《The Undead Multiwalker》Mechs, Monsters, and Giant Skeletons?
|Dimension Jumpers' Plane|
Hopping into the golden portal, what welcome his sights was a large lobby hall. This was one of the waiting lobby halls for Multiwalkers to which he remembered from what Gman had thrown a piece of world-sized memory information into his head. The huge room was filled with lively chatter and unusual kinds of people.
He grunted as he walked down to a nearby couch, sitting down on it and drew out a cigarette before lighting it with magic.
A drone hovers to him and stops. "Hello sir, what would you like to order?" Its voice was almost like a butler tone, gentlemanly.
"You got any drinks?"
"Processing... Open Current Menu: Rum, Whiskey, Tanduay, Red Horse, Vodka, Sake, Iced Tea, Blood Ice, and Luz Wiuk."
"Hmmmm... Get me a mixed drink, Rum, and Whiskey."
"Affirmative. Ordering. . . Processed" A beam of light appears on the small table in front of the Undead Player, the light dies down and shows a bottle with liquid contents.
"Cost: 25 credits." It stated.
"Would gold be alright?"
"Processing... Affirmative, calculating... Cost: 40 gold." Askad winced at the increased price on that one. But then again, gold is basically a common mineral around the Multiverse.
Askad pulled out a bag filled with gold coins and threw them at the robot, which just immediately stops at 4 inches from getting it. Most drones were magically equipped with basic telepathy and other utilized abilities to keep the lobby cleaned, maintained, and lively.
"Thank you for ordering, have a nice day." With that, the drone hovers away.
"..." Quietly watching the bot going away, he then noticed someone was approaching him. "Hm?"
"Eyo! How's it goin?" The girl greeted him with a cheeky smile.
"Ah, Shirokami!" He greeted back. (If you forgotten, you can read her file from Chapter 2)
"I told you that you can just call me Shiro..." She pouted. "Anyway, how was work?"
"Good..." The undead sighed. "Never thought this will be a common occurrence now."
"Awwww~ Don't worry! You'll get used to it!" The girl patted his back reassuringly.
"Oh yea, I've been meaning to ask," He cocked his head as he leaned on the couch comfortingly. "Why are you here? Aren't you going with Neramo and the others?"
The girl shrugged. "The guys went off to Westeros. Apparently, there are at least, in our terms, World-Elite Level Anomalies."
The undead whistled. "Damn, is it alright for them to handle it? I mean, it's only 3 of them right? Isn't that underwhelming?"
The girl raised an amused brow. "Really? Have you forgotten how Neramo is literally a powerhouse among us?"
With that statement, Askad finally remembered a piece of memory was about Neramo and the files about that god-killing time-stop master. "...Never mind." He looked away.
"And besides," The girl continued as she unwrapped a biscuit and chew a piece. "who says it's only 3 of them?"
"...I'm guessing at least six?" He deadpanned.
"Five..." Chewing another one. Wow, did she gulp that one biscuit whole?
"Who are the new two?"
"Meh," She shrugged uncaringly. "James and White."
*Activating D.H. Database*
Name: James *Flames* Hopper
Element: Fire (Light)
Home-World Universe: Call of Duty (Game)
How he was reborn as a Multiwalker: Lieutenant James Hopper, codename *Flames*. Fought in the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 timeline. Died from a nearby fuel tank explosion, unfortunately surviving while being burned to death in agony. His soul was then transported into the 'White Realm', then being offered with a new beginning and life, he accepted. He is one of the most competent Dimension Hoppers within the organization despite his snarky attitude and sadistic burning nature...
Division: Space
Personality: Aggressive, but steadfastly loyal to his companions. Risk-taker, but focuses on the objective. Likes to burn his enemies with a highly advanced flamethrower like a pyromaniac.
Fighting/Combat Style: As I said, he likes to burn his enemies with his flamethrower. Although the flamethrower can also use fireballs for a much longer range. Using his control of fire, he can support his comrades with healing flames, while burning his enemies to ashes in mere seconds. Thus making him one of the most situational fighters in the organization. If the situation becomes dire, he can willingly lit his body into fire. Kinda like Ace from One Piece.
Appearance: Faintly red hair, amber eyes, slightly white skin. Takes up an improvised bio-fire suit with a fuel tank strapped to the back as an improvised bomb. The bio-fire suit would absorb any flames that make contact on his body and turns into fuel for his flamethrower.
*Extracting another D.H. entry file...*
Name: (Unknown) Codename: Death White, mostly known as White (Formerly known as Curtis)
Element: Ice
Home-World Universe: Snow Piercer (Movie)
How he was reborn as a Multiwalker: After he and Yona's father sacrificing themselves to shield Yona and Tim from the explosion and brace from the incoming crash, he felt almost nothing when he would have expected the highly-extent burns into his skin. After dying, he sees nothing but the blackish void. Thinking this is what to feel death, he felt himself being pulled by an unknown powerful force.
