《A Promise Marked by Fire》Mint and Honey
France was like a living fairy tale. With its hills of green as far as the eye could see and flowers appearing brighter under its stunning clear skies. The homes appeared much like the ones in old stories. A perfect blend of stone and wooden cottages that had been beautifully decorated with either dark wood trim or charming ecru color. All together paired with ivy that would climb the stones, giving the homes that fantasy appearance. It was a breath of fresh air for me. A little slice of heaven hidden within the chaos of the world kept a secret so that others may have a chance to experience its beauty.
Sitting in the back seat of the cab that had driven me from the airport to Vinfort, a small town that seemed to be hidden well within the countryside of Brittany, France. It was a quaint little town from what I could tell, the people coming across as interesting to me though. It was hard to explain really, but it felt like I was seeing things out of the corner of my eyes that hadn’t been there. Much like the shadows that you would swear you had seen move, only to see nothing had been there. I know I had done it quite a few times in my life, seeing things move out of the corners of my eyes. But this… this was different. There were no shadows, no gimmicks, or even markings on the back passenger windows.
Taking out my phone, I switched it to camera mode, wanting to get a picture of the bakery as we drove past. Angling the lens, praying the shot would be perfect and not blurry for once this trip. Taking one last look at the shop, my finger froze over the button unable to press it to take the shot. Right as I was about to take the photo a woman and son were walking out of the shop. Her face framed in warm caramel locks that joined into a low hanging braid at her back. Her body on the average side, not too much weight on her bones, but enough to say she was healthy. She had a light green shimmer about her when she entered the sunlight. Little sparkles that flaked off creating a dull light before melding with the son’s even brighter lavender speckles. He smiled up at his mother, clutching her hand in his right hand and the goodies in his left. Everything about him was normal, to say the least. It hadn’t been till he had glanced towards the moving car, just as I had gotten ready to take the photo, had his face contorted. The innocent look twisting, stretching into a jagged unrealistic appearance. His almond-shaped eyes now sharply pointed and painted black, tongue forked jutting out between his lips. Even his flesh had turned into a grotesque green, reminding me of slime.
Jumping back in shock, my phone fell from my hand to the cab floor. My hand covering my hand trembling in shock. What had I just seen?! Twisting back quickly, I peered through the back window only to see a normal mother and son walking without a care in the world. There was no glowing lights and no mutant monster child holding onto the woman’s hand.
“Êtes-vous d'accord?” The driver suddenly questioned, his warm chocolate brown eyes looking back at me through the mirror. My heart was beating a million miles a minute at that point. I must have been tired from the trip. That was the only way to explain what I had seen. Nervously looking back at him, I held onto myself in hopes of finding comfort in my own embrace.
“I-I’m sorry...I-I don’t know what you’re asking.” I stammered hearing my own weakness in my voice.
“I asked, ‘Are you alright, Miss’? “ He reiterated, speaking broken English, his rich accent making it a tad bit difficult for me to understand. If it wasn’t for my thoughts replaying his words, I probably wouldn’t have understood him.
“Y-Yes, sir. Thank you. U-umm… How much longer until we get there?” I managed to speak, feeling like nothing more than a foolish tourist that couldn’t be bothered to learn the native language.
“About five to ten minutes. “ He answered focusing back on the road ahead of him, clearly done with driving an outsider like myself. Letting out a soft sigh, I leaned down searching for my phone. I would be home shortly, then maybe I could work on fitting in with everyone. I would need to learn the language first...but I was sure I could manage it. Well, I was hopeful about the idea of learning it. Till I knew it, I would have to rely on Bianca when she gets here.
Picking up my phone, I brushed off any dirt it may have picked up. Carefully looking over the screen not even seeing a scratch on the screen. I almost had been certain that it would have some sort of mark on the screen, it did hit the door and my foot before making it to the ground. Touching the power button on the side the screen shown a blinding light, the camera still active. It had taken a picture before it had ultimately fallen. How? Couldn’t tell you. I barely knew how myself. Curious, I swiped left to see what the photo had been of. ‘N-No way!’ I thought, distracted by the sight before me. On the screen, looking back at me had been a perfect shot of the bakery. Its low hanging roof and large bay windows full of baked goods were in full view. The short stubby man filling the nearest basket with large loaves of bread. However, the mother and son that had been in front were nowhere in sight. Only a faint shimmering light by the bakery door had been left in their place. Now I knew I needed to sleep.
