《A Promise Marked by Fire》Silk and Flames
Lawson's PoV
The scent of blood traveled along with the cool breeze, guiding me towards what I could only assume was the scene of an attack. An attack on who; I had no clue. It's not like I was a low ranked mongrel that knew scents like the back of my hand. No, I'm something far greater than any hound could dream to be. Something a low ranked beast should fear.
Closing my eyes briefly, I welcomed the metallic trail’s guidance. Traveling a path I had taken a lot these last few days. The scent getting stronger the farther I want. Soon enough I had grown oblivious to the scenery around me. Counting my steps, the shadows, and the blocks of cement in the sidewalk, I could feel a heavyweight pulling at my chest. My heart had begun to descend with each step. This blood trail led me closer and closer to HER house. The quaint little cottage resting atop the hillside that overlooks the town. Its owner being none other than Ebony. The strange girl that had been on my mind since the day I had met her.
'That can't be possible...' I had so many questions as to what could have caused this. More importantly, who would have wanted to harm such an innocent thing. Mulling over thought after thought gave birth to worry. Biting the inside of my cheek I had to hurry. The scent had suddenly turned fresher, resting heavier on the air. Whatever wounds she had sustained had worsened it seemed. It was the only possible option in this case. Nevertheless, I took longer strides needing to quell this feeling inside.
I pushed my body into overdrive, my feet lightly hitting the ground. My eyes locked on the destination before me. Winding up the hillside, avoiding the main road so as not to draw more attention towards the area. Bushes and grass barely graving my legs as I went. My blood boiling with rage when the taste of copper finally danced upon my tongue. The proof I needed appearing along with it. It had been Ebony's blood alright. There was a sweet smell of strawberry that had nearly been drowned out by the smell of copper. Intentionally masked to keep people from knowing who's it had been. Shame they weren't expecting someone like me to catch on. Especially since no one has yet had the pleasure to meet the newcomer as I had. Which meant, there was more to her being here than I had originally anticipated. Making Ebony a more important being than anyone could ever imagine.
'Please, wait for me.' I prayed to see the stone wall drawing closer. Looking over the outside of her home, I didn't see any damages or signs of a break-in. But the feeling of danger hung on the air enough to make my skin crawl. Whoever had attacked her would surely be inside then. L Sniffing the air I tried to pinpoint where in the home she would be. Hopefully, I could find a window and just get to her that way. Even if I needed to flatten a wall or two, I would get her out.
"She's on the move, "I muttered following the trail with my eyes. Her scent had been the strongest by the main entryway. That is until it took a sharp turn to the left. Well her right I suppose. Close at her heels, I could make out an ashy dirty scent of another being within the home. One such scent, I'm almost certain I've smelt before.
Another warning growl rumbled from deep within my chest. Threatening to burst should I wait any longer. My heart wanting to release a mighty roar to scare off her attacker. But that's not what I wanted. As twisted and horrible an admission it was, I had to be careful. Even if it were to be scared off it could return at a later date. What I needed was to get to her. To see the damage done with my own eyes and only then enter the home to try and smoke out the being.
I had begun moving the closer she had gotten to the side entrance. Reaching the stone wall surrounding her home in a few strides. Peering over, I could not only see her, but I could see the horror within her dark brown eyes. Her arms were caked in thick layers of blood and dust. The claw marks nearly removing her arm from her body. Deep gashes splitting the skin to the point you could almost see bone.
"Ebony…" I had to force myself to say. Reminding myself who I was seeing. Despite the secondary face within my mind playing tricks on me. Her own similar pained look nearly blocking out reality.
Placing my hands on the wall I effortlessly propelled myself over. Scraping the fleshy parts of my palms while doing so. A soft thud under my feet assured me I had missed the edge of the flower bed when landing. Not looking back I went to her. Seeing her lips moving a mile a minute without a single word being uttered. Hearing her heart pounding loudly in her chest. The distress she was in enough to give those in town reason to lock her up should she be seen like this.
"S-snake. Ghost.Claws. B-blood. The laughing. The eyes...Those crimson eyes. " Ebony’s broken speech was hard to understand at first. Mostly due to the fact it was more like a cluster of single words spilling from her lips than sentences. Nevertheless, I took hold of her and I did what I thought right. Drawing her into my chest, I stood there with her. Holding her protectively against me, running my fingers through her messy brown hair. Feeling her chest release a single breath. Breaking the tidal wall that had kept her tears in. Breath after breath bringing forth more tears and more fearful trembles.