He then was reborn as the Multiwalker, Ice Man.
Division: Time
Personality: Kind, humble, lovingly caring to his companions and friends. Cold-hearted and grants despair to his enemies. Has touching care for children.
Fighting Style: Uses magically enchanted ice picks, the picks being able to freeze anything or anyone he had wound to ice or able to slow them down with cold. He fights ruthlessly, remembering the race to the front of the train, and the kills he had given to the wicked ones that controlled the train.
With Ice being his powers, he can do silent killings while also doing destructive damage.
Appearance: Ghastly white hair, pale-white skin, blue glowing eyes, and an ice-cold aura around him. He wears a thick furry coat with pants that have ice-frozen plates as armor. And his breathes are visible as they are breaths of an icy mist. (Kinda like how Cocytus exhales from Overlord)
*D.H Database Entry ended...*
"Fire and Ice huh?" Askad smirked. "Ironic it's Hot and Cold."
Shiro giggled at the obvious joke. "I know right? Although it is Westeros, so having them would be able to convince easier in case they met up with the White Walkers or the people who believed of a fire God."
"To be fair, it is possible that such a God exists in Westeros. I mean, it would somehow explain how Jon got revived right?"
Shiro thought and gave a small nod, seeing that he had a point on that. "True..."
"But still, it's quite a surprise that those two got stuck with each other huh?"
Askad smirked. "Yep."
It was no secret that the two hated each other. Not in a rowdy, hateful way, but somehow like... Rivals? Similar to that, but both respect each other yet despises each other at the same time.
With the reason being? It was due to some missions they went in together, they have different opinions on how to handle situations and deal with the obstacles they encountered in their World-Missions.
One wants destruction and only focuses on the mission or objective, while the other wants to do it slowly and quietly without causing any unwanted attention, also focusing on the mission but wanting minimal damages.
One doesn't care if there is death if it benefits on finishing the mission, while the other wants to be careful, wanting to avoid deaths.
Really Fire and Ice. The two rivalries of the elements.
"So, what are you thinking about going in solo?"
"Nah," She shook her head. "I'm more of a support role, I can only make progress faster if I were in a team."
"Really? I mean, you can literally punch through enemies, taking no damage."
"That's only when I'm dealing with weaklings. Compared to others in strength, I can still die to magic if I'm not careful. Plus, my power can only work at one time dumbass." She pouted. "Do you not read my file?"
"...You didn't read it did you?"
"May have or may have not skipped some points."
"..." She sighed while rubbing her temples out of annoyance. "I really wonder why boss got you?"
The undead gunner shrugged. "His reason, his choice. I question the same thing, but how would you even get answers from that f**ker? anyway?"
Shiro looked at him before giggling. Almost in a genuine, amused way. "I think that's the reason the boss likes you." She muttered.
"You say something?"
"Nope!" She made a pop sound at the 'p'. "Anyways, what are you gonna do now?"
The undead looked at his drink before taking a chug out of it. "Honestly, I don't know. Just wait for another mission assigned to me? I mean, I just realized the truths about... literally everything."
"And me not losing my shit around is maybe because I'm dead. That, or I really don't care much about what is real or what is... fiction."
Uncomfortable silence merged into the conversation, feeling like things are getting depressing, Askad chuckled. "That out of the way, is it possible to just ask for a mission?"
"We tried before that way, but the higher-ups can only assign missions for us to proceed. Gentleman is an exception since he kinda chooses us to finish the job done as soon as possible."
""As soon as possible" eh? You sure about that?"
Shiro kept up an innocent smile until she felt nervous from Askad's unmoving stare at her. "Its favoritism ain't it?"
She sighed. "Truthfully? I don't know, maybe he sees us as his Elite-chore-up-cleaner or something. We don't know, we never received a clear answer from him."
Askad snorted. "So the prick was being a prick before I came huh?" He muttered. "Clearly he is enjoying your curiosity."
Almost after he said that an announcement went through the PA systems.
*Announcing: Mercenary Askad, please proceed to M.A.T.S. for a mission assignment.* (Mission Assigning Teleportation Signature)
"And I have a feeling that he was listening to our conversation after all." He grumbled while Shiro laughed in amusement to his pain and annoyance.
"Hahahah! See you soon again Askad, I'll give my regards to the others!" She waved her hand as she walked away.
Askad waved back in return before downing his drink and gave out a satisfied carbonated burp. "It makes me wonder how I'm able to do that..." He mused quietly before making his way to the M.A.T.S. room.
After teleporting in about a bunch of times to reach the M.A.T.S, he went towards the receptionist's desk which has a big, glowing sign of his name.
"I'm here, the mission good?" Askad said as he pulled the chair slightly and sat on it.
