《A Path Of Rage》Prologue Ch.8 The Lost Realm


Dimian observed all the Spiritual Energy around him. He knew this was a terrible Idea the where Levels, Stages, and Realms, he was in the 1st realm he was way too low to even think about absorbing Spiritual Energy, it was the energy of the 3rd realm, there were some who could absorb Spiritual Energy early than the 3rd realm but those type of people were one in a trillion, those who did take the risk and tried to absorb spiritual energy before the 3rd realm, would die within seconds their souls would be destroyed never allowing them to be reincarnated.

The First Realm was the Elemental Realm this grows ones understanding and use of Energy, The Second Realm Also known as The Internal Realm in this realm one would focus training ones body internal and external, mind and body, this also has the added benefit of increasing one's lifespan, finally there was the Spiritual Realm this was not even close to the last realm, in this realm one absorbs the energy of the heaven’s to use for themselves, increasing both lifespan and strength so greatly it was as though you had turned into a monster.

If Dimian tried to use Spiritual Energy in his current Realm, Stage and Level, there was over a 99% chance he would fall, it would like trying to run rocket fuel in a steam engine, they are both completely different systems, the rocket fuel would end up destroying the steam engine, but Dimian had no time to think over this fact nor did he care, with no other hope he gritted his teeth with what strength he had left, with his finale prayer he began his attempts at calling Spiritual Energy.

At first the Spiritual Energy made no motion of responding to him, but even so Dimian burned his soul it shone bright like a single star on a cold black night, as it shone cracks were forming everywhere his soul shook as more cracks formed, the shaking continued uncontrollable, Dimians soul was ready to fall apat, this pain rushed through his body but this pain also caused his soul shine brighter and hotter as if it was a sun, his will power was surging at an unbelievable amount that it began to crush and compress his soul, this compresses stopped his soul from being blown apart, but there was still no motion from any of the Spiritual Energy.


Dimian sensed his surrounding what he found was that Choa was slowly digging a spear into Wang’s organs and slowly pulling them out, these actions filled Dimian with even more desperation and rage, this rage caused his willpower to almost dwarf his soul, his soul was being crushed this process was 100x more painful than absorbing Pain Element, the more pain he felt the higher his will and rage rose, the cracks that had once been all over his soul were being pushed back together forcing them closed.

Every second his soul shrank in size, the more it shrank the brighter and hotter it became, the emanating heat of ran through his body and organs like magma, his will continue to rise, while his soul shrank to the size of an atom, it now shone brighter than the sun, so bright in fact it began to leak through his body as his skin gave off a light glow, finally Spiritual Energy slowly started to flow towards him, as it was absorbed into his body the pain he once felt faded.

This caused his will waver for a second but like a balloon hundreds of ft under water once it is released you will never get it back, his soul grew like rising dragon, in less than one second his soul cracked as it expanded past it limits, it was more than 10x the size that it had once been before it was compressed, his soul hit its limits its size shank for one second before exploding like a supernova.


His body exploded and broke at its seams, this pain could only be described as elephant sized wasp with everything scaled to it’s new size and having 100 of them sting him all at once, this almost unimaginable pain, his will had been broken but it rose once more like the sun slowly but unstoppably, upon his souls destruction Spiritual, Elemental, and Demonic Energy was created with this newfound will he compressed the explosion, in less than a second the explosion sharnk down, it once again was down to the size of a atom but it still shrank unstoppable, his soul grew brighter than a thousand suns, it continued to shine until it had reached the smallest plane of existence, his soul was black and unbelievable hot, it sat there in this space vibrating at consistent pace unnoticeable to the human eye, as he’s now blackened soul flouted there, a mysterious energy flowed in this Space.

