《To Kill a Fae (The Dragon Portal)》Chapter 12
Sabine opened her eyes to stare at a familiar ceiling. She had no recollection of how she'd ended up back in her old room at the tavern. A scraping noise caught her attention, and she turned her head.
Esmelle glanced up from where she was weaving herbs on a new drying rack. "Oh, good. You're finally awake. We were starting to get worried."
Sabine frowned and sat up, rubbing her eyes. "How long was I out?"
"Almost a full day," Esmelle said cheerfully, putting the small portable rack to the side. "You got up once or twice, but you were pretty out of it. I'm not surprised you don't remember. Bane and Dax have been nuisances, refusing to let anyone near you."
"Except you," Sabine guessed, wondering what sort of problems had emerged with both demons together in the same space. It was probably too much to hope they'd resolved their issues, but at least they hadn't killed each other yet. She should probably be grateful for such small favors.
Esmelle grinned and picked up a pot of tea from the table. She poured a cup and said, "Mm-hmm. I told them they'd have to deal with you if they tried to keep me away. I swear, they're the two scariest people in this city and they're terrified of you."
Sabine yawned and stretched. "If they knew what was good for them, they'd be more scared of you. One little waggle of your fingers and you'd turn them into toads or hang them from a tree by their horns."
Esme laughed and handed her the cup. Sabine sniffed at it, but it was a simple combination of complementary herbs. She took a sip. "This is pretty good. Blossom gathered more mint for you?"
Esmelle nodded. "She did. I think she's worried about you."
Sabine lifted her head to meet Esmelle's gaze. "How so?"
Esmelle put her hand on her hip, tilting her head and causing a red curl to fall across her forehead. She brushed it aside absently. "Something about the moon disappearing? A magical explosion that brought another family of pixies to my garden? She had a fit and said she was going to track you down if you didn't show up soon."
Sabine squeezed her eyes shut and groaned. Blossom was probably beside herself at being unable to communicate with her. If Blossom knew the other pixie clan, it was unlikely their arrival heralded good news. The other option was even worse. If her magical workings had drawn the attention of an unrelated clan, that meant the ripple effects of her power had scattered far beyond the boundaries of Akros. Pixies flocked to any powerful source of magic, and she'd essentially hung out a welcome mat announcing her presence to anyone in the vicinity.
"On another note," Esmelle said, "that ship captain came in to check on you a few times. I thought Dax or Bane were going to kill him, but they seem to have reached an uneasy truce of sorts. I talked to him a little bit while we were waiting for you to wake up. I wasn't sure about him at first, but I can see why you're interested in him."
Sabine frowned and looked down at her arms, but her glamour was back in place. She had a vague recollection of Malek kissing her and Dax and Bane telling her to release the glamour. She must have reapplied it one of the times she'd woken up, but she knew Malek had been there when she'd lowered it. She just didn't remember his reaction.
Taking another sip of her tea, she said, "Malek saw through my glamour. Did he say anything?"
Esmelle shook her head. "No, but he didn't have to say a word. Sabine, a man doesn't face down two angry demons and a witch so he can check on a woman five times in less than a day unless he really likes her. From the sparks you two were putting off the other day in the garden, I'd say it goes both ways. To hell with your glamour. I'd say he likes you in any form he can get you. I just want you to be careful. You... you don't know him very well yet."
Sabine hid her smile behind the rim of her cup. She had every intention of getting to know him much better.
Esmelle laughed. "Good. Now that we've got that settled, Dax arranged to have some clothing and personal items brought to you. They're in the chest. I'll let you get cleaned up and dressed. Henry's wife made a huge pot of vegetable stew for you, and it's simmering in the kitchen. Bane threatened to hurt anyone who got near it before you woke up."
"Martha cooked for me?" Sabine sat up straighter at the prospect. Martha was a fantastic cook, and her food was one of the things Sabine missed most about staying here.
Esme grinned, her green eyes twinkling with humor. "Yes, but Martha snuck me a bowl when Bane's back was turned. It's absolutely delicious. Not even Bane's threats are going to keep people away for long if you don't get out there. It's been driving everyone crazy all day." She paused, her expression becoming more serious. "I'm glad you're okay, Sabine. You had all of us worried."