The receptionist nodded without even looking, focused on typing and working on her magic computer and doing stuff to it.
"Yes, you are assigned on a mission to an NC Movie-Categorized Universe-" "Woop dee fucking doo." "- and is considered as tier-ranked: High 6-A."
Askad's eyes widen at the statement, feeling a grin slowly printing onto his face, he nodded. A High 6-A? Its a challenge for him. What he would think that his tier-rank mission limit is somewhere between 6-C and High 6-C? It's a new set for him. "Is going in solo not recommended?"
The receptionist shook her head. "Single-membered Multiwalker doing this mission is considered suicide by the charts and calculations. Recommended assembling a team or have a team to assist you in this mission."
"Hmmmm..." Troubling, this is the 2nd mission he will go into and now, having a High 6-A is rather... Concerning for the undead. "What NC Movie Universe is the mission being considered?"
"Pacific Rim."
"...Ok, how the hell is High 6-A happen in a movie, of all the movies, Pacific Rim!?" He whisper shouted confusingly.
"The canon in the movie is unexpectedly broken due to an incursion of an unknown interference. It is highly possible for a Gamer to interfere, but since the world-universe is somehow tainted with the 'Dark' as we have detected in it."
Askad's eyes narrowed in concern. If the Dark has managed to slip through the canon-world of Pacific Rim, it is automatically turned into an alternate-universe that is in danger of other world-breaking dangerous that would turn the world-universe of Pacific Rim inside out. Obviously worse possible, gone and dusted.
But then, it cannot be ignored. For every world universes protection is gone, it is vulnerable to the dangers of the multi-universe.
"Argh, sh*t... Then I suppose I'll have a team to assist me in this." He sighed defeatedly.
"Very good." The receptionist nodded as several pictures were brought up in front of him, emitting from a magic gem that resides almost like a holo-projector from some movie he had forgotten.
"Hoppers Hanz and Jane will be assisting you in dealing with the anomaly."
"Wait, Hoppers? Why the hell am I getting recruits on this? Isn't this a High 6-A tier-ranked mission that needs experienced Multiwalkers to deal with?"
"It would normally have been the procedure, but orders coming from Lord Gentleman himself has relayed this to me, giving it to you." Did he just sense a tone of amusement in the receptionist's voice? "And from him and I quote: "Let the angry zombie manhandle it with the recruits, he has the experience now on dealing with the Darkness now and he will teach so to the newcomers.""
He really could feel his veins suddenly pumping up and some parts are now bursting out. 'That fucking prick...'
Holding in the urge of wanting to just scream and shout at everyone, everywhere, he sighed heavily in defeat.
"I'll... Accept the mission I suppose."
The receptionist then tapped a button and a word in huge fonts in green saying "Mission Accepted".
*Activating D.H. Database*
Name: Hanz (What are the fucking odds?)
Element: None
Home-World Universe: 21st Earth Universe
How he became a Multiwalker: Stormtrooper Corporal Hanz of the 23rd Assault Detachment died in battle against the enemies of the German Empire he had fought to protect. Killed by a bayonet to the stomach, while he was able to return a killing favor to the enemy by detonating a grenade, killing several enemies with him during the enemy trench raid.
Given another chance, he was then reborn as the same old stormtrooper but slightly changed by being fitted with some modernized arsenal and appearance.
Division: Space
Personality: Rash, energetic, adaptable to almost any combat-situations, and despite his hardened look of a demeanor of a soldier, he is unexpectedly gentle to the ones around him.
Combat Style: Rushing into the enemy and stabbing the bayonet into the enemy's stomach. Smashing his enemies face with a sharpen-edge shovel. Adept in both melee combat and in a firefight.
Armed with an upgraded MP40 that has a frigging tactical knife which can be used as a bayonet for the gun, and a Gewehr 43. And several various types of grenades. Namely incendiary, ice, and bolt-to-the-face.
Appearance: A metallic gasmask equipped with night vision and target-finders coming along with a WWII German helmet. Heavy metal bodysuit, adding in metallic plating on the outside against HE bullets. Spaced-armor bitches. (Imagine Wolf Brigade armor. Because holy hell those look badass)
*Extracting another D.H. entry file...*
Name: Jane
Element: Psychic
Home-World Universe: Starcraft Franchise (Game)
How she became a Multiwalker: Killed during a Zerg invasion while trying to save dozens of fleeing citizens, sacrificing herself by distracting Zerglings from the survivors, although the survivors managed to escape into a dropship, she wasn't able to survive.
She was then revived with somehow essence of psionic energy from her universe, reborn with said energy and together she is psionic energy made in flesh. (But not exactly powerful as Kerrigan)
Division: Time
Personality: Kind, humble, cheerful, and reckless. Even she can literally destroy anything in her path, she often wishes to use diplomacy and other methods of finishing the mission without killing. And by that, it is a distraction. So, she would be able to do solo missions quite so.
