《The Undead Multiwalker》Meeting with an old Friend...
"Ok, hold on there for a minute." He said. "So you're telling me, that I'm going to this universe of RWBY, find Lordez and meet up with him!?"
"From what you just simplified to it, yes." Gman said plainly, not even fking plain cause of the thousand voices he has.
"But why should I!?"
"Because you knew him, Mark." Gman said, using his name and making Askad to froze where he stands. "He helped and guide you on several occasions, and has driven off the bullies that your fellow players that had chosen the appearance of monsters."
He looked down slightly, unconsciously gripping his fist tightly. "True..."
"...Is it that you think you are unworthy to meet him?"
Seeing that silence seem to be the answer, he pressed on. "And what makes you think that?"
"Because you are an idiot," Gman said, shocking Askad with his words. "Why would you think that he actually think like that?"
"..." He then slowly looked up towards the orb. "He may have done it out of pity..."
"You were young at that before, but that was in the past, and now you've grown." The orb said, it seems that he was trying to cheer him up and remove that pessimistic thought out from Askad.
"So now is the time to forget those things, man up, focus on what I've given to you, and don't btch around." He deadpanned.
"You failed on cheering me up, Gman..."
"At least I tried, you gotta give me some credit on that."
He sighed. "You got a point..." He smiled. "So what should I give him?"
Almost instantly, an item then materialized out of nowhere. The item consists of it is a small box, with a note on top of it saying: "To Lordez".
"...Do I have a chance to look inside it?"
"And make you have second thoughts the moment you see inside it?"
He then suddenly raised his head. "Wait, I just realized something!"
"Lordez and this Orm guy are in RWBY universe, right? Shouldn't they be called anomalies?" He said with uncertainty. He wouldn't want to kill the person who saved and guide him through the harshest moments back in YGGDRASIL-
"No, they are currently in a sandbox universe. So I'll have to ask you to calm down."
"Whew..." He released a sigh that he didn't notice he was holding for so long. Even though he is already dead, he really doesn't need to breath and other living bullshit.
The orb chuckled, making a red tick to appear on Askad's forehead comically. "Oi! It ain't funny!"
"Seeing your reaction, in front of me nonetheless. *Chuckles* You are really casual."
"..." He froze for a moment, slowly getting the situation uphand. He immediately bowed down 90 degrees right angle eradiating with an intense aura of respect.
I mean, you wanna be disrespectful to the guy who is literally a powerful being that can end any existence in the universe? That is if, such other deities, except for the One TRUE God above, exist.
(Yes, I am a person of faith and is religious. Mad? GTFO then)
As the chuckle slowly died down, Gman then spoke almost with a fatherly tone. "Don't do that please, I like speaking normally to someone else. Even they are way below me."
"That just makes it worse to NOT respect you!" He shouted annoyed.
"And make me erase you from existence?" He deadpanned.
After some "incompetent" moments between a Primordial Entity and a newly reincarnated Player-Multiwalker, they both have settled down calmly. Mostly to Askad.
Gman has been explaining him on upon arriving in an alternate RWBY universe.
The sum things up, basically two players, Lordez and Orm, teleported into the world, Lordez planning on having a cold retaliation upon Salem and her inner circle. Gman had noticed them as 'strange anomalies' compared to the usual ones that the organization had sensed, and fortunately for them that they appeared in a Sandbox universe and not in the Alternate or Canon.
Although the Canon universe would be the last one that they'll check for anomalies.
"So, are you going?"
The undead nodded with determination seen in his undeath eyes.
"Then off you go." A portal appeared beneath to where Askad was standing, not making him unable to react for what just happen before the portal then closed.
Gman chuckled in amusement before sensing someone familiar arriving into his office.
A woman with a blonde with a ponytail hairstyle, wearing office attire with material that can be compared to the modern age.
"Ah, Sarah. I believe that you have something you would share with me?"
