《A Promise Marked by Fire》Lottie
It was difficult waking up with so much shouting, more so because I didn't know what was being shouted over me. Both parties that were arguing spoke fluent French, something I knew nothing of. In hindsight, I hadn't thought it through when moving here. It was just that the idea of moving away from my troubles was the motivation I had needed to take this chance. It was a stupid thing to do, but it was still better than remaining within a home I wasn’t wanted. However, I had hoped it would have prepared me for something as ridiculous as this. Easing myself up into a sitting position I noticed that Lawson had been standing to the right of me. His pale skin tinted red around his eyes while he argued on. The light flush made his eyes come across darker in comparison. Standing across from him, by the front door, had been nonother than my ball of sunshine, Bianca. Her long dirty blonde hair was straightened and held in place by a black beret. Her voice growing louder in octaves to try and drown his voice out.
I had been left in the dark as to what had started such a ruckus. Making me wish I had taken that extra time to learn the language of the land so I could understand this better. But from what I could see, it was more so the clashing of two strong, dominant personalities that had sparked a war within my living room. Two lovely beings that sought to be heard by the other through the stubbornness that they both shared.
“Tu ne devrais même pas être là! Que comptez-vous vous serpent?!” Bianca’s loud majestic voice exclaimed, demanding answers from Lawson by how it looked. Taking a step towards him, jabbing a light pink nail into his chest as she spoke. Her hazel eyes not yet noticing I had woken up from the shouting, nor the fact I was viewing this altercation between the two of them. I knew I had to get between them, to silence the yelling so that no authorities would be called for a noise complaint. The last thing I wanted was to be known as the new girl that causes trouble so this needed to stop. It's just that seeing the 5’8 blonde standing so firmly in place, her physical appearance impeccable, made me jealous. Jealous of how she could be so unmoving and still rock the tight leather pants and skin-tight halter that showed off who she was. Letting the world know she was there and nothing was going to stop her. I wanted to be like that. To know who I was meant to be and let it shine like the brightest light in the room.
Shaking my head I had to focus. Missing what Lawson had retaliated with I quickly got myself up and over to them. Grazing my hand over his bicep in passing sending chills shooting through my arm. There was a low growling in his voice, rage far too clear in his eyes. Was this fight really this bad? His once stunning silver-blue eyes were stained red the longer he stared at Bianca. Leaving me shaking when I managed to shouldered my way between them. Knees trembling, hands nervously reaching out to push on his chest. His body acting similar to that of stone, hard and unmoving. Requiring more effort on my part to gain his attention. Stepping closer to him I threw my much weaker body into him, feeling his thick arms instinctively catch me. His tense body gradually relaxed the longer I stayed there with him. Resting against him, making sure he was all too aware I had been there. My hand gripping at his shirt tightly feeling his warm hand gently stroking my back. I closed my eyes tightly as aching pain filled my chest, lungs feeling like they were on fire just waiting to see the outcome of my choice this time. Fearful of how this would settle itself.
“Regardez-vous à moitié, je n'accepterai pas votre manque de respect …” His voice rumbled in his chest, the tone feeling oddly threatening compared to how he usually spoke. With a click of Bianca’s tongue, I could finally release the breath I had been holding. Both of them calming down and the air in the room changing altogether. Granted it was still thick and tense, but they were trying to bring it back to a calm one.
Giving a nervous smile I could finally move without the fear of them getting into a more violent argument. As well as letting the worries of needing to explain this to the police drift away. Looking between the two of them I met both their eyes using the silence to wrap my mind around what I had seen. Then it occurred to me, Bianca had been standing in my doorway and I practically hugged Lawson in front of her. Giving a nervous laugh I looked at her seeing her eyes watching me, a smile forming on her more defined face. Her arms opening wide and pulling me into a warm greeting. Instinctively hugging her back I was just glad she was here finally. That I wouldn’t have to be here alone anymore.
“I leave you alone for one-day, charmente, and you bring a boy home.” She teased surrounding herself in a whole new feeling of playfulness. Holding me tightly against herself laughing while I struggled to find a means to explain myself. To tell her that this hadn’t been planned and Lawson was only a friend.