Combat Style: Using her psionics to incapacitate or stun her enemies without killing. She is able to use her psionics without any trouble due to her powers boosted by reborn as a Multiwalker and having magical enchants which somehow able to boost her powers.
Regards of the gifts from the Mercane~
Appearance: Violet hair, caucasian skin color, faintly glowing blue eyes with a weird pupil pattern. Only wearing clothes from the 21st century which she somehow took interested in the era's fashion, she also wore magical metallic pads around her joints that protect her from any harm possible. (Only powers beyond can literally destroy worlds without any difficulty can harm her)
*D.H Database Entry ended...*
"Stating course, will we be handling this mission in our own hands the same as usual?"
"Not... exactly Walker Askad-san." The receptionist said, with a hint of hesitance.
"...What?" Almost prepared for something more troublesome and challenging this will be for the cause of the mission.
"Gentleman ordered me to tell you that you, and the team assigned, will be restricted with your usual equipment."
Askad would have shouted across the M.A.T.S room if it weren't for the help of his racial emotion suppression passive. "...And what will be changed?"
"You and your team will be restricted greatly in your use of powers, of course, it will not be erased completely for this mission as in case a Cosmic-World Tier-Rank has breached into your mission zone, you are then authorized to fully use your powers without any limit."
The undead felt calm and relief, but only slightly. "Fine... So without our powers, how can we proceed with the mission?"
"You and your team will be taking an... foreign, appearance into the mission zone."
Now that would raise curiosity and suspicion. "And what is this appearance will we be taking?"
"Unfortunately, Gentleman has specifically ordered me not to tell you the full details of your change in limitations, Walker Askad."
The undead groaned in annoyance. Of course, the fucking divine god of a prick decided to NOT tell what should be and what is going on in a High 6-A tier mission! THAT TIER IS NOT SAFE EVEN FOR NEWLY-RECRUITED HOPPERS!
Calmingly taking an unnecessary breath, he spoke in a lowly tone but somehow calm enough that it would have sounded like whispers of mist into the air. "...When in Pacific Rim will we be dropped upon?"
"At about..." The receptionist checking in the time and location for the drop. "the part when three of the Jaegers will be dropped to fight two kaiju, Leatherback, and Otachi."
"Ahhh, so we'll be cutting in and save the Russian from dying eh?"
"That would seem to be the case, Multiwalker Askad-san."
He had no idea why this woman is talking to him in a formal way, but either that, he don't care. At least he had a mission to go to besides staying in the Hall, doing nothing and goofing around with other Multiwalkers. It doesn't annoy him much, but at least he would feel in some action more.
Even he just finished a delivery assignment.
"Alright, so where are the recruits then?" Askad grunted as he slowly stood up.
"The Hoppers are right in M.T.G 12." (M.T.G - Movie-Trasdimensional-Gate)
"Good day to you then." He nodded before quickly making his way to the said gate.
Walking past through some people that looked like the ones he read and watched from both manga and anime series, it felt honestly weird. To actually fucking know that anime is fucking real in this reality of shit-show writing, it really felt somewhat awkward.
Then again, the memories he was given stated that there is even weirder shit than the ones he'd ever witnessed.
Reaching the gate, he saw two figures standing by near the gate.
One was male, heavily armored, ready for trench war. The other was a female, looked like a usual ass teenager. Quite short that her height is below his chest line. She would have passed if it weren't for her eyes glowing slightly blue. They seem to be conversing with each other. However, the man seemed to be more reserved. He can tell due because of body language. While the girl seemed to be excited, whatever runs with him, he felt like he wanted to protect this cute innocence from the Multiverse horrors.
But unfortunately, being a Multiwalker is a fucking job for life whether you like it or not.
But hey, it's not like its worse than the fucking Imperium from the 41st millennium.
He swears if he is going to be assigned in the WH40k...
"Hanz and Jane," He spoke, gaining the attention to both of the persons. "I have your names correctly yes?"
"Jawohl!" "Yes, that's us!" Both of them replied. "How did you know though...?" Jane put her finger up to her chin in thought.
"I've been told." He replied before clapping his hands together. "Now, I'll introduce myself. My name is Askad, due to some... orders, I am to be leading of this team. And based on the information I've known, you two are newcomers to this, yes?"
"That is correct herr kapitan." Hanz said firmly as he stood straight like a soldier.
"At ease corporal," He held up his hand in ease. "Anyways, there will be changes for us. We won't be coming in like in our current state."
"What do you mean?" Jane asked.
"I wasn't told the specifics, but I was informed that it would be something different from our appearances as to what boss man says." He muttered at the last part.
"So, are you two geared up and ready? Double-check your stuff."