-Switch Scenes-
To the small band of mismatched multiwalkers, we see them here lazing around the lounge area of the organization.
They have taken their rest to their 'fullest', although on which few are not quite satisfied, but good enough anyway.
They are currently eating pizza, with a dozen boxes still unopened and another dozen were already opened and are currently being eaten.
"Damn these are good." Neramo said while chomping down a huge pizza.
"Ya said that like 4 times now." Specter said annoyed.
"But they are sooo good!"
Can't blame that.
"By the way, I'm kinda wondering about that guy," Shiro said, getting the attention of the group. "I kinda sense something wrong about him."
"That he's an undead?" Jon said, shocking the group excluding Specter already know about that.
"He's an undead!?" Said Shiro in a shocked tone. "That kinda explains his lack of presence..."
What do you mean by that?
"Oh, I forgot he didn't explain himself about that." He smiled awkwardly. Specter shaking his head in both amusement and tiringly.
"And he got reincarnated as a multiwalker... Although how could an undead gain the attention of the boss? All I know is that undead is creatures the hate the living right? Then shouldn't he, it, be trying to kill us?" The succubus said as she put a finger on her chin in wonder.
"You do realize we also have people with a similar condition as him right?..." Jon said blandly...
"We do?"
A consecutive loud 'thuds' hitting on the face was heard.
Jon then began counting who are on a similar case to Askad. "Loker, Suda Keishi, Abo Arei, Edmond, Alexander-"
"Alexander's just a normal person turned ghoul, she doesn't count as an undead 'cause she doesn't seem to emit any negative presence," Specter said.
"Hmmm... You think boss made a mistake?"
Neramo suddenly laughed lightly. "Him? Making a mistake!? He doesn't make a mistake in choosing a candidate to reincarnate as a multiwalker."
"Then what would you suggest?"
Neramo went silent with his face deep in thought. "I'd guess he chose him for something special..."
And with that, he never knew that his guess is actually the right reason...
"That or he's just been chosen to do some chores." Neramo chuckled, making the atmosphere lighter back again.
Continuing on with their normal conversation after talking some bits about Askad, they'll want to use their spare time in their free time because it could be anytime for them to be deployed in a mission.
Alternate RWBY Universe. . .
Askad was falling through the clouds, yes, again but this time through the clouds... I think. Yeah, I think he's going from above the clouds again.
He then summoned his bike once again through his arrival and flew again with it. Not wanting to die immediately after the fking teleportation.
"Bastard just wants to fk around... I'll get back at him..." He growled angrily before looking around for his objective. Even he has quite a lot of time since this is just a package delivery type of a mission, he'd rather hurry back and put the same prank on that god.
Quickly landing down on a forest, naturally filled with roaming Grimm as he felt his senses telling him.
He turned his bike off before it got engulfed in flames before disappearing.
"Alright... Now where to?"
And almost immediately, he heard a loud roar from afar, specifically coming from behind of him.
'There huh?' He turned around, using his [Thermal Sight], seeing a huge cluster of heat signatures.
He quickly magically created a cloak, needing to disguise himself for this event. Plus, he wouldn't want anyone to see his face otherwise he'd get attention from any sides.
After all he's going to be here in this world for quite a while before his "package" mission will be deemed completed.
"{Overall Increase: Speed II}, {Quick Step}, {Aura of Negativity}." He cast few spells before bullet jumping through the forest.
Reaching the location where there are clusters of heat signatures, he finally saw the city, Vale.
And seeing it around, he saw Grimm rushing to the city as they were attracted by the negativity emitting. The Grimm were ignoring him since the negativity from the city is wayyyy too 'delicious' to not ignore it.
"...{Blackness: Self}" His face was then completely covered by sudden darkness. Even with light shining directly onto his face, it still cannot be revealed.
'Though it's just only a weak ass spell for showing off...' He quickly went into the city, with his sight filled with people running past him in panic.
Even being an undead, even not being able to feel almost anything and that he has changed into a cold monster... Even with those, and with death happening in this city, innocents dying...
