《To Kill a Fae (The Dragon Portal)》Chapter 11
The rest of their trip through the sewers moved swiftly after the initial confrontation. They encountered a few more of Dax's people, but no one else challenged them. If anything, they appeared relieved to know Sabine was being returned to Dax, although a few of them seemed apprehensive about her physical state. She still hadn't regained consciousness, and Malek was starting to get concerned.
Malek followed Bane up a narrow stairway and into a building. He studied the hallway, recognizing the same stonework that was present in the tavern's cellar. It made sense for Dax to have multiple escape routes in the building where he conducted most of his business.
Javyn skidded to a halt in front of them, his eyes wide. "Tell me she's still alive."
"She is, but we need to see Dax immediately," Bane said, continuing to carry Sabine over his shoulder. "Where is he?"
"Probably tearing apart the tavern," Javyn muttered and motioned for them to follow. "I'll let him know she's returned. He won't be pleased to see you, Bane, especially in his current mood."
"Is her old room still vacant?" Bane asked, apparently unconcerned by Javyn's warning.
"Yes. Dax won't allow anyone else to move in there. Can you awaken Sabine? She may be the only one who can calm him down."
Bane shook his head. "I'll handle Dax. But you need to hurry. I can't wake her up again without his help."
Javyn gave him a worried look but nodded and disappeared to another part of the tavern. Malek opened the door to the room Dax had taken her to after he'd drugged her. The shattered bottles had been cleaned up and the broken furniture replaced or repaired. It was as though nothing had ever happened.
Bane placed Sabine on the bed, and Malek frowned. Her face was still too pale, and even her breathing seemed to be labored. Judging by Bane's pinched expression, the demon was also concerned. He'd never thought to see a demon worried about anyone else's welfare, and it surprised him.
Dax entered the room only a handful of heartbeats later with Esmelle running behind him. His eyes were silvered, and he glared at Bane. Demonic magic filled the room, recognizable by the telltale sulfuric scent. "You! You dare come here? In my presence?"
Without waiting for a response, Dax charged toward Bane. The two demons locked horns and crashed into the wall, claws and blades flashing. Esmelle's eyes widened. With a muttered curse, she ran back out of the room. Malek jumped toward the bed, intent on protecting Sabine while the demons fought within the confines of the small bedroom.
Moving at a speed too fast to ever be considered human, they fought with weapons, horns, teeth, and claws. They crashed into the desk, splintering it apart.
"Sabine is mine," Dax roared, trying to connect his claws with the soft flesh of Bane's stomach.
Bane blocked the attack and gripped Dax's horns, shoving him backward against the wall. Malek had the distinct impression Bane wasn't trying to kill his brother, but the same couldn't be said for Dax.
Esmelle ran back into the room with a large pot of water. She tossed it over the two demons and shouted, "Grow!"
The water covering the two demons transformed into a vined plant, pinning them both against the wall. It made them pause long enough to focus on Esmelle standing defiantly in front of them. Malek stared at the redheaded witch in surprise. Such magic was far beyond a witch's normal ability. He'd only thought a Fae or a dryad had the power to transmute water into plants.
Esmelle lowered the pot and put her hand on her hip. "Are you two quite finished?"
Dax scowled and sliced through the vines with his claws. "You dare much, little witch."
"Me?" Esmelle demanded and gestured to Bane. "He brought Sabine back here, and your response is to what? Kill him for it? You're both supposed to protect her, but Malek's the one standing guard over her. Now knock it off. Both of you. If I'm going to try to help her, I can't waste my magic trying to tie you two up."
Bane cut the vines restraining him. "She's right. We don't have time to revisit old arguments. Sabine is dying." He glanced at Sabine's unconscious form. "I don't know if your healing skills will be sufficient for this task, Esmelle."
Esmelle glared at the demons and pushed past them, intent on reaching her patient. Malek moved aside to let her pass, but he wasn't willing to let the demons approach until he was sure they were back in control.
Dax watched Esmelle check Sabine over, and his silvered eyes reverted to his normal amber color. Bane's eyes had changed back almost immediately after the water had hit him. Malek sheathed his weapon and stepped aside.
