《A Promise Marked by Fire》Hello Gorgeous
It was hard to miss the plumes of thick black smoke from my spot on the hillside. It was easy to find this time compared to the last. The clouds were much thicker, more devastating in appearance compared to before. They swallowed up every inch of blue in the sky, snuffing it out like the flame of a candle. There was no time to admire the beauty of the hillside either this time around. It felt like some had hit the fast forward button on the remote. The quick succession of events was disorienting, throwing me off the flow of things. Entering through the door might as well have been a vague memory. The trip through the cold stone passageway, a blur of grey and green as I made my way out. The only event that seemed to be happening correctly was the town burning. Sure there were minor differences, but this part felt slower.
‘The Dragon would be next…’ I thought, feeling my heart race in my chest. Panic was setting in earlier than it should have. Reaching up I gripped my chest curiously wondering why I was feeling this. The bad part hasn’t happened yet. The crimson roses that lined the hillside hadn’t even been set on fire yet. The parts that had made this dream a nightmare for me hadn’t even shown itself. So...why was I feeling like this?
“Stupid Girl. Stupid Girl.” A raspy female voice spoke before letting out an eerily soft laugh. It was the laugh of someone plotting, too menacing to be normal. Yet it was calm enough it could have been mistaken as a laugh from Hannibal Lector himself.
“Who’s there?” I found myself calling out, looking around me for signs of another being. There was nothing around me that could have produced that voice. Spinning in circles just trying to see what could be laughing, it was getting closer. The sky darkened with the press of a button. Everything had begun speeding out of control. The darkness choking out the light, the dragon soaring over the hillside spitting fire as it went. Even the crimson flowers lighting up faster than dried leaves. All the while that voice kept speaking, mocking me.
“You can’t stop it. You could never stop it,” it spoke from behind me.
“Weak. Weak. Weak.” it then laughed at my right. My skin crawling, not knowing what to do. Its voice was ringing in my ears, piercing into my brain where it played on repeat. Even multiplied by the hundreds creating new voices that spoke all at once. Gripping my head in pain, I had a hard time hearing the cloaked figure speaking behind me. The pain in my head only being off tilted by the blade that had been plunged into my chest. The cool steel ripping and tearing the delicate flesh, freeing the crimson river from inside me. My chest was tightening, heart struggling to pump blood to the rest of my body. My lungs were unable to expand fully thanks to the blade. I couldn’t tell you what felt worse, the knife wound of the feeling of being choked out by steel. Either way, I didn’t like this.
Stumbling forward, my hands gripped the blood-soaked blade not even caring that the fleshy part of my hands was getting sliced up in the process. I was fighting to push the blade back out the way it came. I wanted to breathe, I needed to breathe. Weezing, I pushed on the blade, crying in pain. The steal only twisting, pressing against my ribs further lodging itself into my body. The blinding pain soon met with the final strike of a boot against my back, starting my fall into the flames.
‘Can’t Win! Can’t Win!’
‘Die! Die! Die!’ The voice kept screeching into my ears. All thoughts that were mine getting blocked out by the screams, the wishes of my suffering. Falling headfirst I could see it all. The flames that had been waiting to consume me and the end of my life. Among those flames was something different than all the other times. Either I hadn’t noticed it before or this was new. Resting at the edge of the flames was a sleek black serpent. It’s ruby eyes staring me down during my descent. Stretching its body out, the narrow head rose high enough for its body to recoil back. It was wobbling to and fro, eyes glowing brighter the higher the flames went. I couldn’t move out of the way, it’s body expanding to take up more and more of the space in front of me. There was nowhere left to go. It’s thickened body sprung out, jaws opening wide following aloud hiss. Two sharp fangs protruded out of the plus pink inner mouth, large droplets of venom seeping from the points.
“No!” I screamed, my body lurching forward. My heart was beating like a drum. It had been a dream, nothing more than a dream. Yet it had felt so real...just like all the other times. I wanted so much to just cry, What was happening to me? I couldn’t recall having fallen asleep, after cleaning the house the day before. My only clue of being asleep had been that dark oak door. I didn’t even remember sitting down on the ugly floral couch in the living room, much less closing my eyes.
