《A Promise Marked by Fire》A Pot of Surprises
~Ebony's Pov~
Breakfast seemed to have gone by fast. Bianca having led the way to a small local eatery not too far from the house. It wasn't too extravagant, just a simple family-owned shop with a means to eat either inside the building among the smell of fresh baked goods or outside if one wished. To me, the little ivy-covered shop felt more like a coffee shop that had been conjoined to a bakery. The smells were just overwhelming as the fresh-roasted coffee mixed with the cinnamon buns that were added to the case.
We had chosen a table outside under the floral covered awning, remaining there well after eating our orders. The stress of what I knew was getting to me. I needed to tell her, to let her know the truth behind why Lawson was in my home when she got there. Even if it is no big deal to keep it as my own secret, I wouldn't want my best friend to find out I had kept it from her. Especially something as major as I had been attacked the day before and needed the aid of a stranger to avoid getting hurt again. Yes, we didn't get what had attacked out of the house...But who knows with Bianca there was the chance it would get bored and leave. The more I thought everything over, the more fearful I became. What if she doesn't believe me? What if she just laughs and tells me, I’m imagining things? Or worse...what if she gets hurt? Then what will I do? I don't want to lose my only friend over my own insecurities.
“Ebony!” Bianca’s voice exclaimed, forcing my eyes to raise from the white table cloth to meet her gaze. Looking into her light green eyes I could see the emotions they held. The worry she held dancing alongside the comfort she was ready to give.
“S-sorry...I guess I have a lot on my mind.” I breathed pulling at the loose grey cotton of my sweatpants, trying to fight the need to hide. I shouldn’t want to hide with Bianca here with me, never has this happened before. Something about being in her homeland after the events of yesterday scared me. Worries of other creatures appearing before me ready to take a bite plagued my mind. Each good thought attempted to turn dark with the new information I held. However, what didn’t change was the fact Bianca was there, sitting before me ready to help if I would let her. Just like she always was.
“Ebony, you can talk to me...you know that” Bianca spoke softly, reaching her hand out to gently touch my shoulder. A wave of warmth emanating off of her, seeping into my skin just like Lawson’s touch had done.
“W-well...I need you to keep an open mind. O-okay?” I began to say, swallowing hard on my nerves all the while.
“Bunny, you know me by now. I’m the Reine de l’ouverture d’esprit.” She laughed, letting her hand slip away from me to prepare herself for what I would say.
“First off...You know I don’t know what you said..”
“Ah, right I forgot that you don’t know French. I said I’m the Queen of being open-minded.” She reiterated for me, making this slightly easier for me to tell her. With all joking done I pushed the fear of her knowing down, proceeding to tell her the events of the night before. Watching her facial expressions carefully for any change in her emotions. Though, somewhere deep inside my heart, I knew it wouldn’t change how she saw me. I would still be her ‘Bunny’ and she would forever be my ‘Lottie’. This would just become something we would need to work together on handling. After all, it would be new for her too, right?
When I finished explaining what had happened, I waited in silence feeling the full weight of my nerves resting on my shoulders. Holding my hands in my lap, taking slow deep breaths so as not to go into a full-blown panic attack. There wasn’t a single detail left out of my explanation. I had spoken of the dreams with her once before, but this is the first time they had begun to change. It scared me just like that creature had. But it wasn’t until the attack that the idea of my life being in danger had crossed my mind. So telling her about the creature living in the home was the final nail that would either break this arrangement and leave me alone or would solidify the notion I was losing my mind.
“So...You know about Dragons thanks to Lawson and this thing hiding in the house?” Bianca spoke after sometime, her tone a lot calmer than I had anticipated. I had expected her to freak out, to claim I was going crazy, something that wasn’t this. She seemed to be in thought, playing with a single strand of her hair. Whilst here I sat nervously fiddling with my clothes fearing the judgment that didn’t come.
“Y-yeah...I mean I don’t know much, but I know what I saw..” I stammered, looking down at my hands, catching myself scratching at my own skin. My nails dug into the now reddened flesh leaving behind thin tracks.