"It's alright. You're not alone, I'm here. " I whispered into her ear. My eyes following the trail of blood into the house. Clusters of crimson gathering on the ground, staining the floorboards. Taking slow, deep breaths I held myself back. The anger building, a newfound hunger threatening to break me the moment I caught a glimpse of the cause. A set of familiar crimson orbs looked back at me. My blood now a raging boil in my veins. I couldn’t give chase, not with her here. Tightening my hold, I chose to rest my head against Ebony’s. Changing my focus to the sobbing girl in my arms I was tying my own hands. Fighting something like that would only do more damage and Ebony needed to be pieced together before then. Otherwise...the key to the puzzle would be lost to us all.
It felt like hours had passed before the first sign of things calming down. The air once full of dense pressure had started to lift. Air becoming breathable now that the tension was gone. That didn't mean everything had been repaired, however. Ebony was still a matter to be dealt with. Having witnessed a creature she had not yet seen before, who knows what could be going through her mind. Let alone the unbelievable torture she had endured till now.
Shifting on my feet, I looked down at her. I felt many things looking into those rich chocolate eyes. Pain, pity, and regret for having not stopped this attack sooner. To step into the fray before she became an attraction for the world and all of its creatures to ogle. To further torture and mock with their misunderstandings of the situation. To eventually increase the speed at which she'd descend into madness at this chaos. Slowly lifting my hand, I slid my thumb over her cheek. Removing the salty tears that stained her face. Wanting to soothe her, to ensure this never happened again. Ebony is a young mortal girl cursed with a heart not quite ready for what the world had to offer her. Not including an alternate reality, she would be thrust into without preparation. So many people were in need of her aide if they wished to become whole once more. After centuries of being trapped in a world that was not theirs, it's time for their torture to finally end. Just like it was time to awaken the unknown for Ebony.
Running my hand down her spine I felt her body start to relax. The muscles gently quivering only when she took a breath. Even through the sopping tear-stained shirt plastered to my skin, it was clear the number of tears that left her eyes had lessened as well. However, that was only minor compared to what still needed to be done. The blood on her arm was still a vibrant red, still very fresh in the air.
"Let's get you taken care of," I spoke as calmly as I could. Fighting an internal battle as I prioritized what needed to be done. But this growing need to baby screamed loudly from the depths of my soul. Taking that want and mutating it into a dream. A dream that had cost me many sleepless nights the more it repeatedly danced about my mind. Mentally seeing her eyes so vibrant and blue. The shape of her body each time she moved. Biting down on the inside of my cheek till my own blood spilled. Forcing such thoughts back so I could focus on Ebony and not who I wished to see after so long.
My fingers trailed over the delicate flesh of her arm, I examined the extent of the damages. Giving me a moment to process and anticipate the amount of energy needed to treat her. Just the slightest touch brought heartbreaking whimpers past her pale lips. Every muscle in her body crippling under the pain.
"D-don't touch…" she sniffled, barely able to pull herself away. Shaking my head, I tightened my grip on her enough to hold her still. I didn’t say anything as I persisted in treating her. There was a warmth emanating from her wounds from what I could tell. Carefully lifting her arm so I could get a better look, I was left in awe. Too small for her mortal eyes to see, little embers resided deep within her wounds working hard to begin melding the deepest portion closed.
‘But how?’ I wondered, leaning closer to get a better look. Ebony didn’t seem too fond of this though. Her arm tensing and trying to rip itself free from my hold. Shifting my gaze from the embers to her, I finally gave in. Loosening my grip, I was just glad she still had a will to fight. Even if it was against me.
"If I can't touch, then I'll have to heal you another way. "I warned. Her beautiful brown eyes looking about until eventually meeting my gaze. Looking deep within them I could see my own eyes. Along with the baby blue serpentine eyes was a look of worry. Hidden behind that worry were regret and an abundance of self-hatred. Ebony's body stiffened the longer she stared into my eyes. I hadn't done anything to cause it, leaving me to assume it had been the shifting of my eyes. The once silver-blue orbs were now like that of a serpent or reptile. Which wouldn't take a rocket scientist to connect the eyes of my own with what had attacked her. The similarities between the two sets were uncanny really. Except my eyes weren't harboring the lust for blood. Nor did they hold an evil within them, an evil that caused such actions in the end. However, the stillness of her body made it easier for me to treat her arm. Breaking eye contact, I let my eyes drift down to focus on the thick jagged gashes. The blood had begun to stop pouring from the wounds. Meaning the amount of my own magic needed to heal her should differ greatly.