Hanz checked his gear and cocked his guns to ensure they are clean and oiled up. Jane just patted her clothes, maybe she has some stuff inside her clothes? Not sure.
"Were good!" Jane put up a cute thumbs up.
"Inventory is checked and clear to go kapitan." Hanz nodded firmly as he shouldered his rifle.
"Well then, let's move," Askad said as he moved up, with the two following in suit behind him.
Almost as an inch that Askad neared the gate, it suddenly spired up actively. The undead walked through, feeling the abnormality changes circling around his soul and body.
'Was this the change that the receptionist was telling about?'
And then, white filled in his vision.
Pacific Rim
Location: Waters near Hong Kong
A portal emerges above the ocean waters with three humongous figures then falling down, making a huge disturbance of waves to the waters.
Askad felt the waters creeping in his... bones? What the hell? He opened his eyes and see the water below him, he brought up his hands and his eyes widen in surprise.
His hands were now bones, and maybe with some metals attached to them? Holy hell he is a fucking giant ass skeleton!
He felt a huge weight behind him, feeling his back, he felt something... hard and grabbed it. Raising his front, he was quite surprised by what he examined.
A fucking anchor, a huge ass, metallic, rusty anchor. And are those spikes on his left hand? What the fuck?
"Ughhh, my head." A mechanical voice spoke, feminine. He turned to the source of the voice and was quite surprised by her appearance.
What sighted him was a fucking robot, almost the same size as him if it weren't for his applicable height. Said robot seemed to have a slim appearance, giving off a female look. The colors on the metal were violet being her head with a visor and two glowing dots acting as eyes. Purple and silver seemed to be the main color of the body look for Jane's new body, and a blue symbol of Terran insignia on her pauldrons.
She doesn't seem to have any weapons on her, possibly going in the same arsenal as before. She would possibly use her psionic powers as a weapon it would seem.
"We seem to be in the... ocean?" A rough male, confused yet mechanical voice spoke.
Hanz seems to be the same as Jane; a fucking mech. Although much bulkier yet some parts of his looked like much armored than Cherno Alpha, holy hell. The color scheme was black and grey silver.
Hanz seems to look like from fucking Wolfenstein! But only more mechanical and gears, no flesh to be seen obviously. (Somewhat similar to Wolfenstein power armor from the nazis)
The motherfucker is armed to the teeth. A bigass Gewehr at his back, all metal and are some parts of those wood? What the fuck, a robot sized rifle? Holy sht. A bigass bayonet at his hip, somehow attached magnetically. And, guess it?
A shovel.
A metal, fucking sharped edge shovel.
Because? Why not?
The man, no, mech looked like it could literally destroy both Jaegers and Kaijus with ease.
"C-Captain? Is that you?" Jane said, with her eyes now on Askad. Her voice almost spoke with fear and disbelief. Somehow, awe made it too.
He nodded. "Yea, it's me." His voice spoke almost like a fucking roar. Or a grumble-like creature that spoke anciently. "It appears this is the new change that the higher-ups had informed me." He said.
"So... Were robots?" Jane said before jumping up and down in joy. It really looked weird to see a mech jumping giddily. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!" She squealed in almost a high pitch that would literally destroy human ears and glass in close distance.
"This is... quite a change." Hanz said in a pleased tone. "And we are tall as giants?"
"You noticed? Ok then, I know Jane, being a robot is quite amazing, but we still have a mission to do." He firmly reminded Jane, the girl who now nodded yet frantically. Like a girl who has received her gift toy and her father told her to properly keep it.
"Now, let's go save those weakass robots on hold." If his face were flesh, he would be seen grinning.
The fight was not going well.
It was before, but now the tables have been turned.
Crimson Typhoon was caught in by surprise by Otachi, they don't seem to be doing well.
Chemo Alpha was busy fighting against Leatherback, so they couldn't go and help out their comrade.
Striker Eureka was far away from the group, unable to help them out.
Gipsy Danger wasn't enabled for the fight, due to preparations and lack of a co-pilot for battle. And the fucking almost-went-fuck-all scene because of Mako not being able to handle the memory-power of the Jaeger!
It all seems lost as Typhoon was losing the fight, not noticing a pincer end of Otachi's tail. They would have died if it weren't for an explosion that occurred suddenly.
*BOOM* The explosion went off behind Otachi's back, having the tail to recoil back along with the Kaiju in pain.
"What was that!?" Chuck Hansen shouted off the screen.
"Wait, that wasn't yours?!" One of Wei Brothers responded in confusion. "Then who was that!?
"Command, we don't have another Jaeger right?"
*No we don't have, what do you mean?*
And by that response, another explosion appeared and took a chunk of Otachi's hide as it screamed in pain. And by that, it broke canon.
In Shatterdome. . .
"What the hell, is that one of ours?"
"No, it's not possible. There are only four confirmed Jaegers left."
