《Ultimate Item Trade》Arc 0; Prologue; Part 1: Beginnings & Batteries


I wake up to a black room, I have no idea where I am, as well as who. Who am I? I can't remember, I here a ding! noise like a bell, in the black space I am residing.

[System Incializing]

[System Administrator Awake]


[Item Trade Service Activated]

[First Item for Trade: Battery 3/3]

[---Randomly Selecting Host---]

[Host Selected - Bryan Lin]

The system screen flashes and soon I'm looking at a older looking boy with cuts and bruises in a forest. He is surrounded by large wolves that are drooling, there is a large gash in the boy's arm dripping blood. with each drop of blood falling the wolves start to close in on him.

[Ding! Bryan Lin has gotten access to the Item Trade system as the result of having an item for trade as well as being in a near death situation]


[Bryan may Trade -Spirit Crystal (Minor)- For -Battery Attack- ]

The wolves close in even more.

"A-alright Sure!"

Bryan felt the Spirit Crystal disapear and something else appear in its place. Pulling it out it looked like a weird circular metal thing.

[Point the -Battery- In the location of the enemy and either shout or think "Electric Chain" ]

"Electric Chain!!"

The wolves took a step back and were confused why their prey was shouting all of a sudden, but soon out of the metal thing in the kid's hand flashes and all the wolves fall to the ground slightly twitching. Bryan looks at the -Battery- in shock, as it fades out of view.

[Item Trade Sucessful, Have a good day]

And then the system blinks out of existance.

Whew, that was an interesting experience, it seems I am the system administartor of the "Item Trade" System, and common objects get extraordinary power though it. I can ask the system basic things but for the rest I've got to control it myself.The system only attaches to people in near death or feeling a strong emotion, and is likely to revisit the same person on occasion. For Bryan's case it was fear, so I turned the battery into an attack, but it seems I can do three things to the battery, an Attack, a Defence, and an Escape, all electronically based. I decided to check out the spirit crystal I got.


[Spirit Crystal (Minor) - Can be turned into the system to unlock a new trade Item.]

[Tradable Items: Lighter 1/1; Baseball 1/1; Cookie 1/1]

I suppose I should trade the Spirit Crystal for one of these three Items. After pondering for a while I decide to choose the cookie.

[New Tradable Item Aqquired -Cookie 1/1- ]

[Next Host Incoming - Rachel Zhong]

Rachel was laying on her side in the forest, blood oozing from a large wound in her waist. She was breathing heavily and she felt she was going to die, but she had enough willpower to not die, she still had so much she needed to do. Suddenly she heard a noise in her head.

[Rachel Zhong has been selected to choose to trade an item through the Item trade system! Seeing as the Host is in a near death stste it is recomended to trade for the -Cookie- for healing.]

"Wh-at do I-i Ne-eed to Tra-de..?" Her voice choked out.

[Can pay with Spirit Crystals or an Item of equal Value, much like the Mirror in your pocket.]

Rachel did not have any spirit crystals to trade but was very hesitant to give up her Mirror. It was of signifigant value to her.

[Warning Host is incoming death from bloodloss in minus 2 minutes]

"Fi-ine yo-u can ta-ke th-e Mirr-or..." Rachel coughed red blood spewing from her lips as she spoke, finally deciding on giving up her mirror in exchange for her life. Rachel was feeling lightheaded.

[Mirror exchanged, enjoy your -Cookie-]

A Chocolate Chip Cookie appeared before Rachel, and she took a weak bite, feeling as her wounds slowly closed, she crunched the cookie swearing she would get revenge on the people who wounded her and destroyed her family.

I watched as Rachel healed, muttering under her breath, The mirror seemed to be slightly changing in the system menu, and I had the feeling I would be seeing those two again soon enough.

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