《A Promise Marked by Fire》Hello and Goodbye
Everything was in place for my upcoming trip; boxes had been loaded up into a truck and on their way to the airport; leaving behind a few items for me to use to pass the time. Simple things like a few notebooks, some pens, my tablet, and enough clothes to last a week. They were far from being large items, just things that could easily be stored either on my person or in the overhead compartment on the plane. But that's how I had wanted it, simple and easy to manage for the first week alone. For right now though it was just a means of trying to stay out of trouble. To avoid those that also lived within this home so none of my plans would be affected. So sitting up in the remains of my small closet-sized bedroom that I had grown accustomed to over the years, I leaned on a few pillows that rested against the wall. Running the stylize over the smooth glassy screen of my tablet drawing whatever came to mind to pass the time. Sitting within the plain white walls of my room, void of any form of personality that would express the body that had lived within them for the last sixteen years. Left to imagine what I would be able to see; envisioning the things I might do in my new home. All the while, I inwardly hummed in delight, glancing towards the folded up documents that rested beside me. The crisp white pages harboring the only proof I needed of this really happening. The proof that a new chapter in my life would be taking place after the twenty years of being imprisoned within my parents’ home. Feeling the once tight shackles beginning to loosen their bindings with the passing time.
‘ One more hour,’ I told myself as the corners of my mouth parted to allow a small smile to weasel it’s way to the surface. Pushing up off the ground I dusted off by black leggings from any debris. Which wasn’t likely seeing as I had finished cleaning the room hours prior to any minor bit of dust that may have been there. If I hadn't, who knows what my mother would have done. Just thinking about it sent chills shooting up my spine. You could win the lottery or happen to win a prize and she'd find a means to make you suffer for it. The thing was, you never knew what you would get. It could be something as minor as a verbal lashing to as brutal as a beating. Though in my case she always picked a combination of both. First, a verbal lashing if there were witnesses, like my father or brothers, then followed up with the beating when alone.
Nevertheless, I knew it was wrong to fear my mother in such away. To view her more as a prison guard than an actual parent, even if that was more accurate than not. The woman that birthed me was terrifying to me. A stranger with no light in her dark brown eyes when she smiled at me. For all I knew, she just had a hatred for me greater than the rest of the families.
'It'll be alright, you'll be out of reach soon' I thought, slipping on a pair of flats to start getting ready to go out the door. Taking a few quiet steps over to the door, I knelt down beside my duffle bag. Making sure to shut down the power to my tablet before packing it inside, flipping its protective blue cover over to keep the screen safe. Scanning the bag carefully, I wanted to double-check to make sure I hadn’t forgotten the charger. While doing so, I caught a glimpse of my cell phone's screen glowing bright pink. There was an incoming call and I knew exactly who it was.
Smiling brightly I took out the basic smartphone and answered. “ Hey, Bianca! How are you?” I asked, continuing my search for the charger.
“Ebony, my love, my darling best friend. I have some bad news! I’m going to be a tad bit late arriving at your new place! Please don’t hate me!” She cried into the phone rather quickly, making it nearly impossible to understand her. Though I had an idea of what she was trying to say, even if it was upsetting.
"Wait, what do you mean you're going to be late?!" I exclaimed, balancing the phone between my shoulder and my head while digging through the messily thrown together bag. My hand pushing past all the clothes to reach the bottom until I felt the different twist-tied wires at the bottom. A bad place for them I know, but at least I knew I had them. Which I guess was the only good news I was going to get currently.
"I'm sorry Mon Amie!" the thick French accent of my closest, and the only friend replied in an upset tone. As trustworthy and dependable as she was Bianca needed to work on her timing. Always over planning and never making sure times didn't overlap. Often forgetting agreements due to larger engagements, but is always coming through in the end. Probably the reason why I wasn’t as concerned with the news.
"I'll be sure to make it to your place in about a week! I promise! I'll even treat you to dinner when I do!" She exclaimed, trying desperately to prove she meant what she said. To prove to me that this was just a simple slip up on her part. Which nine times out of ten it was. I couldn’t fathom the plans she had to move around to be able to help me with this move, to begin with. So I guess it was natural for things to overlap. Even if I needed her more than they did. This was a big deal for me. My first time out of this house, my first time out of the United States and my first time owning my own home at the young age of twenty-one. It was primetime here..but a little set back won’t change that. Well, I hoped it didn’t.