Esmelle made a clicking noise with her tongue and headed toward the cabinet where the herbs were stored. "Dax told me what happened at the councilman's home. I don't see any physical injuries, but she's far too weak. I can barely sense her magic. I might be able to brew something that'll help strengthen her, but we need to get it down her throat."
Dax sat on the edge of the bed. "She wasn't this bad when I last saw her. What happened?"
"A Calling," Bane said in a dry tone. "I gave her what I could, but I've not taken much of her magic lately. She told Edvar how to summon me."
"The boy's a fool," Dax growled, reaching over to brush his fingertips against her skin. "Sabine never should have taught him such magic. She was already weak after breaking the trap on the chalice, but then she tried to gift me more magic while I killed the guards. I stopped the transfer before it became too dangerous for her."
Esmelle dumped some herbs into a mortar. "Did you use all of it? She's still weakening for some reason."
Dax scowled. "It's gone, except for the smallest trace. It's not enough to bring her back to stasis. Other than knowing Sabine was still alive, I couldn't sense her. If she was in that godsforsaken crypt, it explains why I couldn't locate her."
Malek had been listening to the two brothers and the witch discuss the problem. None of them seemed to be paying much attention to him, which suited him fine. But something was troubling him. He studied Sabine and the paleness of her skin, trying to figure out what his mind was trying to tell him. After a long moment, he straightened.
"The glamour. Can any of you break glamour?"
Esmelle stopped crushing the herbal mixture and arched her brow. Dax and Bane turned to him, their eyes flashing to silver. Malek froze, his fingers itching to draw his weapon, but the threat of violence would only incite the demons. He didn't know Esmelle well enough to speculate.
Esmelle cleared her throat and asked carefully, "You've seen Sabine without her glamour?"
"The chalice stripped it, and I was unable to shield her," Dax snapped, pushing up from the bed. "He's sworn a blood oath for silence. He technically didn't break it just now, but a suggestion is close enough."
"This keeps getting worse," Esmelle muttered with a sigh. "Okay. We'll deal with that later. Why are you asking about her glamour, Malek?"
Forcing himself to project a calm he didn't quite feel, Malek said, "If Sabine's still weakening, it's because she doesn't have enough magic. The glamour could be the reason for it."
Almost in unison, Dax and Bane blinked, and their eyes returned to normal. Esmelle gave a curt nod and dropped a pinch of the contents from another vial into the mortar.
Dax frowned and turned back to Sabine. "You may be right about the glamour, but Sabine is the only one who can remove it."
Bane studied Malek carefully, his gaze suspicious as he crossed his arms over his chest. "What do you know of glamour?"
"Not a great deal," Malek admitted truthfully.
None of his people possessed such abilities, and they didn't have a way to remove it either. Glamour was one of those tricky magics that usually worked because everyone believed it to be true. Some lesser creatures could have theirs broken by disbelieving it, but the Fae were the strongest of all magical creatures when it came to that talent. To his knowledge, not even another Fae could break it. He'd hoped whatever ties Sabine shared with the demons might be enough to allow them to manipulate her magic.
Bane swept his gaze over Malek again. "You're not human."
Malek paused before responding. "No, I'm not."
Dax frowned. "What the hell does that have to do with anything? No one can break glamour."
"What are you?" Bane demanded, narrowing his eyes on Malek.
"I'm no threat to Sabine," Malek replied evenly, unwilling to divulge his identity. He'd eventually need to tell Sabine who he was, but he didn't owe these two demons the same courtesy.
Dax pushed off the bed. "He's warded. Sabine's been refreshing his mark to keep it active."
Bane studied the mark on Malek's wrist, and his mouth twisted in a cruel smile. "Interesting. What is it you're hiding behind a ward, ship captain? You're obviously some kind of magic user."
Esmelle arched her brow. "You're not a witch. Part Fae maybe? The pixies said Malek knew about them."
Malek frowned, wondering what else the pixies had said. "I'm not Fae."