Sabine tilted her head and smiled. "I think I worried myself a bit this time too."
Esmelle nodded and returned her smile. "I'll let you get dressed. Come out whenever you're ready. I need to run back to the shop and check on things, but I'll be back soon. Bane and Dax are running around somewhere. I'll let them know you're awake before I go."
After the door closed behind Esme, Sabine stood and rubbed the kinks out of her neck from sleeping so long. She put the empty cup on the table and caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Dax must have undressed her while she slept, only leaving her in an overly large shirt and nothing else. She opened the chest, but there was only another one of his shirts folded inside along with undergarments. Her weapons were missing too. She could run naked through the streets relying solely on her glamour, but her magic hadn't yet recovered enough for such an undertaking. Dax clearly intended to make escaping difficult.
Muttering a colorful curse, she ran her hand through her hair to find he'd also unbraided it and taken her hairpins too.
"I'm going to kill him," Sabine muttered, snatching up the shirt and heading into the small room next to the bedroom.
Lifting the pump handle, she poured some water into the basin and washed herself quickly. By the time she finished taking care of her immediate needs, her stomach grumbled a complaint. Pulling Dax's shirt over her head, she scowled at the realization it only fell to mid-thigh. She wouldn't be walking around the main floor of the tavern or leaving until she acquired more clothing, which was why Dax had stolen hers. She huffed and left the bedroom, heading in the direction of the kitchen and the source of the delicious smells permeating the air.
The kitchen was empty when she entered, but she could hear what sounded like a card game being played in the next room. Ignoring it, she walked over to the large wood-burning stove and the pot simmering on top of it. She grabbed a cloth and lifted the lid, her stomach making another appreciative rumble as the heavenly aroma escaped.
Sabine scooped out a large bowl of the soup and replaced the lid before heading over to the table. She took a bite and let out a moan of appreciation. Martha had gone above and beyond, even including some of her favorite vegetables and spices. It was a complex blend of flavors, all perfectly complementing each other and proving some humans had their own brand of magic.
A cheer went up from the next room, but she ignored it and ate several more bites before putting the bowl to the side. Walking over to the cupboards, she started searching for one of the bottles of wine Henry had hidden for her. Such a meal deserved nothing less.
"You're awake," Malek said behind her.
She spun around, gripping the edge of the counter tightly. His eyes warmed as he perused her up and down, lingering overly long on her bare legs before meeting her eyes. Her face heated at his frank appraisal, but she couldn't bring herself to look away as he took a step toward her.
"How are you feeling, Sabine?"
"Better," she said quietly, wishing she had her weapons on her. Even though she didn't intend any harm to Malek, she felt surprisingly vulnerable without them. Although, part of that could be because he knew some of what she was hiding. Other than Esmelle, Dax, and Bane, no one outside of Faerie had seen her without glamour.
Malek crossed the room toward her, stopping only when he was within touching distance. He searched her expression, and the conflicted emotions on his face were surprising. Sabine frowned, wondering if Esmelle had misread the situation and his interest in her.
"What do you remember?"
She tilted her head to study him, getting the impression he was worried about her answer. "Not much. Only bits and pieces. I remember escaping from the councilman's home, heading toward the crypt, but not much else. Little flashes. Esme said I woke up a few times, and you came to check on me."
He frowned. "That's all?"
"I remember you kissing me," she admitted with a small smile.
"At least I'm somewhat memorable," he murmured, a trace of a grin on his lips. Reaching up, he tucked some of her hair behind her ear and trailed his fingers down the side of her face. She closed her eyes, leaning into his hand and relishing his touch.
Something about this man intrigued her. Perhaps it was the power she sensed below the surface, but she didn't think that was quite right. He called to her on a fundamental level, more so than anyone she'd ever met. Taking a step toward him, she closed the distance between them and placed her hand against his chest.
"You're a little more than just memorable."