Running an open palm from her hand up her arm, the texture of her skin varied. The skin prior to the wound was smooth against my own rough skin. A sensation that could only be compared to the finest silk in France. A smoothness often enjoyed as one's sheets on their wedding day. Following the arm upwards the further my hand traveled. Up till I placed my palm down over the rough and damaged skin. Gripping it firmly my forearm burst into a sudden array of vibrant blue flames. Brilliant blues that range from soothing dark sapphire to an off blue-white. The transparent colors traveled the length of Ebony's arms flames licked at her flesh. Each new wave of transparent blue rising past the last. Coating her delicate skin in a soothing warmth like no other. Blending with the crimson embers from within the wound, the magnificent blue-shifted to give way to the life of healing. The process of regeneration taking effect almost instantly. Her skin being rebuilt from the flesh that remained.
Ebony's PoV
His arm had burst into flames! There was no way this could actually be happening. I must be dreaming, right? Right?! This was just a dream, just a very bad dream. One that showed no means for me to wake up from. No pit to jump into to jolt the body awake. Not even a means to truly force harm myself enough for my body to deem me able to wake up. Even if I wanted to search for a means to awaken, Lawson's hand had been firmly grasping my arm. His flames traveling all the way up my arm, covering it in a majestic blue. Thin intricate slivers of fire rose and fell against my skin. The feeling of warmth and comfort they gave off was easily able to calm my racing heart just by the sight of them. Steadily climbing higher up my arm until it ended three inches from my shoulder. Illuminating my flesh in this mystical enchanting light. Dancing freely before my eyes blending the intricate blue into a faint red ring of warmth. Merging together with more flames I had failed to notice till now. Was he that strong where he could harness two types of fire? Or was it that I simply was oblivious till now?
"T-this...isn't a dream? Is it?" I barely croaked out. My voice sounding very shaky when it reached my own ears. The fear and confusion really seemed to have gotten the better of me this time. Forcing my physical and mental being to a point I even questioned my own sanity. Getting attacked by a horrifying ghost and now witnessing someone use magical flames to treat my wounds. As enchanting as the sight of the different blue and red flames were, it was unheard-of either way. Making this event even harder to view as real. Watching the flames I could make out the gradually shrinking wound. The effect of the flames forcing it to grow smaller and smaller until the gashes were nothing more than faint white scars. If it wasn't for the fact that I was witnessing it, this whole endeavor wouldn't have felt as real.
The flames subsided once their job was done. Slowly withdrawing themselves back towards their master. Moving back down my skin growing smaller and smaller the further it went. Filling my eyes with more confusion and surprise than I was used to. Light wispy smoke that rose from my skin was the only indication that the fire had really been there in the first place. However, hidden within them was something unimaginable. Lawson's arm had sprouted different sized silver scales. Each one glistening under the light of the setting sun. Reflecting the light off the surface, giving the appearance of having been coated in a thin layer of oil. Miniature rainbows trailed over his arm no matter how I looked. With the sun going down the silver was growing more abundant. As was the gashes that mirrored mine momentarily, inevitably burning up in the embers of his skin.
"What are you? " I needed to know. If this was really happening to me, I needed to understand. No, I wanted to understand. Why was he different than me? What was that thing that attacked me? Most importantly I needed to know why I was feeling like a target. Why was my hope for a fresh start ending up as a twisted horror story?
Lawson's serpentine eyes held sadness deep within them. His head tilting downward to better meet my gaze. Nothing was said, yet his eyes at least told me he was thinking. Trying to form the words that would either answer me or break me. I may not have known which would be said, though I prayed it would be words to help me. No amount of praying could explain this drastic change, however. Not even the way his hand stroked my arm could help. No amount of warmth he gave off was going to stop this worry from eating away at me.
As much as I told myself this it still managed to make my heart race. His touch brought out a longing from within my very soul. A longing to feel what it was like to be loved, to have someone to love in return. Someone that would be proud to call me theirs with no regrets. Yet the question that needed answering first was if I was truly ready for such a test of faith. To put my heart on the line for a man I knew nothing about. The same man that had gone out of his way to help me in my time of need. Placing my hand over his, forcing it to stop at my elbow. With my hand against his, I stared into his brilliant silver-blue eyes, anticipating what would be said.
