《A Promise Marked by Fire》Sacrifice
It couldn't have been happening, not now. With everything currently going on in my life I don't think I could handle any additional surprises. Ever since the first night within these walls I had begun to notice it within my dreams, small little changes here and there; altering the dream in the most minute ways. The first night had been something as simple as the time of day had changed from dusk to the dead of night. The thick smokey clouds, hard to notice against the night's sky if not for the shimmering stars getting snuffed out by its presence. However the oddest thing that night happened to be the storm clouds that snuck into the fray. Bolts of lightning littered the sky with flashes of white, illuminating the silver beast flapping his mighty wings; continuing its onslaught.
This change had made the whole dream from then on harbor more terror than ever before. My heart would tighten with the different emotions that overwhelmed me. Fear, sadness, and heartache overshadowed the dangerous blend. However, it was only the start it seemed. With the changes in images and feelings, I prayed it was the last of it. That no more changes would come and if it did that hopefully, it might be a good dream. One with a happy ending and no death.
Nothing could compare to what my dream would hold this time. Upon opening my eyes that night, there was not a single sign of what had been my norm. No dark rustic wooden door with the rusted metal. Nor the same stone hallway that had protectively surrounded me; guiding me towards the very garden I had grown accustomed to over the years. To see the green archway of ivy once again before peering out at the crimson roses made of lace that blanketed the valley. Not even the dragon that had haunted my dreams the last couple of nights could be seen no matter which direction I looked.
In fact, what greeted my restless mind on this conflicting night was the thick darkness that engulfed all around. An empty space that held nothing for as far as the eye could see; coating my thoughts in a heavy layer of shadows to suck the hope from the depths of my soul during this time of confusion. Feasting upon what fire I had left within my heart, trying to snuff out the remaining light in this uncaring world. Using the coldness that terror created to suppress the strength inside, leaving me to tremble in fear at the thought of what could be sitting within the darkness, waiting for their moment to strike. Remaining hidden well beyond my line of sight. Watching me from a spot where there was no light, no noise, and worst of all; no means for me to see them coming.
Terror gave birth to dread. Making me feel like I was no more than a wandering soul waiting to get sent to either the joys of heaven or the depths of hell. An ant lost from my colony just waiting for someone to come along and end it. Wondering deep within an endless abyss where the only exit may very well be my own death. That thought was horrifying, having left me trembling whilst gripping the hem of my baggy nightshirt till my knuckles turn white. I needed to find a way out of this vast emptiness, to find the door that led to something I knew. To hopefully find my light within the darkness.
"Hello?!" I desperately called out, Releasing my shirt to cup my hands around my mouth. Listening for a response back from an unknown source. I know it was foolish to expect a response from the darkness. Seeking help from within my own head felt silly, to say the least. Just for some reason in my panicked state I just acted without a second thought. Calling out again and again into the void, my own voice getting swallowed by this bleak empty world I had come to be in. Trying nonstop to seek assistance to no avail to find someone that had to know why it was so dark. That I prayed would know why my dream has turned into an empty nightmare.
Lowering my hands, I grew apprehensive the longer I stayed here. This hasn't happened before. Never in my life had this dream changed so drastically overnight. Had the events of the day created this dreamless world? Did the horror that I had faced create this special nightmare of mine? Scanning the ever-growing darkness, I was desperate to find something, anything that could tell me what I was seeing. Spinning in circles, looking around at the vast space trying as hard as I could to spot something within the darkness. Nothing was to my right, nothing to the left. Not a single sign of anything from what I could tell. Not even the tiniest speck of light to mark the way towards my freedom. I could tell my situation was growing dire thanks to the loud pounding in my chest that grew with intensity the more panicked I became. An ever-quickening, thu-thump thu-thump echoing throughout the darkness around me. My heartbeat growing louder and louder until it was all I could hear. All around me it began to sound, thu-thump thu-thump. Blocking out any other possible thought from being heard, My own heartbeat ringing out from the void like an echoing brass drum. The nonstop indication that yes this was in my mind and I was very much alone. That this vast emptiness, the panic that shook me to my core, even the heartbeat I was hearing; it was all just a fabrication created by my own thoughts and fears. But what I wanted to know was why. Why was I trapped here and what had happened to create such a space? More importantly, What was the point of this drastic change in my dream?