Leaving them would go against the remnant of his humanity, but it's needed. They are, after all, a tiny speckle of dust in the multiverse.
This cannot stand.
"|Rapid Fire|, |Extreme Bullet Velocity|, |No Reload|, |Dark Shots|." He then drew out his shotguns and accurately shot on the Grimm he first sees.
Gradually one-shotting as he runs through them.
He is giving them breathing space and time for the civilians to evacuate before help arrives. He'd managed to save them in process.
The sudden noise of an undescribed creature, roared, destroying windows in the process and knocking both people and Grimm from their feet. The shockwave was so strong that it managed to make some Grimm become paralyzed. This also affected some Faunus in the area... Ok, maybe most of the Faunus.
'Must be the boss...' He thought as he hurriedly headed towards the source of the loud, fucking roar that almost made his ears bleed... Metaphorically. Even as an undead, that still got him good... Barely, fuck it you know what I mean.
Shooting the Grimm as he runs and jumps through the street and on the rooftops. He noticed familiar monsters roaming around before he could shoot them, he noticed that they were actually saving the people and instead by killing the Grimm off of them.
He took a sure assessment that Lordez is here or rather another player. But he can't seem to place it as it could be the latter.
Reaching towards the place on where he thinks that the source of that roar is located, which is no fucking doubt he is going to check the hole.
He then saw team JNPR and RWY, Blake being unconscious possibly from the roar that the... Human fucking Grimm had made.
Before he could shoot the creature, he could sense negativity from it. Not just the normal negativity from this world's dangerous creatures, but almost from the most terrible fucking aura that he ever felt compared to the Grimm.
He put his concerned thoughts aside, and immediately leap and landing in between the human Grimm and the hunters-in-training with a cloud of dust emerging.
He grinned. "Yo Darker," He said. "Its been a long time, no?"
He then quickly send out a {Message} to Lordez, managed to connect he gave some recognition about him.
[Lordez-san... You remember me?] From the other side of the message, or rather the person/thing in front of him seem to jerk stiffly from that. It's pretty obvious he got that.
[I would guess that this surprised you, and you have questions to you want to ask but... We'll speak of this later because right now, I'm here to put an end to whatever your scheming...] He said with suspicion before quickly disconnecting the link.
As the smoke and dust cleared off, he was able to see the person in front of him up close and personal.
It, or rather he, is quite a monster than a human suffices to say.
The head is a white dirty skull with marks and scratches on it. Within its sockets are red glowing orbs that seem to make smokey glow. He had boney spikes around his black overcoat with some hanging loose. It also seems that he has a tail from behind.
He thought that Lordez might have changed races since it has been quite a long time, 6 years from their encounter with each other to be precise.
"..." Both staring at each other, with their weapons down and seemingly calm before he spoke again.
"You kids," He said firmly, grabbing the attention to the ones behind him. "Get out of here now, I'll take it from here."
"Wait, but you cant just-!" Pyrrha was about to retort into assisting this man against the human Grimm.
"No buts!" He shouted with a tone of authority, making Pyrrha shut up. "This creature is beyond any of you..." He slowly brandished his weapons, slowly releasing the safety measures. "Unless you want to get yourselves killed, then so be it..." He said grimly.
He heard the monster (Lordez) in front of him growled, also brandishing his jagged greatsword.
Askad returned its reply with a heated gaze.
As he heard the young hunters leaving, and sensing their presence are nowhere near them now, he inwardly sighed before speaking.
"...Shall we?" He mocked.
"DIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Lordez immediately leaped with its greatsword up high, making a downward swing.
Askad had a feeling on what he's gonna do, but feeling confident on himself. Speaking of a person who spends their time on assassination missions and bounties.
He quickly fired shots onto him, but Lordez managed to dodge his shots but only some managed to hit through.
Lordez managed to close distance on him, so he quickly switched to close combat, using his shotguns as blunt weapons for the moment to block and deflect his greatsword.
