《A Path Of Rage》Prologue Ch.6 A Normal Day


It was another normal day, people entered and left the city, the heat beat down on the guards, the wind blew gently, while the sun rose and set, Dimian had left work with 5 silver, he signed as he missed the missing pay but knowing he could do nothing about it, he stopped dwelling in the past and continued forward.

On the way home he had bought a bag of rice to have with some smoked rabbit he made yesterday, the bag of rice cost him one silver, as he walked through the front door and announced he was home, no one was there to great him, after taking off his boots Dimian walked through the house, when he arrived in the kitchen he saw nothing, so he went to their bedroom to find Chen was meditating, seeing that she was training he left the room and headed back to the kitchen and began to make dinner.

The rice was starting to cool off when his wife walked through the kitchen door, as soon a she saw him she ran towards him, Dimian opened his arms to embrace her, they hugged for a full minute before settling down to eat, Chen took a bit of the rice then gasped.

“Dimian this rice is really good did you buy some expensive rice?”

Her face was full of surprise, as she took another to savoir it’s flavor.

“Yes this rice is a little more expensive.”

Dimian said with a tint of pride in his voice, Chen eyed Dimian suspiciously.

“What’s the special occasion?”

“I just felt like getting us some good rice.”

Dimian looked at her, his eyes full of innocents while Chen’s eyed him coldly and they grew.

even more suspicious.

“Did your pay get cut?”

Dimian body shock lightly, cold sweat was running back his back, knowing he could no longer hide what happened the truth spilled out.

“My pay has been decreased by half for a week.”

Silence hit the room like a running bull, it stood there for a couple of seconds, not even the fire dared to crackle, Che broke the freezing silence with a sign.

“It’s no big surprising seeing what we did last night.“

A grin was plastered on her face. She showed no anger.

“As long as you have no regrets then there’s nothing wrong with losing a little bit a silver for a week.”

Dimian lightly chuckled.

“I will never regret anything.”

One week passed, Dimian spent his days guarding and spending time with his wife, not sleeping with her his libido was a bit higher than usual, but it didn't affect him when doing his job, he stood atop the guard tower as he watched the main road, hundreds of people walked towards the city, with horses and carriages, it was a normal day.

Dimian glanced back into the boring landscape, the grass resiled in the wind, the sun hung in the middle of the sky, the black armor absorbed the heat of the sun greatly, the suit was slowly cooking Dimian, but he took no mind of this and continued to watch the landscape, the smell of smoke slowly crept its way to his noise.

“Do you smell that?”

Dimian asked Wang

“Ya I smell smoke.”

Both of them acknowledged the smell of smoke.

“Ya I smell smoke.”

Ying commented, before anyone could say any more on this subject, the sounds of bells started ringing, 4 rings a short pause with 1 rings and 6 more rings, then the bell repeated this ringing in that sequence, only those trained such as guards or soldier could understand what the bell was saying.


The ringing of the bells translated to.

“Multiple fires have broken out, and Bandits are raiding.”

Dimian turned around to see multiple towers of smoke rising into the sky, while he was distracted a black cloaked group consisting of 300 people charged towards the gate, sensing the apraching crowd Dimian and Wang immediately rushed towards the gate, not bothering with the stairs they jumped at the towers and into the city, by the time, they had arrived the gate was only just beginning closed, but the group covered in black were less than 150 feet away.

Knowing that the gate would never close in time Dimian rushed out the gate, while Wang gathered men to secure the outside gate, Dimian rushed into a group of black armored guards who stood ready before the gate, spears, swords, sabers, somewhere just using their fist or other limbs, their weapons and limbs begin to glow different colors, while Dimians eyes glowed black, they where a small group of 20.

Oldman Wang ruched next to Dimian with a group of 25 following behind them, their numbers had increased to 45 but even with the increase in numbers this fight would not be in their favor, they all braced themselves.

The tide of men and horses grew closer and closer, when they where less than 20 feet away, a shout rang out from the tide.

“Break through there defense line and invade the town!”

With that a tide of black crashed into a wall of black, Dimian stood at the very back of the defense line, it was being pushed back at a rapid pass as the bandit’s battered there defense line, Dimian noticed a shadow quickly rushing through his allies when the shadow got close to someone there head would go flying, no one else was able to notice this shadows but Dimian did.

Dimian crept towards the area of activity the shadows occupied, the shadow took notice of sneaking man and targeted him, as the shadow drew closer Dimian eyed him from the conner of his eyes, when he drew less than a three step away, Dimian’s eyes glowed a black that threatened to absorb all light that approached, in Dimian eyes everything moved extremely slowly, the shadow that had once moved at speeds unnoticeable to regular humans was now moving slower than a tired child.

The man had a dagger drawn it was slashing towards Dimians head, the man's face was deformed into a hideous grin, Dimian leaned back his movements were also slow, as the dagger swept past his face less than a hair's width away, he could feel the displaced air hit his skin as it went by, Dimian put strength into his right hand raising it.

The once grinning man’s face had changed it was now filled with shock and fear, before the man could make any attempts at evading, Dimian had made a vertical arc, the glowing darkness in Damian's eyes faded as a man split in half down the middle, the man's organs begin to spill out from his body, his knees buckled and he fell to the floor twitching, he’s brains had long since spilled onto the ground as it hung out of his skull, blood leaked out of his body like a river, all bodily function had stopped as he shit and pissed himself.