“Well...there’s no easing you into it then...is there?” Her words had confused me, drawing my scratching to a stop. Had she known about these creatures from the beginning? Was this worrying for nothing? Lifting my head to look at her, her eyes couldn't meet mine. A guilty action from someone in the wrong, that's for sure.
"Ease me...into it? You knew about this?"
"Oui...I knew, however, I didn't expect you to be harmed. Please believe me on that. " She begged running her fingers through her golden locks. I couldn't believe this, she knew. She knew and didn't tell me at all! Why? Was I untrustworthy to know or was she trying to protect me from this fact?
"I trust you...but...why wouldn’t you tell me? I told you about my dreams...you knew that I wouldn't have reacted too badly. " I questioned just wanting to know why she chose to hide it. I mean I don't think I'm a bad person. Nor do I feel that I would spread such information around for the hell of it. You would need people to want to talk to you for that to happen and all I have is her...and Lawson. Other than them I am alone, who would I go crying wolf to? Not to mention the fact I had spent so many long nights feeling like an outcast, a defective being that had no place. Now here I am, sitting in a french cafe, learning that my best friend had knowingly left me to suffer in the dark. I didn’t want to blame her for any of this, but it was hard not to. Not when she could have eased this burden years ago instead of now.
"I didn't want to overwhelm you, Bunny. It's a lot to take in and even more to understand." She spoke clearly picking and choosing her words carefully, not wanting to cause too much of a scene. Even in a nearly empty shop, a big enough scene could gain attention and cause problems.
Reaching out once more, Bianca took hold of my hands. Raising them off my lap so I couldn't fiddle as she spoke. Her smile was sad in my eyes, the guilt eating at her more than I had known.
"C-can...you help me understand? I want to know more...I-I mean, it's okay if you don't want to help me…" I breathed, gripping her hands with what energy I could muster. I felt so childish asking such a thing. Feeling almost like a child wanting to hear their favorite story again after my parents had read it for the seventh time. The addiction to the abnormality that hid within reality had hooked me from the get-go. This was the fairytale I wanted to be a part of, to learn what creatures may lurk in the world, hidden in plain sight. No matter the danger the main character always pulled through, that’s the story I wanted to be a part of.
"Of course, my little Bunny. However, in exchange for this information, I would like to get a few things to redo your house. " Bianca spoke, her perfect lips curling into a playful smile, lifting the seriousness from the air significantly.
"Does it bother you that much having a rustic looking home?" I responded, a small smile playing at the corner of my lips.
"Yes! You're not an old maid, Ebony! You need warm inviting colors, splashes of dark undertones to make it just pop!" She went on to explain excitedly, her hands tightly clasping each other before her chest in excitement. It sounded nice to change things up to best suit me. It's just that… I didn't know where to begin. Making the place into something that represents who I am as a person was difficult. Especially since I had no idea what type of person I was. That was the whole point of moving out of my parents’ house, to find out more about myself, to become the person I always wanted to be. However, it was easier said than done.
"Fine, you're right. It needs to be changed, but changed into what? I don't exactly know the first thing about decorating, Lottie…"
"True, your bland and boring white room was rather...what's the word.." she hummed, tapping her chin in thought. Leaning on my elbow I giggled softly to myself, enjoying the fact she was confusing herself with the switching of words and phrases.
"I think you're looking for a psych ward or mental hospital feel. " No sooner had I said that I felt a pain behind my right eye. A strange sting that made it twitch in response. Reaching up I gently rubbed my eye trying to make it stop. 'How odd…' I thought, feeling only the remnants of the pain remain. The initial pain felt like a shot, but now it felt like needles were repeatedly getting poked into the back of my eye. Each poke appeared to move slightly in some way, whether it is a slight curve to the right or a twist to the left as it moved. It was driving me nuts with how consistent it was.
“Yes, well...no. Not that I’m saying you’re from a psych ward…” Bianca remarked, stumbling over her own words. “Anyway! Let’s go shopping! We need to find out what makes you, you.” On that note, we left the shop. I was ready to see where this little shopping trip would take us. Maybe I could catch a glimpse of these ‘other creatures’ Bianca said existed. There were many possibilities and I was willing to see them all. Well...more wanting than willing to see them all. It was only a matter of time before something other than Lawson and that creature showed themselves. Maybe something that would have an answer to my dreams?