With a soft sigh, I thought over her words carefully. Yes, she would be late, but she would make it up to me however she could. It was a cute gesture, to say the least. One I wasn't going to hold her too. She didn't need to buy me food as an apology. All she needed to do was show up in one piece so I wouldn’t wonder if I had lost my best friend. Though knowing Bianca, she would be determined to bring items of things to show she was sorry. The last time this happened she bought me a cute peach summer dress that later my mom stole and gave it to the neighbor girl for her birthday. It was a horrible thing to have to explain and then try to keep Bianca from getting involved. In the end, it did get her to agree to not give me clothes as a thank you, no matter how much I needed them.
“Please don’t be mad at me, Bunny. “ Bianca spoke softly, bringing me back from multiple thoughts rushing through my head.
"Alright, I won’t be mad. Just...please promise me you’ll make it there in one piece.” I smiled softly, suppressing the sadness I felt. I would be without her for more than I would have liked. It felt like half of me was being ripped from the other, the fear no longer on me. I feared for her, prayed that she would stay safe so I could see her bright smiling face once more. “Well, that and I need my cheap French guide to help show me around. " I teased, trying to mask how I felt. She didn’t need more to worry about, I had given her a more serious task to handle anyway. My boxes had been stored with hers, so she would be bringing everything to the house when she landed. So hopefully my playful teasing would keep her from noticing.
"Hey, I'm sexy, not cheap! It's not like we're having fun after the tour!" She exclaimed loudly, a hint of amusement clear in her voice. She didn’t know a thing it seemed and honestly, I was relieved for it. As kind and sweet as Bianca was, her blondeness did overpower her at times.
"You know I love you, my little Lottie. I'll see you soon. "I told her, excited to see what her homeland could offer an outsider like me. I would be lying if I didn’t also admit the excitement of being out of the United States for the first time startled me. There was just so much that could go wrong during the travel it was frightening, to say the least. But I was willing to push those thoughts back for the sake of being happy. Plus the house I would be going to...appears to be familiar, though I couldn't put my finger on why it had.
Hanging up the phone I took one last look around my childhood room. From the plain white walls down to the light pink carpeting, all of it is the background of many of my memories. All the good and all the bad. No matter what these colors I'll remember over time as the white chamber that I had grown up within. My own sanctuary inside the home of my mother's design. There was no changing that aspect of my life and I was okay with that if it meant finding my purpose in life. Trying new things and seeing what would leave an impression on me, that’s what I wanted to do.
Smiling to myself, I placed my cell phone into the pocket of the duffel bag where it would be safe. Running my fingers over the smooth metallic material one final time. This was the last step for me to take. The last of my possessions rested before me in this small bag and I didn’t care. Picking up the tablet I flipped the case open to double-check the power to the device was off. I would need the battery for the trip if only to pass time. Closing the case once more I was finally ready to say goodbye. With this final item in place, I would be fully packed. There will be no more signs of Ebony Marie Montague having been inside this room and it delighted me to know this. I would be no more than a distant memory for them to remember.
However, it wasn’t soon enough. No sooner had I moved to put the electronic away, had the loud, nasally shriek rang out from the other side of the bedroom door. Panic shot through my being, engulfing me in its constricting grasp. My muscles reacted in response, nearly throwing my tablet out of fear. Struggling to keep a firm grip, I felt the smooth surface slip from my fingers. The sound of it clattering to the ground, masked by the loud crack of the wooden door striking the plaster wall, the metal knob being run clean through. This was a horrible nightmare for me. Kneeling on the ground looking up at the woman that I feared most in the world standing in the doorway of my bedroom. Her dark brown eyes coldly staring down at me. Her thin frame and wide hips being what blocked my path out of this tiny room. This was none other than Carla Marie Montagu, My mother, and captor. The keeper of the shackles that had held me in place for so long. A woman of both beauty and attitude.