“It’s just a dream...Just a dream.” I breathed, attempting to soothe this racing heart of mine. Taking several deep breaths, I could still smell the lemon disinfectant spray and orange-scented floor cleaner that had been used to clean every reachable surface. It filled this once disgusting home with a newfound sense of life. That, and it made the house smell like a tea lovers paradise. Which I was happy with. I always enjoyed the different scents within coffee shops anyway. So this was rather enjoyable for me.
My body ached with each motion. Sleeping on an old sofa wasn’t the wisest of choices on my part. Then again neither was laying so that only my feet were outstretched, leaving my body to lean at an odd angle against the plush backing in search of comfort. Either way, it was too late to be concerned about how I had slept. I’m up and in need of a morning drink before going back to work on the house. With a loud yawn I ran my hand through the tangled mess I called hair. Moving from the living room to the kitchen, passing under the archway into a much cleaner world than what I had seen before. The dark granite countertops no longer caked in layers of dust, finally able to reflect the sun’s light off its surface. It was nice to be back in a clean home, definitely making it easier to find everything now. Well...and it made me more willing to use the items within the home.
"That's odd…" I muttered noticing that the white mug I had hung up in a silver hook, under the cabinet, had been moved. Resting close to the sink on the window sill. Eyeing it carefully, I picked it up looking over every inch of it. There didn't seem to be any wires or fishing line on it. Even then I don't think fishing line or wire would be strong enough to remove it from the hook without damaging the cup. With a shrug I rinsed it out, placing it on the drying rack so I could get what I needed for instant coffee. It wasn't the best wake up drink in the world, but it's what I had until I could get a coffee maker later. There are just some things I wouldn't trust after seeing the grime that had grown on its surface.
Taking the small metal tin from the cabinet I placed that down on the counter as well. All that was left was to make the water. Turning on my heel I fished out a rose teapot from the curio cabinet that sat opposite the counters beside the archway. Admiring the aqua tinted glass panes as I carefully closed the large piece of intricate furniture. Smiling to myself seeing how the bright red stain glass roses reflected the light against my skin. Tinting it so it resembled a watered-down red as you’d find from water paints. A simple, yet soothing color to the eyes. One that I had grown a custom to seeing on the pieces of artwork once hanging on the walls in my father’s study. I could almost picture the image of a beautiful brunette sitting within a pure white gazebo, bordered by light pink morning glories and the different colored rose bushes in the background.
“I wonder if Father still has that painting.” I murmured going over to the sink. Filling the coffee pot, I kept thinking about that painting. The gentle brushstrokes that showed more emotion and care than any of the other paintings that had taken its place. It was just something about those stunning green eyes of the woman that made my heart swell. Even now my heart grew warmer at the thought of it. I may not understand why but I didn’t care.
Waiting for the water to boil, I went back to the sink for my mug. Looking over the drying rack, I couldn’t seem to find it. One would think finding a solid white mug would be easy. Especially since it was the only item in the barren rack. Scratching my head, I knew I had left it here, so where had it gone? Gazing over the countertop, I tried to find it figuring I would have moved it closer to the stove had I moved it, to begin with. Even going as far as checking the circular dining table that sat beside the bay window with a view of the garden. It wasn’t there, either.
Tapping my chin in thought, I jumped when the teapot let out an ear-piercing whistle. It made my eardrums ring and my head pound. Groaning in discomfort, I quickly turned off the stove and used a potholder to move it to a colder burner. As much as I hated lukewarm coffee, I hated that whistling noise more. It was a headache waiting to happen. Possibly worse than a one given to you by the grinding of worn breaks on an old car.
‘Now...Where the hell did that mug go?’ I thought, trying to retrace my steps from the point I put it down till now, Hoping I could figure out where it had gone. Walking about the kitchen in circles for this one item was maddening. How could I lose something I had just had? Looking again beside the stove I cursed under my breath. Now the tin with my instant coffee was missing. Both items I needed to make my morning beverage was gone and I had no idea where they had gone. It was mind-boggling. I know I had put them both down, granted in different spots, but I had known where they were. How had making a simple cup of coffee turn into a game of hide-and-seek?
“You’ve got to be kidding me?!” I exclaimed loudly, hitting my hand against the counter. I was far too confused and aggravated to be calm now. Taking out a different white mug with a thick navy blue band, I would have to settle for tea. It wasn’t my first choice, but I wasn’t going to waste any more time trying to find those misplaced things. There was still so much that needed to be done and I couldn’t waste another moment. Dropping the tea bag into the mug I added the water. The gentle wisps of steam rising from the ceramic glass, the clear liquid stained amber thanks to the teabag. In a few moments, the tea would be ready and I could finally move onto exploring the house further. Digging up other interesting trinkets that had been left to be unearthed.
