《Ultimate Item Trade》Part 5: Rulers & Restlessness (Edit)


Anna's POV

I sit in the back of the orphange, playing with sticks and stones as per usual, imagining princes and princesses fighting dragons and going on adventures moving the sticks around. Making up little adventures in my head, like what if I was secretly a dragon, but I didn't know it! Or If I was a Princess waiting to be discovered, by a royal family somewhere. All of it was imaginations though for I am just Anna, poor little girl raised in the outskirts of an orphanage. Hoping for one day to get chosen by a passing family, however unlikely that is though.

I drop the stones in my hands. Ugh, I'm so bored, I'm tired of pretending, but we aren't allowed to go in until dinnertime, and the older kids took all of the good toys, though there arent a lot of toys to begin with here anyway. I wish something interesting would happen. Oh! Maybe I should run away! I have thought about it before but all of the people at the orphanage says the world is soo dangerous. I can fend for my self. I can be a ninja. hiyaa! I karate chop the air in front of me, before both of my arms fall to my sides. Yeah running away would only work if I could defend myself. I begin to toss the stones like weapons, hitting a tree and missing a lot of the shots. Hmph! I'll get better at this as long as I practice. I hear a faint ringing in my head.

[Ding! User found! What would user like to trade!]

Huh? What the heck is this? I hear a robotic voice announce and a mysterious voice replaces it.

[Something is going to find you soon so I decided to help you out a bit. Now would you like to trade?]


Wait a minute what's coming to find me?!

[Not important but if you trade I can gurrentee you can defend yourself.]

Okay, okay, what do I need to trade?

[From what i can tell, something important like a ring or a necklace, or a bunch of spirit crystals will do.]

I could try to steal the Directors ring. As for Spirit Crystals I have none so that is out of the question. Deciding to steal the Directors ring, I'll have to sneak inside the building and grab it out of the Directors office and I have no clue if he will be inside or not. Taking the chance when one of the caretaker's walks around I open the window closest to me and climb in. Silently landing on the floor I make my way to the Directors office.

I open the door with a small creak. I look around and no one is inside, and I breathe out a sigh of relief. Going to the desk I find the ring right on top of a shelf. Reaching up I manage to grab it without falling over, from standing on my tippy toes.

I got it! Yeesss! I slowly sneak away and get back outside, making sure that the window closed behind me and i air punch.

Mr. Voice?

[Yes? Are you willing to trade?]

I am, I've got this ring for trade.

[Alrighty then, Thank you for your Trade, Have a nice evening ;) ]

I watched as the ring faded out of my hand and in its place was a straight piece of wood with some weird lettering on it. I have no idea what this thing is! How is it going to help me in the slightest! I hear in the distance some caretakers yelling and I run back toward the other kids.


One of the lady caretakers was yelling at the kids to get inside and I noticed that the wind was getting a bit odd and hard. Kids were running inside while I just stared at the air, there was a dot getting bigger in the sky. The caretaker was screaming at me to come inside but I didn't hear her looking at the dot in the sky get closer and the wind getting harder. I no longer hear any screaming and I get a glimpse at the approaching figure in the sky. Uh Oh...


The ground shook and a dust cloud smashed into my blowing me back off my feet and I tumbled along the ground. Getting up I look at the beast on the ground. It was a huge Green Dragon! It was snarling and seemingly looking for something. Once it's gaze reached me, I felt a shiver go down my spine, and the dragon looked to be grinning at me.

"So your still alive. I had the suspicion but that tattoo is a dead giveaway."

"W-what? What are you talking about?" I had a black and dark blue Tattoo swirled around my neck for as long as I remember.

"What do you know about me?"

"You are a disgrace, a being that should have never existed."

I felt a deep shiver hearing those words like I had heard them before, thinking back on the teachings at the orphanage I replied with a bit of bravery.

"Everything has a reason for existing, even if their less fortunate then others."

The dragon sneered again.

"I see those pitiful humans have managed to sway your weak mind, but words are useless to me. I am here to finish what my father failed to do twelve years ago."

"What's do you mean?"

"I am here to kill you!"

The green dragon rushed toward me and in a split second smacked me with its big claws. with barely any time to react I hold the wood in front of me in peril. I soon go flying through the air, smacking into the back of the orphanages wall.


"That wood you've got there was pretty tough if it was able to stop my claws, where did you get it?" The dragon stopped his attacks to ask.

In that split moment instead of responding to the dragon I felt I had to throw the wood right into his smug face. So I did, the stick spinning like an axe it sliced straight through the green dragons brow. The dragon looked on in shock as he fell to the ground.

"Y-you w-what" And then he fell over, dead, blood dripping from the wound in his forehead.

I look at the corpse in shock. I had only threw the wood piece, as a last ditch attempt to survive but I didn't expect to kill him.

I can't stay here now, I killed a green dragon who seemed to know about my past, and now I am curious and I must learn more about myself, I can't stay here because the orphanage would label me a witch or worse for being able to kill such a monsterous creature, because I am only twelve.

Grabbing the ruler I run off, before the winds stop blowing.

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