“Bianca, I-”
“No no, I see how it is. I’ve been replaced. Ah, my heart, it breaks.” She giggled, releasing me from her grasp. Leaving me as red as a tomato standing before her in my messy clothes from the day before. Hair probably more like a rat’s nest from being jolted awake in such away. Rubbing my arm I still felt like I should explain even if her teasing made it hard.
“Seems more like you’re making her uncomfortable than calming her down...Don’t you think?” Lawson spoke up now standing closer to my back than before. The heat coming off of his chest was oddly frightening and relaxing, more so frightening when I remembered what he had told me he was. That the man behind me was an all-powerful dragon in a human body. Hidden among the world of humans so as not to get harmed. Which made almost no sense to me. After all, aren’t dragon’s the strongest beings in the world? Or was that just some mythical fabrication I had read somewhere?
‘Focus, Ebony! You don’t want them fighting again!’ I thought quickly before glancing up at Lawson with a shaky smile. “ Lawson, this is Bianca Laurent, my best friend. She’s going to be living here with me while I adjust to my new home. “ I informed him, turning my attention to Bianca as soon as those words left my mouth. Taking hold of her hands I needed her to understand he was not a threat to me. Later I can tell her about the mess I had found myself in the night before. Possibly when Lawson was gone...long gone.
“Bianca, this is Lawson Lowell. He lives here in town...and has already helped me out a lot...So please can you not fight with him? For me?” She didn’t seem all too thrilled with the request. Her mouth twisting as if she had just bitten into a lemon. Her eyes glancing over me and then at the man standing there. That’s when they thinned glaring at him not answering me like I had hoped she would. “Lottie...Please. I don’t want much…” I asked again. This time using her middle name against her, knowing far too well that she loved being called by it. It sounded so much cuter than her first name.
“Not fair Bunny...Using that against me..” She pouted, puffing out her lower lip. Her eyes softening nonetheless and her warm smile once again adorning her perfect face. “ Bein, I’ll play nice. But only for you.”
I don’t know what came over me but I nearly knocked her over in a moment of joy. Throwing my arms around her shoulders, hugging her tightly. Getting her to agree had meant the world to me at that moment. My best friend was willing to overlook everything just so I could have a chance to make a new friend. Yes, I knew she would want to watch over me to see to it I would be safe. But I didn’t care, things were looking up and I could finally make the choices that would best suit me. Freedom of choice was finally mine for the taking and I loved it.
~Bianca’s POV~
I was far from happy with what I had shown up to. This was supposed to be the chance of a lifetime for Ebony, not a chance to have a stranger in her home. Holding her in his arms like he owned her had made me angry. No, I am very much straight, just this was MY Ebony in his arms. The shy girl that I had come to love over the years. She was the sister I never got to have and the key to the joy within so many, even if she didn’t know it. So when Lawson excused himself from the home I was glad to see him go. That face of his, albeit perfect, ticked me off and brought out something inside me that wasn’t too nice. Something I didn’t want Ebony ever seeing.
Sitting down at the round dining table in the kitchen, I lightly tapped my foot against the air trying to piece together what I had missed while Ebony freshened up. The silly brunette worried about how she looked even within her home. Yes, her hair had been a little messy, but it was more of the gentle messiness that came with wavy locks of hair like hers. She really had nothing to worry about in that aspect of things, even if it was cute seeing her so nervous. It just showed more of the gentleness that is Ebony.
Releasing a soft sigh I listened to the running water through the thin walls. Closing my eyes to hopefully relax after my trip here. If Ebony knew how tedious it was to get her things here, she probably would lose herself as a result. Well, it wasn’t that bad I guess. Just...troublesome. The boxes had required more attention than anticipated and that nosey man snooping into my business raised red flag after red flag in my mind. His messy brown hair and light green eyes are what I remembered most about him. That and a single scar about two inches long that traveled diagonally along his left hand. He had stood about Lawson’s height, roughly 6’1 to 6’3, not as thick as him on a muscular standpoint but he had enough to be intimidating.
