《A Path Of Rage》Prologue Ch.9 Peace Returns


A smile etched itself onto Dimian face as he thanked Lieutenant Wui, after everything that had happened today all he wanted to do was see his wife and fall asleep in her arms, Wang looked slightly surprised as he looked up at Wui before asking.

“How long do we have off?”

Wui had looked at Wang for a second before he inspected the battlefield, he looked at the headless bandits then towards the massive crater.

“After a detailed report from each of you, we will decide your time of leave. It seems each of you killed around a hundred bandits so you will be receiving one gold coin for each.”

Upon hearing this Wang‘s body shuddered and his face filled with excitement, he did his best to hide this as he continued to bow.

“First get yourselves checked for any wounds, once have been patched up, write a full report before leaving dismissed”

Dimian and Wang bowed there head father down before retracting from that positions, they made there way to the medical tent at the very back of the field, Dimian was not idiot he knew that they would be sent to the medical team, so when he was healing Wang he did not heal him completely and only replaced his legs, healed permanent or life threatening injuries, he basically only left the superficial wounds that looked bad, as well as replaced his blood and other important systems, while Dimian had damaged his newly-formed body with superficial wounds, that don't do much but bleed and look brutal.

As the medical team examined them they commented on how undamaged they actually were.

“You to must be really skilled to receive only these many wounds when fighting 200 bandits.”

They all commented in awe and shock, Wang boasted about their strength even more as he told stories of the battle, upon leaving the medical team they were guided to Lieutenant Wui’s tent to make a full written report, first Wang spoke of every event that happened from his point of view, while a girl no older than 14 wrote Wang’s words down, her hair was brown and her eyes were also brown, her face was cute and sprinkled with freckles, she stood around 5 foot 1 and wore a blue robe with golden lining, she sat there on her knees calm as he fingers moved at amazing speed for a pre cultivator, her name was AI and she was Lieutenant Wui’s daughter.

It took 30 minutes before Wang was done describing all the details of the fight.

Once the report was complete AI filed it in a folder, then turned towards Dimian ready to write any words he uttered, and like this Dimian went into great detail of what happened, he went into greater detail than Wang, time went on slowly but surely until it had passed over 3 hours, the once emotionless AI face was now twitching in pain as she wrote, Dimian finished his report with a bow towards Lieutenant Wui, he included almost everything and only hide one detail that detail was about Quantum Energy, he only said he tried to absorb Spiritual Energy, so everyone assumed that since he was here he had succeed and launched himself into The Spiritual Realm, upon hearing this statement everyone's eyes shone wide with admiration at the self sacrificing nature of his actions.

Once Dimian settled down and ended his report, Wui looked at him before he commented on Dimians actions.

“Dimian knowing that you have broken into both The Elemental Realm, and The Spiritual Realm we are required to give you time off for each realm you have broken into, in most cases one only advance a stage at a time, not realms at a time, so your leave will have to be dramatically longer than most so you can stabilize to new strength, for a stage we give a week of paid leave, when breaking into a new realm we give a month of paid leave, for you we will be giving you 10 months of paid leave, while Wang will get 3 and both of you will receive a raise of 25 silvers.”


Wangs face distorted into shock upon hearing this, even the once calm Dimian eyes were wide open with shock he did not expect this to happen, Wui saw this shock as it was plainly written on Dimian’s and Wang’s face.

“It only natural that you would get this amount of off time, you have become one of the greatest assets for our division, with you we are probably in the top 10 strongest division, it would be a great lose if you fell back a realm or even lost all your cultivation, plus with you being the youngest to ever enter The Spiritual Realm you can only bring the division great fame.”

“Even if you did not break into The Spiritual Realm, you would still receive this raise and a month off with paid leave for fighting valiantly in the face of over 300 Bandits.”

AI added with a solemn face.

Another hour past Dimian and Wang were walking on the street together, Dimian had left the tower with two platinum coins, and Wang left with one platinum and 32 gold coins, they both were very cherry with what had just happened, they had both gotten raises and time off, even though Dimian received more than Wang, Wang felt no anger over this, the young man did save his life.

