《A Path Of Rage》Prologue Ch.7 A Bloody Battle


Two black blurs rushed towards a wall of black, in less than a second they crashed into this wall, Dimian was slightly behind Wang in his eyes everything moved slower than a snail, Dimian watched as Oldman Wang swung his blade, it effortless cut through someone's neck, sending that head flying, the blade continued to march on as it penetrated another’s fellows neck, this story repeated itself until six heads had been launched, as Wan was rebalancing his center of gravity, an attack was launched at Wang’s neck, before the attack could even come close Wang, a spear head pierced the attacker skull killing him, Dimian drew a arc this ripped the blade out of the man's head this cause to blade to rip through 2 heads at once, cutting one’s gugler open, and cutting another's arm off, as this happened Wang had regained his center of balance Dimian went back into the defensive position while Wang attack.

This went on for minutes as they attacked and defended, as time past cuts gradually appeared on to there armor, some of this cuts went to there flesh drawing blood, a sabor with a green aura rushed towards Dimians chest, his spear was already occupied as the sabor began to dig into his chest, then the blade froze not moving a hair lengths more, Diian did not miss this opportunity to save himself, he drew a arc with his spear, this ripped through cloth, flesh and bone unstoppable, it killed those had him occupied, as he pulled away a sword was embedded in his arm, not having time to remove, he swung at the one who sneak attacked him cutting him vertically into two halves, with his obstacles out of the way, Dimian not being able to waste a second removed the blade from his arm, he tossed the blade into the crowd of black with all his strength, screams rang out before they were silenced by the noise of battle, blood septed to the surface of his armor from his new wound.

“That was close, If I was a second late that could have been fatal.”

Dimian said to himself in relife, he may have saved himself but that does not mean they were in any less danger, the battle had been going on for 7 minutes so far, they had killed no more than 43 of bandits, the bandits had surrounded Dimian and Wang, they were now surround from all sides, Dimian and Wang fought back to back, blood drenched there once black armor, while sweat drenched the inside of the armor, the two where very lucky that the bandits had no spears, or else they would have died long ago, though if any other guard were in this situation they would have been able to kill more than 6 bandits, but Wang and Dimian where different they had trained with each other for a decade, they knew each other's fighting habit’s extremely well, even when Dimian was in the pre stages of cultivation he was able to keep up with Wang however he was barry able to do so, Wang was the strongest guard of there sector, while Dimian was close to 3rd, but now that he had made it to the first stage of cultivation, he could certainly keep up with Wang if not surpass him, or atleast surpass him once he had a better grip on his new strength.

The battle raged on another 16 minutes had past while Dimian and Wang stood atop another mountain of body’s, the bandit stopped rushing them, they began to pull back forming a hundred foot circle around the two, Dimian and Wang breaths were ragged they struggled to catch their breaths, Oldman Wang coughed a couple mouthfuls of blood before settling down, the enemy had only 87 men remaining they had managed to kill over 100 of them like they said, realizing this they both chuckled before coughing some more blood, during the battle two experts had attacked them, Dimian and Wang did not realize they were experts so they, did not think much of them and simple thought that they were regular pre cultivation bandits, but to their surprise the two were actually at Building Elemental Stage, though this experts were in the first levels of this stage, the two blood soaked guards were still caught off guard and received internal injuries.


Before they could kill the two who had caused them harm, they had already fled back into the tide of black, Dimian and Wang could only grit their teeth and continue fighting.

The endless waves of bandits had stopped as they stood 100 feet away and did not dare to draw any closer, Dimian and Wing stood atop the hill of dead bodies they looked like demons as blood slowly dripped down there mangled and bent black armor.

As the two so called demons stared at the bandits, the bandits parted for a young boy who looked no older than 15, the boy stood 5 foot 4, his eyes were brown while his hair was dirty blond, while his skin was darkly tanned, his handsome face grew more and more cherry as he walked towards the demons, he stood in front of the demons a high-pitched voice rang out.

“Demons, my name is Choa family name Chen I would like to know the names of the two heads I'll be taking.“

“You are an arrogant one, you brat it will not be that easy to take ours head and if you must know my name is Wang family name Lui”

He’s voice rang out slightly cracking but stood loud and vibrant.