“ "What do you think you're doing?! Are you just going to sit there and not do your chores?! Who do you think you are, The Queen of Sheeba?!” She snapped, tapping a single ruby nail against her tanned skin; she let her gaze drift from me towards my things. Clicking her tongue in disgust, hating the fact I had anything at all. I knew if she had her way I would have less than what I currently do. I was lucky father still saw me as his child even with the attempts of her saying otherwise. He truly was a beacon of hope within this damp dark void. If it wasn’t for him, I probably would have ended up out on the streets as she had wanted.
“I...I got the cleaning done early so I had time to finish packing…” I attempted to explain with a knot in my throat. Gulping silently on a mass that felt squishy, like my tongue had swollen in my throat.
“Oh? Is that so?” She questioned, eyes colder than when she entered. The air in this small room grew thick as her anger grew. It was suffocating in here with her, her very being practically strangling the only breathable air so it too died at her hands. It was frightening in all senses of the word. This woman...no this monster knew exactly how to intimidate those weaker than her into doing what she wanted. This time I needed to remain strong, I had to last the last hour of this hell to gain my freedom. I couldn’t let my life slip through my fingers.
“Y-Yes, it is. Y-you can even ask Wesley. H-He was in his room getting ready for soccer when I brought his jersey into him. “ I told her, looking away to pick up my tablet before she could attempt to shatter it. With the way she had started tapping her foot, I knew it would only be a matter of time for her to react physically. I’d rather her strike me than making sure something I’d need was destroyed. Getting to my feet I tried to hide the shaking, resorting to just watching her. She couldn’t ruin anything if I got to it first, right? I just needed to be faster than the enraged cobra before me. Sure her hood was already extended and she was more than ready to spit her venom my way, all that was needed was a bit of luck. So hopefully luck was on my side today.
Rearing her head back, my mother didn’t dare look away. She was determined to find me wrong in this just so she could rip the last strand of hope from my grasp. Her lips parted and she bellowed out: “Wes! Did Ebony finish her chores?!” her voice echoing down the narrow hall towards my brother’s room. Where there was no answer at first. Her words fell on deaf ears at first. My luck seemed to not be there otherwise he would have answered. I was left to fight the beast alone, with no means to properly defend myself. Which only meant that I would lose this fight, this chance to live a life I could only have dreamed.
‘No, give him time! He will say something, I know it!’ I mentally prayed, flinching back at the sound of heavy footsteps bounding up the stairs. Looking towards the banister outside my room I could see the familiar tuft of copper hair coming into view quickly. It was a tad bit messy, hanging partially in the teenager’s green eyes, but that was how he liked it. Always claiming it made him sexier for the ladies. Not once minding the way he looked. It came with the territory I guess. He was an up and comer at sports, working his body well beyond its limits to do what he needed to win. That was just how Wesley was, a go-getter and strong competitor to boot. So seeing him give his own mother a knowing look, he bit into his granny smith apple, glancing down at the yellow and white jersey he had been wearing.
“Do you really need to ask? You know she did, if not I wouldn’t have been ready for my game this morning.” Wesley answered, sounding more bored than threatened by his own mother's tone of voice. Then he smiled, raising his half-eaten apple out at me in greeting. “Oh, thanks for all those apples, sis, everyone was getting bored of those nasty oranges,” he added going on his way to his room. Wesley came through, just like he always did. That was one thing I never had to doubt, that Wesley and Blake had my back even when our mother made my life a living hell. Between the beatings and punishments, they were always there to see to it I was okay. My wonderful little brothers, the red-headed duo with hearts of gold and a mother of evil.
~Carla’s POV~
Rage was building within me, this putrid child thinking she had the upper hand. That she would be able to be happy when I can’t be? If it wasn’t for the money her father brought in I would have left this place long ago. But the money was good and my boys had their father. Crossing my arms under my chest, I needed to think of a means to make her suffer. To put that final nail in her coffin so maybe when she leaves she’ll make this easier for me and take her own life. It wasn’t much of a life anyway. She wasn’t a pretty thing, her face on the thinner side, hips not as curvy as my own. The only thing she had going for her was her chest size and even that wasn’t impressive thanks to the boys’ shirts I made her wear. Even her hair was a mess a majority of the time. The long chestnut curls she had gotten from her father, once cute when she was young, deduced to nothing more than wavy spirals held back with a rubber band. This girl was pathetic and I was more than happy to say it was my doing. More than happy in fact, I relished in her pain.