Resting at the top of a slight incline was the house I would be living in. It was a simple single floor cottage with a waist-high cobblestone wall enclosing the yard. The exterior of the house was breathtaking to behold, everything blending perfectly together. The soft cream-colored stone walls were framed in darker stone bricks that served as gripping for the traveling ivy. Pairing that with the wooden awning that had been covered in the rich dark green plant life, making the violet flowers resemble the Christmas lights that were strung through the netting to light up bushes. If it wasn’t for the fact these flowers were attached to the vines I would have thought them to be nothing more than lights, or an artificial replica of real flowers.
Smiling softly, I ran my hand along the top of the smooth iron of the front gate, gripping it tightly to push it open. My eyes had wandered over the yard on the other side of the wall, wanting to take in all I could before seeing what the inside would hold for me. Inside the perimeter of the wall were small shrubs that followed the length of the wall. The larger bushes that harbored hydrangeas resting against the edging of the porch and it’s slightly cracked wooden steps. There had been several other little flowers residing in small flower beds and pots in the side yard, outlining a section of outdoor seating perfectly marked by the broken stone foundation under the metal furniture. It was the perfect place to enjoy some sun, as well as to really enjoy the beauty of the garden.
I never got to enjoy the outside for long, mostly on the walks to and from school was where that enjoyment came from. Otherwise, I had been locked indoors and kept out of the sight of others. But now, maybe I could find some outdoor activities that could allow me the chance to enjoy the garden. Possibly something like I don't know, painting?
Gripping the strap of my bag, I was eager to see the secrets that the inside held. Maybe more mystical surprises that would further my idea of this place belonging inside a fairytale. Following the circular stone path up to the steps, I briefly admired the door and its shady glory. Taking my first step onto the porch a gentle breeze wafted past, sending the heavenly scent of fresh honey with it.
It took but a moment for me to find my keys from within the depths of my pocket. Fishing them out using the angel wing keychain that Bianca had given me once she had made herself a copy for when she arrived. I had already missed her dearly during the trip here. So it was nice to have a trinket like this to wish on, to pray that my dearest and only friend, would make it back to me in one piece.
Until she did, I was left to explore the house on my own, possibly the town should she take longer than a week. Shaking my head I pushed such thoughts out of my mind, not wanting to jinx it as I pushed open the heavy door. The wood felt far thicker than it had looked from far away. Inside a musky odder seemed to linger, fusing itself with the honey scent from moments before, creating a putrid aroma that made me gag. Covering my nose, I had to force myself to move beyond the doorway, even though I had begun to doubt the conditions of the inside.
"Well...it could be worse." I sighed being welcomed by a dust-filled living room, complete with a fireplace and an antique rug that has seen better days. Back in the day, the old flowers may have looked really beautiful, but now they were nothing but horrifying. The layers of dust had dyed every cover and every curtain grey. Lucky for me the curtains had been eaten through by moths and other bugs to let more light in. It wasn't much light so I couldn't see the extent of the work needed, which I was grateful for.
The first room in its current messy state was unnerving. From what the documents had told me my relative that had lived here was my grandmother. Apparently, one that my father didn't wish to recall when asked about her. As odd as it was, the information regarding her passing had stated she had perished months prior to this moment. So how the dirt and grime had gotten to this extent I couldn't fathom. Looking for any signs of a light fixture, I only needed to follow the low hanging cobwebs towards a small chandelier hanging above an oval coffee table. My heart sank seeing the state of what would have been a stunning fixture. It had been reduced to nothing more than a Halloween decoration with the amount of dense webbing strung about its limbs without a care for how it would appear. With how it looked now and night only hours away, I feared to have to use it for lighting. If one of those webs caught fire this home would be gone.
