, it would seem our guest is awake. Thank you, Hugo, for informing me." She glides over before stopping less than an inch in front of me. I meet her stare, and she tilts her head to the side before shoving her hands over my heart and forehead. I make no sound though my jaw slackens open. It's like I can feel a million eyes searching my soul and seeing all of my dirtiest secrets. She let's go, and it takes everything in me not to collapse at her feet.

"You are strong, that is good. Follow me; there are a couple of things we must go over before anything else is to happen." They pull me along the hallway and am lead outside before I start yanking on the man's hold again.

"I want Nate."


"My companion, the one person who's head you bashed in after ambushing ringing any bells."

"Ah, the ghoul or Bobbies as they are called currently."


"Yes, where is he?"

"In the holding. There are dangerous creatures; you are aware of that, are you not?"

"Take me to Nate."

"And why would I do that?"

"Because you'll see how dangerous Nate can be if he decides the conditions of his prison are too inhumane." She clenches in her head before looking at Hugo.

"Fine." She leads us to the left and passes many small houses and huts before we come to an opening in the ground. For a second, I'm afraid they threw him down a well before she opens them and descends the stairs. Hugo lets me go but follows close behind. We don't go far before I catch sight of a cell and Nate lying within apparently sleeping. "See your friend is fine now may we continue on with our discussion." I shake my head and go to the bars. I run my hands down them and feel the cold seeping from them.

"Why are these so cold." I let go and rub my hands together.

"They are meant for witches, they have the ability to soak up our magic." I shiver before turning to her.

"I want to go inside."

"You truly don't." I stare at her, and Hugo must have picked up on my thoughts because they share a long look, and she relents to my request. The door gives a loud creek as it's swung open, and I sprint to Nate's form. I feel frozen to the bone as I grip his head. His eyes slip open before he rolls up and engulfs me with his form.

"'Bout time you got here, Witchy," he whines, "I was gettin' so bored." He leans his head into my neck, sniffing me, and it takes everything in me not to roll my eyes. I twist to look back as a loud bang sounds out. Hugo is stalking slowly near with a staff in his hands. I huff and shove Nate off, and stand up in front of him my arms spread wide. The man's eyes are blown wide as he looks us over before glances back at the woman.

"You cannot truly think he is undangerous."

"I never said that," I deny "but can anybody claim not to be dangerous."

"I see your point, but I cannot let this...man just wander on grounds unsupervised."

"Then it'll work out just fine. Nate never leaves my side; he'll be fine." The pair share another look, but she turns my way.

"If he does not leave your side, I will accept him roaming about with one condition."

"Thank you," I state breathily. "Whatever you want, just name it."

"He must allow us to check for infection." I keep a blank face but almost lose it when Nate groans.

"Why the hell is it always me?"

The room the women leads us to after a series of examinations for Nate is spacious and made of oak. She leads me to the only other chair in the room beside her own. I glance at Nate before I sit, but all he offers is a half-hearted shrug. The woman elegantly sits and then folds one leg over the other.

"Please relax. We will not hurt your pet-"

"Nate is not my pet," I violently inject. I go to stand, but Nate's hands appear on my shoulders and keep me down.

"We will not be forced to harm him is that understood."

"Crystal clear," I grunt out.

"I am sorry that you feel angry, but look at it from our point of view. Most um Bobbies are not so calm as this one."

"Don't sweat it, Witchy. They haven't tried to gut me yet, and that always a win in my book." I twist to look up at Nate but his gaze is stuck on her. "Though I gotta ask why the air is so...thick in here."

"That would be the magic I always forget those not of witch blood feel uncomfortable."

"Hmm, I' ma call bullshit, but okay." She gives Nate a tight smile before taking a deep breath.

"I apologize, Bobbies have just always made me uncomfortable, but I do want to talk with both of you but especially your witch friend."

"So talk," I demand, "or we will be leaving."

"It was a surprise when our scouts picked up your magical signature. If possible, we would like to make a treaty of sorts with you."

"I don't make deals with people whose name I still don't know."

"I am called Kore."

"I'm Vanessa, though. I would prefer it if you call me Vee." She nods her head at my words and sits a little straighter in her chair.

"Tell me, Vee, how much were you told growing up."

"I suppose you mean our traditions."

"Yes, also what you could one day be capable of-"

"I know what I'm capable of," I stand up and walk towards the door, "but thanks for the offer."

"Do you know control?" She calls out, and it stops me in my tracks. "From what I heard of the reports you like control and the proper finesse that one of our kind should have." I bite my lip before spinning around to face her.

"What's your point?"

"We would help you, train you if you make a promise with you. Did your parents explain treaties to you?"


"Then, you will expect our's in exchange for coming to aid should we ever call upon you."

"I do-I don't - what -I just don't what." I run my fingers through my hair, but I tense once hands grip mine though I slack back when I spot Nate's chest blocking my view.

"What's the big deal of some promise?" His tone is soft and near whispering, but still, to my ears, his words echo off the walls.

"Our promises mean more than your people's, I assure you." Kore stands up and strides to the wall-length windows before pushing them open. "For us, witches, promises are made with our magic."

"What does that mean?"

"To break a promise is impossible." Nate nods his head before turning his attention back on me.

"I can't choose for you, Witchy. What do wanna do?" My mouth gapes open and closes for a moment. For I lean my head on his chest. "No matter what, I'll stand behind you one-hundred percent." I tip my head back, and Nate leans down to lean his forehead onto mine. Spirits, I pray that I'm not making a mistake.

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