Waiting till I heard my son’s door close I bought my time. Watching little Ebony visibly relax thinking she was off the hook. The hell she was, she would never be out of harm's reach. She just...did not know it yet. With the click of the door, I brought my hand up and swung, feeling the back of my hand make contact with her cheek. Tingling from the blow resonating through my arm, sparking a bit of excitement in my heart. It felt wonderful knowing I still had the upper hand. Ebony stumbling back clutching her cheek, the fear in her large brown eyes...perfect. She hadn’t thought I’d hit her like this. That her little brother would have saved her skin when there is no saving her. Raising my hand up once more, I wanted to see her tears fall. To get my last kicks in before really crushing her as she was forced to leave here empty-handed. To die where she lands with only the shirt on her back.
Smirking, I lashed out weaving my fingers into her hair and pulling it tight. Yanking and twisting until she let out a scream of pain. I felt several strands grow limp within my grasp. With each forceful tug of my hand they were ripped from her scalp, each one sure to cause their own sparks of pain. Along with them came those beautiful echoing cries of pain that fed this sadistic want of mine. My want for my life to be only for me once more and not for a brat like her.
“You really think I’d give a crap what your brother said?! Huh?! Think again, Ebony! “ I spat gripping her right arm tightly with my left hand, digging my nails into her skin. Her heartbeat was racing, chest heaving in and out showing me she was trying to hold in her tears. Trying to keep me from getting what I wanted from her. This was the last-ditch effort that I would give up and just let her wake away. But oh I wasn’t done. No, no. I wanted to let it be known should she try to return, this would be her fate. That she was no longer welcome into this home, no matter what her father said. I am the Queen, this is my castle and no street rat would dare attempt to change that!
Dragging her down the hall and down the stairs, her feet stumbled trying to maintain balance, jerking my arm about with each step. Oh, how I wished she would just fall, to go tumbling down these stairs and get hurt. If she did then maybe she’d be too damaged afterward to do much of anything. Let alone maintaining her ‘new, happy, life’ would create strain for her should she be physically hurt as well. It was a fun thought, to say the least, but if she got too hurt her father would just baby her again. He would give her whatever she could possibly want as she healed, making me lose money in the process. She would get better and then we’d be at this again. It would be a continuous cycle of her trying to escape, me getting in the way and her father breaking his back to fill her with ‘ the confidence needed to succeed.’, Whatever that is.
Either way, Ebony was going to be no more to me. So I best make do with the time I have and enjoy the look of pain within this pathetic girl’s eyes. Dragging her cowering form towards the front of the house, my gaze briefly shifted towards the grandfather clock in the foyer. There was a half-hour left of torture for this girl. Within that half hour, there was no telling what all I would do.
~Ebony's Pov~
My legs ached, head throbbed, and my chest stung with each steady increase to the assault. The hair-pulling was one thing, the dragging, on the other hand, was too much. I didn't understand what I had even done wrong. Why was it every time she saw me, she wanted to hurt me? Why...was I so hated?
The pressure released from my scalp, a firm shove from my mother's arm sent me into the counter. My hip struck the corner when I tried to catch myself. Pressing the palm of my hand into the tender area, I tried to keep my tears to a minimum. There would definitely be a bruise there in an hour or so, the stone countertop being the hardest thing, besides the floor, I've been thrown against. But this being a harsher pain.
" Aww did you get hurt?" She mocked pressing her lips together trying to make her voice sound sweeter, to mask the evil in her heart. Her eyes gave her away, the mischievous and dark gaze sent chills down my spine. Watching her, I felt for the knob to the kitchen door. It would have been in arms reach of where I had ended up. It was my only way out with the living room and dining room at her back. She was closing the gap between us, her brown eyes flashing a soft blue as she stared me down.