It was exciting to envision what could be up in those boxes, or even hidden in the depths of the basement. Who knows what could be found and if it would be something one of a kind. Picking up my glass I took a deep breath, inhaling the rich aroma of the herbal tea inside. Letting the pleasant scent ease my aggravation for the time being. Taking a sip already feeling the warm liquid travel down my throat to my stomach. Giggling softly at this newfound warmth I hated to admit how helpful this was. Gripping the mug tighter in my hands, I went to the table, sitting down to enjoy this moment after that mess. It may not have been my coffee but it was going to do the trick either way. It just so happens I love the more robust taste of the coffee over the light earthy taste that tea had.
Closing my eyes, I took a small sip. Taking a moment to contemplate my next course of action. With an ever-growing list of things to do, I needed to plan out where to go from here. Should I start with the attic first? Or move on to the basement? Both areas have yet to be seen and both would be a problem and a half to deal with. Especially if they were in a worse state than the main floor of the home. I could only imagine what they both looked like after so long. No one ever spends time in an attic or basement so the amount of gunk that would be coating what could be in them…
"Ugh!" I gagged just picturing it. Covering my mouth to keep from spitting up my drink, I forced myself to swallow. "Let’s not do that again…" I sighed, placing my cup down, getting up to rinse out my mouth. I could almost taste the chalky grit in my mouth from just picturing the room. So much so even the naturally strong taste of the tea wasn't masking it. Turning on the water I cupped my hands under the water. Carefully bringing it to my lips, I sloshed the cool liquid around my mouth and spit it out. It helped remove some of the repulsive taste, though it was still mostly there.
Taking another mouthful of water into my mouth, I tried to get some of the remnants out. Standing upright I patted my mouth dry with some paper towels, looking out the window as I did. As I stared an odd blurry blotch in the reflection caught my attention. It was small in shape and appeared to be resting on a wooden surface. The longer I looked the more details came into view. Turning on my heels quickly I peered into the living room where the object would be. Sure enough...my mug and the jar of instant coffee was resting on the coffee table in the living room.
"No way," I said in disbelief. Entering the living room I knelt by the table, eyeing the two eyes in amazement. How they had gotten there, I couldn't even begin to explain. Picking up the mug I searched for any signs of it having been tampered with. Like a wire, possibly a marking or two on their smooth surfaces that could point me in the right direction. It was a long shot in my search. But I just couldn't accept what I was seeing. How on earth had they gotten there? I distinctly remember putting them down in the kitchen, not out here on the coffee table.
Turning the objects over in the palm, there were no signs of any tampering. No wires, no strings, and definitely no physical explanation on how they had ended up there. It was mind-boggling, to say the least. Maybe...I had put them there and forgot about it? That was a possibility. Either way, it was too late to make coffee now. I needed to finish cleaning, only then I could officially start planning the rest of my life.
Holding the jar and mug in my hands, I made sure to put them away this time. As foolish as it was, I double-checked them after a few minutes. They were still there and hadn't moved an inch from what I could tell. After cleaning up my mess from the tea, I left the kitchen. I didn't want to risk losing my mind at the thought of objects moving once again. Believing it once was foolish enough. Believing it twice? I'd have to be clinically insane. Luckily, I had the perfect distraction in mind to keep me from replaying this questionable event. Picking up my phone from the end table in the hall, I scrolled through the apps quickly. My feet carried me down the hall passed bedroom doors to the end. I had found the app I was looking for, just as my hand gripped the doorknob. There wasn’t a thought in my mind as I pressed the deep purple icon on the screen. Pandora opened up and the randomized Celtic music station began to play, filling the empty home with a calming rustic melody.
It had only taken seconds for the air about the home to change. It felt airy like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I could finally breathe and not feel the strain of what was on my mind. More importantly, it made me want to write. To sit outside in the garden taking in the sun’s warm embrace and just let my mind spin a tale that flowed with the song.