‘ Where are you heading to miss? ‘ He kept asking despite me ignoring him as I double-checked the boxes that were being loaded into the car. Well, it was more like a jeep if anything, but the number of boxes wasn’t many so the size didn’t matter too much. That didn't change the fact I stood out of the way of the actual workers that had been doing the lifting for me. It was truly amazing how far a simple bat of the eyes and pucker of the lips could get you. These two men eagerly lifted the boxes I was ‘too weak’ to manage on my own. The duo was more than willing to aid the damsel in distress in hopes of gaining my number, or a night of enjoyment. But this guy...no he had something else in mind. I had no idea where he had come from, still don’t have a clue, but he must have done something. Something that would break all the rules no doubt to sneak up on me like this. Even with that in mind, it wasn’t going to change what I felt. My heart and mind for once working together to warn me of this potential threat. Making it well known, even now, this man was not to be messed with.
‘Taking things to my brother.’ I had lied, dismissing him for what felt like the third time within the half-hour I had been there. Even then he seemed not to want to listen, shifting closer his large hand touching my left shoulder squeezing it briefly. His eyes emotionlessly staring down at me as if that alone would freeze me in place. When, in fact, all it did was make me fear for my own life. I wasn’t used to people like this, so dark so closed off. Those eyes lacked the light that others had and could act at a moment's notice should he be pushed enough. Had that been why he had such a thick scar? Had he killed someone for not answering him or simply disregarding his existence? Either way, I needed to get away from him and fast. Gripping my bag I tossed it into the car, slamming the passenger door shut. Turning around to move around to the right side of the vehicle I froze finding him in my face. His hand gripping my upper arm so tightly his fingers dug into my flesh, paralyzing me. He had moved faster than I could have guessed, taking only seconds to pin me against the car as he had. Pushing into my lower body with his hip holding me firmly in place against the cold vehicle.
‘Hey man, let her go!’ One of the men loading the car had exclaimed trying his best at playing the hero. He had no clue what this man was capable of. Hell, I had no clue either but I wasn’t about to fight one of the big dogs without knowing what I was facing. The human males made mistake after mistake trying to pull him off. His grip on me got tighter and his anger growing. His eyes locked on mine, staining red as the rage began to boil over. He was more than willing to hurt them and I couldn’t stop him. The heat he gave off, threatening to burn my flesh with each passing moment. Forcing me to do something I never wanted to do, not in front of humans.
‘P-Please...don’t hurt them. They don’t know any better.’ I begged, feeling a painful layer of hardened flesh cover my abdomen and waist. It wasn’t much, but it eased the heat off of me enough where it wouldn’t blister. He would feel the change either way thanks to his own body being on mine. However, I prayed he was too distracted by the men to act on my change. He let out a low warning growl the more the men struggled to remove him. They grabbed and pulled, yet he was firmly placed, cemented into the ground if you will. It wasn’t until there was a small click had we both looked towards the men. The smaller of the two seemed to have enough. Taking out a small silver handgun and pointed it right at the man. The barrel, dark and empty just like the man’s eyes. This man had a death wish that was going to be filled thanks to his choice.
Without a sound, the stranger partially turned his torso allowing his right hand to produce massive crimson flames tipped with an icy blue. Lashing out at them in a fit of rage, he launched the multicolored flames from his arm. Large beach ball-sized fireballs hurling through the air at the two men. The heat from the blaze enough to melt the metal of the gun to the one's hand. While setting the second one on fire by hitting him square in the chest instead of clipping him. Both letting out loud cries of pain, only one dying on the spot from his wounds. The other passed out once the pain had become too much.
With no further distractions, the man turned his attention back to me, confirming my worries within those distressing moments. He was one of them...a dragon. But not just any dragon, one from beyond the door. They were meant to be locked away centuries ago, unable to pass into this world, and yet...here he was. How he got there, I had an idea. But I needed to get out of here before I got hurt. His flames were far hotter than any of the other dragons I had come across over the years. The heat coming off of him managed to burn my arm even through my protective plating. Left in silence, I fought the urge to cry as my realization captivated my mind. We were in danger, a greater danger than I had thought.