I didn't spare a moment to gawk, turning the handle and quickly throwing the glass door open in one swoop. Ducking under her arms, I made my escape outside. Feet crunching against the cut lawn, a gentle breeze brushing against my tear-stained cheeks. She wouldn't touch me out here, not with the neighbors able to see. Turning back to look at her seeing the sender woman easing the door closed, leaving me outside.
I had kept running until my legs couldn't carry me any longer. Everything I owned was back at the home of that demon, even the documents I needed to leave this country and enter France. I was officially at a loss with no place to go. Leaning against a shady tree I fought to catch my breath. I hated running, hated how it made my heart race to the point it felt like it was ready to burst. Forcing breath after breath into my lungs, the burning assured me this was reality. I was several blocks from my home and outside, not stuck in another fantasy.
"Well now what?" I breathlessly asked myself, letting my head fall back against the rough trunk. "Come on, Ebony...you can't just let her get away with this…"I tried to encourage myself into acting. I could go get a hold of my father at his job...But then I would need to wait another week or so for another plane out. By then my mother would have another plan to set me back. I could always go use a payphone and call Bianca. Though that would only help if I had my wallet or purse on me. Well, that...and a working payphone, if there even are any left. Sliding down the length of the tree, I sat down on an exposed root. There was nothing that could be done without returning home it seems. I didn’t know our neighbors all too well to seek their help. They probably didn’t know me either for that matter, I wasn’t one to step out of the house if it wasn’t for school. If I did my mother would usually chase me back inside.
Heaving a heavy sigh I chose to look up at the clouds above. There would be about ten minutes before my ride to the airport would show up and here I was...with nothing. A sad pathetic twenty-year-old girl on the verge of adventure, sitting under a tree, crushed, thanks to a monster living in a suit of human flesh. Leaning forward I brought my knees to my chest, holding onto them tightly in hopes that some plan would come to me. That I would be able to pull something from out of thin air to make things work out in the end.
“You know, you can’t get far without Identification.” A softer male voice spoke up growing louder the closer he got. Glancing towards the back road, which acted more like a driveway for the street than a road, I could see Alexander, Wesley’s twin, walking towards me. They looked almost exactly the same, minus Alex’s slightly thinner body, lower muscle mass, and his more innocent appearance. He often stuck to basic clothes that were light and let his body breathe, just like now. Wearing a simple white t-shirt and form-fitting ripped jeans, he looked like the typical popular boy that would make anyone wonder who he would be interested in. Nevertheless, I was excited to see him. Hanging across his chest was the strap of my duffle bag and in his hands all my papers. Alex’s deep brown eyes shimmering as he gave the tiniest of smiles.
“Alex...you...you’re helping me?” I breathed feeling a large lump forming in my throat. Alex, my youngest brother was helping me. He normally stayed out of the beast’s line of sight, but now here he was in all his glory. Granted he didn’t look too proud of himself, the shakiness of his steps giving it away, he still came. Pushing up off the ground I didn’t care how dirty my pants had gotten. Going to my brother, tears of joy threatening to fall from my eyes the longer I looked over him.
“Of course, You would do the same for me...I know you would.” He remarked, rubbing the back of his neck, looking away from me to peer down the road. “Also...you know I hate that name, Sis...please can you just call me Blake?”
“I’ll call you whatever, Al-...Um...Blake. “ I blushed helping him remove the heavy bag from his shoulder, then throwing it over my own, freeing up his arms for a tight sisterly embrace. Hugging my brothers didn’t happen often, but when it did it was a special moment. Like a new stronger link had been added to our connection assuring us that we would always have each other. It wasn’t till today that I saw how my actions towards them had mattered. All other times there was never a thank you or any sign of them being grateful for what I did. It was when Alex hugged me back, his chest heaving roughly trying to mask his own silent tears, did I see he would miss me. Not just him, Westley was going to miss me too. Alex’s hands gripped the back of my shirt tightly, his arms shaking with the inevitable tears. Each little droplet getting matched by my own salty tears.
“Stay safe sis…” He murmured into my ear, starting to ease his grip on my clothes.