Meanwhile, a bit far from the fight. . . Technically miles from the fight. . .
"Nice shooting, Hanz." Askad grinned.
"Vielen dank, Captain." The German mech said normally before casually resuming his firing.
"Alright," He turned to Jane. "you know what to do?"
"Yep!" She said cheerfully as she lifted up Askad using her psionics, her palms were glowing as she used her powers. And for Askad being lifted up, who was now in a bracing position. "And good luck sir!"
"You bet your ass I will!" And that, he was thrown off towards the fight.
The fight. . .
"Whoever that was, they are helping us!" The elder brother said enthusiastically before a grin appeared on his face. "Let's do this!"
""Wǒmen zǒu ba!"" (Lets go!) - (Im using google translate so deal with it)
Crimson Typhoon took the opportunity to charge against Otachi, which was pinned by the shots and unable to move away in time from Typhoon's chain attack.
Otachi took massive damages, but with the unknown shots suddenly now stopped, it relinquished itself as it threw the Jaeger away in a massive distance.
Changing its tactics, the Kaiju then swam towards its comrade to assist in destroying the green Jaeger.
"Oh no, you don't!" The Australian said as it opened up its missile silos and fired towards the swimming Kaiju.
Half of the missiles missed, but the other half managed to hit the Kaiju. However, it only staggers the Kaiju a bit and it was still going towards the fighting Jaeger.
"Cherno! You got another one incoming!"
The Russian mech glanced at the side, noticing a massive ripple of a wave coming towards them, as it was beating the fatass Kaiju.
Cherno would have been ambushed from behind if it weren't for the sudden drop of an unknown object incoming.
*There is an unknown object incoming!* Control shouted in the comms.
"Where! I don't see it!?" Eureka scanned the horizon, not seeing anything but blackness.
*Its... It's coming from above!*
With that, they heard a distorted sound as it crashed into the water. Eureka readied another salvo of missiles to the unknown, while Crimson Typhoon just got back up and went back to assist their comrades.
"Can you get me what the hell is that!?" Chuck shouted uneasily.
Before anyone could answer, all eyes that were gazing upon the unknown, had their eyes turned wide open and in disbelief.
A Jaeger-sized giant, which seemingly looked like bone and metal mixed. The skeleton giant's armor was worn, rusted and most of it torn apart from some kind of claw attack. In its hand was a huge anchor, holding it like it was a weapon.
But what made everyone's eyes stun upon, was the giant's eyes.
They were glowing blue.
"What the hell-" Chuck said in disbelief.
"-is that thing...?" Raleigh finished.
The giant recoiled its head and released a loud, massive fucking roar that would have the MUTO's roar being a baby's in comparison.
Yes, I'm comparing it to that. Deal with it m8.
Both Jaeger and Kaiju recoiled in pain, the pilots having their hearing incapacitated by the loud roar.
And somehow the helicopters around them managed to take little damage despite how loud the fucking roar was. But with that, they went further back away from the skeleton giant.
With everyone stunned, the giant moved its way towards Cherno. Eureka first to regain themselves, fired missiles at the giant.
*How is that possible...*
The giant dodged the missiles with surprising ease. As the giant neared the Russian mech, it threw its anchor at Otachi. Hitting it at its body.
Askad, feeling a tug, pulled the chain and carried Otachi with him. The Kaiju struggled to escape from the entanglement, trying to claw itself from the heavy anchor, and using its tail to cut off the chain. But that proven to be useless.
The giant skeleton, with a final pull, grabbed Otachi's neck with its left hand and firmly crushed its neck.
The beast trying to escape, pushing and clawing at the giant, which was proven useless as the giant just ignored its attacks. The Kaiju felt itself weaken, struggling uselessly. Finding the opportunity, Askad pulled the anchor out and cleaved through the motherfucker through its fucking head with the edge.
Blue acidic blood splattered around, hitting the giant but remained unfazed even with its bone and metal corroding from the acid.
The Jaegers were shocked in disbelief. A skeleton giant. How the fuck does such a thing exist? They all wonder.
Everyone but Askad, unaware that Leatherback continued its attack on Cherno. Taking it by surprise. Even with its comrade death and alone against 4 enemies, it would just attack. Trying to take one down before escaping.
"Cherno Alpha is needing assistance!" The Russian pilot shouted through the comms, putting all jaeger pilots returned their composure.
*Typhoon, assist Cherno! Eureka, don't attack that giant! It looks like it wants the Kaijus*
Almost by an instant, they said that another explosion occurred. This time, it happened on Leatherback's back... Lol. Stunning the Kaiju.
The jolly green giant took its chance to give payback on the beast. Grabbing a headlock and proceeded to pummel the head with its fists. Crimson arrived to assist Cherno, slashed its hide with their spinning saws. Putting extreme pain to the Kaiju, it desperately knocked Crimson Typhoon on its ass. It wiggled itself from the headlock of Cherno, punching the mech's head which caused the pilots to release its headlock.