“My name is Dimian family name Zhao.”

Dimian's voice shook everyone's conscious with a powerful sense of death.

“Wang Lui and Dimian Zhao I hope the two of you offer me a good fight.”

Dimian had long since been gathering Death Element from the corpse under him, as he replenished his elemental energy, while Choa was getting ready to attack braced himself, at this moment bright silver aura exploded from Choa’s, his once brown eyes now shone silver the pressure the boy was relishing was that of a Elemental Stage he was a Stage higher than both Dimian and Wang, as they realized the boys power there backs were drenched with cold sweat.

They boy launched forward, Dimian’s eyes shone blacker than they ever have but he could not find any trace of the boy, as Dimian began to hear the forming of syllables he grew wide eyed, without having time to think he kicked Wang off the mountain of bodies and jumped off himself.

“Looking for me?”

As this word rang out an explosion rang out from behind him, turning around Damian's face was dumbfounded as he found half the mountain of bodies were now gone, only leaving ashes, raining blood and a rancid smell.

The boy named Choa now stood on the pile of bodies, as he stood there with a hideous smile the silver aura gushed out of him uncontrollably, blood rainined down onto him, steam was rushing off his clenched fist, he looked like a demon, Wang and Dimian both glanced at each other before looking back at there new deadly enemy, with this they said their prayers before rushing towards the boy, seeing there approach Choa launched himself at them.

He was slow enough for Dimian to see him this time, so he took the lead as Choa approached the two, the boys clenched fist began to glow a animous silver color, when they were less than a foot apart the boy’s threw a punch that broke the air unstoppable, seeing its approach punch Dimian flew under the punch it grazed the hair on top of his head burning it instantly, but Dimian took no mind of this and swung his spear at the boy's abdomen, ad the blade approached Chaos free hand caught the spear stopping it in its tracks, Wang seeing an opportunity jumped over Dimian both his blades come towards Choa’s neck from opposite sides like a pair of scissors, seeing this attack Choa’s face was completely calm, he leaned back will withdrawing the punch he threw at Dimian, with the new free hand he supported his body weight making both of his legs free, this allowed him to kick the two men away sending them both flying, Dimian’s spear had been left in the boys hands, while Wang flew backwards helplessly.


Dimian rebalanced himself as he was landing, upon landing he continued to slide closer to the wall of bandits, having no choice but to take a knee to stop his momentum, raising back onto his two feet, Dimian stood there glaring at the Choa who was inspected his spear, it twirled in between the boys fingers.

“This is quite a good weapon not benefiting someone with the name worm. You don’t have to worry though I will take good care of this it after your dead.”

Choa boasted arrogantly, Dimians black pupils began turn the rest of his eye black, the sclera began to turn from a bright white turned black, Dimian’s eyes felt hot as a black aura begin pour out of his eyes, this aura threatened to absorb all light in a 100 foot diameter, the remaining aura around Dimians body shifted and compressed into his hands, before a pitch black spear extended itself.

“Oh so you are in the 7th level of Building Elemental Stage, though even if you were 12th stage it would not be enough.”

The boy was intrigued by this but not impressed, the spearhead of the black spear began to vibrate faster and faster until it stopped vibrating, with that Dimian rushed towards the boy once more, Dimian swung the spear at the boys neck, but he simple ducked and aimed his spear towards Dimian heart.

“That was arrogant of you it’s a pity you didn't last to long.”

As the spear drew closer to Dimian’s chest ready to pierce it, the spear stopped as if dead, Choa’s face contorted into one of someone struggling, not wasting a second Dimian swung his blade down towards the boys head, while Wang had snuck behind the distracted Choa swinging both his blades towards the boys neck.

Choa sensing death approach quickly panicked, struggling even harder against this unknown force holding him down, when Choa was less than an inch from death a shockwave blew out from inside him, knocking both Wang and Dimian back.

“You two are really dangerous you almost got me, well I won't be holding back anymore.”