Dimian didn't even glance at the useless pill of meat in front of him. He marched forward into the main battlefield.

The guards left where less than 23, the rest were dead, or soon to be dead, it had been less than 11 minutes since this battle started, the enemy had lost only 54 men, Dimian been accountable for three of those losses, he had not had a reason to use Death Element so he was a little injured, still being in the pre stages of cultivation he had to us his elemental energy sparingly.


A glowing blade was rushing towards his left hand, twisting his spear he blocked the blades attempt, before knocking the blade back at the enemy, the man with the glowing blade was launched backwards, doing a backflip the man landed on his feet as he slides back.

The reason for Dimian wasn't using his Death Element at this moment, was that it cost a lot more element energy to slow his perception of time than it did to scare a enemy stiff, but even if he tried to scare this enemy stiff he would not even be stiff for a second, he could only slow his perception down 1 minute with the Death Element he had left, of course, he could try and gather Death Element there was plenty of it around, Dimian eyed the black gas like balls floating in the air.

The enemy noticing his distraction charged once more at Dimian.

But with me being in the pre stages of cultivation, it would take forever for me to influence any Death Element to come to me, that not even including the massive concentration it would take to get it to come towards me, it would be impossible for me to do this during a battle, even experts a stage higher than Che would have trouble fighting and Gathering Elemental or Spiritual Energy.

As the enemy slashed his glowing blade at Dimian neck, he simply ducked under the blade and slashed at the man's abdomen with all his strength. The cloak was torn, the flesh and bone was ripped apart, with that the man was cut in two blood spurting out, the man’s blade quickly lost it’s aura, Dimians stood over the dead man trying to catch his breath before the next battle, he looked towards the gate to see that it was about to close, Dimian signed in relife as they had successfully held the enemy back the battle had been going on for 16 minutes, the enemy had lost 72 men, while there were only 12 of his allies remaining.

Dimian was assisting the battlefield when he noticed Oldmen Wang was still alive and he was getting attacked by eight guys, around him sat the bodies of 37 men all being that of the enemy, he was bleeding heavily, his armor was torn up but he stood there his breaths where ragged he held two swords in had, the eight men were heavily wounded, while one was missing an arm, seeing Wang backed into a corner Dimian rushed towards him.

Wang stood still eyeing the enemy with the scorn of a thousand tigers, the origin aura around the Wang’s body was flickering on and off, when he was about ready to accept his own death, a black figure quickly rushed passed him it decapitated two of the most wounded enemy.

The enemy noticing this figure all slashed at him, to their surprise they had all missed the figure evade like a snake as it slithered between there attacks, an arch was drawn with the spear taking 3 hands with it, and one head before the figure retreated back to Wangs side.

“Oldman Wang are you ok!”

Dimian shouted, Wang was slightly dazed upon seeing the young man he was most familiar with he grinned showig his blood stained teeth.

“Damn Brat let’s finish these guys then we talk.”

Dimian and Wang eyed the remaining five coldly, two of them could fight the other three were useless, they rushed forward Dimian finished off the three cripples while Wang cut off the remaining two men's heads with one swipe.

As they looked around, they found that they were the last of their allies remaining on the battlefield. The enemy had lost 82 men leaving 214 men but luckily the main city gates had long since closed, the battle had lasted almost 22 minutes, the remaining 200 glared at the two men who stood atop the mountain of corpses, a cold silence took hold over the battlefield.

“You got any hidden trick for our last fight brat?”

Wang asked looking hopeful.

“Ya I do oldman.”

Wang grinned.

Then let's take out a hundred of these bastards before we go.

Dimian nodded before he began to concentrate, his eyes closed as he guided Elemental Energy through his body, his soul was burning brighter than ever, as he circulates both the Pain Element, Thunder Element and many other Elements, that he had picked up by luck through his body, he felt full of energy, but this quickly faded then he felt great pain one so immense it almost unbearable, he had used every ounce of elemental energy in his body, it threatened to destroy him greeting his teeth and clenching his fist to the point of drawing blood, the spear started to utter cracks, he could not stop now he would die anyway might as well die kill as many bastards as he could.

After what felt like an eternity the pain slowly faded, and his body was filled with new strength, as he opens his eyes he stood there in shock to find that Death Element was wrapping itself around him, Death Element was filling the void that had been left, in less than 2 seconds the void had been filled but it did not stop pouring in, in continued to rush into his body acting like a gas it grew denser and denser inside his body, but it did not stop until all the Death Element in the surrounding area was absorbed into his body, his body grew an aura made of black, he felt even more energy and strength than he has ever felt.

“Dimian this is great, who would have thought you would enter the Elemental Building Stage at such a crucial moment, we may even survive this encounter if we are lucky.”

Dimian looked at his hand the black aura rushing out his body slowly like a calm breeze, his body was full of Death Element so much in fact even if he went all out he could change his perception of time for almost 20 minutes with this much Death Element in his body, for him he could make this last 1 hour without a problem.

“Oldman guess what”

“What have you decided to chicken out,.

Wang said with a joking voice.

“No, it's better than that I can freeze humans up to 15 seconds.”

There was silence between the too, but if you look closely in the gaps of their helmets you could see hideous grins, both being at the same stage 15 seconds was more than enough, though Wang was 9 levels higher than Dimian with the to of them combined it would be one hell of a fight.

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