"Well...I won't be taking a nap anytime soon…" I murmured, lugging myself and my bag further into the home. From how the walls and flooring went it was easy to find the hallway just by the archway alone. It was hand-carved resembling the vines out front acting as a marker towards the back of the home. I knew the wallpaper might need to be changed, possibly replaced. As nice as I found the smaller bits of floral, I had a feeling Bianca would want them gone. Finding a somewhat sturdy table that had rested at the edge of the hallway, a plug just underneath it, to place my cell phone and charger while I cleaned. I would need to start now if I wanted to get some form of sleep my first night here.
Digging the black cord from the bottom of my bag, I did just that. Plugging in my phone, watching the little white battery in the corner spawn a lightning bolt within it. It was the confirmation I needed to get on my way. Continuing down the hallway to pick out my room. There had been five doors that lined the hallway, only two of them being different from the rest. The first door on the left had three intricate budding roses carved into the face of the door. It led down to the basement from what I recall. The next one being the door on the right which was the smallest of two bedrooms.
“I’ll have to make Bianca take that one since she’s late. “ I giggled knowing that Bianca would probably have a hard time fitting all her clothes within that room. If it was such a big deal there was an attic that was accessible through the door all the way at the end of the hall. The one with only two flowers carved into its surface. There was a set of stairs behind that door that led straight up to the large open space. So if need be we could always split it into space for her and a space for me.
The third door in the hall was on the left side, which is the master bedroom with its own bathroom attached. That was the room I would promptly claim as my own. Space larger than what I was used to, that would be a nice change to start with.
Gripping the imitation crystal knob in my hand, I readied myself for what I would see beyond this point. Before my room had been comparable to a walk-in closet, barely enough space to do much with the remaining space. Upon opening the door to my new room, it took all I had not to cry. There was a large window that overlooked the garden and the hillside up until it blended into the horizon. The large queen size bed resting to the fare right of the room, with a beautiful white four-post frame. It was the largest bed I had ever owned. The thrill of getting to finally have more space than I knew what to do with was getting to me. Tears poured from my eyes the longer I stared at my new room. The bag on my shoulder slipping from my grasp hitting the floor with a loud thud. Yes, the space was pretty dirty, just like the rest of the house. But I didn’t care. This house and all inside it was mine and no nasty witch of a woman would change that this time. It was all I could ever want and the hard work needed to make it as stunning as before would be worth the lack of sleep.
“W-Well Ebony, you made it. “ I breathed brushing the tears away with the palm of my hand. Going over to the window, smiling when the lock clicked letting me open it nice and wide to let in some of that sweet country air. “ There is no turning back, only going forward. “
Leaving the window open I went about the rest of the house, opening the windows each room had to let in some air. For the long hours of light left I would be cleaning up all that I could. Only when complete exhaustion took away my ability to move will I stop. Who knows before I know it, Bianca might walk through the front door, completing this perfect escape with me. For now, I had dirt, grime, and spiders galore to vanquish before I could even think of the next wish that weighed on my heart.
Out in the Garden.
She's here! She's Here! With the scent of Mint and Honey on the air, the sign had been given. The next of many attempts have finally now shown herself within the town of Vinfort. It had been a long while since the previous mortal had been within the home. More than ten years to say the least. However, it was always easy to coax the next one out of hiding. The poor pathetic toys never knowing what it is they were meant for before losing it all.
Just knowing that the girl had entered the home brought excitement into the dark depths hidden under the porch. Hearing her moving through the house, opening window after window, stepping on several squeaky floorboards as she went. A solid black mass had stirred awake after a long rest, it’s body trembling with the thoughts of torturing the girl. It’s bright red eyes opened wide with the next gust of wind. It could smell her, no, it could taste her on the air. The targets energy-rich and ever ripening. Soon it would be ready for the plucking and it couldn’t wait.
It's scaled belly shifting, swaying from side to side as it made its way out of the shadows, slithering over the warm stepping stones. It’s body darting quickly over the smooth surface so not to be seen. It knew the yard well by now, having spent more time than it had ever wanted to within the cobblestone walls. It chose to hide among the dirt and twigs each time the newcomer stepped outside with something to toss into the trash.