As both of them exchanged blades with each other, Askad decided to jump back to get breathing space and find a way to talk to him.
Before he could react, Lordez threw several bone projectiles at him. "|Bullet Time|" He quickly shot the slow-moving projectiles, although fast but enough for him to shoot them down.
However, he realized that those were just distractions and he cursed inwardly. He noticed Lordez was nearing at his distance.
Askad quickly reoriented himself before running towards Lordez with his bayonets, which he noticed that he was surprised briefly.
Close range combat ensued again, he managed to put some special bullets [Heal Negation Bullets] through, hitting them precisely at his chest. Hopefully that it would stun him and get him to get the obvious fucking hint-through.
Lordez stumbled backward before leaning forward and spatted out black blood. Taking several, deep breathes in before noticing the wounds closing it but slowly.
"It'd be better if you stop this and go crawl to the pit of where you came..." He said as he reloaded his DBs. Lordez looked at him briefly, noticing that the hits he had given to him are only baring minimal. "You're endangering the innocents... Last chance now, Grimm."
'Come, mon man, just stop and listen!' He shouted inwardly.
Lordez just stared at him for a while before glancing around, as if looking for something before turning back to him.
"We... Go..." He inwardly rejoiced, but that joy was quickly shot down coldly. "But... No... Betrayals..."
He wanted to ask what would he mean by betrayals, has he been betrayed before? Or is he just acting around? He would have asked but time is limited so he went into his cloak and threw the paper note onto the ground, making itself stuck into it.
The paper note contains the location on where to meet and some words regarding what is going on and a statement that he'll answer his questions once they meet up. Which hopefully he will.
"Don't mention anyone about me, then we'll have a deal." He said before throwing down an item in front of him which exploded the moment it hit the ground.
It was a [Smoke Bomb], using it to cover his tracks and immediately get the fuck out of there fast like a ninja, and as a ninja.
Using {Scan}, he sensed a group of people, possibly hunters, coming to where the breach was at. But they'll most likely encounter Lordez instead.
He cants let his presence be fully known by anyone except for his target, Lordez. Since Gman specifically told him to NOT show himself to almost anyone, again, and give what he needs give to Lordez. And he cannot know the contents of the box which annoyed him.
The courier needs to know what is the fking inside of the package! It might be fragile or something!
Not that he needs to be careful since he could just put that shit in his void inventory and do whatever the fuck he wants realistically.
He quickly teleported out of the city border and hid from their sights.
After waiting for quite a long time, almost felt like for eternity.
He noticed that Vale has calmed down. Assuming that the Grimm had been eradicated and the breaches sealed.
He had been waiting for Lordez since then, and it's almost night time now.
He would have yawn if he was still alive, but he just used {Scan} for like the fourth time now and sensed someone, along with several other figures but from a distance. Possibly backup in case the meeting turned to trouble.
It's not like he's going to attack him or anything... Unless they attack him first.
Anyways, as the figure, or Lordez, comes closer to earshot, he finally spoke.
"You've come." He said with a smile, but it was hidden due to both his cloak and magic he put up.
The man paused, turning his head to him.
Apparent he is still in his... Monstrous appearance, acting as a Grimm like before.
'Either he likes to be a Grimm, or just really that cautious... Meh, can't tell.' He thought blandly.
"Why wouldn't I?" He narrowed his eyes. "A player should always be cautious whenever meeting another player face-to-face." He retorted.
He chuckled in amusement. His answer is quite a common occurrence to most players in YGGDRASIL. One can never be too careful about trusting someone. It was a good tactic, but however.
It also has another downfall.
"True, but if you are cautious all the time, you wouldn't be able to make friends now would ya?" He countered.
'Didn't answer... Hah, got your tongue.' He grinned.
"Anyways, now you're here, and you've got questions, I know. So you want answers eh?"
"Who are you and how do you know of me?" He answered almost immediately.
