《A Path Of Rage》Prologue Ch.4 A Guards Day


It was a hot summer day the sun was beaming down on a town in the middle of nowhere, it was unbearable to stay outside for more than a hour without any shade, this town was surrounded by a circular wall made from stone, it towered over the city it stood 20 feet tall, will it's length had been lost the following years after it was built, the only thing know was that every 50 feet there stood a tower, each tower was connected to each other with a stretch of wall, each tower carried 3 guards watching the land outside the wall, there would be two guards watching at all times, the 3rd guard would gather food and water for the two guards and switch out with them so they could do whatever they need, but only one could go at a time, the guards would stand watch from dawn to dusk, rain or shine.

Section 68 on a tower stood a man in black armor, the joints where made from leather instead of iron, allowing for more mobility, the man's body was completely covered by this armor, every guard had to wear this armor, there was no choice in the matter.

The sun beamed down on this armored man, he stood 6 foot 1 like an unmoving iron statue with a spear in hand, the only human elements you could see were his black eyes, they hide behind the slots of his helmet, they acted like black holes absorbing all light that came close to them, if you dared to look at them directly would feel as though you soul was being drawn in, these black dots watch the green landscape closely, not leaving any corner untouched by his gaze.

While inspecting the field, there was a sudden white flash that popped out from the forest, this anomaly of white immediately caught his attention, he eyed the flash until it settled down what he found was a white rabbit it stood more than 2,000 feet away, the man waited for the rabbit to settle down its movements some more, when it had done so the man had begun to shift his body, he moved into a sideways stance, he sent his right leg farther right, whiles his left hand raised towards the sky, during this motion he brought his right hand to his shoulder, the spears blade gleamed in the sunlight.

The man began to pivot all his weight onto the right leg, his left one rose and curled up to his chest, he stood like his for a second before stomping down, and pushing all his body forward, while his hand lagged behind him a full arm length, his right leg began to raise as his body past it, his hand snapped forwards like a hungry viper attacking, as his hand extended forward fully the spear left his hand, as it left you could hear the sounds of the air ripping apart, the spear was flying unstoppably through the sky.

An extremely large white rabbit sat in an open field, as it minded its own business when it suddenly felt very uncomfortable where it sat, when it had the urge to move and run back into the forest, it sat stiff in the field unable to move as it felt a cold pair of eyes staring into its soul holding him down with shackles, it took several seconds before it was able to escape this chains, and begin to scurry off the uncomfortable feeling was unbearable causing the rabbit to rush faster, as it was about to enter the forest a loud thud sounds rang out, the once energetic rabbit was now still and unmoving as it was pinned to the ground by a spear protruding from its skull.


“Nice shot Dimian!”

Another guard stood 6 feet 8 in black armor exclaimed, his voice was gruff and worn but his voice was filled with surprise.

“It was nothing. I just need to get Chen and me dinner for tonight.”

Dimian said his voice was light yet a cold but full of life, being equivalent to a fierce breeze on a quiet autumn morning chilling to the bone.

“That wife of yours sure is lucky to have married you, being such a hard working and good looking man, plus for you to be so young to get such a job as this it is a miracle in the making i do say, you have a bright future compared to an old man like me.”

The older guard nodded as he talked.

“Oldman Wang I am not that young anymore, my wife may be lucky to have meet me but so am I, and how can you say that Oldman you are the strongest personal in our division, you could have done what I had done without breaking a sweat, you could probably even keep it alive.”

Dimian said as his black eye showed a bit of a gleam in them.

“Young man if you are 19 if that is not young than I am older than your great grandfather, you flatter me Dimian, any way we should get you rabbit before a pack of wolves eat your rabbit.”

Oldman Wang had a bit of a chuckle from Dimian's comments, starting to recompose himself.


He shouted, a guard who was standing at the stairs immediately made his way to Wang.

“Yes sir?”

Like everyone else this guard was covered head to toe in black armor.

“Take two men to retrieve that rabbit, skin it and drain it.”

Wang instructed Ying on the procedures to follow, after several minutes Ying nodded his head with understanding before taking off.

“Oh by the way Dimian how did you get the rabbit to hold still for so long?”

Wang asked his voice sounded puzzled.

“Oh that well it pretty simple you have to guide or absorb death element in your eyes and store them there when, you want to stop somethings movements you simply release the element from your eyes this will cause most small prey to freeze.”

Dimian explained adding extra details about its activation.

“I understand yes that is very simple could it be used for humans?”

