《The Ice Fairy》Chapter 12 The Big Fat Boss


Chapter 12 The Big Fat Boss

Ice Fairy’s Pov

Somewhere in the middle of Europe

A deep male bass voice begins talking:

(deep male voice)

”Hey there! What does a smooth lady like you do here in the middle of nowhere? ”

A short saxophone solo underlines his words.

I slowly open my eyes. A bright light blinds me. My lids shut again.

(Creepy voice, very excited)

“Big brother, am I allowed to eat it? Am I? Am I? I am hungry, sooooo hungry! Funky! Funky! Funky!”

(Deep male voice)

"If you are hungry drink some sweet white nectar the mothers of our tribe gave us. Bring me a bottle too!“

Short Saxophone solo.

(Creepy voice)

“Hungry! I'd only try one leg..! Funky! Funky! Funky!”

Guilty conscience tortures me because of Tom

I reopen my eyes. They are unable to see anything because of the bright headlights, coming from every direction. I try to protect them by using my hand with minor success.

The deep male voice ignores the creepy one.

(Deep male voice)

" Little lady, what's your name?“

(Ice Fairy)

"I am Ice Fairy. Could you please dim down the lights a bit? They hurt my eyes. “

A moment of silence follows. …..

(Creepy voice)

"Brother! brother! Bell! Bell! Funky!"

(Deep voice)

"What are you talking about? I don't hear any bells.. .. Only the sweet voice of the little Lady. Dim the lights!"

A saxophone solo fills the quiet night, which is answered by the kettledrums. The lights dim down and I am able to see.

In front of me is a fat yeti with a saxophone in his right hand. Sunglasses are on his snout. His suit is a bit too small but his hat gives him his dignity back.

He sits on a throne which overlooks all the other vehicles. It's on a big snow crawler. Beside him is a bottle with a white fluid inside.


The 30 vehicles look like a circus caravan. There are tractors with twin wheels, modified cars and motorbikes. The bikes have skis instead of front wheels and chains instead of the hind ones.

They look fantastic. I bet the yetis are quite skilled using them

A second snow crawler even has a stage built on it. A rock band is on it.

Two other have a catapult mounted on them.... Looks like the snow balls which interrupted my journey came from them.

In every vehicle is a white ape. Some of them have iron helmets and others have eye patches. Nearly everyone has rivets somewhere on their clothes. Many of their outfits consist of leather. A part of the group is completely naked. They only have some belts with grenades slung around their body and Furpainting.

Most of the women have nothing to hide their breasts with. It appears the cold doesn't bother them the slightest.

I suppose they could have some piercings on their bodies too but they aren't visible under their thick white fur.

Instead it is colored at some spots with war paint.

Beside the fat one is an ape with disheveled hair. Around his neck is a chain, binding him to the side of the throne

(fat yeti boss = Deep male voice)

" So your name is 'Ice Fairy'. “

He takes the bottle and sucks on it. When he puts it away some white drops fall on his gigantic belly.

The creature beside him comments

(creepy yeti=creepy voice)

"I want to eat …Ice Fairy! Funky! Funky! Funky!“

The big one answers the remark with regretful eyes.

The fat yeti boss takes the sax and plays a tune.

(fat yeti boss)

"Where are you from little lady? I haven't ever seen someone like you around... And how did you fly through the sky? ....."


I won't say anything..... At first I thought this voice would belong to a sexy man but it's a fat something.... Even worse than the crazy geezer. My eyes drop.... A cool motorbike gang and no six packs, no bulky guys.... Only fuzzy monkeys.... Tears blur my vision.

God is this your taste of humor. First you let me fear that it's a bus with cheerleader and then you give me men who look like this? What a sadistic creature are you?

(fat yeti boss)

"My, my, have you lost your words? I know what's it like to lose ones muse"

Why can't you be 30 cm instead of 3 meters, have a good body and a funny attitude. Instead you are a sadistic tyrant who binds his fellow monkey to his throne.

A sob leaves my lips.

(fat yeti boss)

"Then this means you will accompany us a little further on our journey... Hunter yeti bring her to me!“

His instrument plays a tune.

A tall yeti with a rifle and a helmet comes out of the crowd. Around his neck are binoculars and under his right arm is a small bird cage.

He looks handsome for a yeti but he is covered with white fur .......God why don't you give me a spark of hope?

I know the abs are under this white mess but they are out of my reach....

Wait, before I crash landed a little light was at the horizon was t....It was too far away to be a part of the caravan. Maybe there is a village and there could be ...... my spark of hope!

But I can't get there when I am cought.

The hunter's hand slowly reaches for me. He tries to catch me but I do my best to flee from it..

I strike a superman pose to fly into the sky but it's difficult to hold the equilibrium. I fly a circle. My upper body buries itself in the ground.

A big hand follows me. I manage to slip through the fingers and strike a superman pose again.

I break head first through the snow blanket to the surface and fly 2 meters above the heads of the monkeys.

The hunter yeti formed a snow ball with the hand he had underground and throws it in my direction. It hits. A little fairy falls down to the ground. He immediately jumps at me. The yeti captures me and forces me into the bird cage. A proud smile dominates his features.

He places me without a word beside the fat yeti boss and vanishes into the group.

The crawling monkey beside the fat ape eyes my body greedily.

(creepy yeti)

„Can I eat it later? Funky! Funky! Funky!“

(fat yeti boss)

„No, you won't touch the little Lady!“

The creepy one throws begging eyes at his brother but he is ignored. So the creature retreats back into a corner beside the throne and mumbles something inaudible.

The fat yeti boss sucks on his bottle while lost in thought. His voice mumbles very quietly:

(Fat yeti boss)

“I wonder what her sweet, sweet mother-milk tastes like.“

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