"Now now, let's not be hasty on that quickly. And jeez, didn't even ask "What are you doing here?" Kinda makes you more unusual than the generic characters in like every f**king anime plotline..." He muttered quietly at that last sentence, but Lordez clearly heard it.
"What do you mean by that?" He asked suspiciously.
He just realized what he just said before blinking... 'Crap...' He thought before realizing something.
He went into his inner cloak, getting the box from his void inventory before tossing it lazily to Lordez who easily caught it.
"Open it..." He said firmly. His tone changed, making the atmosphere to become more... dense. "You'll be asking more questions afterward the moment you open it."
He looked at him for a moment before looking back to the box. And before he could do something, he quickly added; "Oh, and don't even try on using {Scan} or something like that. It won't work, tried it." He said nonchalantly.
Lordez just looked at him before just using {Scan} on the box.
Askad felt a faint sense of magic appearing briefly before vanishing almost immediately. "Told ya." He smirked.
"I need to be sure whether you lie or not, cautious I maybe, but I'm no fool." He said back annoyingly.
"Yeah yeah sure." He said dismissively. "You'd stop your acting once you opened it." The smile still not leaving from his face.
He noticed a low grumble from Lordez, he'd guessed that he's mumbling something about 'him being similar'. But nevertheless opened the box.
And at that moment.
His eyes widen.
Askad could only wonder what he saw in the box, but his curiosity almost instantly went away as he saw Lordez picked the contents of the box out, it was a paper. Assuming to be a letter.
He would have shrugged it off, him just being a fucking courier and deliver this shit-of-a-package in which Gman told him that it's important for Lordez to receive.
But he didn't. He didn't relax.
He saw Lordez's 'eyes' still widen and bright. So it has to be something of which unmistakenly important, and really critical for him, only him, to read it.
Lordez just unfolded the letter and then read its message.
Askad just waited, just darting his eyes around the place to make him entertained a bit. He would have wondered off nearby, but that would have just been downward rude, and make him more suspicious of him, causing distrust and some possible misunderstanding. So he has to wait within his vicinity.
He could see his body slightly shaking. Seeing that, he was wondering what was in that damn letter that actually made such one named 'ColdStalker' to look so... Nervous?
His hands gripping the paper, were now shaking, threatening to tear the paper apart. He would have called out to him to calm the fuck down, but the paper somewhat has some magic in it that didn't make itself be torn off.
Some moments later, Lordez stopped shaking visibly. But he could see him shifting ever slightly.
"Hey..." He suddenly called out, gaining his attention. However, his masked voice was now gone and speaking in his actual voice tone. No more of that stupid auto-tuned bullshit.
His eyes widen from this. Almost as if Lordez heard his internal-annoyance-of-thinking and his wish came through. But he put that possibility away since it was almost impossible for that to happen... Unless some fucking thing let him to. "Oh, you off your voice changer now? Finally, guess we can-"
Lordez suddenly cut him off. "Can you... Leave me alone?"
He tilted his head to the side. Confused, really confused and a bit tense. "What you mean?"
"Just... Give me some time off myself... Alone... Please..."
Askad was completely confused by this turn of events. Whatever made him act like this, it has to be the letter. And whatever made him like that, its gotta be personal.
He detected that the tone was somewhat somber, yet filled with sorrow and sadness.
'It's personal...'
"Oh... Sure, I'll just be over there then." He went to a completely random direction, turned his back on him. And walked to that said direction for several meters away, looking back he wasn't able to see Lordez anymore.
After some few moments of walking slowly away from the meeting point, he heard a sudden cry.
It was quite loud that is.
'Glad I wasn't there to see it...' He thought with a sad chuckled. 'Though... It's understandable. Whatever he had read, I have nothing to do with it. Gotta deal with my own, and my own only. No one else, unless it involves somewhat to me...' He looked to the sky, able to see an opening through the thick forest he is in. 'I wonder how are they are doing without me...'