Shopping with Bianca was harder than I remembered. She was constantly on the go, jumping from store to store, stand to stand. Just more in her element now than I was, I guess. I don’t even recall how we had managed to find this strip of shops in town after we had left, what I deemed to be a cafe. Now we were meandering around a more modern country style shopping center where the roads were a pleasant dusty grey, resting against layers of green and cream. Flowers were outside each store, some ranging from window boxes to large potted plants bigger than a small child. Beyond the layers of green were the different sized shops, most of which had a similar stone exterior to my home. Just these buildings had a more welcoming appearance to them. While mine fit its own little fairytale layout in the yard, these were eye-catching so it was known what was there. Like this one particular little crafts shop that sold items from pens and pencils to fabrics and stuffing. Its large front window was framed in beautiful grey stone that contrasted the little bits of cream-colored wood at its walls. Next to that was a slightly larger hardware store with darker grey, almost black, bricks that gave off a rustic blacksmith feel to the outside. It even had what looked to be an extremely old anvil resting against the right side of the door frame.
Though I have to say my favorite sight so far was the florists’ shop across from the clothes store that Bianca had been looking at. Yes, this store was pretty too with its warm chestnut wooden walls and dark stone from the base of the windowsill down to the ground, where it framed the structure. But it was nothing compared to the wonder that was the florist. At first, I couldn’t tell if it was a building of glass, unable to really see the framing from beyond the vines that clung around the archway entry and fencing that went about four feet around the front of the place. So I went closer to it out of curiousness. Something about this place I liked, just couldn’t put my finger on why. Was it because it was similar to my home? Sure it had that similar mysterious beauty feel to it, but this was far better kept than the garden at home.
‘Maybe I should take up gardening..’ I thought gently pushing the hip-high steel gate open so I could get a closer look. It was like being transported into a new world beyond that gate. Little water fixtures created a light babbling sound from the left where I could faintly make out little fish swimming around a small cobblestone pond. There were lots and lots of potted flowers in large wooden basins, each holding different types of flowers. I even recall seeing one with a few wooden rods in it so morning glory vines could travel up them to get closer to the sun.
Pressing closer to the door, I honestly enjoyed this place. Running my hand over the wooden railing going up the three steps, I got a better look at the building. It had similar deep grey stones as my home, just large bay windows to allow the most light inside. The wood that framed the door was oak, painted a cute pastel blue to match the wood holding the glass door together. Stuck to the window panels were hand made light catchers in the shape of butterflies. Whoever owned this shop was far more talented than the outside would give them credit for.
“Bonjour! Welcome to Delphine’s Flowers. “ a cheerful male voice greeted from within the shop once I had the door open. Looking over at him, I was almost ashamed to say if he hadn’t spoken I wouldn’t have noticed him arranging a large sunflower bouquet at the counter. He stood at a modest 5’10, with shoulder-length brown hair, held back in a low ponytail. His body seemed to be well-sculpted, though not as obvious as Lawson’s had been. Yes, this man had thick arms indicating he worked out, but he didn’t feel intimidating in the slightest. Where Lawson kinda had that intense air about him at times.
I felt bad comparing the two of them like items in a shop. It was just easier sometimes when you’re not used to seeing nice looking men talking to you. Plus I’m not too good with people so hearing his velvety voice in my ears, brought a bright red blush to my face. Letting the door ease shut behind me, I kept looking at the bouquets that lined the displays so as not to draw attention my way.
On the shelves rested smaller flower pots with new budding flowers for people to plant at home and let’s be truthful, I was tempted to get some for the inside of my home. Maybe they would help lighten up the place and make it feel more at home for me. I mean, if just crossing over the property line to reach the shop made me feel this good, who’s to say it wouldn’t do the same for my home? That was definitely a possibility. Plus, Bianca was right, I needed to add bits of myself into the home so I could be more comfortable. So maybe this was a step in the right direction?
“Like the roses?” The male questioned, catching me looking over some that had yet to bloom.
“O-Oh...um yeah...I was thinking of maybe getting some...something to put in the house.” I answered glancing over at him, finding he had moved from the counter to beside me within the moments of me entering to the point I started to stare.