"No, you're not. Sabine would have known, so you must be something she wouldn't recognize." Bane took a step toward him. The demon's hand lifted, and Malek immediately raised his to deflect a fire attack.
"Dragon," Dax hissed, his eyes flashing to silver and staying that way. He drew his weapon and started to advance. Bane grabbed his arm and spun him around, slamming him against the wall. Dax roared out a challenge, but Bane didn't release him.
Esmelle gaped at them, darting a worried glance at Sabine sleeping on the bed.
"Think, brother," Bane ordered, holding Dax in place. "He's here for a reason."
"I don't care about his reasons," Dax hissed. "The dragon dies."
"Try it," Malek snapped, prepared to yank off the ward around his neck. If he needed to kill both demons, so be it.
"Enough!" Bane shouted, using his body to keep Dax contained. "Sabine doesn't know what he is or she never would have offered him a mark of protection. She trusts him, perhaps foolishly, but we may be able to use him to help her."
Malek paused in surprise. He wasn't sure what the demon intended, but if it helped Sabine, he'd consider it. "How?"
Dax scowled, but he'd stopped fighting Bane. "No. I will not allow him near her. Balkin will be arriving in the city either tonight or tomorrow."
Esmelle straightened. "Balkin and Sabine are linked, right? Can't he share power with her?"
Bane arched his brow. "The Beastman is coming here?"
When Dax gave him a curt nod, Bane muttered a curse and released him. "Balkin may be too late. During the short walk here from the crypt, Sabine weakened a great deal. She's fading." Bane held out his arm to show the mark on his wrist wasn't as vibrant. "I don't know if she'll last another few hours, much less until tonight."
Malek's gaze fell on Sabine, and a heavy weight pressed on his chest, making it difficult to breathe. Not only had he started to care a great deal for her, but she was the best chance he had to save his people. "You believe I may be able to help her?"
Dax scowled. "She won't thank any of us if we allow a dragon near her now that we know the truth."
Bane didn't respond right away. Instead, he continued to regard Malek thoughtfully. Such rational behavior from a demon was suspect, but it was better than Malek being forced into killing Sabine's friends. Besides, trying to shift into his dragon form here would endanger everyone—including Sabine.
"Why are you here?" Bane crossed his arms over his chest. "You've made an effort to get close to Sabine. Why?"
Malek held Bane's gaze. He could refuse to answer, but it would be unlikely either brother would allow him to help Sabine. And he needed her to survive.
"I've spent the last several years trying to track down the artifacts used to close the portal. I heard a rumor some ancient artifacts had resurfaced in Akros, so I brought my ship here and requested an audience with Dax."
Bane nodded. "And you were seeking those with enough magic to power them?"
"Yes," Malek admitted, glancing down at Sabine again. "The Fae have closed their forests to all outsiders. I had hoped to find someone in the southern cities with enough magic to use the Fae artifact once I discovered it. I'd originally believed Sabine might have a close relative who was a full-blooded Fae."
"You're a fool," Dax said with a sneer. "Dragons imprisoned and slaughtered her people for generations, and you believe she'll help you?"
Malek's shoulders tensed. "I believe, once I have a chance to speak with her, she'll consider it. Sabine is unlike anyone I've met. I've never heard of another Fae caring for demons, human witches, and orphaned children. Yet, in the short time I've known her, I've seen the depth of the ties Sabine's forged in this city."
"He swore a blood oath earlier tonight that he intended her no harm," Dax said, his mouth twisting in a smirk. "Even if Sabine refuses his offer, she's protected from any retribution. But I'd rather just kill him. Problem neatly solved."
Malek glared at Dax. "Even without swearing to it, I still wouldn't harm her. You can try to kill me, but it won't end well for you."
"Can you breathe dragonfire while in human form?" Bane asked, his words seemingly casual, but Malek didn't believe that for a minute. Malek didn't answer, unwilling to give his enemies any insight into his abilities.
Esmelle's brow furrowed as she shook her head. "Uh, Bane? I don't know much about dragons, but there has to be another way. Sabine won't be happy if we allow him to use magic on her, especially while she's unconscious and defenseless."