‘ Scared? Well, you ought to be. The game is only just beginning...little fae. Best keep the Queen safe...otherwise Solaris will be mine.’ he chuckled making sure he left a mark on me before he left. It may not have been a permanent physical marking, but the mental imprint was something that I wouldn’t forget. His head drew closer, breath grazing my cheek where he left a soft kiss. Assuring me this was the start of a larger plan. That he would get to the door and would use the hidden key to get what he wished. Which meant only one thing, I needed to hurry and get Ebony. Should I fail...we all will die.
He had left me frozen in fear beside the car. A burn on one arm and a promise that couldn’t be ignored. Time was running out for us and it scared me. Heaving a heavy sigh, tears poured from my eyes. Waiting until he was out of my sight, I didn’t dare leave just yet. Taking out my cell phone nervously, hands trembling while I tried to gather myself. Looking over the two men that wouldn’t have been hurt if I hadn’t gotten them to help me. I knew the one wouldn’t be alive after that, but I could at least save the second. Calling for help I made sure to leave out what had happened. Just leaving an anonymous message for the dispatcher to do with as they will. Waiting ten extra minutes after that I chose to leave the scene. Getting into the car I needed to clean myself up before meeting with Ebony. Hopefully getting a plan in mind before anything else happens.
That’s what I had hoped, it wasn’t what I had gotten. Getting here and seeing her relying on such a man...it was far from the ideal sight I had wished for. Things were just getting harder to manage since that man had shown himself. More and more issues are coming to light before my eyes. In the middle of them, was an unknowing Ebony. Trapped in the center of it all with both good and evil on either side of her. But...which side did that leave me? Let alone which side did it leave Lawson?
“Lottie? Is everything okay?” Ebony’s voice broke through my thoughts causing my eyes to flutter open. Looking over at my best friend I could see she chose to dress comfortably again. Baggy sweat pants and a tank top seemed to be her go too. As much as I would have loved to see her dress more like the young woman she was, I didn’t have the heart to make her change at the moment. Giving her my best convincing smile, I leaned forward resting my head on my interlaced fingers. Trying to just act like nothing was wrong in my world.
“Of course Bunny! Now, how about we start fixing up this place, make it scream ‘Ebony’. “ I giggled amused by her blushing face paired with an innocent smile. She was just so adorable. “ Painting will have to wait, we can start planning and getting your things put away. What do you say?”
“W-well...I would like to eat first…” She responded, once more touching her arm; a habit she had for as long as I knew her. It was just the typical reaction she had when she didn’t know what to do with her hands. Kinda like a child nuzzling into their favorite blanket growing up or holding onto a stuffed animal. Seeing as Ebony never had any of those things, she found comfort in small actions. Holding her arm being one such comfort, another is the constant need to tuck her hair behind her ear. A little habit I started to catch myself doing at times. More so when flirting with some cute faces, but something I picked up nonetheless.
“Alright, let’s go eat, and then we'll turn this place into Palais d'Ébène!” Getting up I grabbed my bag from by the door, ready to show her around and hopefully get some ideas while we’re at it. The sooner this place gets cleaned and refurbished maybe then Ebony might look more at home instead of trapped in the ways of her old life. Then she might not need Mr. Lawson Lowell for comfort and can find someone well-deserving of her. Maybe she'd find someone just as kind if not strong. Possibly really sexy that was devoted to her well being.
In my opinion, anyone would be better for her than Lawson. I don't trust him as far as I could throw him. Which was why I knew I needed to keep Ebony close. Should she fall for Mr. Lowell...she could be in added danger. Especially if he found out about her potential relationship with the man. So grabbing my purse from the back of my seat, I played it off like all was well as we left the house. Masking my actions so it came across as nothing was on my mind plaquing the good mood and excitement of this adventure. Then hopefully I could find the time to talk to Ebony about why she was given this home. Why her being here would bring all kinds out of the cracks.
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