《Making of a Gentleman》Chapter-24: Who are you anyway?


John and Erika who were roaming on a shopping mall didn’t have had any idea that Carl had already died .They were simply enjoying each others company.

John was full of smiles as he felt prideful accompanying a beautiful girl .He looked at lonely guys who were eyeing him with envy and jealousy with a playful smile ‘Oh this is how it feels to be on the other side of the bridge ah…..I must say it is…..quite addictive. Good bye losers.’

Erika was used to people staring at her so she didn’t care .She walked in a similar pace with John as she looked around .She couldn’t figure out why she felt different that time even though she had travelled multiple times in the same shopping mall. When she looked at John who couldn’t stop smiling ,she understood that it was all because him.

John wanted to hold hands but didn’t dare .He moved closer to her to make ‘accidental body contact’ . When his hand touched Erika’s hand , it felt like a lightning circulated through his body .He could smell her body fragrance which made him intoxicated for a while .His heart started beating like a wild horse and his pace slowed . He finally couldn’t control his impulse and directly held her hand.

Erika on the other hand was not any better than John. It was her first time having a body contact with a guy ever. Her heart beat increased when he came closer .When he held her hand ,she was so surprised that she stopped right there and looked at John right in his eyes.

John wanted to speak something but words didn’t come out .It stuck in his throat as if some rocks. He could only helplessly smile which was too forced . Cold sweat started forming on his forehead. His face started to turn red and he was just about to curse his stupidity and remove his hand.

But Erika just withdraw her eyes and without saying anything started walking without removing her hands from John. John was dumbfounded for a while ‘What just happened? At least she didn’t slap me or scold me … thank God .I just dipped in hell and came back unscathed.’


John and Erika holding hands walking slowly looked like a picture that one couldn’t take their eyes off. John purchased a new laptop and phone along the way . Suddenly he saw a counter that said ‘Ghost House’. His eyes brightened all of a sudden .Without asking Erika ,he bought 2 tickets at a lightning speed.

Erika didn’t understand why John wanted to go to the ‘Ghost House’. She never went there in her past visits ,so decided to try once. But the moment when the Ghost scream sounded in Erika’s ears, she was shuddered and immediately hugged john without any thought.

John’s hear skipped a beat not because of ghost but because of sudden hug .Although he felt a little guilty for taking advantage of her fear .He consoled himself saying ‘it is a necessary step to break the ice between us and take our relationship one step further.’

He never believed in Ghosts .He had become numb to all ghosts after watching so many horror movies. So he easily maneuvered in Scary room .Erika was like a frightened rabbit ,too scared to even open her eyes. Every time a scary sound emerged ,she would tighten her grip in John’s embrace.

John took his time and slowly moved to the exit . Suddenly there appeared a ladder out of nowhere. He couldn’t help but praise the creator of the Ghost House in his heart. If the creator of the Ghost House knew he was being praised by a guy who was taking advantage of his girlfriend ,he would definitely vomit blood.

John …without any hesitation lifted her and carried her in a piggy back fashion. Erika didn’t protest . She felt safe in John’s embrace for some unknown reason. Without knowing how she had already fallen deeply for John. Any kind of mental barrier between them already dissipated like smoke.

John safely took her to exit . To his surprise Erika still clang on to him tightly. Although John liked it ,he knew they already reached exit. They would encounter people soon ,so he coughed a little and said “Little pumpkin ,exit is here”


John always wanted to call her by her nickname and finally he found the right timing. Erika on his shoulder couldn’t help but smile . It was like a spring breeze ,that calmed anyone who saw it. Unfortunately John didn’t see it as she was on his back.

Erika slowly came down and moved to the exit door slowly without looking at John’s eyes .There was no ghost at the exit gate so she was already in her normal state . John wanted to say something but didn’t know what to say . Erika who was holding the handle of the door looked at John suddenly.

John couldn’t help but open his arms one more time . He knew this was the moment to man up and show courage .He brushed aside all his insecurities and fears. He wanted to provide a safe heaven for Erika that she could rely on .

When Erika saw his open arms ,for the first time she felt butterfly in her stomach . Although she hugged him 2 times .It was all due to fear of something. She never truly took initiative on her own. She understood John’s gesture although she was slow when it came to emotions.

Finally the remaining barrier in her mind crumbled into pieces and a smile formed on her beautiful face. John couldn’t help but dazed for a while ,unknowingly he already found her in arms .For the first he felt as though he had experienced true meaning of love. ‘A forceful hug doesn’t come any closer to a natural hug with love.’

He embraced her back and said in her ear ’Love you’. Both understood that there was no meaning in saying mere words as they were already experiencing it. To his surprise Erika replied back saying ‘I love you too’. John felt like he heard a heavenly bell. He decided in his heart that he would treasure her till the rest of his life . He couldn’t help but kiss her soft lips.

Erika’s body felt light and she closed her eyes to itch the moment in her memory so that she won’t forget till her last breath. She scolded her friends when she heard about love and how they behave in love. But when the same thing happened to her, she couldn’t help but smile .

When they finally exited the ‘Scary room’ ,they still held each other hands. Both looked at each others eyes and laughed.

“How about we buy the tickets again” John had a cheeky smile.

Erika didn’t reply ,simply pinched him ruthlessly. John screamed like a ghost he just saw. Everyone looked at him with strange expressions. John quickly dragged Erika to other corner of shopping mall.

By the time John and Erika came back to Erika’s apartment it was already evening. But when they entered they were shocked by Luke’s presence . On top of it Carl and Luke were talking like they were really close.

When Erika met her ‘grandfather’s’ eye she felt as if she was looking at a stranger .There was no warmth in his eyes ,no emotions what so ever. When she looked at Luke she felt he was different but couldn’t point her finger .

John also felt the dead pan expression of Carl. He didn’t understand what was going on. He directly walked in front of their sofa and asked in a usual tone

“Old man , what happened? Is everything OK?”

Dara searched his memory and found that John was close to his previous body owner. Usually he never continued his past baggage and chose to act in his own way disregarding any consequences.

“Nothing , why do you ask that ?”

John didn’t believe Old man , he turned to Luke “Mr. Luke ,at least you can tell me, what is going on?”

Luke was looking at John and Erika with a calm expression. He didn’t bother to act nicely with his ‘cousin’ .He was never a pretentious guy unlike previous Luke . He had his own style of dealing things.

“Oh, are you talking to me? Who are you anyway?”

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