“Well, roses are a good choice, though they might not be the best for first-time planters. Might I suggest some Sweet peas or Daylilies?” He smiled warmly, motioning towards some blooming flowers down the wall. They were nice and colorful, the sweet peas. Even the daylilies were a nice vibrant yellow. But compared to this man, they didn’t seem as nice.
‘It’s bad enough Lawson made me start this mess, don’t start it with this guy too…’ I thought lightly rubbing my arm trying to make it seem like I was in thought. “Hmmm as nice as they are...I-I seem more drawn to the roses…” I answered him, looking away from the flowers a moment to take in how some of the medium-sized plants looked. Letting out a soft hum, I moved away from him when seeing a light shade of red catch my attention. Near the counter rested a group of ceramic pots that held different types of roses. Some tiny looking to be growing in little bunches was in one pot and besides that was the one that caught my attention. Beautiful crimson roses with long stems and petals that curled slightly at the tips. These roses were unique in my eyes, leaving me lost in the sight of them. Reaching out I cupped one of the larger flowers looking closer. My heart began to race when I saw what I was looking at, this stunning plant had lace-like textures about the petals. Allowing me to almost see through them it wasn’t for the different layers overlapping the other.
“L-Lovelace?” I whispered to myself, kneeling down to see if my eyes were playing tricks on me. My thumb gently running over the surface of the petals. I could feel the indentations for each intricate design the flowers held. It was not my imagination, these lovely flowers were indeed them.
“Ah, good choice, those roses can make a nice tea if brewed properly. Just came in yesterday too.” He spoke up still in the spot I had left him, I guess making sure I didn’t damage his flowers.
“I-I would like to buy these...i-if that’s okay.” I breathed, releasing the flower so as not to reveal my shaking. This was incredible, the flowers in my dreams were sitting in a flower pot before my eyes. He may not see them the same way, but this made my heart do flips. I was not crazy, these beautiful, amazing flowers were real and I wanted to have them in my house.
“Well, normally I would be against someone so new with plants taking them…” He hummed moving around to the other side of the counter. My eyes caught his movement, drawing my attention away from the roses. “But I guess I’ll make this an exception.” he finalized with a heart-melting smile, one that could put Lawson’s crooked bad boy smirk to shame.
~The Florist’s Pov~
“T-Thank you! I-I’ll do my best to tend to them!” Her soft shy voice spoke loudly, the joy behind her words hard to miss. This young woman was infatuated with these flowers, it was easy to see. It even harder to want to say no to her. These flowers had been meant to be sold to the tea shop down the way, special ordered by my Aunt just to be the only one to supply them. However, I’m certain she would understand when I explain to her why they were gone. Leaning on the marble countertop, I chuckled watching this woman fiddle with her bag to get her payment. The way her brown eyes sparkled was what made me agree. They were so full of life and love at that moment, it made my own heart swell. She was pretty cute, even dressed in such a relaxed state. If only I could dress like that even when working. But Aunt Delphine would be upset catching me like that. ‘Dressing your best will bring in customers!’ She would declare when even I knew she used me to draw in more female customers. Though this girl...this woman made me smile without trying. Let alone even knowing she did.
Standing upright, I accepted her card once she had found it, seeing the name ‘ Ebony M. Montague’ printed in silver on its surface. My fingers lightly brushing against hers, a faint amount of heat rising into my cheeks. This was a first, a customer causing me to blush from a simple touch. No, I’m not cocky in this aspect. I don’t flirt for fun, nor do I enjoy tricking the female patrons as my Aunt wants me to. If I had my way I would just grow the plants and not worry about that extra mess. Though life throws a curveball every once in a while it seems, placing a new face in your life causes it to grow brighter or darker. Ebony by far being the brightest face I’ve ever seen enter my life.
“If you need help, feel free to call. I’m Julien Travers.” I introduced, handing her the card back. Taking but a moment to add my name and cell number to the bottom of the receipt before giving that to her too. Her pale skin seemed redder than when she entered, eyes shimmering under the hanging stained glass lights. She was a natural beauty that didn’t flaunt her worth. A delicate flower, far greater than what the surface showed.