“ I’ll do my best, Blake. Just… please promise me you’ll call or write. Okay?” I requested forcing myself to step away from him. Holding onto him any longer was going to start getting to me, even more so than now. Brushing the tears from my eyes with my fingertips, I took the papers from him, holding them tightly to my chest.
“I promise. “ He agreed, smiling while glancing back toward the road. There waiting was the taxi that would take me to the airport. A tan-skinned man with black hair and green eyes stood there outside the yellow car, waiting for me. How he knew to be in this spot, I didn’t know nor did I question it. Following Alex to the vehicle, he helped me get in. His smooth hand lightly pushing on the door, making sure it shut behind me, sealing my fate from thereon. Staring at him through the lightly tinted window, I gave him a small smile. Raising my hand up even to give a final wave as the driver took off, leaving me to watch the redhead slip from the view of the window.
Easing back into the cracking leather seat, I ran my fingers through my ever-growing hair, I fought the sadness that crept into my heart. There was a newfound pain creeping its way into my heart. A pain created from leaving someone you care deeply for behind. In this case I left two important people behind in my life, Alex and Wesley. My baby brothers that still tried to help me even knowing what our mother would do if she had found out. Just knowing this was going to put them in danger, but this had been their choice to help me escape in the end. All I could do was be there when it was time for their turn to slip out of her grasp, to give them a sanctuary away from the monster within those walls.
'They will be okay. They’re stronger than they look. ' I thought, gripping the strap of my bag tightly feeling the wave of sadness loosening its hold on me. Finally allowing me the chance to smile as a new door in my life opened. I was on my way to happiness and once I found it, I will be able to let my pain officially go. I could finally become someone I would be proud of and I couldn’t wait.
"The airport, please. I have a plane to catch. " I told the driver, giving him the warmest smile I could muster at that moment. Looking into the reflection of the rearview mirror, I could see him give a nod. His eyes looking ahead of him as we fell into silence. There was nothing more to say really. Soon I would be in France with Bianca and together we will form our own adventure in a country I’ve been excited to see. Till then, I was content with gazing out the back passenger window, watching the town I had grown accustomed to slipping away. With each vibrant green tree that blurred past, my worries stayed behind. The weight gradually lifting from my shoulders, what remained was complete bliss. It was finally happening and I couldn’t wait. With the biggest smile on my face I got my final look at the town sign, muttering under my breath; ‘Goodbye past...Hello Future.’
- In Serial65 Chapters
Beach Baby
𝐀𝐔𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐀 𝐉𝐀𝐃𝐄 𝐌𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐄𝐍 is a 18-year-old single mother. She is nice, caring, a wonderful mom. She is in her first year of college with a five-month-old baby girl to take care of. She isn't looking for anyone but what happens when someone sweeps in and steals her heart without her noticing.𝐊𝐀𝐈 𝐄𝐋𝐈 𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐊𝐒 is a 19-year old college student. He is your typical bad boy minus the sleeping with someone else everyday. He's blunt, doesn't care about anyone, and has no patience's. Except for with her he can't seem to act that way. What happens when a little baby melts his heart but that mother completely steals it?With Aulora being a single mother and Kai being a reckless boy will they ever see eye to eye? Will their differences keep them apart or make them closer?Warnings in book. ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━𝐓𝐎𝐏 𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒-#1 in baby mama: 6/17/22#1 in single parent: 6/30/22#1 in college romance: 6/20/22#1 in teen romance: 6/21/22#1 in sunshine: 6/23/22#1 in babies: 6/26/22#2 in good girl: 6/17/22#2 in beach: 6/17/22#5 in love story: 6/23/22#5 in heartwarming: 6/4/22#1 in soft spot: 6/23/22#5 in college: 6/23/22#2 in college student: 7/17/22#9 in humor: 6/20/22 #10 in young adult: 6/23/22#14 in possessive: 6/23/22 #1 in badboyxgoodgirl: 7/12/22#1 in badboygoodgirl: 7/12/22#3 in strangertolovers: 7/17/22
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Playing With the Rich Boys | ✓
HIGHEST RANK #3 TEEN FICTION 12/11/19[FIRST 6 CHAPTERS UNDER MAJOR EDITING - pls continue further before giving up xoxo]❝ You weren't kidding about having straight As,❞ is probably one of the last things I want to hear from a guy while we're stranded on an island at night in the rain with my now semi-transparent shirt clinging to my body. But to be honest, it's one of the smaller problems I've had so far at Pemberton Academy.--Daisy Sorenson is a new transfer to the illustrious halls of Pemberton Academy, ruled by the notoriously rich and gorgeous Top Four: Parker Lennox, Holden Vermont, Logan Green and Stephanie Carter. A coincidence, followed by an impulsive decision hurls her headfirst into yacht parties, a rich boy's jersey, a fake relationship, being marooned on an island in the middle of the night and possibly even love. If there's one thing that's for sure, it's that her wish for a quiet, drama-free senior year has gone up in flames. -i guarantee it isn't as cliche as it sounds pls give me a chance xoxoCOMPLETE: 4 Jul 2020
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Confide In Me
In which a skittish girl and an angry Alpha wolf heal togetherA Werewolf RomanceCopyright © The Queen Slushie 2021You do not have permission to copy or republish my work. These characters are mine and mine only.