“It can, but I will be unable to try, I am not a cultivator yet and manipulation and storage of elemental energy is to low, it would be almost impossible for me to use it on a boar much less a human.”

Dimian exhaled as he explained his lack of skill.

“Once I've completely understood it, I'll try it out sometime during practice matches, i've never seen you use this element trick before, did you just learn it or have you been hiding your skills,”

Wang jokingly mocked Dimian with a tease, Dimian was bit flustered by this statement, but regained his composure after a quick laugh.

“No, no, Oldman Wang, I just picked up on this a month ago and have been practicing on some birds every now and then.”


Dimian barely replayed able to hold down his laughter. They both could not hold it and began to laugh with each other, to the gate that sat between section 68 and 67 was wide open, three black armored guards walked out, both of them noticing he guards calmed their laughter.

“Well back to work”

Commented Oldman Wang, with that comment there was silence as they watched the landscape, sweat was rolling down their faces they watched the guards struggle to pluck the spear from the ground, after several minutes they were able to pull it out, half the spear had been submerged into the ground it was likely the reason they had trouble, with both rabbit and spear in hand they returned towards the city.

Time flew bay going from noon to dusk, they had both had lunch breaks long ago but there it had been long ago and there stomachs were empty and wanted food, each section had its own locker room, all day shift guards where down here cleaning and oiling there armor and weapons, the night shift had long gone to their positions, as Dimian was putting up his armor into his locker, a man with a bushy gray beard spotted with black waked up to Dimian, he patted Dimian shoulder.

“Dimian, I would love to invite you out for a drink tonight but as we both know you have to provide dinner for your wife so next time your free will get some drinks”

The old man toward over Dimian, his eyes were gray and sharp, yet they exhibited a friendly aura, having bushy eyebrows, sunken cheeks, long gray hair, pasty white skin with some wrinkles on his face, his shoulder where broad like a lion, and his muscles protruding out of his skin like stone from a cliff.

“Of course Oldman Wang, next time let's get some drinks, but we will have to be careful how much we drink we both have wifes we have to be making sound judgments out there.”

Dimian face filled with a friendly grin.

Wang laughed out loud, patting Dimian shoulder it felt like a hammer was betting down on him, he winced in pain but don't move.

“To true my friend”

Wang said as he tried to gain his composure, with a cough he was relaxed.

“I will not hold you any longer from you wife, I'll be off myself now.”

Both shared their goodbye before they separated, after going to grab both his rabbit and 10 silver coins half had gone to taxes, Dimian departed for the day, as he walked through the stone streets the sun was still setting, the contrast between the shadows, gold, red and orange was interesting but it did not catch his eyes anymore after seeing them many times before.

Food was being sold in the streets, pendants, magic charms, weapons, almost anything you could want was being sold somewhere in the streets you just need to know where to look, there were brothels every now and then with half-naked women standing there trying to attract men.

“Hey thre handsome.”

A young woman shorter than Dimian stood in front of him, she looked directly at him her lips were bright red as they carried a weird smile on them, she had long golden flowing hair, baby blue eyes, dimples it could be said that she was nothing but cute, she stood just below Dimian her head was arched back to meet his eyes, her outfits was reliving as it showed off her legs, and belly, he but was a nice plump one, not look hideously big, her boobs were a nice size being a little more than the size of your hand.

“I could help you relax that body of yours tonight.”

As she said these words, she gave Dimian a wink and moved her finger towards her mouth, holding it over her lips while her other hand lay across her belly,

“Sorry ma’am I am not interested”

With that Dimian rushed past her to avoid any more conversation with her, she rolled

her eyes at him and moved on to entice the another, she a no older 16 was flustered by her offer.

For the next 10 minute, he had to repeat this procedure, to try and get past these women, he had grown used to it, it happened so much now that it was easier than ever to avoid any girl that made a move on him, but why would he even look at those girls when he had his beautiful wife, that was waiting faithfully for him at home, during the walk home he bought a bag of potato for 40 copper with the money he had just received today, this left him with 9 silver an 60 copper, a rabbit and the newly added bag of potatoes.

Dimian was lost in dreamland imagining lewd thoughts of his wife, as he drew closer to his home it grew darker and darker, more than half of the shops and stalls, had long since closed or where cleaning up, he walked for another 5 minutes he had arrived at a small house it had only three rooms, taking a deep breath he began to walk towards the front door.

Taking out his key, to unlock the door walking into the quiet house, he closed and locked the door behind him, and began to take another deep breath.

“Honey I’m home.”

Dimian announced his eyes shone with brightness, his mouth curved into a grin he could not hide his happiness at all and why would he.

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