" Ebony, I'm a dragon. What has been tormenting you is also someone like myself. No, I had no idea it had been hiding out inside your home. Nor did I aid in the events that led up to now. However, I do hope her actions won't ruin our chances of getting closer. Can you ever forgive me? " Lawson finally spoke leaving himself in a moment of vulnerability. This once confident, charming man seemed almost defeated from his words alone. His own fears and worries shining brightly at this moment, giving him an almost humanly appearance. Slowly he was returning to normal before my eyes. The serpentine appearance in his eyes shifting back to the eyes that I had seen only days ago. Nothing about them appearing as scary as they once had been. His words, however, playing about my mind on repeat. Emanating downwards into the depths of my heart where my answer would reside, causing me to tighten my grip on his hand. Granting me a chance to feel as each and every scale receded into his flesh. Little slits left behind from when they pierced their skin, every single one able to be felt out with my thumb. Our hands now skin on skin. Flesh against flesh. Little sparks getting shared between them with each motion of his thumb on my arm. My choices growing clearer with each soothing touch.
"There isn't anything to forgive. It isn't you. They could never be you. " I whispered not too concerned with him being able to hear me or not. He was extremely different than me in every which way. That didn’t change the fact he was the one who had the strength to help me. To keep me from losing myself and now to help me learn about the creature that was lurking about my home. Lawson was my best chance to revive my dream of a happy life. Even with the dangers that were hiding around each corner.
"Lawson…I do have lots of questions I wish to ask," I admitted watching his face come to life before my eyes. A faint spark of light gave it away. It had illuminated his eyes quick, telling me that he was taking this as a sign of good faith. Or hoping that this was a sign of good faith. A fresh start to a situation that would possibly get worse as time went on. Though, I hoped he wouldn’t turn down my right to an explanation. Judging by the smile that tugged at his lips, I was foolish for worrying. His charming smile threatening to break his stubbled jawline. All signs of the sadness he had harbored appearing to have been flushed from his being. Drifting away like it hadn’t been there in the first place.
"I'll answer every question and tell you everything you wish to know. But first, we need to get you inside. You’ll want to sit to hear what I have to say." He replied with his crooked smile, tilting his head to the side cutely. Like he had known that this simple action would bring heat to my face. My hand releasing his in an attempt to quickly cover my face. It’s hard to explain the feeling of a smile that didn’t quite feel like my own. The way it sat on my face, pulling at the corners of my lips. It just felt odd. It was an abnormal sensation that I couldn’t place. It was only comparable to a facial mask that had been left on too long, or that feeling someone gets when something about them is out of place. A smile that had been copied from one face and pasted onto another.
"J-just...don't promise to help me and then not stop that thing. I-I don’t want to get hurt again." I murmured through my fingers, hoping that I was putting my faith in the right person this time around. Though, the sound of his light laughter on the air sent shivers up my spine. His arm moving around my shoulders bringing me closer to him, so he could help me walk with ease into the house. The words; ‘I wouldn’t dream of it.’ slipping past his lips when the door opened to welcome us back into the lion’s den.
In the living room:
Lawson had remained within the home just as he had promised. Helping me move about the house with ease. Making sure my body didn't have too much of a negative effect from the blood loss. Even going out of his way to help clean up the blood that stained the wooden floor. All signs of the ghost were gone to the naked eye. Signs of a strange oddity having been inside the home were left in plain sight. Where the blood had pooled on the floor there were drag marks going through it. The thick crimson liquid parting, spreading further down the hall than it should have gone. The trail going from a thick band shrinking down into a fine line before ultimately stopping. Along the path, wedged deep into a broken board, was a blackened scale that had been ripped out of its owner. Blood grazing the razor-sharp edge, indicating how long it had been stuck there.
Shaking my head I really didn’t want to deal with the creature large enough to leave a scale as large as a silver dollar. From the books I’ve read and judging by what Lawson had said prior if this was a dragon I would stand no chance against it. Dragons were large serpentine creatures often larger than buildings and able to set anything they wished ablaze. Burning up the world that feared them until nothing more than ash remained. If that was the case, how was it hiding inside with not a sign being left behind?
Looking over at Lawson, I saw him kneeling down scrubbing on his hands and knees trying as he may to get as much blood up off the floor as he could. His silver-blue eyes looking over the blood as he worked. It didn’t take a genius to see he was formulating his plan. Watching how his muscular arms reached outward then getting pulled back towards him. Gripping the scrub brush tightly in his large manly hands he just seemed so...so…
’Damn it, Ebony! Stop! ‘ I mentally scolded myself needing to focus. Lawson was a dragon that probably had more women than he needed fawning over him. His looks alone were all the evidence to prove he was the perfect male specimen. Just right now, I couldn’t get what I had seen him do out of my mind. Those flames, the scales, even the way his eyes had changed. All of it just had my head spinning. The constant wondering about why he cared enough to help me circulating amongst my other thoughts. As well as why he would promise to help a human like me.