‘I had gotten a lot done yesterday…’ I thought, unable to suppress this urge of mine. What good was having a beautiful home if I couldn’t enjoy it from time to time? It wasn’t so much the procrastination that had changed my mind, but the soothing sound of the flute that played alongside an upbeat violin. I just wanted some time to relax. Maybe later I would start cleaning one of the other rooms. Right now, however, I had an itch that needed to be scratched. Retrieving my tablet, a notebook, and some pens from my room, I went out into the garden. But not before switching over Pandora over the tablet. Placing my phone back down on the table in the hall in passing. Leaving through the kitchen door, I shut the screen door behind me. Finding a spot to sit beside a blooming hydrangea bush. The little bit of shade it created would help me see the pages without being blinded by the sun. Well, that and it would make it a lot easier to see the tablet screen when it came time to change songs.
Crossing my legs, I closed my eyes to let the music create the story it wished to tell. My notebook resting in my lap, pen in hand, I took a few little notes that came to mind. I could almost see it, a mother and child just living for each other. The mother, strong and kind, trying to protect the young girl from the dangers of the world. All the while teaching her what she needed to survive. Flashes of colors passed over my thoughts. Many different shades of red and blue, each one appearing as different sets of eyes. Clustering together they steadily filled the open space, choking out the tale I was trying to weave. With each new pair of eyes, the story fractured and broke apart. I could feel the pen in my hand scratch out what had been written down, replacing it with something else until that too would be scratched out. The air around me began to grow thicker feeling oddly cold against my skin. This whirlwind of colors, people, and events were spiraling out of control within my mind, constricting around my very being so I was forced to open my eyes.
The area before me was empty, void of anything other than the grass and the flowers that lined my home. In my lap rested the pages I had been attempting to write and rewrite over and over again. Every word blackened out to the point it was unrecognizable, all that could be read through the mess was a single color. The word was so simple and yet framed in the vast darkness like a warning.
"Blue?" I managed to breathe, though my panic didn't seem to leave me, however. My arms were shaking, body nervously turning trying to see what could have caused this happening. Pressing my right hand against the ground I stood up. Taking a moment to survey my surroundings, to listen for something that had not been there. As I did I had noticed one major change. The music had stopped playing. Searching around my feet for the tablet, I began to wonder where it had gone. It was right beside me only minutes before, it shouldn't have moved.
I could feel the confusion growing, how could something with no means to move just up and vanish. First the mug and coffee and now my tablet. What more was going to be moved out from under my face?
"Stupid girl...Stupid girl." A soft raspy voice spoke up. It sounded amused, enjoying how fractured my brain and emotions were getting. My eyes desperately scanning for the voice, stepping back towards the house.
"W-who's there?" I called out still foolishly praying that this was just a sick joke. That any second now Bianca would show up from around the corner and yell, 'Gotcha'. Inching closer to the screen door, I silently listened. Hoping there would be a muffled laugh or even something tangible I could grab hold of, to prove this was real.
"Behind...You. " the voice hissed in my ear. I could feel it's hot breath graze my skin, chills creeping up my spine. I could feel it standing there, waiting for me to turn around. But...I couldn't bring myself to move. Terror had tethered my body to the ground. No matter how much I wanted to run away I couldn't. Whatever this voice had me too scared to do anything. My heart rapidly beating in my chest, refusing to slow down for even a moment.
Closing my eyes was all I could manage to do. Opening and closing my fists whilst I mentally fought for my movement back. I had to do something. I couldn't let this unknown...thing scare me anymore. This was my house, my home, and my fresh start. I couldn't let it mess with my head like it was. After all, up till now, I hadn't seen who it was messing with me. So it could just as easily be my mind playing tricks on me due to my new living situation.
The temporary paralysis steadily lifted, giving me the ability to raise my arms to my head. Pressing my fingers to my temples, I mentally drained from the events already. Telling myself there is nothing there over and over again wasn't helping. Not with the feeling of eyes on me or the pressure within the space at my back.
'Just Breathe, Ebony. Breathe.' I instructed myself, squatting in front of the screen door. I had kept my back towards the direction the voice had come from, hoping that if I ignored it it would leave.
'It won't work. You can't hide from me. ' it boomed within my head. My hands swiftly gripped my head in surprise. It wasn't me, it couldn't be me.
'I'll get you.'
'You'll never get away.' Tears poured from my eyes. My thoughts getting pushed aside so all I heard was this thing's voice. It's maniacal laughter overshadowing even my muffled sobs so I couldn't hear them. All that it allowed was it. Remaining crouched by the screen door, I felt foolish for remaining where I was. Possibly appearing childish to those who have ventured past the house and saw me crying over nothing. Could it be the years of emotional and mental abuse had finally broken me? That possibly a change in scenery had made my condition worse?