Malek cupped her face and lowered his head, pressing his lips against hers. It was just a gentle pressure as though she were impossibly fragile, but the heat lurking beneath the surface of his kiss was undeniable. He pulled back far too soon for her liking but didn't move away. Instead, he trailed his thumb across her cheek and murmured, "In my wildest dreams, I never expected to meet someone like you. You could easily cause me to forget everything, Sabine, including my entire purpose for coming here."
Her heart soared at his words. In her mind, he could easily do the same to her. She gave him a small smile. "Sometimes fate takes us in unexpected directions, but we always end up where we're supposed to be."
"I'd like to believe that," Malek murmured, lifting some of her hair and rubbing it between his fingers.
The shadows in Malek's eyes were troubling, but she wouldn't pry. They both had a past, and sometimes reliving it could be painful. Perhaps she could connect with him another way.
"There's a bottle of wine in the cabinet behind me. Will you share a glass with me?"
He reached over to take the bottle off the top shelf. "This is Faerie wine, right? The same kind Dax drugged?"
Sabine smiled and nodded. "Yes, but this one is safe. Dax won't try anything like that again for a while." Selecting a clean goblet from the cabinet, she walked over to the table and placed it beside her bowl. "Martha made a wonderful stew. If you'd like some, it's on the stove."
"That's all right," he said, sitting beside her and opening the wine. He poured some into the cup and recapped the bottle.
Sabine lifted the goblet and swirled the contents. "Have you ever shared wine before?"
Malek arched his brow. "Your tone makes me think there's some sort of ritual that goes beyond simply sharing a drink."
"Very perceptive, and yes," Sabine agreed with a laugh and put the goblet down between them. "It's not exactly a ritual, but more of a way to share a memory or an experience."
"I'm intrigued," he admitted. "How does this work?"
She lifted her gaze to meet his and tried to ignore the familiar fluttering in her stomach that seemed to occur whenever he looked at her. "If you were Fae, we could simply drink from the same cup to share a memory. Since you're not, I'd like to share some of my power with you so you can get the full experience."
Malek frowned. "Sabine, you've spent the last day and most of this evening in a restorative sleep. I'm not sure you should attempt anything else until you're fully recovered."
Touched by the concern in his eyes, she smiled at him. It had been a long time since anyone had looked at her that way without any expectations in return. Reaching over, she placed her hand over his. "This isn't major magic. It's simply a sharing of power with very little cost. The magic itself is in the wine. I can unlock it so you can experience it too."
"Will you allow me the use of your knife?"
Malek unsheathed his weapon and passed it over to her hilt first. She took it from him, admiring the expensive weapon. It was excellent dwarven workmanship, both serviceable and decorative. She pricked her finger with the tip of the blade and squeezed it until two drops of blood fell into the wine. Malek's eyes widened.
She gave him a small smile. "Will you allow me to give you a gift of my blood?"
He glanced at her finger and nodded. She squeezed her finger again until her blood welled to the surface. Holding out her finger, she offered it to him. Malek held her gaze as he wrapped his hand around her wrist. He lifted her hand and wrapped his lips around her finger. Her mouth parted on a gasp. Malek's mouth was warm, almost hot, as his tongue encircled her finger, catching the blood and the power she offered. The gesture was erotic and sensual, and her heart pounded at the rush of desire that flooded through her.
He pressed a kiss against her fingertip. "You honor me with such a gift."
"You saved my life, Malek. I owe you much more than this."
"No," he said quickly, squeezing her hand. "There is no debt between us. I will explain why soon, but for now, please do not feel you owe me anything."
She studied him for a long time, gauging his sincerity. Unlike the Fae, humans and some other magical races could lie. She had the impression Malek was being honest, but he was also hiding something. It wasn't in her nature to pry, especially when staying silent about her own secrets had saved her life over the years. Everyone was entitled to keep their own counsel.
Picking up the goblet again, she swirled the wine to mix it with her blood. Sabine lifted it to her lips, drinking deeply and tasting the memory of the forest. The rich scent of the trees, including the revered silver oaks, tickled her nose. The memory of her home filled her with a combination of peace and longing.
