《Ultimate Item Trade》Arc 0; Prologue; Part 2: Cookies & Crayons (Edit)


I sit in the black space, my hand on my chin thinking about the new system Items. Well, not really as I don't have a hand or a chin, or a body at all, I ask the system about that.

[Administrator can be anything you choose to be, This space is fully customizable]

I currently am just a consiousness that controls the system's trade protocols, but I like the sound of that. First I create a basic body, modeling off of Bryan and just customizing what I think feels right.

Nice, I've got a body now, though I don't really need it, I do like having it. from the fuzzy memories I barely have I design my surrounding space. Changing the black nothingness to a light blue room, with a couch and a couple of tables. Now I've got a little room to work in. Stretching I take a seat on the couch and check the System.

[Current Tradable Items: Battery 2/3, Cookie 0/1, Crayons (9 Colors) 9/1, Mirror 1/1]

[Administrator may refresh one of the items per day, gaining one more of the specified item.]

[Please Trade for more comprehensive Knowledge.]

Oh? What's Knowledge? I mean I know the definition but what does it mean to me here?

[Knowledge is a collection of an Item's characteristics and uses, what it can be traded for of equal value.]

So an Encyclopedia or something?

[Yes, though mainly related to items you have traded for that is in the system menu.]

So I can search up an Item?

[As System Administrator Yes, as you must be up to date with each items qualities before deciding if the item is of equal value, the System accepts Spirit Crystals of lesser or equal value if item is not equivalent for trade.]

[Current Knowledge 4/∞]

Search up "Cookie"

[Cookie: A scrumpcious chocolate chipped treat. Option: able to heal 20% of external wounds. Tradable for Simple Item or 25 Spirit Crystals (Inferior)]

I can see why the girl who traded for this got healed so fast, though it won't heal all the damage immedietly, just enough so she won't die.

I am curious about how the grading goes though.


[Value is calculated in order of {Simple Item} and {Greater Item}, with Spirit Crystal Grades of (Inferior) and (Enchanted); with 50 Spirit Crystals (Inferior) = 1 Spirit Crystal (Enchanted)]

[Value however differs from world to world, that is the main reason why items are tradable.]

[Each Item will have at least 1 option, or restriction, but some will be up to the Administrator's choices, much like the "Battery"]

[New Item Unlocked by completing the System's Tutorial, Have a nice Day]

I could see my new Item, It was a Box of Crayons. Meanwhile I decided to check all of my items.

Search, all available Items

[Battery: Tiny metal box housing complex magic that can release electricity. Option+ (Administrator only) Chose between three options, Attack (1), Defense (2), and Escape (3)]

[Mirror: Small Mirror from a poor family. Option 1: Reflect a moderate Attack back to the opponent, Option 2: Reflect light around self for invisiblility.]

[Crayons (9 Colors) : Box of Crayons for drawing. Options depend on Color; Restricted to Children.]

[Red: Fiery red. Option: Anything Drawn with be Fire element related.]

[Orange: Soothing orange. Option: Anything Drawn will heal the body of the whatever drawing is used on.]

[Yellow: Bright yellow. Option: Anything Drawn will heal the spirit of whatever drawing is used on.]

[Green: Sharp green. Option: Anything Drawn will be Wind element related.]

[Blue: Deep blue. Option: Anything Drawn will be Water element related.]

[Purple: Smart purple. Option: Anything Drawn will heal the mind of whatever drawing is used on.] (AN: The most powerful color)

[Brown: Fine brown. Option: Anything Drawn with be Earth element related.]

[White: Pure white. Option: Anything Drawn will be Light element related.]

[Black: Straight black. Option: Anything Drawn will be Dark element related.]

Wow, that was a lot of information, but it was interesting nonetheless. I felt that the restriction was a good thing as it would be fun to see what kids could create with those special crayons.

[Ding! New user found! -Phoebe Ryan-]

I sat on the couch as the system screen zoomed in on the new user. It was a little girl, dressed in messy rags. She was crying, much in a way that made you want to spoil her tears away, but the people around her definitely weren't helping her, much the opposite, they kicked her out of the little shed she was in and burnt it to the ground leaving her staring at the cinders of her old house.


[System senses extreme dispair, and a dwindling hope, ready to trade]

I felt really bad for her, hopefully she can trade something to get what she wants, luckily there was something I felt she could trade for easily.

Phoebe's POV

I lay in the cold darkness and cry, that little house I spent all of my money on and was the only thing I owned. I didn't think my begging had offended someone of such a big standing or something, but after losing my family to bad people, I have been alone for a long time. I grew up for myself and have been doing pretty good, I didn't think it would all go bad now. Tears drip down my chin and splatter onto the ground. I hear a distant chime like the ringing of a bell.

[Ding! User spotted for the Trade system, what would you like to trade for?]

"Hmm? W-what?" My voice shivered.

[What are you longing for, it can be traded for.]

Thinking this was just a hopeful dream I answer the mysterious voice.

"I want a warm bed to sleep in..."

[What have you got to trade for it?]

"I don't have anything..."

[I'll throw you a deal, fill up this with some water, hope with all your heart, and we can make the trade]


I decide to listen to this voice's instructions as I've got nothing to lose anymore, and I go to the river and scoop up some water in the vial I got. I begin to hope this will work and the vial disapears from my hands.

[Thank you. The trade has been made, be sure to use it wisely]

In my hand there apears a red little drawing utensil. It's waxy to the touch and the writing on the side reads 'Crayon - Fiery Red'.

"What do I even do with this?"

[You draw the house you wanted and it will be nice and warm, though the item I gave you is extraordinarily powerful, you must make sure to use it responsibly]

[Ding! Trade made sucessfully, have a good night]

And the voice disapeared.

I look around before I go to an alley and begin to draw in the air, as I don't have any paper, and I watch as a red line is drawn in the air, soon I create a clear little house with the red line I drew sticking itself to the wall of the alley looking like an actual drawing on the wall. I experimentally pull open the drawn door on the side of the building of the alley and it opens to a beautiful small room. Looking around I see a little bed and I jump into it in happiness, instantly falling asleep.

I lean back against the couch, I really threw that little girl a bone, but I like to be kind, though it is kinda out of my hands now, hope she uses it wisely. I check the item i got in exchange.

[Water of Hope: Water filled with the hope of a small child for a home. Option+ (Administrator only) Can be used to start a pool for fishes of hope.]

I have no clue what fishes of hope are but I figure I'll come into contact with them eventually. I select yes and watch as a small pool forms in the corner of the room, filled with a small puddle of water.

Well that was a bit anticlimactic. I guess I got to get a lot more water of hopes, but It'll be a bit hard to find that with the random trade system I've got, but I'll get to it when I get to it. This was the first time I personally talked with anyone through the system, instead of using the system's automated message for it. It was a fun way to comunicate so I'll probably do it again next time.

When I figure out when that next time is.

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