Raising its head, It got a better look at the girl. Her long brown hair had been tied up in a messy bun. Her body was difficult to tell what type it was. It couldn’t see if she was thick, thin, or even curvy thanks to the baggy shirt hiding any figure she may have had. The only clear depiction was she had long slender legs that allowed her to take longer strides in and out of the house. As well as the fact her brown eyes watered each time she coughed. The pillows of dust taking to the air whenever she tossed the messy covers out onto the porch. She wasn’t getting a break it seemed. With each dust-ridden covering came more coughing. Each cough made the slippery thing pray she would get sick right there only to grow disgruntled when she returned to what she had been doing. The door shutting tightly behind her.
"How bland. How bland. This one will have to be dealt with quickly." It muttered going quickly towards the left side of the home. Traveling through the growing shadows, it kept itself close to the ground. Using edges and bushes for the extra cover should it need to. There were moments through its sneaking the light illuminated the black scales pressing against its slender form. Light refracting off its surface, bending and twisting with the motions of its body It was careful with its motions, inching closer and closer towards the base of the kitchen window.
Pressing itself against the side of the house, it took a moment to rest. It needed to plan, to wait till the coast was clear. It wouldn’t have been a big deal had the girl inside spotted it, no it was never a problem. The problem was the waiting rats with wings that mistook it for a simple garter snake. There had been countless times where they had given it away, Forcing it to act far too early and needing to wait longer to reach the inside.
Watching the final bird flutter away, it coiled its body into the deep green ivy that stretched upward and around the window frame. It was the perfect place to gain access to the home. As well as the easiest means to enter without being seen. Taking a few quick glances around the open area, it then took off up the vine. Climbing swiftly, weaving in and out between the tangled mess of foliage. Barely even noticing the leaves that brushed against its dark glistening scales. It's bone-chilling eyes on the prize, darting through the window, crashing to the tile floor below.
'Now to hide.' It thought, feeling the vibrations of the girl's monstrous footsteps warning the creature of her impending entry into the very room he was in. Needing to think quickly it chose an easy access point at that moment. Moving along the base of the counters, blending in almost seamlessly against the dark marble tiling. It planned on using the different shades of grey and black to its advantage, just like it had countless times prior. Pressing the tip of its nose against the cracks of the cabinet doors, It grew desperate. Peering off towards the living room, it could see her. She was removing the cobwebs from the ceiling with the old curtains. The current one in her hands, loaded with the pesky buggers. Which meant only two things, she would use the kitchen door to go beat them out or the front. Either way, it needed to hurry.
Continuing to nudge the cabinet doors, the one under the sink swayed with ease. It was far from the perfect hiding place, but it would have to do. Squeezing its body through the crack, it found a spot hidden in the back to lie in wait. Hidden from her sight, yet able to see her even with the wooden door before its eyes. The creature’s bright crimson eyes glowing in anticipation for what was to come. Watching the shadow as it passed in front of the cracked door, it let out a peal of soft laughter. She was left with no clue of what was in her home, lurking from the shadows and it was enjoying it. Now left with only one task left to do, Wait. Once night fell and her body gave out, it would strike. Until then its blood-colored eyes mockingly watched her. Its mind chanting over and over; ‘ Bathe in the blood of the gates key...forever the sky will remain stained green.’
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Briar watched him with curiosity as he shuffled closer. He stumbled when he neared her but managed to steady himself before he fell. He slightly blushed and stuck out his hand with the dandelion in it. He murmured, "For you."She felt something odd happen in her chest. It felt like fluttering, she thought, but she tried to push these feelings away. She didn't want to acknowledge them. She didn't want them to be real. //Briar was just trying to survive her schooling at Hogwarts with the constant trouble her fellow students seemed to start, but the Ministry of Magic was determined to help each student find their soulmate through a series of letters and hints over their years at Hogwarts. Only problem? Briar didn't believe in love.SOULMATE AU // HP FANFICHighest Rankings:#1 in NevilleLongbottom#1 in Neville #1 in Soulmate#1 in SoulmateAU#1 in Slytherin#1 in Hogwarts#1 in DeathEaters#2 in HarryPotter#2 in Forbidden Love #3 in Gryffindor#6 in FanFiction/disclaimer: I don't own the Harry Potter characters or that universe. I only own Lorelei Jones and Briar Davies./[started - november 2020; finished - february 2021]
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