As Dimian sensed this energy, he almost had a heart attack seeing what it was, he had heard of this energy before, it was an energy beyond Spiritual Energy, a type of energy no one had been able to access in over 500 years, it was Quantum Energy it was the energy that held all of existence in check, it could be said that this was not something he could handle, it was 3 realms higher than spiritual Energy being in the 6th Realm called the Quantum Realm, falling to absorb this energy would lead to one's entire existence being erased, no one would be able to remember who you are and your soul would turn into Quantum Energy.

Dimian had no intention missing with this Energy, the Quantum Energy moved around him like a Gas but held a crystal shape no matter how it moved, before Dimian could escape from this plane of existence, the Quantum Energy rushed to his black hole like soul like moths to a flame, the Quantum Energy swirled around his black soul like a swirl pool, his soul consumed endless amounts of energy, while the energy ran wild his body, the pain was indescribably Dimians mouth foamed from it, as his bones began to break apart, his organs turned to mush and his body slowly destroy itself.

Choa stopped betting broken and battered Wan and stared Dimian, or was was left of him, this thing could no longer be called a man, or even human, his skin was melting at an unbelievable rate, bones that had once been poking out from his skin turned into dust, it took less than 10 seconds before his body turned into dust the last look on his face was one of pain and horror, when the dust cleared all that was left was a black ball that floated up from the ground, this ball gave off a unbearable sense of heat as it turned everything in a 30 foot radius into plasma, everything less than 50 foot turned into magma even the bandit’s who were the farthest away standing more than 190 feet away felt the unbearable heat, those who were unlucky enough to be standing next to it where evaperated instantly, not even leaving a skeleton.

Everyone started at the black dot dumbfondaly, no one had ever seen anything like this before, even Wang who was close to death starred at the black dot than they felt a rapid breeze drawing itself from there backs, it rushed towards the black dot everyone sensing this had a bad feeling and began to rush back more than 200 ft, Choa not wanting to stay next to this black dot grabbed Wang by his neck and carried him away from this black dot, less than a second after they had retreated the wind stopped blowing, it was calm and tranquil for a full minute.


This was just the beginning the ground all around them cracked, small pieces of rock lunged themselves at the black dot, they all felt a force attracting them towards the black hole, fearing what was to come next they ran as far and fast as they could. some ran into the woods other were right next to the wall, they shook and shuddered in fear, they felt the Emental Energy both leave there bodys and the surroundings, there was so much energy going towards the black dot that it became visible to the naked eye, Elemental, Spiritual, Demonic, Internal Energy, Dark Energy, Radioactive Energy, Life Energy, even Quantum energy rushed towards the black dot, but no one would be able to know that, everything was falling towards the black dot who knew how far the absorption area went, chunks of rock removed themselves from the ground, and crashed into each other, they where crushed into smaller rocks the size of fist, before the black dot asorbed it, clouds rushed towards the black dot as well it could be said that both earth and heaven, where no match for this black dot.

Minutes passed but it felt like hours had passed something was slowly forming, the city guard’s had long since came out to attack the bandits, be decided not to upon seeing the black dot, they stood hundreds of feet away from the bandits, as they all started at the black dot that floated over as crater so deep you could not see the bottom, though there was a faint orange glow at the very bottom, no one paid any attention of this.

They watch the black dot that floated a thousand ft away, was slowly covered by something in a couple of seconds, energy around them continued to be pumped towards the epicenter at an even faster pace, the object that encircled the black dot grew arms and legs over the next couple of minutes, and a head slowly formed it’s self until a naked man floated in the center of the crater, it had been less than 7 minutes for the man form since the appearance of the black dot.

No one was able to see the man's eyes open, his eyes where glowing with a mysterious darkness, his pupils change shape like a gas but kept a crystal sharpness to them, before anyone could get a better look of the man he disappeared, there was no sound, noises or light everything was as calm as ever only thing was missing was the man that once stood there.

Suddenly a scream was let out, everyone's head slowly turned towards the scream, bandits and guards alike, a bandit who looked no older than 15, both of the boys arms where gone up to his shoulders, it looked as though his arms were cut by the sharpest blade, no blood leaked out of the kids arms.