She offered Malek the goblet, and he took it, taking a sip of the wine. His eyes widened and then closed, and he took a deep breath. His voice, when he spoke, was filled with awe. "The Silver Forest. It's the forest that protects the home of the Fae."
"Yes," she said quietly, pleased he could see it.
His eyes opened, and he gazed at her with wonder. "I had no idea this was possible. Every time you drink Faerie wine, this is what you experience?"
Sabine laughed and shook her head. "No. Each vintner has their own specialty, and each bottle is identified by the memory it may evoke. A bottle with a green mark on the top, such as this one, usually contains the memories and magic of nature or the forest."
Malek chuckled. "I had no idea. Now I'll need to check the rest of the cases on my ship. What do the other colors mean?"
"It depends on who crafted it and the magic of the person drinking it," she admitted, reaching for the goblet again. "Usually, a purple label will draw upon the creativity of the drinker. You may hear music or revisit a book you loved. Blue is more soothing, perhaps holding a memory of a peaceful place you once visited. Red is the color for passion, and that wine is usually shared between lovers."
"Hmm. I wonder if I have any of the red bottles."
Sabine laughed and took a sip, once again allowing the memory of the forest to fill her with a peaceful calm. She offered it to him. "This time, close your eyes and take a drink. I want to show you one of my favorite places in the forest."
He did as she asked, and she placed her hand over his and closed her eyes, reaching for the connection between them. When she opened her eyes again, the tavern's kitchen had faded away and they were standing in a small clearing in the middle of the forest. Birds chittered in the trees, their songs an accompaniment to the soothing sound of the rushing river.
Malek stared at the trees overhead in amazement.
She approached him quietly. "I wasn't sure you'd be able to see it this vividly."
At the sound of her voice, Malek turned toward her and froze. His heated gaze roamed over her, and he swallowed.
Sabine looked down at herself and the Fae markings that traveled up her arms. She wore a simple dress in the style of her people, which showcased the patterned marks she'd attained during her younger years.
She gave him a shy smile. "Here, you see me as I really am without any glamour. Or at least, how I see myself in my mind's eye. Illusions don't always work for the Fae when we're lost in memory."
Malek closed the distance between them. He reached up to tuck her loose hair behind her ear and trailed his fingers down in a gentle caress, their path sending a surge of heat through her. "You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, Sabine." He paused and his brow furrowed. "Is this dangerous for you? Can anyone else see you?"
Sabine shook her head, touched by his concern. "No. We'll hear if anyone comes into the kitchen, but they won't see anything other than two people sitting at the table with their eyes closed."
Malek reached down to take her hand in his. "How much of this magic is real?"
"As real as any magic or memory," she said with a shrug and looked at the canopy of trees overhead. The sunlight filtered down, causing the shadows to dance through the leaves. It was beautiful, but it saddened her to know she may never see it again.
"Will you tell me about this place?"
She nodded, continuing to hold his hand as she led him toward the river. "I spent a lot of time here as a child. Whenever my brother and I wanted to avoid our lessons, we used to sneak away and come here. We spent far too much time reenacting the last war, but we always won in a sweeping victory."
"You mentioned your brother before. Is he still with the Fae?"
Sabine frowned. Even in this place of memory, mentioning certain names could draw unwanted attention and allow some creatures to listen in. Dreamwalkers and Memorywalkers were rare, but not unheard of, especially among the Fae and some of their allies. "It's better not to say too much."
He squeezed her hand. "I never thought to see the inside of the forest. Your people don't allow outsiders to come here."
"It's not forbidden, but it's not done lightly either," she admitted, watching the sunlight dance over the water. "The forests are sentient, and once permission is given, it's difficult to revoke it. It's only one of our defenses, but it's very effective."
Malek looked upward again at the trees. "This entire place is incredible. I can see why you'd want to visit it like this."
Sabine smiled, glancing up and trying to see it through his eyes. She hadn't traveled much, but the protective trees didn't exist anywhere else in the world. Others had tried to steal saplings and transplant them in other areas without success. They fed off sunlight and Fae magic, which was why they were so rare. The leaves were a deep green like any normal oak tree, but the veins of each leaf were streaked with silver, like the marks of power etched on her skin.