Waiting which almost felt like an hour or longer, whilst in reality, it only lasted for a brief moment before the sorrowful cries weren't heard any more.
Almost after that, he heard Lordez calling out for him, saying that it's ok for him to go back now.
He had so many thought about what will happen next. So many possibilities, so many guess and assessments, in just a span of half a minute.
Walking past several trees now, he is now back on where he previously stood and saw Lordez's shape almost seemingly slouched a bit.
"So, all good-" He began, but the undead was quick to cut him off... Again.
"Did you read what was in the letter...?" He asked almost immediately. No, it was almost like a demand rather than a question.
'Jeez, must you cut me off all the fucking time?' He thought annoyed but pushed that aside.
"No, bossman told me not to open the content and immediately give the package to the send destination. Don't look at this in the wrong way, but what was in the paper?" It is not exactly the truth, but its partially how it goes when delivering packages as a courier.
Like how he used to be one.
He slightly tilted his head downwards. "...A letter."
'Smart man.' The man hummed. "Huh, no wonder it made you look tensed up somehow. Depressing or sad?"
He looked at him. "I'd go with the former."
"That bad huh...?" He said quietly. "Well, then-" He turned his back around. "-the package has been delivered, I'll be going now."
He would have actually gone by now, even he had a lot of questions to ask his former savior, he still had some more important questions to that 'God of amusement of shitty, tasteless jokes'.
And before he would take a step forward, Lordez called out to him, making him stop.
"Are..." He gritted his teeth nervously. "Are you my father...?"
Inside his mind, he is screaming.
'Nooooo! Nooooo!' Although, it is different from the outside. As his face is stone cold, no expression giving out. Even though he had a mask on. 'What the fuck is this!? Some weird plot of a twist that just got tangled up inside and turned out into a fucking abomination of a fetus with a smell of an avocado!?'
'What the hell should I reply then? Say that "I am... Your father"!? What the hell is this shit going at!? IS GMAN PLAYING WITH MY FATE, IS THERE EVEN SUCH A THING OF FATE IN THIS DAMN MULTIVERSE REALITY!?'
He really wants to cower somewhere in the corner of some room, no lights just darkness wrapped around him. He just wants to hide in the deepest hole ever existed and just sleep forever!
Calming himself quick enough, he turned around and see Lordez's face, almost seemingly expected for his own question answered.
'To whoever is the father of Lordez-san... Forgive me.'
And as he was going to say something, fate told him not to.
Whether it was fate or just the fucking timing that just happened. Sounds of rustling were coming from the bushes, and on top of the trees.
Out came were monsters of darkness. Skull Spiders, Shades, Dark Imps, and several other creatures that he had forgotten the names about.
"Master, are you all right!? We heard a cry!" The spiderling said. Askad was surprised, he understood what the spiderling said, despite the real noise were just chitters and cackles with its fangs.
The spiderling then glared at him. If it weren't the corrupted aura surrounding the spider and the spikes around its carapace, it would have been a cute spider.
"Is it this parasite that made Master cry!?" It shouted out almost zealously whilst making a threatening stance. Ready to attack at once.
'Ah shit, the situation's going complicated.' He sweatdropped at the fucking timing that just happened. 'What to do, what to do!?'
He would have just chosen to draw out his weapon and defend himself. The summons is no doubt below lvl 60-50, but some of the creatures have certain abilities that can harm him potentially.
"Stop!" They then turned to Lordez, who shouted with a voice of authority. "Leave us..."
"B-But Master-"
"I am fine... For now, leave us." He glanced to the spiderling. "Have you have no faith in me?"
The summons looked at him with hesitation, but no doubt left them alone. His words no doubt made them hurt, even if it was small, but it was necessary.
Once left alone, Askad relaxed. He was almost a few moments closer to draw his weapon out and initiate a misunderstanding fight.
Since both of them are just staring at each other, he decided to go in first.
"Hard time controlling them?"