Ignoring Esmelle's objections, Bane focused on Malek and gestured to Sabine. "She marked you, which has created a tie of sorts between you two, even if it's temporary. If you can send your power through the mark, it should be enough to awaken her so she can drop her glamour."
Taken aback by his suggestion, Malek glanced at Sabine's still figure. "Dragonfire could kill her."
"It won't kill her if you send it through the mark," Bane said, taking a step away from Sabine and toward him. "I've studied enough about your kind to know dragonfire won't harm you. If you can filter your magic by sending it into your body first through the mark, it should be enough to bring her back to some semblance of consciousness."
Malek hesitated. He was protected from dragonfire and most other forms of fire, but the thought of attempting to infuse Sabine with it made him uneasy. What Bane had suggested was possible, but sharing such magic wasn't something done lightly—especially with its potential to harm the recipient. He wasn't sure it would work without a mating bond. If Sabine's mark on his wrist worked the way Bane believed, she should have sensed his magic before now.
Apparently, Dax agreed because he crossed his arms over his chest and said, "No. Sabine is mine to protect. I won't allow a dragon to experiment on her."
Bane snorted. "And if she dies? You swore to protect her. She won't survive until morning if we don't try something. No one else has enough of a connection with her to attempt such a thing. We're running out of options."
Dax fell silent, looking down at Sabine again. After a long time, he lifted his head and met Malek's gaze. "Can you do this? Infuse her with dragonfire without harming her?"
Malek frowned. "Bane's reasoning is sound, but I've never attempted such a thing. In all honesty, I don't know what will happen. Dragonfire is designed to kill. It's only safe when used with our mates, but that's because they inherit a resistance to the negative effects."
Bane nodded as though Malek's words had strengthened his argument. "Dax, this must be done. If he wears her mark of protection and he's sworn a blood oath not to harm her, the dragonfire will not hurt her. The magic won't allow it."
Dax scowled, not looking pleased by the prospect of allowing Malek close to her. He pointed his finger at Malek. "If this harms her in any way, you will not leave this room alive."
Malek narrowed his eyes at the demon. "I would not even consider attempting such a thing if your brother hadn't suggested it. I have no intention of harming Sabine. Ever."
Bane made a gesture toward Sabine. "Then begin. We are wasting time arguing while she grows weaker."
Malek took a step toward the sleeping woman, drawn to her on a level that was more than simple attraction. So much depended on this. He'd do everything he could to save her, but it didn't diminish his need for her assistance. He wanted her to know the truth about him, but it had to be done carefully if there was any hope of salvaging the fragile trust he'd started to build with her.
"Before I do this, I ask you all to agree not to tell Sabine my secret."
Esmelle's mouth formed a thin line, and the witch shook her head.
Dax glared at him. "No. She will learn the truth of your deception."
"I'm not disputing that," Malek agreed, glancing down at Sabine again. He wanted to believe she wouldn't regard him as an enemy, but he didn't know her well enough to guess either way. "I will tell her. I'm simply asking that you give me the opportunity to tell her the truth myself."
Esmelle huffed. "Fine. I won't tell her right away. It would be better coming from you anyway. But if you don't tell her, I will."
Bane studied him for a long time and then nodded. "You have one day. If this works and she recovers, you will have one day from the time Sabine regains her full strength. If you falter or attempt to deceive her in any other way, we will tell her the truth—and kill you."
Dax gave him a curt nod. "One day, and no more."
Malek curled his hands into fists. If it came to a battle between a dragon and two demons, it would be interesting to find out who would win. Based on the silver shining from Bane and Dax's eyes, they agreed and were even eager for the fight.
Malek inclined his head. "Very well."
Bane and Dax moved aside, allowing him to sit on the bed beside Sabine. He reached for the warding necklace around his neck and unfastened it. The power he'd been suppressing rushed through him. It had been more than a month since he'd last shackled himself, and he relished the brief moment of freedom before focusing on what needed to be done. He needed to shift into his dragon form soon to release some of his building magic.
He brushed one of Sabine's braids away from her face, trailing his fingers over her soft skin. She didn't stir. Focusing on his intention to help her and his feelings for her, he lifted his wrist and blew gently against the fading mark.