Choa shouted before an even brighter silver aura expelled it self from Choa, his eyes grew a deeper silver and his once dirty blond hair had a hint of silver in it, Choa was Core Elemental.

Dimian and Wangs blood went cold, any hope they had of living was now gone, he was now 2 stages higher than both of them, there was no way they could win, Dimian looked at Oldman Wang, Wang did not look good it was as if he had aged 30 years, while Wang looked at Dimian through the slots in Dimian helmet he saw there was a glimmer of hope.

Seeing this little flame filled Wang with newfound strength as they both charged at Choa.

“You still wish to fight even when you see my true strength so be it.”

As the two fought Choa, there once damaged armor was now becoming destroyed beyond repair, each strike from Choa that connected would take a chunk of their armor or flesh with it, while they had not been able to land a single blow on Choa since the beginning of there battle, after less than five minutes there armor was now a bunch of loose pieces hanging onto each other from, leather, or chain mail, their skin was almost non-existent, even some of the gnashes went right to the bone, they had come close to dying many times, their hearts were beating in the open air as the skin and bone had long since been destroyed, they bleed heavily as they were barely able to move.

Seeing there sorry state, Choa relaxed himself and approached the two.

“You two have put up an amazing fight for your levels, being able to fight me for a full 3 minutes but your time has come.”

Choa said as he stood there uninjured, not a drop of sweat was anywhere on his body, he was not even breathing, it could be said that he was simply playing with them, with this finale resolution Choa aimed Dimian’s spear at Oldman Wangs heart, the spear thrusted forward, to Dimian this was a extremely slow moving spear slowest he had ever seen, but in reality the spear was moving at subsonic speeds, Dimian had an absolutely evil smile on his face, lucky for him his helmet was still intact so it hide his face or Choa would now something was up, Dimian had been secretly been gathering and storing all the Death Element he could find inside his eyes, his body was devoid of any spirit energy while his eyes were overflowing.

Choa froze as his face twist in horror as he realized what was going on, Wang rushed forward again his blades ready to decapitate Choa.

As Wang’s blades drew closer, Choa’s eyes shone with a untold amount of fear, when it stood less than a hair length away from the his neck, the hideous grin appeared on Choa’s a straight line was drawn through Wangs waist.

“The same trick does not work twice.”

Choa said coldly, all Dimian could do was watch as Wang was cut in two, Wang fell to the floor in two halves with that there was a shallow scream before it slowly died out, Dimain fell to the floor unable to keep himself up, after using all his Elemental Energy.

“Your trick would have worked if you had not used it once before, though it would not have mattered.”

With this statement Choa kicked Dimian away. Dimian coughed a mouthful of blood, as he was launched away, but he was unable to feel or hear anything.

“I got the Oldman killed.”

Dimian muttered to himself endlessly, his eyes almost devoid of all life, he struggled onto his knee to see the top half of Wang, he lay there his organs spilling out and the last bits of blood dripping out, but even in this condition he was still breathing, as he laid breathing there slowly it was interrupted by a brutal kicked from Choa.

“Your still alive! Man you are pretty stubborn Oldman.”

Choas explained both shocked and surprise, before he kicked Wangs ribs again, this time blood exploded out from Wangs mouth, Dimian was filled with anger as a little strength returned to his body, summing all the strength he before he rushed towards the bastard who was defiling his dying friend.

Choa did not even glance at Dimian before backhanding Dimian, sending him flying backwards, Dimian hit the ground hard almost threatening to break what ribs he had left, but as if in a daze he rose once more and charged, again, and again and again he did this, each time he was hit harder than the last, Dimian who was now bleeding from every pore, what bones he had left were fractured, all he could do was look up into the cloudy sky it looked as though it would rain at any minute, Dimian looked for anything inside of him any Elemental energy but there was nothing, when unable to find any inside him, he looked around him, but no matter how hard he looked there was nothing when he was about to give up hope, his eyes shook heavily as he realized he had one last grain of hope, it was a not a Elemental Energy, or any type of Ball of Energy this was a gassy presence having no fixed form it churned into anything and everything, it was unable to mix with anything acting like oil in water, the substance was everywhere even the battlefield was covered in it was Spiritual Energy.

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