《The Ice Fairy》Chapter 11 Crash Landing


Chapter 11 Crash Landing

Ice fairy's Pov.

In the air somewhere above Europe.

O what a glorious feeling. I can't get enough of it. Who would have thought that flying is a joy like this? I imitate superman. It's the sign to accelerate.

The cold air dances around my wings. I sail on the wind and split the dark night. A trace of snow falls down to the ground behind me.

These exoskeleton-jet-pack wings are great. The handling is fun: It works by striking different poses

They are made of cristal and are fueled by creating really, really cold ice, which is easy peasy for me.

I found this crazy apparatus in the vault. It's a pretty cool place:

In the first chamber were treasures:

Like awesome bracelets or rings. The royal gown, completely made out of gold and the crown were there too but I wasn't really interested in this golden stuff.

The color gold is ugly as hell..... You can speak for yourself when you think that every girl has to like golden merchandise.

Gold is for rich old ladies who don't know where to throw their money! And who wants to look like an old Lady....

My hands decorate 4 rings. 2 of them are silver with black stones and the other two are silver with white diamonds.

The webbing of my hands made some problems, but with a bit brute force the accessories fit.

As a result my fingers hurt like hell, but you know, beauty must suffer.

A necklace, made from black and white pearls, decorates my neck. I simply look dashing!

I could have stayed half my life in the first chamber, trying on jewelry but my curiosity took the better of me and I peeked into the next room.

It was full of robots, exoskeletons, rockets, robot unicorns, and gundams for bear wrestling.


These things were no use to me because there was no pixie dust to fuel them. These exoskeleton-jet-pack wings and a helmet similar to Wilson were some of the only equipment’s which ran on ice.

There was quite a bit of stuff which ran on other elements. Such as light or plant growing.

Plant growing equipment is quite intresting because on one side you grow the plant and on the other side you burn it for fuel.

When I identified the ice equipment it made me jump from one leg to the other. Finally I could fly in the air and find myself a man who can do more than just looking beautiful!

I immediately put the exosuit on and took the shortest route here to the main land. The only things I took with me are the jewelry, the virtual reality helmet, the manual of the exosuit and some sweets.

Maybe I should have prepared myself a bit more, but I couldn't wait a second longer......

Men, real men! I faze out in mid flight. Some drool spreads with the snowflakes behind me.

In the air somewhere above Europe.

A little light emerges from the horizon. Anticipation spreads in my breast. Could it be? A settlement with living people. Maybe there is even a fairy herculean.

Oh, how wonderful would it be to fall in his strong arms, being hold tight and pinch his rear ones in a while.

One, maybe two would be enough and I would be completely happy for a lifetime.

I head straight for the light.

Suddenly the light disappears. What happened? Where is my salvation?

A 1 meter snowball emerges, covering the spark. I wake up from my daydreams.

It only misses me by 10 centimeter. A second one follows the first one from behind and I launch in a crazy maneuver to evade it.


What the hell?

Where do these snow balls come from? I am minimum 100 meters above the ground.

My gaze wanders back to look at the source of the projectiles. What could have launched something like this? A little light gives me a hint for the position of the attacker.

I turn my head to the front to confirm the position of the light by looking at the stars. Only to find a big ball blocking my view.

* batsh *

After a short fall kilos of snow bury me. Luckily the white mass is soft enough.

Damn. What happened?

The ball came out of nowhere! Did I violate someone’s airspace? Probably not..... I mean which country uses snowballs as air defense. Luckily I have under the thick snow blanket enough air to breath.

Hopefully the exoskeleton-jet-pack works. I flex my muscle and struggle against the surrounding snow to strike a superman pose. Only one of the two rockets reacts. The stream lets me shoot forward out of the ground. In the air I fly in a circle and strike head first the ground.

My upper body disappears in the snow before I cancel my pose. I get out and sit up.

The snow is everywhere! When this stuff melts everything will be wet. It's even in my ears. I try the best to clean me.

When the last snowflake leaves my ear I hear something. A low humming sound is audible in the distance......... Sounds like an engine....No, a whole bunch of them. What's that in the background? Music? Kettledrums? A guitar? A trumpets?

Hm.... There are 3 possibilities:

1. They are people, who want to capture me.

2. They are people who want to save me.

3. They are people who mind their own business.

But all three choices have something in common: They are people! Although they want most probably capture me.

But they are People! Maybe even men. If I am lucky there could even be some hot sugar biscuits within their group. A chill goes through my body...... Oh they can capture me, alright...

Then a really disturbing thought crosses my mind: What if they are robots? Soulless robots without any human emotions or even worse: What if they are a bus to a female model camp.

Oh God! Please let it be rugged men. They can do whatever they want to do with me but don't let it be a bus full of female super models!

I go down onto my knees to speak a prayer while closing my eyes tight. Before my eyes the fantasies of men run up and down, doing poses. A little drool line forms in the corner of my mouth.

After a long prayer the sounds surround me. I don't dare opening my eyes.It could be a bus full of ginger fairies.

One engine after another shuts down. Cigarette smoke tingles my nose. The music stops from one moment to another.

A deep male voice begins speaking.

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