Dimian reminded himself that there was something else he hide, not only did he not mention the fact that he was in The Quantum Realm but also not all bandits were wiped out only one of them remand, it was Choa the one who almost killed both Dimian and Wang, if Choa was a adult Dimian would have had no problem killing him, but he was not a adult plus there was not reason to kill him, he was utterly harmless to Dimian even before he lost his arms, so when Dimian ripped the head of the bandits off and turned them into dust he decided to drag Choa to the forest and left him there, he also decided to leave the kid a little gift, if Choa lived for 3 years after this day then his arms would grow back, this was the only gift Dimian was willing to leave the kid.

Wang offered to buy drinks with Dimian before they parted ways, Dimian though for a moment before looking at the setting sun seeing this he declined.

“Sorry Oldman gotta see Che first.”

Dimian said as apologetically as he could.

“It’s fine Dimian. I understand that you want to see your wife, especially when you were so close to death.”

After the two parted ways Dimian realized he would need to get one of the platinum coins broken down, into a more manageable amount so he made his way to a jeweler's shop.

A young woman stood inside a shop full of jewels, each one was a different color and size, some gave to heat, others a frosty feeling, the lady stood there in a thin white dress that showed off her curvy body, her breast were an ample size while her ass was well proportioned with the rest of her body, her blond hair flowed down her back but was not long enough to hide her ass, she was a beauty that was not seen every day, her blue eyes shone with a welcoming feeling, this girls name was Chunhua and she was 20.

Her face was warm and welcoming but under this welcoming facade, she was filled with contempt towards this noble, or how she liked to call them pigs, this male was filled with the most extravagant clothing, his golden eyes were filled with lust as he eyed Chunhua, half naked females crawled all over him trying to catch his attention, but he paid no attention to them, he stood 5 foot 9 and started down at Chunhua, he was almost bald the remaining hair was a dirty blond, his face was ugly and he had no jaw line as he’s chin was eaten by the fat on his neck, his belly petrided out and was filled with fat, he was extremely unattractive, his name was Zhang Yong and he was trying to get Chunhua to become one of his concubines with no success.


“Stop resisting and become one of mine and I can give you everything you ever wanted.’

“I’m sorry sir but I am not interested, if you are not here to buy anything I will have to kindly ask you to leave.”

A young woman stood inside a shop full of jewels, each one was a different color and size, some gave to heat, others a frosty feeling, the lady stood there in a thin white dress that showed off her curvy body, her breast were an ample size while her ass was well proportioned with the rest of her body, her blond hair flowed down her back but was not long enough to hide her ass, she was a beauty that was not seen every day, her blue eyes shone with a welcoming feeling, this girls name was Chunhua and she was 20.

The noble said with great pride as if he was saving her life, before he could make any more comments, Chunhua walked over to a new customer, the man wore ragged clothing, he looked dirt poor not even being able to buy himself some new clothes, seeing this Chunhua signed before greeted the man, he looked like the type who did not realize how expensive jewelry was, and though he could get some for a couple copper, even there cheapest jewels cost 15 silver, much more than this man was probably expecting.

“Hello there sir my name is Chunhua it is nice to meet you, I should also warn you that jewelry can be a lot pricey than you can imagine.”

“It is nice to meet you as well, my name Dimian, I will take your warning to heart.”

Chunhua looked into Dimians eyes as she looked she found them to be very mysterious as they changed and flowed like a gas but had a crystal like structure to them, Chunhua quickly regained her composer.

“So what are you be looking for?”

“I am looking for a gift my wife would like, she is in The Elemental Realm, Core Elemental Stage, and 5th level do you have anything that can help increase the absorption rate of Fire Elemental?”

Zhang Yong watched the two talk and grew angry, that this low life dared to interrupt him while he was seducing Chunhua, with a wave of his finger a shadow appeared next to him.

“Kill that man.”

The shadow rushed towards the man, the shadow was like thunder as it broke the air, just when the shadow was going to strike the man, the shadow retreated back the Zhang Yong side faster than it had when it attacked.

“Master attacking that man would lead to our deaths he is at a unimaginably high level.”

Zhang Yong was pissed as he heard the shadows words.

“How strong can this nobody be? is he stronger than my father?”

“Yes he is much stronger, your father is nothing more than an ant compared to him.”

The shadow said with a voice full of anxiety, Zhang Yong looked at the shadow sweat was pouring down his face as he asked.

“If he and great grandfather where to fight who would win?”