Lost in my own worries, I had not thought for a moment the risks that came with bellowing out in search of help. The dangers of what could be lurking just out of reach just slipped my mind. Blocked out by every new thought that dared plagued me, erasing the previous notion with the continuous jumping from question to question, thought to thought not giving me a moment to collect a fragment of any of them. Making me have to try and suppress my panic long enough to think over what my choices would be.
Gripping my arms tightly I tried to remove these distractions so I could hopefully focus. Taking one last look around in one final attempt to find something, I moved forward. Knowing what I needed to do, hopefully, I just needed my feet to willingly carry me into the depths of the shadows, blinding myself further. Slowly I took each step, feeling what felt like a cold stone under my bare feet as I moved. The sharp sting of ice against the fleshy part of my soul brought a sharp gasp from my lips. It grew colder the more I pressed on. Holding myself tighter just to bear this frigid air, exhaling a painful amount of hot air in the process. ‘So...cold..’ I thought I needed to keep moving just to stay warm, to block out the pain that traveled through the bottoms of my feet. Shivering I rubbed my bare arms, staring into the darkness for light. It was a futile effort, I knew it, But I just couldn’t give up. The more I breathed the more I felt it. A heat that was growing in the pit of my stomach, expanding the deeper I went into the void. It was the only thing encouraging me to keep going. This new internal heat pack grew warmer and warmer, soothing me from the inside out. Like the first glass of hot chocolate on a winter's night. Just this warmth seemed to last a whole lot longer than the seconds of heat from a warm drink.
Easing my grip on my arms I took the moment to relax the already strained muscles in my fingers, moving them to ease the stiffness and discomfort. Distracted for only a moment, looking down towards where I pictured my hands to be, I never saw it coming. In the depths of the shadows it came. A mighty roar split the silence, shaking the ground with amazing force. Starting out as minor trembles growing all the more violent until they were effortlessly knocking me off my feet.
"S-stop! Stop!" I shrieked trying to steady myself. Reaching out into the nothingness for something solid to grasp onto. Squeezing my eyes shut anticipating the vibrations to send me to the ground. Oh, I prayed that’s all it would take to send me down. But there was a hard slap against my back, a gust of air from yet another loud cry from this creature surely; forcing my knees to buckle from the impact. Frantically my mind tried to will anything into existence to help me, to keep me stable before I began the descent into the never-ending abyss below.
Falling forward my hands made contact with a smooth cold object that had struck them. Firmly grasping it I used it to regain my balance. Opening my eyes I couldn't believe what I was seeing, the light had returned around me, illuminating about three feet around me allowing me a chance to see what was there. Glancing down at my hands I could see they had rested were thick silver tendrils sticking out of the ground in braided bunches. Stunning vine-like pieces that even had little intricate leaves running along the side up to a larger structure attached to it. Keeping a firm grasp on the makeshift railing, I moved closer to see what they were attached to. Wanting a better look at the first object to be found within this world.
A wave of relief washed over me when I came face to face with what was there. A rather large oval mirror melding into the tendrils turning from simple vines to an array of roses carved into an old piece of handiwork. Staring at them in awe I could make out the little red roses trailing up the silver frame, traveling all the way up to the top where three circular stones resting within their own budding flowers at the top. To the left was a little ocean blue gem, weaved into the side of the center bud, a deep forest green. The final one was a bright red that appeared to be more open than the others. Several small petals flimsy to the eye yet held their place around the bit of red.