“J-Julien...I’m Ebony Montague, I’ll try not to bother you too much,” she stated, her trembling voice a bit much for me. The cuteness of her shy nature, hard to resist. My own blush intensifying, feeling like a torch had set my skin on fire.
“No worries! Bother away, I won’t mind!” I laughed nervously, scratching the back of my head. This was awkward enough without me acting like a goof. Standing there, with a pretty girl nervously rubbing her arm. Me, an overgrown tan-skinned man, laughing like I had said the world’s worst dad joke.
“H-Here let me carry this out for you.” Coughing loudly, I bent down picking up the pot for her, not about to make her carry it down the stairs.
“Y-You don’t have to.” She spoke reaching out to take the pot from my arms. I turned slightly, keeping it out of her reach. Her hand lightly brushing against my arm in response. I smiled, balancing the pot in one arm, I kept her from taking it. She was not going to be carrying this down the stairs. If she was to fall, I would feel horrible about it.
“No, I insist. A young lady shouldn’t have to carry heavy items out to her car. “ I insisted, hiding my actual fear within my words. I already embarrassed myself once with the laugh. I didn’t need to embarrass myself by telling her I feared her breaking her lovely features on the cement sidewalk. ‘Yes Julien, be even cornier. That will TOTALLY get you the girl.’ I thought quickly leaving through the front door. Keeping my back to her as I walked, so my face couldn’t be seen. I had given her my number, made a fool of myself, and now talking to myself mentally. I.Am.An.Idiot.
~Ebony’s Pov~
Julien Travers, florist, and all-around good guy. That’s who he was in my eyes. His laugh enough to make me want to laugh, but the air about things felt...Awkward. Like we both sucked at dealing with people and didn’t know what to say. Holding the receipt in my hand I ran my thumb over the name in thought. He may not know what I saw in these flowers, but I could use the help in fixing up the garden. Maybe that would be something he would be willing to do. Following behind him I just played with that idea for a little bit. Of course, it would take time for me to ask him anything. I just met him, maybe I could talk to Bianca about this later.
Walking with him towards where Bianca had parked the car, I made some space in the back seat for the pot to rest. Cracking the window a little so the hot air in the car didn’t cause the flowers to wilt. Yes, I am going to treat this plant like a pet. If it kept them alive I would do it. It’s not like it’s every day I find a flower I’ve only ever seen in my dreams.
Closing the door, I let out a nervous laugh seeing Julian still standing there, glancing off to the side awkwardly. His hand scratching the back of his head, eyes trying to avoid mine. This big guy had been no more strange than me it seemed.
“T-Thank you for carrying the roses. I-I should go find my friend.” I said, holding my left elbow in front of me. Running my fingers over my somewhat dry skin in hopes to keep the thoughts away.
“Y-Yeah, no problem. Give me a call if you need anything, Okay? I hope to see your smile again, Ebony.” He spoke quickly, his eyes widening when he heard what he had said. My own face turned as red as the flowers I had just bought. How do you respond to something like that? A smile? A nod? A ‘Yeah you too’? I was at a loss. Standing before him like an idiot I laughed softly with nothing else to do.
“I uh better go. Have a good day.” He excused himself, leaving rather quickly. He gave a nervous wave then walked away, his hands getting jammed into his pockets once his back was to me.
“Thanks again, Julien!” I called knowing I needed to say something, anything, at this point. It would be rude to not say thank you for the flowers and carrying them to the car. He didn’t have to do any of that, not for me anyway.
Leaning against the car I took this time alone to calm myself. Taking slow deep breaths, I worked on slowing my nerves so that this unexpected turn of events hadn't completely turned me off of today. I just needed to think of the positives, like how I may have made a new friend. The thought of a new hobby was always something to be proud of. A very...kind-hearted new companion, who was willing to help should I only ask for it.
Running my hands through my hair, I released an exasperated sigh, needing to work on managing my thoughts better. Nevertheless, I still needed to get back to Bianca. Pushing off the car, I triple checked to see that the doors were locked before continuing my shopping trip with my best friend. It continued on from that point much as I anticipated. Bianca suggesting different colors and items, me, not so keen on those items. In the end, I had a few different colored paints, a few new items, and a happy Little Lottie. Which only meant my questions were due to be answered once we returned home. To that, I couldn't wait.
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