I wanted answers to all my questions. On top of that, I wanted this mental torture to stop. This was supposed to be my fresh start so how was this happening when I've been alone since my arrival?
'You are foolish, aren't you?' it mocked, releasing yet another laugh. It's voice being thrown to the wind, creating a stereo effect. The laughter echoing around my trembling form. I felt closed in, surrounded from all sides. Was I... going to die?
'Lookup.' The airbrushed against my ears. I could sense where it was currently standing. Though that was only half my problem. Just knowing where it was wasn't going to help me this time. If facing my mother taught me anything, it would be the same fact that it won't stop here. I had royally messed up expressing my fear as I had. My actions only fuelled this voice further and I knew that. Yet, here I am unable to remove myself from the situation before it could escalate further.
'Open your eyes! ' it exclaimed loudly forcing a startled whimper from my lips. I didn't want to open my eyes. There was no telling what this thing was or wanted, I just couldn't take any more of this torment. Going against my better judgment I opened my eyes and nervously peered through the screen door. Kneeling on the other side, sneering out at me, was a pale face with bright ruby red eyes. They were sunken in, cheekbone protruding from the leather tightened skin. Staring into them in horror I relived my nightmare from this morning. That large serpent with the same eyes gorging itself on my bleeding corpse with ease. It's body thickening as all its muscles forced me further and further into its massive tube-like body.
These eyes...these terrifying orbs of crimson were that of nightmares. More specifically, my nightmares. It moved closer to the screen, face seeping between the nearly microscopic holes. Pushing through, creating little blobs of milky flesh. It fed out of the screen like playdough noodles. Clumping together at the ends and rebuilding itself all the while refusing to break my gaze. It inched closer and closer until it was a mere two inches away from my face.
The world around us blended into a blob of color. As the world slipped away from my line of sight my lungs struggled to let air in. What was this thing?! What did it want from me? Why...why was it targeting me? I wanted to run, to forget about this creature and this day. If only I could hit the reset button on my life and get a free do-over, I would trade anything for such a chance.
Flinching back, I fell back on my hands this thing too close for comfort. I didn't even know how it happened, or how I had gotten out of its reach. Hovering over me was a set of jagged claws that looked like it could have effortlessly sliced through my skin and bone. Gulping, I tried not to think about it, not the unbelievable reflexes I had within that moment. I just needed to get away, to find some means to prove I'm perfectly fine and this thing isn't real.
Taking a final look around the yard I just needed to get out to the wall. I should be safe then. Something inside told me it was true, that this creature couldn't reach that far. As fool-hearty as it was, I didn't care. Pushing up off the ground I scrambled backward before attempting to put my back towards it. My nails scratching against the dirt, I got to my feet and sprinted towards the wall. The air around me changed the further away I got. It was warmer, kinder, more welcoming.
There was no telling how long this sense of comfort would last. The wall was growing closer with each step, the different shaped stones starting to stand out among the grey coloring. Reaching out, I pressed the palms of my hands into the rough surface, finally feeling out of that thing's reach. Standing with my back to the house, I needed to not only catch my breath but think. My lungs burned with each strained breath.
"Think Ebony...think. " I whispered to myself. Easing my body down to sit against the exposed portion of the wall, resting beside some light pink roses. Looking forward I couldn't see that creature anymore. From this distance, it was hard to tell if it had even been there from the start. "Red eyes…Blue...Blue...Blue...what could be going on? " I sighed pulling my knees to my chest. Holding onto them tightly, I watched the area beside the screen door. Whatever that thing was...it wasn't friendly. But the main question was could it physically hurt me? If not, had I done something to mess with my brain?
It was well into the afternoon but the time I got the courage to move. Whatever that thing was didn't seem to show signs of returning. That didn't change the fact I was terrified of the idea of it waiting. It could be hiding anywhere in wait, watching with those bloody eyes. Staring me down from the shadows just waiting to pounce again.
Picturing it made my skin crawl. I hated being such a coward at times like this. If I was only like Bianca or the twins I would have been already living my life instead of cowering. Letting out a meek whimper I gripped my head tightly shaking my head. This was so stressful! All I wanted was to live in peace and now my brain is failing me. I was a lost cause.
