《A Path Of Rage》Prologue Ch.5 Love Filled Night


The exclamation rang through the house, with that Dimian began taking off his leather boots, before he could lean over, footsteps were approaching speedily each step echoing on the wooden floors, a blurred figure appeared from the right of the hallway, it rushed towards Dimian like thunder it could not be stopped.

Dimian saw this figure approaching, so he abandoned his attempts of removing his boots and pushed his hands out bracing himself.


The figure ex calmed, with hints of excitement, its voice was elegant and smooth as a flowing stream, with that the figure head buried itself into Dimian chest, its arms wrapped around his waist.

This figures name was Chen and she was 18 years old, she was much shorter than Dimian being 5 foot 6, looking down on her all that could be seen was her long silk like black hair that ran down her back going past her butt, laying right above her knees, her head that was buried in his chest then shifted to look up at Dimian.

Dimian, who was looking down on Chen looked into her pure blue eyes they exhibit a feeling of innocents, small dimples appeared on her face as she smiled, her face was like a sea of stars, so much beauty that you could not catch it all, she wore a tight sleeveless black dress, the skirt of the dress was short and lose not going past her knees, the dress showed off her well proportioned body, her boobs and butt being the perfects sizes for her body, while her silk like skin reflected the surrounding light back.

Dimian let go of the rabbit and bag of potatoes, they hit to floor with a thud, then wrapped his hands on her waist, as he held her tight to his body, her face shone brighter with excitement, staying like this for a full minute they enjoyed each other's sight.

Dimian began to lower his hands until they held her butt, as he squeezed they sank into her, he pulled her closer causing his hands to sink deeper, following this he exerted some strength into his arms, then began to pick her up, her legs separated from the ground, her face growing closer and closer to his inch by inch until their faces were less than a inch apart from each other, Chen face was flushed pinkly her eyes showing great embarrassment, as the last bit of distance was closing Chen closed her eyes her breathing began to slow it felt like an eternity had passed before their lips meet. Chen hung there in his arms, they enjoyed each other for almost 10 minutes before Dimian and Chen separated from each breathing hard.

Dimian placed Chen down slowly. She eyed him longingly even when she was on the ground again, bending over Dimian grabbed the rabbit and the bag of potatoes and brought them up to his chest.


“I got us dinner.”

Dimian grinned as held the skinned and headless rabbit by its legs. Chen face was visibly disappointed, but it disappeared as she looked at the rabbit, it is bigger than most rabbit, she smiled again taking the potatoes into her hands.

“Come let's start making dinner.”

Her sweet and seductive voice rang out, Dimian walked behind her as they made their way to the end of the hallway, Dimian would glance at her, they took left into a small room this room was illuminated by a fireplace and the moonlight that came in through the windows, the fireplace held a small cauldron filled with boiling water, in the middle of the room there was one square table with two chairs on each side, will on the opposite side of the fireplace there was a table that went the whole length of the wall, with cabinets underneath it, and the floor was made from stone.

As they began to walk across it the cold stone caused both of them to shiver as they walked into the room.

Chen took the bag to the table at the back of the room and placed the potatoes onto the table, opening the cupboards she took out two daggers placing one next to the potato's, and handing the other one to Dimian, being one step behind her he had already placed the rabbit onto the table, he took hold of the dagger and started to separate the meat from the bone.

“How was your day dear?”

Chen asked curiosity written all over her face, Dimian looked at his wife.

“Nothing to much has happened today other than me getting the rabbit.”

He went into the details of how he got the rabbit as well as showing off his attack pose.

Chen laughed by his funny looking stance, it took her almost a full minute before she could recompose herself.

“That is truly impressive that you were able to hit that rabbit from that distance, I know that you have always been training you spear skills but not to this level.”

Chen face showed shock and surprised.

“Of course I am this strong, how can I not be at least this strong or else how will I protect you.”

Dimian looked at her with a slightly offended expression, Chen looked at him with a dazed expression, before she burst into a fit of laughter.

“Dimian you should not worry about protecting me, you need to protect yourself you know I am stronger than you by 2 entire realms, and 5 levels, your still in the pre stages of cultivation, you are just able to use and store elemental energy, even doing that is limited.”