"Answer the question." He demanded. "Are you... My father?"
He sighed inwardly.
"...Why would you think of that? A stranger like me-" He spread his arms. "-would even be your father? If I were to be that, then-"
"Yes, or no?" He said harshly. His eyes now shadowed, almost seemingly with uncontrolled mixed emotions boiling.
"...Sorry, but no." He admitted. "Again, I am simply a courier, ordered by bossman to deliver this certain package to you."
"Then... Do you know where's my father?" He looked at him, eyes now smoking black. "How was this letter delivered to you?"
Askad detected a small tone of rage in the undead's voice. "...Its complicated, sir."
Lordez looked down, his face shadowed by his cowl.
The undead multiwalker could only assume that he was in deep thought but almost seems that he would attack him at any moment.
You always have to be on guard no matter the distance; no matter how secure you are; no matter how skilled, you must always be on guard.
After some long-ass moments of waiting, he finally spoke. "Then I may ask," He slowly looked up, his back now straight and the glowing orbs within the sockets of the skull now looking at him. "Who are you, and how do you come to know of me?"
Before he could answer, a faint voice spoke in his mind.
"You may introduce yourself, as a multiwalker, and with the organization exists. Your former friend seems to be cooperative despite the emotions I'm feeling within him right now..."
Afterward, he heard nothing from Gman's voice. He released a sigh before clearing his throat.
He pulled his cowl down before slowly giving a smirk.
"My name is Askad, and it has been a long time really, Coldstalker..."
- In Serial11 Chapters
The Problematic Kids of Elite High School
MC was a popular guy in the school. He was also believed to be a problematic student but somehow he was suggested to be the new president of the student council. Later that he knew the school itself has a lot of problematic kids which he was assumed to work as the president and solve problems lie within the school as a punishment. Being the president of an elite school was not easy plus his vice was pretty peculiar.
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Depends on what side you are, you have heard two stories what happened 15 years ago. One side says that a rebel trio Gorgos fought against the opressive goverment of Ashphodea, only known as gods, and won. In other side's story, a terrorist organization called the Gorgos started their reign of terror 15 years ago after taking over a correction facility only known as Tartaros. Edan had heard the first story, Andi had known the second. Edan, son of Medusa, the most known of the Gorgos, and Andi, daughter of the assitant to the Ashphodea's golden boy Perseus, are both sick of the secrets their parents keep from them. They want answers, and they are going to get them, with our without their mothers help. ——— This is a re telling of the myth of Medusa in a dystopian setting, where a the Gorgos are the teen rebel archetypes now in their thrities, war isn't as black and white as you think, and the gods are as ruthless as they always were.
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Anna's Dream
This web novel is about Anna the only child of the enigmatic being known as The Dreamer. Join her as she travels a world filled with magic and wonders. She's not the chosen one, she has no destiny and there's no telling what she's going to do next, other than look for some cupcakes that is. This is the first thing I've written I hope you all enjoy reading about Anna as much as I enjoy writing about her. I plan on releasing this once a week on Fridays at 10 am EST
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NCo (Title TBD)
Garem wakes up in what seems to be a prison and immediately begins to assess the situation. During the assessment, something seems off- his way of thinking. The people who break him out of his confinement, the flashbacks he constantly has, his misplaced anger, and that voice... Conditions have been met? Corruption? As Garem searches for answers, more questions keep swarming his mind and distracting him from his goal, however he is not the only one experiencing things that don't make sense... Welcome to the Chaos where Atonement is unreachable Character Designs by Julia Jasińska (cherry chan)Chapter illustrations by mimi (omayma zarar) [Art being added as I go. Working on editing the chapters I have already written/ typed up, but I will spend the next couple of days getting the artwork added as well. Apologies.] story is also posted on https://www.wattpad.com/story/242913998-nco-title-tbd
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one shots of jevon !! jake wheeler and devon evans :)) check out one day (another book of mine) on my page !
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