The beast ran away from the mechs, trying to escape after a failed attempt to destroy one of the metal giants.
"It's getting away!"
Crimson Typhoon turned its left arm into a Plasmacaster, firing shots at the fleeing Kaiju but missing greatly. Eureka did the same as they were aiming sights at it.
But the skeleton giant got the kill.
The giant whirled its chained anchor around before throwing it towards the Kaiju, hitting it at its side, knocking it down. The skeleton giant rushed towards the downed beast, and proceed to stab its stomach with its left hand.
Being that hand consists of spikes and sharp edges of metal that surrounds it, so yes. Basically, a fucking dagger if used properly.
Ignoring the cries, the giant ripped the beast inside out. Spilling blood and guts to the waters.
And thus the fight was over.
Everyone would have cheered if it weren't for the appearance of the skeleton giant, which turned and stared at the remaining combatants being the Jaegers.
"Command... What now?" One of the Chinese brothers said, uneasy from the giant's glare at them.
"Do we attack it or what?" The Russian pilot eagerly asked but also nervous from what they had just witnessed a gory kill.
*Stand down... We don't know what this thing is. But whatever it is, it just destroyed two category 4 Kaijus.* Comms said. *But if it attacks, we attack.*
All Jaegers were staring down at the unknown giant. While they are thankful that none of them got killed or destroyed due to this giant's inference in the fight, but it also gave them an aura of dread from this thing.
The pilots of Gipsy Danger wanted to join in the possible fight so that they would win against this thing should it attack them.
Both sides did nothing for a moment, staring down. The Australian was about to say something but something appeared.
*Movement from the East!* A helicopter notified all comms. Making all eyes, but the skeleton giant, to turn their sights on the East.
"Is it another Kaiju?" The Australian elder said.
"If so, then it's moving way too fast." The Chinese elder brother said.
*Prepare for another fight then Jaegers.* Command stated, causing all Jaegers to ready their weapons. Cherno Alpha and Crimson Typhoon regrouped together, while Striker Eureka stood from a fair distance, almost near to the friendly mechs, but far behind.
The Russian and Chinese mech readied their weapons, while the Australian readied its missiles for supporting fire.
*Contact!* As the dots neared them. To their confusion, they weren't able to see any strange movement underneath the water. Was it a system bug?
"...Where the hell is it!?" The Russian pilot looked around.
And to her answer, two massive figures were just dropped from above. Near the skeleton giant. However, the giant didn't move an inch even when two massive splashes were close to it.
"Holy hell, there are more giants!?"
When the lights hit the two unknown beings, it made everyone in disbelief.
Two Jaegers, two new yet unidentified Jaegers.
One seemed to be bulkier, than the other. Hell, it was almost taller than Cherno Alpha. The mech was almost black in color with silver grey trim. In its hand were a giant gun that almost looked like an actual bolt-action rifle with a massive blade that acts like a bayonet on the tip of the gun. In all, the unknown Jaeger looked like it was designed for both close combat and long-range. Its head was looked like it was covered by a helmet design from WWII, and a noticeable metallic gasmask.
The other one was smaller than the black one in comparison. Only below chest height. It was slimmer than the one beside it. It actually looked feminine design. The color design was purple and silver. Its head was completely plain and only a visor with two glowing dots that seemed to be like eyes.
"Wait, there are others!?"
In the command. . .
"What is this!? Have you known about this!?"
"I haven't known any of this!" Stacker said. "There are only 24 confirmed built Jaegers deployed and constructed, there is nothing said about anything on these new mechs!"
"Perhaps its some other country," Tendon said nervously, getting the attention of the room. "maybe that they built a Jaeger in secret, I don't know-"
"No, not possible." Hermann countered. "It's impossible to construct a Jaeger without letting out a word of suspicion. The amounts of payment to build such a thing would gain attention to all."
"Nonetheless, we are not sure which side those mechs are in..." Stacker said, making everyone to think whether they are enemies or possible allies.
Back to the Hong Kong waters. . .
"Damn it, what should we do!?" Chuck said impatiently.
"Calm down damn it!" Herc said in annoyance. "We'll just have to wait whether they are friends or foes."
"If we wait, they could just attack us in surprise!"
"Well its too late for a surprise attack!" The father gritted his teeth annoyingly.
"You two, shut up!" Sasha shouted in the comms, causing the son and father to become quiet. "Either you two want to do something stupid, we won't stop you!"
"Hey, their moving!"
They then turned their sights towards the three unknowns. The giant was in the lead, with two of the unknown Jaegers behind. All Jaegers tensed, readying their weapons for a fight.
The trio stopped at a fair distance, to which at a point both sides could just charge at each other in a short time they would clash.