Nothing happened.
It was as though some barrier prevented the magic from filtering back to her.
Malek frowned and turned to Dax. "You said it hurts her every time she's needed to reapply the mark and she's been taking the pain unto herself. How is that possible?"
Dax shrugged. "I've never claimed to understand Fae magic."
Esmelle's expression became thoughtful. "This is just speculation, but Sabine has difficulties causing pain to others. She can kill when necessary, but it has never come easily for her. She once told me it was a bit easier to take a life, knowing either Dax or Bane would steal that taint from her soul. They thrive off of consuming someone's lifeforce or magic, but I believe Sabine's natural magic rejects harming others. She must shift it somehow so she takes the cost upon herself."
Malek paused, glancing back and forth between Bane and Dax. Was it possible that was part of the reason they'd formed an agreement to protect each other? Too much didn't make sense though. He still didn't understand why she'd left Faerie and pretended to be mostly human. Pushing aside these questions for the time being, he asked, "Her magic is tied to her blood, correct?"
Dax narrowed his eyes. "As much as yours, Dragon."
Malek held up his hand in a request for latitude. "I have a reason for these questions. Sending the dragonfire through the mark won't be possible, but I may be able to connect with the magic in her blood."
Bane's brow furrowed. "Explain."
"I made a blood oath not to harm her," Malek began, watching as both demons nodded. "That oath is tied to my blood and magic. It was accepted and the wound was healed by Sabine in acknowledgment of my vow. Going by that logic, I should be able create a similar wound and use my blood to provide her with some resistance to the dragonfire."
"Clever," Bane murmured thoughtfully. "As ideas go, it has merit."
Dax frowned. "And the effects of dragon blood on a Fae?"
Malek winced and shook his head. In dragon form, his molten blood could be a weapon, burning his enemies alive. In his current form, it shouldn't be dangerous, but he'd never shared blood and magic with a Fae. Intent was a large part of magic, and the last thing he wanted was to harm her. "It hasn't ended well for the Fae in the past, but to the best of my knowledge, no one had a mark that connected them. I won't say it's completely without risk, but I believe it's our best option."
Bane glanced over at Dax. "Can you get a message to the Beastman to see if he can get here sooner?"
"No," Dax grumbled and rubbed his chin in thought. "Balkin's message came by bird, so it's likely he's already on the move. A seer in his village had a vision of the Wild Hunt rising again. She foresaw an iron dagger being used in an attack against a woman of Fae heritage. Balkin's coming here because he believes Sabine's in danger."
Malek cocked his head, wondering again about this Balkin. He'd never had the opportunity to meet one of the Beastpeople. They primarily lived within the confines of the Silver Forests surrounding Faerie. From what little he knew about them, they were sworn to serve the Fae. During the Great War, the Fae formed armies of Beastpeople by twisting the magic of the gods and making some of the animals in their forests more humanlike. Some resembled lions, wolves, foxes, bears, and even birds of prey had been used.
They were the ruthless defenders of Faerie, and some of the Beastpeople were dedicated not only to protect Faerie but also to serve certain families. If this Balkin considered himself Sabine's protector, it was surprising he hadn't remained by her side. What was even more curious and troubling was two full-blooded demons appeared to defer to the Beastman.
"We don't have a choice then," Bane muttered with a curse. Focusing again on Malek, he asked, "What do you need to attempt this blood connection?"
"A small cut on her hand and mine will allow my blood to enter her wound and offer her some measure of protection." Malek turned back to Sabine and took her hand in his. Running his fingers over her palm, he said, "From there, I can breathe the dragonfire directly into her."
The dragon within him roared in anticipation. Malek wanted to do this, he realized with a trace of surprise. The thought of sharing blood and magic, as well as forging a deeper connection with Sabine, was more than alluring—it was intoxicating.
"Then do it," Dax said, gesturing for him to get on with it.
Malek withdrew his knife and cut his hand first before turning the knife on Sabine. He hesitated and then shook his head. "One of you needs to make the cut. My oath prevents me from any harm, even if the end result will help her."