“Enjoying the show?” Lawson spoke up, his eyes not even needing to look away from what he was doing to see I had been staring. The inability to look away far too real with this one. A man with looks and secrets, that’s the man Lawson was. Turning away from him, I moved further down the hall. Looking over the floor simply praying he wouldn’t ask questions regarding my own actions. It was hard enough just to talk to him without fumbling over my words.
“Lawson, you said what was here was one of you. Right? “ I asked nervously. Kneeling down I got a better look at the floor. Running my fingertips through the thick liquid spotting something. Picking it up, feeling out the edges of a much smaller black scale. The little oblong disk no bigger than the eraser on a pencil. Letting it lay flat in my palm, I couldn’t fathom how this could have shrunk in the whole two feet from the first one.
“Yes and no,” Lawson spoke up now joining me at the end of the trail. His hand carefully taking the largest scale from my hand. Taking a moment to examine it himself, the emotions in his eyes changing so quickly I couldn’t pinpoint what it was he was feeling. “ We are both dragons, yes. However, what left this is a different race of dragon than I am. This is the scale of a Lindworm. A snake-like breed known to be vicious and bloodthirsty. Just being a human who’s survived one attack is a feat all its own. “ Playing with the dark scale in his hand, Lawson wasn’t going to put this lightly it seemed. Speaking clearly, no matter how foolish it sounded, the thought of a creature like that in my home nearly made my heart stop.
“B-but You’re not one of them?” I found myself asking, swallowing a growing knot that had wedged itself in my throat.
“No, I’m not. You see I am a Dragon. We often follow the western views of what a dragon is. Four to six legs, large leathery wings, usually portrayed as the beast guarding the princess in stories. “ He chuckled, returning the scale to my hand. Shifting in place, I was growing anxious. With all this new information my head started pounding. The edges of my vision growing blurry from the stinging pain. Pressing my fingertips into my temple, moving them in circular motions I fought to suppress the pain.
“ But you said that you’re both dragons. How can this creature be a form of dragon and you simply be recognized as ‘ a dragon’?”
“It’s more along the lines of physical differences. A Lindworm is a subclass of dragon that has a serpent-like body with only two limbs. There are other kinds as well. Each one more different from the last.” There was going to be a lot of information shared it seemed. Lawson is more informative than any fantasy or mythological book the library could hold. Possibly more informative than the Dungeons and Dragons sites on the world wide web. Sadly it was about as easy to understand as it too.
The pounding in my ears making it hard to focus on the words that left his mouth. I could make out what was being said despite this inconvenience. However, not all the words were easy to understand. There were dragons with multiple limbs and some that lacked all limbs. Each type has its own name, specialties and even some are unable to change into humans. The ones who couldn't change normally ended up with a human companion that was bonded to them. Creating a connection between the two of them that resided on a more spiritual level.
"W-wait, you lost me. What was that called again?"I questioned feeling my mind shutting down. This was too much for one day. With stress added on top of it, I was just glad I was able to make it to the couch before my legs gave out. Falling back onto the musky old green fabric, I grimaced at the feel of it. Hard like a rock, rough to the touch, even the smell was more repulsive than I had noticed before. It was a disheartening realization, to be honest. All that it meant was my wallet would grow thinner with the new purchase of seating.
Either way, I could wait for that. It's not like it was too bad. Putting my arm over my eyes I just needed a moment. Blocking out the light to ease the pounding so I could think everything through. Letting the idea of dragons being real dance around in my thoughts.
As I sat there, lost in thought I could barely feel the warmth that surrounded me. Gently easing my strained body against something firm that had found its way at my side. Moving my head in an attempt to get comfortable, I could make out a quick thumping noise in my ear. Thump-thump. Thump-thump. Over and over again it sounded. Creating its own little rhythm just for me. Closing my eyes completely, I just listened. Letting the gentle beating soothe me to my core.
"Rest well, Little Ebony." Lawson's voice spoke out just as the darkness began to consume me. Welcoming the chance to sleep, I smiled. Letting my handgrip the fabric that lay under my head.
"Night...Little Dragon. "
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