The skeleton let out a low echoey growl.
"Please be at ease, we only wish to seek an alliance." The black mech said, its voice booming and distorting. It almost doesn't sound it was coming from a pilot at all.
"Identify yourselves." The Russian kept its fists up, making a precautionary buckle in case one of them would try to ram against them.
The skeleton growled out but giving some sounds of grunts. "I am Black Storm. To my left is my companion, Pysker Surge. And to the one in front of us is our leader, a Forsaken Jaeger."
The skeleton giant let out several growls behind his shoulder, while its eyes still gazing upon the two Jaegers in front. "And he is one of the original Hunters of Monsters."
""Hunters of Monsters...?"" The younger of the Wei Brothers muttered.
"Command, what should we do?"
. . .
" "Hunters of Monsters"? " Mako said in confusion.
"No idea what the hell that means, but it doesn't seem like they are our kind of Jaegers." Stacker said, no doubt suspicious and cautious.
"What do you mean?" Herman said in a quiet tone.
"Do any of you notice any kind of energy generator at the mechs?" That caused almost all present in the room to look at the unknown mechs. For a short time, which seemed to felt like the longest, one of the people said in a shocked tone.
"There's none..." An engineer in the room said.
"Exactly, and what I've been guessing is that these Jaegers are advanced. Way advanced beyond our technology."
"Impossible," One of the scientists said. "such technology couldn't possibly exist."
"But it might," Rayleigh said. "So there's a chance that these guys might be some kind of a secret group?"
"Possibly, but there's no way. Why do they appear now? Where were they hiding? If they have more advanced technology than ours, why wouldn't they share it?" Gottlieb mumbled although everyone could hear his words. "Such a thing would able us to benefit us more, we wouldn't have any problems in losing more Jaegers!"
"Maybe they have a reason," Mako said. "Maybe they don't want us to share the same technology because they think we would misuse it?"
"Oh, and pray god, why the hell would we misuse it when humanity is frigging threaten by huge-ass monsters!?" Hermann exclaimed.
"And to those who are listening at this... Command Center," That caused everyone to just freeze and look at the screen with wide eyes. "the reason why we appeared is that we believe there is something more dangerous to come."
"...Ok, how the hell did he know what we're talking about?" One staff member said in disbelief.
"What the hell do you mean by that?" Striker Eureka shouted, with its PA systems amplified the pilot's voice across a fair distance.
The black mech looked back at the skeleton, which caused the giant to suddenly shake in an abnormal way. Its body jerking and shifting in a crazed manner.
Two Jaegers took several steps backward, with their weapons raised and everything.
"Dàodi fāshēngle shénme shì?!" (What the hell is happening!?) One of the Wei Brothers shouted, almost in a panic.
Suddenly, the jerking stopped. The skeleton giant raised its head, its glowing eyes seemed to glare at whatever is in sight. And what happened next caused to everyone listening and watching, stop.
"My name is Agiwulf, Lord Hunter of Jaegers. And I bring a warning that needs cooperation to you all."
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Res Publica: Republic Among Monarchs
Leonhard has always questioned the idea of rulership. In this world of endless war and strife, he often pondered the validation of Monarchy and Republic. For the past decade, he had invested his life into studying it. Still, as the son of Patrician Pabio Zieten, head of one of the most prominent houses in the Republic of Iodeal, he found himself obstructed by the duties he must perform. These duties range from venturing into the post-succession war island kingdom, dealing with rivaling houses and even leading troops into the field of battle. It would seem as if he would never get the time needed to discover the way of rulership. But perhaps being involved in such politics would enable him to discover something much more important than he had originally hoped...
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Throne of All: Tournament of the Gods
The universe is a big mysterious place, it is full of countless worlds and endless possibilities. One such possibility could be that the most powerful god who sits on the throne of all and rules over the entire universe is dying. Another possibility could be that this same god needed to bequeath his immense powers and rule to another, one he decided would be chosen by means of a rather unique sort of competition. Yet Another possibility could be that this mighty dying god had two worlds that he was particularly fond of and decided to use them to field this grand competition of Deia for his throne and all that comes with it.Follow the journeys of those chosen humans of earth who were either lucky or unlucky enough to be picked by the Deia , sent to the fantastical world of Gaia with the simple goal of assuring that their patron is the one who has the greatest control and influence over the world. They have only 1000 years to accomplish this goal before the competition ends, and countless ways to see it done. But then again things are never so simple in matters of the Deia...Updates randomly (there are multiple authors so don't expect a set schedule) [Caution this fiction is mature and contains content that may not agree with all audiences such as: torture, gore, violence, sexual content, and other mature stuff. you have been warned, read at your own risk.]Written as a joint-project by AaronDragon, Hveðrungr, Zanderkoala, DarkSun, Mech, and Theloli. Author list subject to change.
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