Dax nodded and took the knife, cutting a small line on Sabine's palm. She murmured something unintelligible in her sleep but didn't awaken. Blood welled to the surface of her hand. Malek clasped his hand over hers, allowing their blood to intermingle. Her magic, potent and beguiling, surged through him and he closed his eyes, breathing in her power. She was exquisite. Her raw energy was more enticing than anything he could have imagined.
He opened his eyes to look down at her, willing her to awaken. Intention was an important part of this magic, and he needed to focus on protecting and reviving Sabine.
Still grasping her hand, he pressed his lips against hers and exhaled the dragonfire into her body. Sabine's mouth parted on a gasp, and she murmured his name. In the throes of her healing slumber, Sabine didn't resist him or the magic he offered. He cupped the back of her head with his free hand, continuing to infuse her with his power. The smell of night-blooming flowers he'd begun to associate with Sabine filled the air and co-mingled with the sharper scent of smoke and burnt leaves from the dragonfire.
Reluctantly, he eased away, but the sense of awareness and connection remained. Sabine blinked open her eyes, her brows furrowing in confusion as she whispered, "Malek?"
"Little one," Bane interrupted before he could respond and crouched beside the bed. "You need to remove your glamour and recharge your magic. Dax and I will watch over you until you're recovered."
Her eyes widened, and she started to sit up. "Where's Dax? Is he all right?"
Bane gently eased her back down and brushed one of her braids away from her face. "He's well. We all are, but you need to rest and recover. We don't have any more magic to give you."
Dax took a step toward the bed. "I'm fine, Sabine. Remove the glamour so it'll stop draining you. When you're better, we're going to talk about that stupid move you pulled in the councilman's home."
Sabine gave him a small smile, settled back, and closed her eyes with a sigh. A moment later, the glamour fell away and she was once again asleep. Malek didn't move and couldn't tear his eyes away from her. She was beautiful and far more exotic in appearance than he'd first thought.
Her hair was nearly white with strands of silver reminiscent of moonlight. Her skin was still fair, glowing softly with the remnants of her power. Intricate marks of silvered vines wound up her hands and wrists, continuing upward where they disappeared under her clothing. He'd heard the tattoos were markings of power, given to Fae children at a very young age as their magical abilities took hold. They were supposed to be painful, blending both blood and magic together and then pierced under the skin. She'd obviously spent a great number of years living among the Fae.
Bane nodded. "Good. Her coloring is better. Let me check her hand."
Malek hesitated, wanting to continue touching her but knowing he needed to pull away. Reluctantly, he released her, and Bane took her injured hand. The air around her hand shimmered with a strange energy, and the wound began to fuse back together.
Malek arched his brow in surprise. "Interesting. I wasn't aware demons could heal."
"Only Sabine," Bane said, pushing off the floor. "Esme, she'll need some of your tea when she awakens next."
Esmelle nodded. "I'll finish preparing it. I can sit with her until she wakes up again."
Malek stood, barely listening to the conversation as he gazed down at Sabine. He was tempted to remain with her until she recovered, but he suspected her demon protectors and witch friend would have a problem with that. As though sensing Malek's internal conflict, Dax took a step toward him.
"Be careful," Dax warned, his eyes flaring silver briefly. "Right now, the fact you helped stabilize her is the only reason you're still alive."
Malek held Dax's gaze, refusing to look away now that Dax knew the truth. "I'd like to inspect the chalice we acquired earlier this evening."
"Not until Sabine awakens," Dax retorted, crossing his arms over his chest. "Until the magic has been completely disabled, it won't be leaving my vault. You may remain here in the tavern until then. If you try to leave, I'll have your crew executed and your ship sunk."
Malek cocked his head. "You believe I intend to betray Sabine?"
Dax gave him a cruel smile. "I take Sabine's protection very seriously. Until we've determined you're not a threat to her or planning to divulge her secrets, I'll be keeping a close eye on you."