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Her Darkness, His Light (Book 1)
"Come here" he said motioning for me to step closer.I knew that I had to obey his every word. It was just that my body decided not to move. "I will not repeat this again. Come. Here. Now!" he commanded me this time. That's when my legs decided to wobble themselves towards my biggest nightmare. I stopped when I was about a feet away from where he was sitting. I had to keep my hands together to prevent them from shaking too much. To make things worse, there was only this dead silence that surrounded us. Then, before I could even prosses what was happening, he grabbed my hand and brought my wrist up to his lips.I whimpered, waiting for the pain to come."You have every right to fear me. This is going to be painful."Without warning, I felt an excruciating pain all over my body. A sharp cry escaped my mouth as his fangs ripped through my tender skin. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ She A simple girl forcefully taken from her home and separated from her small family to serve the Royal Pure Bloods. Him The Dark Prince, the most powerful hybrid on earth. Known to the world as a monster, an abomination. A creature unable to control his powers and is trapped within his own darkness.
8 80 - In Serial55 Chapters
Gaining Traction | Formula 1
COMPLETED"Seems to me," he whispered, his lips brushing her ear, "that you have two heartbeats." "Oh really?" Dakota raised a brow, unconsciously pressing her thighs together. Alessandro hummed in response, his green eyes dark with lust. His racing suit hung loosely over his hips, the skin tight fireproof showing off his rippling muscles. "One here," he began, pushing a lock of hair off her shoulder. He took her hand, pressing it against her chest. Her heart hammered against her rib cage as if it was threatening to jump out. "Would you like to know where the other one is, Dakota?" Her breath hitched at her name leaving his lips. He spun her around, the two falling back onto the couch that was against the wall. She held her breath as he took her hand again. Slowly, he led her hand down her stomach. Lower. Lower.-------------------------The roar of V6 engines. The whirring of wheel guns. The sweet taste of champagne. All things that made Alessandro's heart race. The thrill of racing on tracks at speeds one could only imagine. The 2021 season was one that Italian Alessandro Moreno never saw coming. His first year as a Formula One driver. A chance to be 1 of 20 lucky enough to race in the most elite & selective sport in the world. He only had one shot. Out of nearly 7.9 billion people, only 20 had the opportunity. And there was no way he was letting anything fuck it up. Or so he thought. There was only one thing Dakota Sánchez loved in life. Speed. A thrilling feeling spread through her body at the sound of engines revving. The hustle and bustle up and down the pitlanes. The drama, the overtakes, the wheel to wheel racing. F1 had stolen her heart. COMPLETE - In a sport dominated by upper-class males, Dakota knew her options were limited. But she wasn't going to give up that easy. With one phone call on a late January evening, Dakota found herself in a shiny Aston Martin Safety Car. Original Character x Driver⚠ mature cont
8 62 - In Serial38 Chapters
✔️I'm already YOURS | J.K
𝕯𝖊𝖘𝖎𝖗𝖊 𝖙𝖔 𝖒𝖆𝖐𝖊 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖊......
8 119