《Ultimate Item Trade》Part 4: Bandits & Bad Breath (Edit)


As I was pondering the uses of my new items I get a notification.

[Ding! New User Found! -Sloan Forrest-]

[Emotion: Danger, Fight or Flight Response]

Maybe I can find a use for my new (/Weird) item(s) though.

Sloan's POV

I swing my saber at the approaching knights. Argh, Why did this have to happen now! Slashing another knights throat, watching them fall off their horse, I run toward the caravan. The merchants are huddled inside, and I grab one by the scruff of their neck.

"Get out of the Cart if you want to live!" I shout an empty threat, while brandishing my saber. The merchants tremble in fear and slowly huddle out of the caravan. The knights notice me hijacking the caravan in the madness, and begin to give chase on their horses.

"Hiyaah!" I whip the reins and shout for everyone to get on, and they jump onto the caravan while I ride off, the knight in close range behind. Thunk! I watch as an arrow gets lodged in the side of the caravan, shot by one of the knights archers. I didn't expect this to be this hard! and the knights are maintaining their chase on us. I hear a dinging sound in the back of my mind.

[Ding! User found! What would the User like to Trade?]

"Huh? Trade? Why the hell do I need to trade!? I just need to escape from these damn knights!"

[I could do that for you.] a mysterious voice rings out.

[I can give you something that can distract the knights, maybe even defeat them.]

"Well?! What do I need to trade then!" I scream out my voice muffled becasue of the wind.

[That Saber looks inviting]

I frown. Susie? I can't give her up.


[You named your Saber Susie?]

"Hey don't judge! I'm in a hurry here!"

[Sorry, Sorry, but I can take...let's see, 50 Spirit Crystal (Inferior) instead]

My frown deepens. I do not have that many spirit crystals! but I don't want to give up Susie though. The knights are right on my tail now, and the arrows are beginning to hit some of my men in the caravan now.

[The longer you wait the more damage you'll recive from those knights back there.]

"I know!!"

Fine. Losing my men is more important then losing Susie so I decide to agree with the mysterious voice.

[Thank you for your Trade.]

I watch as Susie leaves my hand and a weird green and brown fan appears in her place.

"What the hell is this!"

[It's a fan, just wave it at you enemies and you will be fine, and thank you for your trade.]

I hear another ding and the mysterious voice fades out of my mind, and I turn around looking at the knights. They have causght up and one knight is trying to jump off of his horse into the caravan, my men swinging their weapons at him, and he is parrying all of the blows. I decide to go ahead and do as the voice had said and I fan the knight standing on his horse.

I hear a whooshing noise and the knight gets blasted off of his horse coughing on the ground, and the wind continues on to the rest of the knights behind him. Each one slows down and begins coughing, and their horse continues to gallop as each knight falls of the horse, coughing and some of them are even vomiting. the horses gradually stopped following us once all of their riders had fallen off, and our caravan left them in the dust. I marvel at the destruction this fan inadvertantly just caused.


"Chief Sloan! What was that?" one of the younger members asked.

"Just a new treasure I got, c'mon let's get back to base."

Administrator's POV

I watch as the bandits get back to their base and Sloan trying to test the fan's powers on some people and I chuckle. I'm glad I managed to get a good trade out of that encounter, as Susie is a marvelous weapon after going through the system. I also discovered some new features.

If I buy from the System shop it records what I get in the knowledge automatically, and the item ends up being a treasure, and can be used a bunch of times. While system update draws only give me limited use items. So I can give a lot of people Batteries but they can only use it once, but If I give a single person a system shop Item or a traded item they can use it forever.

Plus I am excited to see what those bandits will acomplish now with the new item they got, I begin to inspect Susie.

[Saber Susie: Diligently maintained by a beginner bandit chief, hilt has the engraving of a rose. Option 1: Each slash will stab the hands of the target to a degree depending on distance.]

I hold the saber in my hands and slash it around a few times getting the hang of the weapon, and make a shelf on the wall to hang Susie, mainly because she looks cool, and until I find a suitable user for her She'll sit there.

I decide to spend the last two crystal I got one into System Shop Food tab, adn the other into a system update draw. The memorable shaking noise commences and I wait for my Item to be given.

[Ding! System Draw Item Obtained -Lighter-; Food Obtained -Guacamole-

I checked my updated screen.

[Current Tradable Items: Battery 2/3, Crayons(8 Colors) 8/1, Lighter 1/1, Plush Pony 1/1, Guacamole 1/1, Susie 1/1]

[System Shop]

Search all Unknown Items

[Lighter: Bright. Option 1: Creates a brief knife made out of flame, lasts 5 seconds. Option 2: Can be used to light flamable materials.]

[Guacamole: A nice spread. Option 1: When used as a dipping sause or spread on a target, said target is then edible with no side effects. Option 2: If eaten alone, it can heal poison and corrosion damage.]

Both new items are really useful and a lot more than the fan was, which kinda stalls me from ever doing a weapon roll again.

I lean back against the couch wondering to myself,

Wonder who the next user is going to be.

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