Malek reached out and touched the bark of one of the trees. "It's so real. The smell, the feel of it, everything. This place is extraordinary. How long does the magic last?"
"Only until the wine is gone," she said, secretly pleased by his reaction. "Some of our Elders enjoy their wine a little too much, getting lost in their memories of the past instead of embracing the present. But it's a way to share experiences with each other, and a way to learn from our past through reflection."
He glanced over at her. "If you bring someone into your memory with you, does whatever happens here also extend into the real world?"
Sabine hesitated. They were a little too close to discussing knowledge forbidden to outsiders. She might have fled her home to save her life, but she wasn't willing to betray her people. "What do you mean?"
"If I kiss you here," he began, taking another step closer to her, "will I be kissing you in the real world too?"
Her mouth curved into a smile, and she shook her head. "Not usually. It can be done, but the intention needs to be there. Sometimes, the duality of physical intimacy both here and in the 'real world' can be rather... intense. Pleasurable, but intense."
"In that case, I'm definitely going to have to see if we have a bottle of that red wine on my ship," he murmured, cupping her face and kissing her gently.
Her eyes fluttered closed, and she softened her body against his as he deepened the kiss. The magnetism between them ignited, and she ran her hands up his chest, feeling the heat from his body and the strong play of muscles under his clothing. Here, in the relative safety of this memory, she didn't have to pretend to be something she wasn't. Malek might not know all her secrets, but he knew more than most people. For that reason alone, this kiss meant far more to her than it probably should.
The sound of footsteps interrupted them, and Sabine pulled away, sliding them from the memory and back into the tavern's kitchen. She blinked, staring over at Bane on the other side of the room. His hands were curled into fists as he glared at Malek with silvered eyes.
Malek muttered a curse and leaned back, returning Bane's scowl. Sabine frowned at Bane and stood, not particularly pleased with the angry demon vibes he was throwing off. He turned his gaze on her and blinked, the silver fading almost immediately. She relaxed as he crossed the room toward her.
"I was just coming to check on you. Esme said you were awake." He scanned her up and down. "How are you feeling?"
She smiled at him and stood on her toes to kiss his cheek. "Better. Although I'd be happier if Dax hadn't stolen my weapons and clothing."
He chuckled. "My brother has always been talented at riling you up, but in this instance, I was the one who suggested we take your belongings. Balkin's going to be here soon. We need you to stay here until then."
Sabine blew out a breath, having forgotten all about the Beastman's visit. Given the circumstances, Bane's decision made sense.
Bane studied the table, the wine bottle, and the goblet that had been between them. "You're sharing wine? With him?"
Sabine frowned at his sharp tone. Bane wasn't usually as possessive as Dax, so this was somewhat surprising. "Yes. Is that a problem?"
Bane was quiet for a moment as though trying to reach a decision. Finally, he sighed. "Dax needs you. He just came up from the cellar, and he's been in one of his moods since you were injured. Javyn asked me to see if you'd be willing to help run interference."
She glanced toward the closed door. The voices were more muted, but no one was screaming. "Has he killed anyone yet?"
"No one important," Bane said with a shrug. "He'll come tearing in here once veryonhe finds out you're awake. I suggest you go to him before then. I'll clean up the wine."
Sabine nodded and turned back to Malek and smiled. "We'll talk more later?"
Malek returned her smile, but there was a slight tension around his eyes. "I look forward to it."
She started to head toward the door but stopped and put her hand on Bane's arm. The way Bane and Malek were regarding each other made her uneasy, as though something was going on between them. In a quiet voice, she asked, "Does Dax really need me? Or are you trying to get me to leave?"
"I won't kill the... ship captain," he said with a trace of a sneer, still glaring at Malek. "At least not right now."
When she frowned at him, Bane waved her off. "We will be out in a moment, and I won't touch a hair on his head while you're gone. But Dax will likely kill someone if you don't reassure him you're alive and well."
Sabine grinned and kissed his cheek again. Turning away, she squared her shoulders and headed toward the door, mentally preparing to tame the other demon in her life.
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