"Keep frowning like that and You'll get wrinkles." A male voice chuckled from above me. Tilting my head back I couldn't think the day could get any worse. Looking down at me had to be the most stunning pair of silver-blue eyes I’ve ever seen. Correction, the ONLY pair of eyes uniquely colored like this. Their owner was a simply gorgeous young man with a charming smirk plastered on his face. He had what I could only explain as the stereotypical hot guy appearance. The well shapen chin with a strong jawline, a few cute dimples that he tried to hide. No other feature stood out like his eyes. The way the light bounced off them made them look to be glowing.
I didn’t need to be a scientist to know I was enchanted by them. My heart racing within my chest as I searched for answers within them. This stranger gave me mixed feelings. As attractive as he was, I was more curious as to who he was than getting with him. I wanted to know his story, to learn what he had done to get this far in his life. Hopefully, along the way, I could try to figure out why I felt like I already knew him. It was no more than a gut feeling currently, but I just knew that there had to be a reason for this feeling. Eyes so unique and rare wouldn’t be a trait easily forgotten.
"Can't say I'm used to the silence, but I do enjoy a cute girl drooling over me." He mused leaning over the wall further. Heat rose in my face from his comment. I was far from drooling over him, no matter how good looking he was. Especially not in that solid white v-cut top that hugged his toned torso perfectly. Or the way his partially messy dirty blonde locks were swept to the left, barely covering his eye.
"I-I’m not drooling…" I remarked pushing up off the ground, brushing the dirt off my pants. " W-why are you W-why are you lurking around my yard anyway? You’re trying to plan a break-in, are you?” Eyeing him carefully, I looked for any signs of my guesses being right. Crossing my arms under my chest I waited for the response. His eyes looking over me and then the home behind be. I could see the corners of his mouth start to curl upward in a smile. His lips parting and a loud laugh burst from his chest. His laughter was contagious. Covering my mouth I tried to hide my laugh behind my hand.
“No one would dare try to steal from this house. “ He remarked shooting me another charming grin, his hands pressing against the stone. Pushing upward, he just the wall landing with a gentle thud. It was only when he stood before me I noticed how tall he was. He had to have been no more than six-foot-one. I tilted my head up to look at his face, my nervousness making me hold onto my arms tighter. Heat consumed every inch of my face the longer we looked at each other.
“I had heard music playing by the gate and no one around. So I checked the side yard for someone.” He explained drawing my attention towards an item in his arms. My Tablet rested within his grasp. It appeared to be undamaged and the screen blank. Though that didn’t tell me how it had gotten out to the front gate. It’s not like it could sprout legs and run there on its own.
“M-My tablet...Um...Thanks. I was wondering where that had gone.” I glanced away from him, my hands brushing against his as I accepted my electronic device from him.
‘His hands...are smooth.’ I mentally noted, pressing the tablet into my chest. This was a pretty awkward situation. First, the ghost thing, and now my vanishing tablet had been found by this gorgeous stranger. Reaching up, I twirled a few stray strands of my hair around my finger. What should I say to him? It’s not like I was experienced in talking to the opposite gender. This being something well beyond my knowledge.
“I’m Lawson Lowell. “ He then spoke up, shaking me from my thoughts. His hand reaching out to me. “ You’re new here, I wouldn’t mind showing you around.” Tilting my head to the side I released my hair to shake his hand. His skin warm against mine and grip firm. Did all guys have elevated heat in their hands? I know my brothers didn’t so could it be just a trait of French men? I mean, they already had that seductive accent that made every word that made every word seem romantic. Even the physical traits that most sought in a partner. So it could be possible that they were warmer than others, right?
“T-Thank you...but my friend should be arriving to show me around,” I answered letting go of his hand to gently bite the side of my finger in thought. It was just growing more and more difficult to wrap my mind around why someone would be this kind to me. Was it simply out of the goodness in their hearts? Or was it possible...to mask what lies beyond the eyes?
“O-Oh! Right...my name...I’m E-Ebony...Ebony Montague.” I added having forgotten it in the first place. I was on a roll with normality points. First, being found in the bush of my yard, then accusing him of being a thief and now this. As my father always said, 'You're batting a thousand on this one.' How could I make this any worse?