"So be it," Malek said, fastening the warding necklace around his neck and trying to ignore the uncomfortable sensation of his magic being suppressed. He hadn't intended to leave now that he'd found Sabine, and Dax had just made his life much easier. Without another word, he turned and left the room.
- End795 Chapters
I Am A Prodigy
Ye Lingchen was a regular high schooler who struggled with exams and expectations from his parents.
8 2823 - In Serial130 Chapters
Blood & Noodles
[participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] As they always have, humanity hunts the gods roaming the world, craving the supernatural power that flows within their veins. Even a drop is zealously guarded, passed from master to student through the ages. It is with this stolen power that the Blooded - those with divine blood coursing through them - grasp beyond mortality and achieve prestige, power, and greatness. Yet, for every fraction of power gained, thousands perish, slain by the gods' supernatural prowess. But everything is beginning to change. Eight years ago, for the first time in human memory, a god was felled. Part-time chef and full-time nuisance Orvi wants nothing to do with gods. Living in a derelict city, his only concerns are ensuring his adopted family's restaurant is prosperous and how to best beat the neighbourhood boys in a fight. If he's lucky, he might even snag a date with the farmer's daughter at the market. But even though he cares nothing for the gods or their blood, the world won't leave him alone forever. Because to reach godhood, one must first leave their humanity behind. *** The first arc of Blood & Noodles follows the adolescent Orvi as he attempts to navigate his rapidly changing home and - by his own definition - protect his family. The story is told almost entirely in the first-person, from the perspective of a teenager who isn't always the sharpest tool in the shed. There are tragic elements, especially in the current arc. It's character-focused and driven, though the protagonist's shenanigans are backdropped by a world operating independently from him. Orvi's a generally light-hearted character, and though the story veers into darker territory, I also want it to be able to make readers smile. Action sequences, despite the fantastical elements, are meant to be grounded and clearly-conveyed; Orvi is a brawler, not a warrior. I'm trying to write a story that's enjoyable to read and flows nicely, mainly because it's more fun to write. I'm also trying to improve my writing, so any feedback, whether positive or negative, is welcome!
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In the Sunken Zika world where the light of the Purple Star shines, Mwana Jua begins his path on the Way of the Warrior just like his ancestors did. He dreams of becoming a Crystal Warrior just like every other child, but he soon comes to realize that there is much more to power the higher he climbs. His journey is not just to be the greatest, but to bring happiness to his family, to support his love and to fulfil his teacher's greatest dream. He embarks on a journey that crosses life and death spanning across the realms of Demons, Dragons, Magic and even Gods
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Echelon of The Owls
Parallel worlds or other worlds. The existence of infinite existence where it only exists in science fiction like in comics, books, or cartoons. We, humans, are so fond of that fiction idea, imagining a thousand worlds where we can have different appearances, lives, and selves. For example, a murderer who's been living in the underbelly of society in the dark might be the most successful businessman in an alternate timeline or reality. The infinite possibilities we could have, that's why the idea of parallel worlds revolves around "what if", " I should've...", etc. The wishful thinking that how we could have done it better or in a word, "regret". Other than that, it's still from fiction. The concept of it only exists in our imaginary minds. But, it all changed when 20 students from an ordinary high school were caught in a mysterious phenomenon. A surge of blue light crawled across the whole room, symbols, lines, and geometric patterns emerged slowly. The light slowly grew brighter and brighter, in a blink of an eye, all of them vanished. Till to this day, the mysterious phenomenon was left to be unknown, with the existence of those 20 students. Join the journey of Sirius Steorra and Alice Schwartz as they transverse to the other world and uncover the mysteries of its world. A world that’s shrouded by mysteries and history. This is their story... ----------------------------------------------------- This is also available in Webnovel and Scribblehub. I do not own the artwork, if you are the illustrator just let me know if you want me to remove it. (Only using it temporarily) DISCLAIMERWork of fiction. All the names, places, and events are all purely based on the author's imagination. Any resemblance to an actual person or events is purely coincidental.
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8 85 - In Serial47 Chapters
Why Me(my story)
Harmonie is a 17 year old who is getting rape by her uncle. Her mom doesn't know . Read to find out what happens. Read
8 166