Looking straight ahead at the reflective part of the mirror, I saw myself. A slender wavy-haired brunette, so pale that I had a ghost-like appearance. Eyes a dull brown, only a faint light within them to show that I wasn't quite emotionally dead yet. The years of torture and abuse from my mother had given me a meek appearance. Neck not even attempting to hold my head high, my body instinctively moving to cover what it could with its arms; arms that held my body in such a way to shy away from those that may look.
Looking over this reflection of myself I felt more guilt and pain than ever before. I was the reason this reflection of mine looked the way it had. If I had been stronger I wouldn't need to hide from the world. I could possibly be more attractive, maybe even bolder and adventurous. Seeing the sadness behind a faint smile, My heart broke. This fragile young Girl was not who I wanted to be...but how could I fix someone so broken? Reaching my hand out I brushed the tips of my fingers over the shimmering surface of the mirror. Our fingers brushing against each other's in unison, gazing into the other's eyes, I could see it. That small flicker of hope nearly snuffed out by life, still remaining lit.
Staring at it more I sought out a clue deep in her blue eyes. Blinking I stopped focusing for just a moment. My eyes are brown...then why are hers blue? Looking back over her face I gasped softly. Shock and confusion were all I felt taking that step back just to see the full sight of the girl before me. Her hair had straightened out, eyes stronger than before. Holding within them a power that made me envious of the grown woman before me. Her body was more befitting of the strength she held, more curvious and beautiful. A woman that would have even the highest quality of man wrapped around her finger. A man like Lawson would be among those panning for her attention.
This was no longer my own reflection I was peering at. No, it couldn’t have been mine. But if it wasn’t mine...could it be hers? The woman I have been mistaken for in my dreams a woman far stronger than I could have hoped to be. The woman they claimed to be Ivora. Gripping my left arm tightly I thought it over, not looking away from the smiling woman. I knew very little of who this woman was, only what my dreams would allow. A beauty that had been blamed by the cloaked figure for the fires and the dragon’s attack upon the town. Whether or not it was true I had no clue. But to get to see her for myself eased my mind oddly enough. Maybe my dreams held some merit behind why it had always been on repeat until now. The tightness of my hand on my arm was gone, my fingers absentmindedly brushing the tears from my eyes when the moment of relief washed over me. This reflection showed me what those in my dreams saw. In this world, I was seen as Ivora, not Ebony. Not once seen for who I truly was. A timid young adult, broken from the inside out. Lost in her own world and thought to be nothing by her own family.
“Ivora…” I whispered her name, all the while admiring the strong woman before my eyes. Her own smile meeting my own in acknowledgment; letting me know my assumption was correct. Ivora was who was before me, staring back holding my attention using this enchanting mirror as a means to do so. It was amazing really, to think I could see a different person when using a mirror. But deep down I still knew this was a dream. That when I woke up this mirror would be gone and I would only have my own sad reflection to see.
“Shhh.” I heard a tender womanly voice breathe. Ivora now holds a finger over her lips, a faint red glow crawling up her arm towards her face. The crimson aura framed her features allowing her physical form to fade before my eyes. Her flawless skin growing more and more transparent, looking no more than an overlay on a computer file. Behind her colors began to take shape, the dragon's roar shaking the stone corridors of the tunnel. Chunks of stone being knocked loose from their places in the ceiling clattering to the ground. The once damp halls were full of life, voices urging each other to quicken their pace over the stone. Humans, dragons, fairies, even what appeared to be centaurs were among the gathering of fifty or so beings squeezed into this small space.
"Lady Ivora! We need to hurry, they are working their way up the hillside!" A young green-haired girl, no older than twelve, exclaimed gripping a woven staff of silver and wood in her hands. The orb at the top glowing white to light up the area in which they ran. Ivora taking up the end of the rushing crowd. Her white dress torn down on the right side, arms burned from her wrist to her shoulder.