“Your Grandfather would be butchered like a lamb, even if everyone in your family fought him together, he was blinded and was missing both arms we would be slaughtered.”

The shadow said with hints of fear and dread in his voice, this shadow was Zhao he was able to sense people strength, when he is close to death, the closer to death he is the better he understands their strength, he is able to do this thanks to a combination of Death Element, Shadow Element, and Life Element, The Death Element would allow him to locate the soul, The Shadow Element would create a copy of the person's body in the shadow world, allowing him to run physical test, while The Life Element would measure the Energy that is released from the soul, than with a combination of physical and energy you would get the strength of that individual, this method was not accurate and could no measure strength from skill or one fighting ability, plus if there was to much of a gap in stages between the two, unless one lets the other measure him it would not be a actuate read, but even if it was not accurate one would never be able to appear in a higher realm than what they are.

Hearing Zhao words where like thunder on a calm day.

“But that impossible great grandfather is in the peak of the 5th Realm The Constellation Realm, he deprives his energy directly from the stars and the sun.”

Zhang Yong almost yelled from shock alone.

“No matter how strong this fellow is it best that we leave and never come back.”

Zhang Yong was hesitant for a second before he saw the man's hand over a platinum coin as if it was trash, he didn't even glance at Chunhua but watched the cabinet of jewels, Zhang Yong watched in shock did he just buy the whole cabinet full of jewels for a platinum coin, even he was not capable to do that without having some second thoughts, upon seeing this fear reached through his heart as he questioned himself if he was insane for almost challenging such a monster, Zhang Yong ran out the store faster than a scared rabbit.

Chunhua was quite shocked when Dimian bought a piece of jewelry that cost six gold coins, but when he handed over a silver coin, at first she thought nothing of it and assumed the man was not educated on the amount a gold coin was, her surprise disappeared quickly she said to herself.

“What did I expect?"

He held the coin in her hand and was ready to tell him this was not enough and how he would need 599 more silver coins, but her eyes caught something there was something wrong with the silver coin, it was too big and too heavy to be a silver coin, as she looked down and observed it, he eyes grew to the size of eyes as she realized this was a platinum coin, upon seeing this her head became light, she eyed the Dimian almost hungrily he was handsome, tall, rich and was not a scumbag any of it, he was her type she thought this while barely being able to control herself.

She rushed into the back room before she could do anything she would regret and collected 95 gold coins for him, before she left the back room she took off her panties and put them in the bag of gold, and rushed back out to the waiting Dimian he handed the gold over then the jewelry he purchased.

“Thank you for coming please come again.”

Chunhua said with a smile her face was red as she bowed, Dimian thanked her and was ready to turn around and leave.


Chunhua said while getting close to Dimian pressing her breast into his body.

“When you come again I can offer you a lot more than just jewelry.”

Chunhua said with a lust filled gaze here voice was erotic and attractive, she pulled away and bowed once more, her skirt seamed a lot shorter than it was before, as it relived the bottom portion of her ass.

Seeing this Dimian did not say anything but simply walked out the store, Dimian was more than a mile away from the store before he was able to relax, before heading home Dimian bought some dinner, he bought an expensive bag of rice that cost 5 silver, and a whole boar that cost him 10 silver, when he was buying these items he found a pair of white panites in his money bag, he knew where it came from he signed before dumping them into his personal money pouch, if it was not rude to throw them away he would have, if it was any other day but today he could have diffused her interest in him, the only reason he ran out the store without saying a word was because he libido, just early this morning his libido was high but it didn't affect him much, but after his body was remade everything increased to a unimaginably high level that included his libido, now that it was this high he could almost not control his action, this caused him to almost pin Chunhua to the wall and having some fun with her, when she offered herself to him.

But luckily he still had some control left and got himself out of that situation as fast as possible, which meant not saying a word to her as he left, he was approaching the steps to his house quickly almost leaving deep imprints in the ground with every step, he could not wait to see his wife after such a long day and exhausting day, plus he was hoping that she would help him relive his pent up needs, when he opened the door he found Che standing at the door waiting for him, her face was red while her face was full of excitement, before Dimian could ask any questions, she jumped at him Dimian having no time to waste dropped what he had, and pushed his arms out to catch her, as she landed on his chest he wrapped his arms around her waist, just when they started hugging, her exited voice rang out.

“Dimian I’m pregnant!”

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