《Ultimate Item Trade》Part 3: Dancing & Dishes (Edit)


[Ding! New user found, Jasmine Ness]

[Emotion - Surprise, Shock, Worry]

I made a few changes to the system and now it shows what emotion finds users and all I know is it's completely random. That doesn't change the fact that this is the only interesting and fun thing to do, mess with the system and chat with users as the administrator.

We've got a new one here.

Flashback - Jasmine's POV

I was doing my daily sweep of the mansion, whistling to myself twirling around occationally with the broom, Until all of a sudden I smacked an antique vase owned by the masters down off it's shelf. Catching it with my hands I manage to catch it before it falls all the way but I still felt it crash to the ground blocked only by my fingers. Ow...that hurt. I open my eyes and the vase seems to be alright. I put it back and go back to sweeping albeit more carefully, I turn around looking at the vase. There is a large crack going down one side! I manage to angle it in a way where the masters probably won't see it and dash away silently, smacking face first into the rough chest of someone in front of me.

"Oh I'm so sorry." I bow in front of the man and try to run away to the side but the man stops me.

"Wait, why are you running so fast." He asks. I notice an official's badge on his chest and my face pales.

"Um w-well it's nothing." I reply stuttering a little.

"It better be." He shoves me to the side and continues to walk down the hall.

Rude. I think, but it happens all the time, as I am nothing but a maid in this residence.

I hear shouting behind me, looking back and I see the Official running toward me. Uh oh I think he saw the vase. I continue to run and I hear a faint ringing of a bell in my head.


[Ding! User found! would user like to trade?]

I frown at the weird voice in my head, and suddenly the voice changes.

[I see your having difficulty there that Official seems to be chasing you there]

Ya think? I continue to run slightly ignoring the voice in my head.

[I can help all you've got to do is give me something to trade with you, like those Spirit Crystals in your pocket.]

I nearly trip in surprise. How does the voice know of my spirit crystals? It was my salary for a few weeks, and i was definitely not giving it to some mysterious voice in my head.

[I can hide you in exchange for those crystals.]

The man was catching up to me and he looked quite pissed. He was running at me like a bull. Jumping in fear I make up my mind on the spot.

"Sure whatever, just do it fast." I did not want to be caught. better to lose my salary then my life.

[Thank you for the trade]

I felt the spirit crystals in my pocket get lighter until my pocket was empty, and a weird mirror apeared in my hand.

[All you got to do is point it at the man and if you hold still he won't be able to see you]

Huh?! That sounds like a terrible idea! what if he catches me?!

[You're obviously getting tired so you may as well do it]

The mysterious voice was right, I was indead getting tired and I did just up and decide to do as it said.

"OK! this better work!" I held out the mirror and watched as rays of light surrounded me, the man who was chasing me stopped in his tracks, looking around in shock.

I watched as he searched around for me but to no avail as he couldn't see me at all, and I ended up being shocked too.


It really worked?! I was expecting to get caught and beaten by that guy or something, but it ended up working. I thank the voice in my head.

[Welcome and thank you for your Trade]

The ringing had stopped. The man walking away trying to search for me elsewhere. This mirror was amazing! Maybe I can finally find a way to accomplish my dream!

Administrators POV

That was sightly unfortunate, breaking something dancing to your own tune, I know how many children do that but for a perfectly able adult that was all out clumsy. I can see though she has a great future that I want to be able to see one day. I've figured out the the system will let me monitor the users I have traded with ocasionally, so I can see how there doing and it helps stave off my bordeom. Lounging on the couch I guess i've gotten a bit lazy, but I have no idea what to even do here, my memories are so faint it's not like I can remember anything very well. Lets see what the spirirt crystals grade it then.

[Spirit Crystal (Enchanted) 3]

Jackpot? I decide to turn in one to the system.

[System Random Package Inicializing---]

[Administrator Unlocked - Ruler -]

Oh a ruler? Search "Ruler"

[Ruler: A ruler measuring 1 foot in length. Option 1: Holding it straight will let the user measure the distance perfectly to target. Throwing the ruler and it will lodge itself in a straight line at whatever it is thrown at.]

Oh sounds interesting, and I found out some new things with the system. It seems anything unlocked via the system has limited uses but unlimited trades, while items I get through trade has permenant effects, the Battery only has 1 use, the Crayon 5 uses, while the mirror was infinite. Too bad I traded the mirror away, but I bet i can get another eventually.

Oh right, what else can the Spirit Crystals be used for if not random item draws?

[Spirit Crystals can be traded in the System shop, for a weapon with an unknown option. Just open the system shop to find out more.]

"System Shop"

[System Shop]




Opening Weapons I see that there are just 5 slots, I guess its similar to a draw regardless. When I ask the system whats the difference between this and system updates, all it says is this is slightly more selective. while the system update draw was completely random. I check the other tabs.

[Weapons: (Swords) (Bows) (Fans) (Axes) (Shields) ]

[Food: (Savory) (Sweet) (Salty) (Sour) ]

[Miscellaneous Items () ]

In the Misc tab there was just and empty slot so I suppose that is literally misc then. The food items sound interesting, and I want to try all of the slots but I only have 2 Crystals left for trade and I decide to stick it in Misc and Weapons (Fans).

I hear a shaking noise from the Misc tab and then a sudden dinging noise.

[Obtained: Misc - Plush Pony - Weapon (Fans) - Fan of Bad Breath - ]

I look at the item in a bit of shock. what...fan of bad breath?! what the heck is that?!

[Fan of Bad Breath: Super stinky. Option 1: Creates a large gust of air that whips air at the target, and the wind smells really bad.]

[Plush Pony: Fluffy pony. Option 1: Summons a herd of ponies to attack target. Restriction: can only be used by small children.]

The Plush pony is fine but why did I get such a weird fan?!

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