"I know, Roe. Please hurry to the door and get everyone through! I will meet you there!" Ivora's voice belted out trying to be heard over yet another warning cry from the attacking beast outside. Even with the order, the child trembled in place, tears pouring from her eyes. Ivora going towards her pulled the fearful girl into a tight embrace of her own. Nuzzling into the top of her head as she did. "Guide them to safety, Rosemary...I will find you through the door. "
"W-when?" Rosemary whispered gripping the older girl in desperation, the action showing how much the older girl meant to her. The way her voice trembled, how her knuckles drew white the tighter she gripped her. But even then Ivora kept herself composed. Giving a final squeeze she looked upward at the group waiting to go through the door. Only one of them needed to go through that door to get them to safety and she knew she needed to keep this girl protected as well.
"Shara, take her to the door, and don't let her turn back!" Ivora called to a proud Centaurian woman with tightly braided brown hair atop her head. Using her magic, Ivora forced the sobbing child into the woman's grasp. Watching as a single tanned arm scooped up the wailing form, charging the door with the others following in suit. Leaving Ivora alone halfway down the tunnel to hear a sobbing Rosemary calling out to her. Trying to understand the choices that were made.
"Rosemary...stay strong…" Ivora heaved a weary sigh. Fighting to keep herself from rushing those screams. Turning on her heel, the scene grew blurry. Each step she took leading her back the way she came. Until the image faded out of sight and a new one took its place. The red glow around her ghostly figure grew brighter, canceling out all the black with the frame. The fire covered everything, including a now blood-soaked dress loosely coiled around Ivora's waist. A golden dagger plunged deep into her chest, twisted to allow the most internal damage. Coughing loudly, blood sprayed from her paling lips. Her body was dying, the wound too great for her to return from.
"Rosemary...Shara...protect them...never return...until this ends…" Ivora gasped, forcing all her energy into her right hand. This was her last will for those she cared about most in the world. The people she thought of as her friends, companions...and even her family in some cases. Raising her blood-soaked hand she closed her eyes releasing her own crimson flame into the sky. The large orb exploded once it struck the sky. A thin layer of magic rippled over the land, reaching the door deep within the tunnel sealing it shut from within the realm.
Hearing the loud clanking noise of the heavy steel lock, I was broken out of this trance. Rubbing my eyes I didn't know what I was just shown. But whatever it was told me she knew she was going to die at the end of the tunnel. Even that Ivora let her body be burned up if it meant sealing the doorway. But what I failed to understand was why she just walked to her death? Why not fight it like the strong woman she came off as instead of giving into the danger?
Seeking more answers I looked back at the mirror to see it empty of Ivora's face. Looking back at me was my own reflection filled to the brim with questions left unanswered. Reaching out I touched the cool glass once more, feeling it vibrating. Voices shouting steadily growing louder and louder from within it. That's when a light show sparked to life within this dark void. Brilliant bursts of gold and sapphire gifting a means to see all the while growing with the voices.
Looking around at the colors, I tried to catch what was being said. Listening intently to the two voices that were now screaming at each other within my mind. It was unreal, this feeling of comfort and confusion that I held. Seeing the colors and hearing the voices speaking in a language I did not know, it was hard for me to place names. That's even if these were people I knew.
"I'm Ebony's best friend! Tu es celui qui n'a pas le droit d'être ici, stupide lézard!" a high-class french female's voice shouted over the male voice. I will admit I had no idea what all she said. But it was the way she said it that made it clear who the woman's voice belonged to. A wide smile pulled at my lips until it took over my face. Rushing towards the brightest of the golden lights, I didn't mind the darkness. Not when the one person I cared for the most was in reach.
Following the flashes of gold, the coldness in this place vanished. Sprouting out of the stone were patches of grass, even small violet flowers that created their own light. What was once bleak and empty was filling with life. Even my heartfelt lighter just hearing my friend's voice shouting overhead. My feet carried me into a white light that hadn't been there before. My body instantly grew warm as it washed over my cold being. Filling me with a sense of familiarity and love. Closing my eyes I felt at ease almost weightless. But there was no more fear within me. There wasn't going to be. After all, even I knew when I opened my eyes again, there was going to be a new light within my home.
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