The naked man had appeared next to a man who had nothing but the upper half of his body, the man skin was a purple his eyes hallow as they started into the sky, every couple of minutes, the man's chest would rase indicating he was still alive somehow.

The mysterious man stood over the almost dead guard before kneeling next to him, the man caried two arms in his hands, they twisted and contorted before turning into dust, this dust rushed into the heavily wounded guard, as more of the dust made it way into the guards body, the more alive he looked, his breathing started to increase, his once purple skin started to turn into a deathly pale before color started to return, even his eyes that were devoid of any life started to shine.

No one knew where that mysterious man had gone, almost a full minute passed before they found him next to a corps like body, but as people watched the naked man, they found the corpse began to regain its life signs, the color began to return to his skin, its limbs began to reform, they watched on in shock as the ground around the naked man was turning into dust and flowing into the corpse, finally after 2 minutes the top half of the corpse now had a lower body.

Wang felt as if he was a new born baby his body lighter than ever, pain that he once felt thanks to his age had disappeared, seeing that something was wrong he opened his eyes to find out if he had died, but to his surprise what he found was Dimian’s face hovering over his, once he saw Dimian he immediately knew what happened.

“So we both died.”

Wang said aloud as he stood up feeling his lower body, only to find it was once more there.

“Not quite dead yet.”

Dimian countered Wangs statement, Wang hearing this chuckled before he eyes his surrounding, those who occupied there surroundingswere bandits seeing this Wang clicked his tongue.

“I can see what you mean by not quite, even in death we have to fight these bastards.”

Wang looked back at Dimian surprise etched itself into his face, he looked Dimian up and down.

“So why are you naked again, I think I missed that part.”

Dimian eyes opened wide, he looked down only to see his naked body, his face flushed red as he tried to hide his embarrassment the ground around him turned into dust, then swirled around his body and Wangs lower half with it desipating to revile a black suit of armor only without a helmet.

“Another trick of the Death Element, you use this element well, sadly I am incompatible or I would definitely try it.”

Dimian wanted to tell Wang that it was not Death Element, but something much greater, while thinking these thoughts Dimian eyed around him before deciding right now was not the best time, so Dimian could only tell part of the truth.

“Oldman we are not dead yet, so let's get out of here and report ourselves to Lieutenant Wei”

Wangs eyes were wide he looked at Dimian as if he was a mad man.

“You do see who is around use right? There is no way we can get away especially, when we have no weapons even if we had weapons they are surrounding us closely.”

Dimian looked off into the distance, he looked like that of a bored man.

“Do not worry about them just follow my lead.”

With that Dimian turned and walked towards the crowd and bandits, all of them had sweat running down there backs, even when Dimian walked through them, and they could attack him, none dared to make a move, after a minute of waking through a group of bandits, Dimian and Wang stood in front a wall of black armor, all carried a spear.

“I have come to report to Lutenit Wei.”

Upon this shout the wall of black parted as a figure walked down the center of it, his hands sat behind his back and he looked high and mighty, this was Lutenit Wei, seeing him approached both Dimian and Wang bowed, Lui stood in front of them eyeing them coldly.


“All bandits have been exterminated”

Upon this statement Lui looked up looked at the perfectly intact bandit group that had no injuries, not even a cloak, was torn, when he was ready to ask Dimian if this was a joke, his eyes bulged in both surprise, all bandits had fallen at the exact same time, there head where no where to be seen it was as if the sharpest blade ran through their necks, no blood spurted out it was a absult perfect cut, Lui had never seen anything like this before he was a 130 he was in The Internal Realm, and in the last stage the Internal Explosion stage, though being only a level 3.

“U, Un, Understood Dimian and Wang you both have done well defending the city you are awarded a silver coin for ever bandit you killed, and some time off.”

Lui’s shuddered as he spoke his face showed a mixture of both fear and admiration.

“Thank you Lieutenant Wui.”

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