“Ebony, huh? That’s a cute name. Especially for someone so...innocent.” Lawson remarked, lightly brushing some hair from my eyes. His fingers gliding over my cheek leaving a trail of heat in its wake. He didn't look away from me, giving me a chance to see a glimpse at what he could be hiding.
Peering into his eyes I took note of not only my appearance within them. I was a mess, dirt on my hands and pants, hair no longer appearing to be brushed. Looking hard enough I could even make out a few leaves that had found their way into the mess atop my head. Blushing, I had to focus on what I wanted to see. Just a simple glimpse of what's going on within his head. Possibly a notion that the man before meant no harm to me, or even seek a friendship with him.
The search felt awkward, the conversation growing dull for a moment. Both of us looking at the other, expecting something to be said. However, I had to admit If drawing eyes taught me anything, it was the major emotions. I may not have been the best at handling such things, but I could point them out. From what I could gather in those pools of blue, Mr. Lawson Lowell harbored an odd gleam within his eyes. One that I could only explain to be curiosity, if not a sense of knowing. Was there something he wished to know? Could that be what brought him to my home? Or was it something else that brought him here? Possibly something that could explain that odd creature as well…
"It's going to rain." He spoke, shaking me from my thoughts. Averting my gaze towards the sky above I didn't see a single cloud in the sky. So how would he know it would rain? Even on the horizon, there were no signs of storm clouds.
"I don't see any clouds," I replied, blushing as he laughed again. His eyes glowing in amusement.
"The air smells like fresh watermelon. It's the first indicator for rain." He explained leaning in and winking playfully. "Unless that's you, Miss. Montague."
"I...I...You wish that was the case! You may be charming, Mr. Lowell, but not enough to make me lust for you within seconds!" I blurted out without truly thinking over my words. My face felt like it was on fire. This stranger frustrates and flusters me far too easily. It was as if he knew just what to say, how to say it, and what the outcome would be before it happens. This serpent of a man was attempting to play with his food.
"So you find me Charming AND you're listing after me? My my, Miss Montague how forward of you " He was a silver-tongued snake. His forked tongue flicking about the air with every reaction I gave. He was making it hard for me not to push him away.
"Thank you for returning my tablet, Mr. Lowell. But it's time for you to go!" I exclaimed pointing past him back the way he entered the yard. He eyed me carefully, that same crooked smile back on his face.
"Very well. I'll see you again...Ebony. Try not to lose anything else, okay?" He chuckled climbing back over the wall, his feet making contact with the sidewalk on the other side. I watched him stuff his hands into his pockets, stealing another glance my way. Smirking I waved good-bye in my fool hearty attempt to come across as unwanting of someone like him. But who was I kidding, if Bianca was here she would probably have jumped at the chance to be with him. Two equally beautiful people getting together and forming their steamy romance.
"A...steamy romance huh?" I breathed, watching Lawson disappear. Was it possible...that maybe he was brought to me for a reason? Could he be the start of my romance in life? Laughing to myself, I shook my head. Even if he was, I wanted to build my version of 'Ebony Montague' and not live the life of Ebony Montague the doormat. Till then, having friends was all I would need.
After that, I retreated inside with this feeling that I had forgotten something. The surprise visit from such a strange person had thrown me for a loop. Maybe it was a good thing, who knows? I spent the remaining time working on my tablet in the living room. Whatever worries or concerns I had seeming to have washed away with Lawson's arrival. I may not know his reasons or what had brought him to me...but one thing I did know was that he could be one hell of a weatherman. Peering out the living room window briefly I could smell it. That sweet watermelon scent he had spoken of and with it came the loud crack of thunder. It had begun raining.
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"Our heart is like a bracelet, it can be gifted or stolen, shown or hidden, scattered or together, kept or thrown away, preserved or destroyed..." he said while walking with each word rhythmically fitting his steps. "You should have just be specific, my heart is like a bracelet, it can be gifted or stolen, shown or hidden, scattered or together, kept or thrown away, preserved or destroyed... Your's entirely..... Yeong Su. " "So what are you going to do with it? " his eyes fixed on his mansion a few feet away. "I was thinking about throwing it away but I think I'd rather display it since it was gifted.... " I clinged to him like my legs depended on it. "Stolen... " he whispered enough for me to hear "What?! " I looked at him not knowing what to say. "You stole it" he looked at my face for a moment like I was the greatest achievement before kissing my temple with happiness so visible in his eyes ...Editing each chapter.... So read with love.
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