Che said barely being able to hold back here laughter, Dimian look visibly embarrassed but could not counter the truth.


“But even if you are weak, you still try and protect those who are stronger than you, that’s one of the reasons I fell for you.”

Che looked at him lust written plainly on her face, taking a second to recompose himself, Dimiam could only smile from her comments but his mind was racing as all he could think of was taking her to their room, but he held back this urges, the too of them continued to flirt as they made dinner.

With almost an hour passing the couple finally finished eating dinner, they were almost done cleaning their dishes, as Chen was putting away the last dish Dimian had hugged her from behind his hands wrapped around her waist, the two stood there in silence the only noise where the crackling of the fire and the sound of their breathing, as Chen stood there something big and hot jabbed into her back, she took notice of it immediately a grin broke out onto her face, she broke the silence.

“Let's head somewhere a little more comfortable.”

Dimian did not say anything. He simply picked Chen up and carried her like a princess towards there room, her face was flush red as they drew closer to their room,it was directly across from the kitchen so all he had to do was walk straight.

He matched into the bedroom without stopping. He stood in front a queen sized bed, and lightly tossed Chen onto the bed, her butt bounced on the bed she faced him as she landed, her face was almost glowing red as she stared at a bulge.

Dimian crawled onto the bed before crawling towards her putting himself atop of her, and being a kiss onto her, this kiss turned into them making out, after several minute there lips finally parted, Dimian leaned in again but this time kissing her neck, while his right hand planted itself on her inner thigh, it moved up her thigh slowly moving the skirt as it moved up.

They spent the whole night providing each other company, the next morning every neighbor knew what had happened that last night they, how could they not know from the all the noise they made as the sun was getting ready to rise, Dimian quickly got out of bed waking his sleeping wife, Chen looked out the window realizing Dimian was going to be late, giving him a quick kiss and she got out of bed to get his clothes ready, while Dimian rushed to clean himself a bit, as he was ready to rush out the door he was given another kiss before he departed with great haste.

Dimian arrived at his locker, while breathing hard he quickly equipped himself, someone walked up to him wearing black armor, with three red stripes on both shoulder this man was his superior, this superior wore no helmet as he eyes Dimian coldly, but Damian continued to put on his gear as if nothing was happening.

The superior was bald, his face had that of a pissed off bull, his wrinklers wear deep and greatly visible in the torch light, he stood a foot taller than Dimian but looked down on him like an insect, his name was Wei.

“Guard Dimian!”

Shouted Wei, Dimian continued to equip his equipment.

“Yes Lieutenant Wei”

Dimian asked his voice clear.

“Do you have any idea how late you are?”

“Yes, sir I am not here by sun rise, making my post vacant which will cause strain on guards when a enemy attack, there is no excuse for my absence”

As he finished his sentence, he turned towards Wei armor fully equipped and spear in hand.

Wei was greatly impressed by both Dimian actions and words.

“Very impressive Dimian, not only do you realize the consequences of not being here, you even finished putting on your armor in half the time of most guards.”

“Even though your are able to equip your armor in half the time of most guards that is no reason to be late, seeing as you have realize your mistake I hope it will not happen again, I will leave you with a warning and a decrease in your pay for this week.”

Wei turned around and began to walk away, Dimian bowed at him until Wei left the locker room.

“Crap I’m going to lose half of my pay for the next week.”

With that he walked to his post, Wang stood on the tower looking over the land, with Ying next to him, Dimian walked up behind Ying excusing him from the post, as he took his place Wang looked at Dimian.

“Dimian I knew you would be having fun yesterday but who would imagine it would be for so long to make you late.”

Wang said while he laughed.

“I had no idea it would take so long eather, but I don’t regret what happened.”

As his laughing settled, Wang look back over the landscape.

“If there is one thing, I have learned through my life, that is to never regret anything.”

Dimian was dazed for a moment before staring to the landscape that was being illuminated by the rising sun.

“Those words I will take to heart and someday teach it to my children someday”

Dimian words made Wangs heart grow softer for this man.

“If that is the case it looks as though my legacy will be carried on.”

With that they grew silent once more as they eyed the landscape and the main road.

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