《The Undead Multiwalker》Trial
Next day.
The four multiwalkers, Neramo, Jael, Jon, and Specter, are seen walking down the street crowded with people. From their hotel, on their way to the palace since all Jaegers are required to pack their things and transfer to the palace from what I fucking explained from the first fucking chapter ago.
Neramo moved closely beside Jon and whispered. "Do you think that the scare trick we did with the pictures would work?"
Jon shook his head. "It probably gave them a good scare, but nothing that'll make them panic much... They would think that they can kill us normally as they did to everyone else."
Neramo nodded slowly before they went silent.
"The new guy..." Jael said suddenly. "Any of you guys know about it?"
Specter shrugged. While the two other multiwalkers looked at him. "What you mean?"
"I mean, do you trust him?"
"If Gentleman chose him to join with us, then I have nothing to complain about." Jon said.
"Yes yes, but do you feel something wrong with the guy?" Neramo said. "I kinda feel like he's hiding something."
The three other multiwalkers rolled their eyes. They knew Neramo for a long damn time to know what he's talking about. He really despises people/persons who prefer to think that they are important in a way, to which he had been punished for doing so in like several occasions.
And those punishments caused by their boss's requests are not a dream for any of them.
"That's because we only know him for a day!" Jon deadpanned. "What makes you think that he'll just show up and tell us everything about him!?"
After some heat arguments with each other, they finally arrived and went to the room on where all the Jaegers are meeting at after unpacking. They also noticed that the new guy is already here and is eating.
Furiously that is.
"Hey, Askad!" Jon greeted as he waved.
"Hey, Jon." He greeted back. "You should try the food. It's like heaven!" He said before quickly went back to eating. "SOOO GOOD!"
The multiwalkers took each seating and made a quick look at the food. It looked like a stew with meat and vegetables. Jael slowly took a spoonful of it, while the others silently followed in suit.
Neramo, Jon, and Specter paused before furiously eating it. Meanwhile, Jael kept his pace steady.
"I see you like Bol's cooking." They then turned to see Esdeath at the head of the table. Jael nodded before went back to continue eating, while the three just gave a thumbs-up except for Specter who gave his thumb sideways.
"So, where you guys come from?" Wave suddenly spoke.
"Somewhere, here and there." Neramo replied. "Were mercenaries, what the hell do you bloody think?" He said sarcastically.
"Jeez, was just asking."
The rest just went back continuing on eating, there were some conversations here and there, questions were asked to each person, the multiwalkers managed to answer them off.
"Uh, may I be excused at the moment?" Neramo asked.
"You may." Without looking to him, Esdeath replied.
"Mk." He mumbled before leaving the room and went into the next room.
"You fellas know what that was about?" Askad whispered to Jon.
"Not exactly sure." Jon whispered. "But I did noticed the stone was buzzing around in his pocket. It may be the boss."
Askad hummed before returning on eating.
After some moments, Neramo then came in with another person behind him.
Twas a new multiwalker as he had sensed. And a girl.
The girl's appearance is quite uncommon for this world. She is heterochromatic, with one eye being light red and the other grey. She's wearing a white dress with a large white bow below her neck. White hair with four long pigtails going down from her back.
*D.H Database activated*
*Name: Shirokami, (True name: No. 10)
Element: One of the pinnacles of power below the first four Multiwalkers. The elements are Reality Warping and Toon Force. Able to cut and severe abstract concept such as long-distance communication and contract from god(s). Able to cut through any concept of dead, make someone immortal, and cut off the concept of life and make her opponent to be rid of their life force from life itself.
The drawback to this power is that she can only do it at one person at the time, and after one hour has passed. Although she can cut the concept of the universe itself, she will receive a splitting headache after that.
She came from the Cthulhu Mythos universe. Shirokami is a hybrid between a fallen and a human. Her past is quite sad and a bit depressing, but that past was able to make her activate her said power.
Fighting a cosmic god known as Outer god Nyarlathotep, to which the reason of her world almost got destroyed by it. And since Nyarlathotep is an Outer god, one which is transcendent over space and time, he doesn't have any concepts.
Result of fighting him, she almost got killed but was saved by Neramo when she was stuck in the boundary between dimensions.
Personality: Shy, and a bit clumsy. Caring but yet also stern to others, playing around and sometimes scolding them, even though her scoldings are cute and not threatening at all. Evil to those who want to mess with her and her friends, especially with Nyarlathotep who's still looking for her.
She is a member of a Division Department of Time.
She is weak in terms of physical strength, although stronger than normal humans. She wields a kitchen knife that can cut through her opponent's concepts. She isn't good and is quite weak at close range combat.*
*D.H Database ending*
"Who's she?" Askad whispered to Jon.
"Her name's Shirokami, an old friend of Neramo." Jon said as he greeted the girl with a wave.
"-Well, I hope nothing... indecent happened with you while you were away." Shirokami blushed slightly while looking away.
One could tell that she is rather a lovely dovely girl for Neramo.
Neramo smiled sheepishly as he shrugged. "Nah, nothing much. All is good."
"Wait, why aren't the Jaegers not asking about her?" Askad said, confused to the situation is still normal even when a new figure is in the room.
"It's Gentleman's work. His power is kinda complicated to explain, but he just simply 'covered up' our backgrounds for this world."
"So he basically mind-reality warp the fuck out of reality and made things for us, Multiwalkers, to happen really unusual for it to act like nothing happen?"
"Well..." Jon scratched his face. "That kinda summarized it with what you just said."
Askad pinched his nose. "His powers are really beyond what I even thought of..." He sighed.
Jon laughed quietly. "That's a primordial being for you."
"Alright," Esdeath stood up. "We have a new mission. We have received intel that the leader of the Night Raid will be riding a carriage to a revolutionary encampment, along with when she is doing it. We will set up an ambush for her." And with that, everyone present took a determined face knowing that there will be a fight.
They already headed off and are now walking through a valley.
The fight was happening with Esdeath and Najenda. But the rest wasn't.
The mercenaries (Multiwalkers if you are all fucking idiots) and the Jaegers, except for Esdeath who was currently attacking Najenda, were attempting to find the place of which their intel told them.
"Do you think the intel was fake? What if we're running into a trap?" Shirokami suddenly spoke with concern.
Wave, who was in front of her, shook his head. "Then we just have to trust it."
After some few hours of walking, they came to arrive of a large dust bowl.
"What the!? There's nothing!?"
Askad, with incredibly heighten senses, turned his head back. Noticing an incoming attack, he blocked it.
"What!?" Tatsumi, equipped in Incursio Armor, jumped out of NOWHERE and tried to attack Askad. However, was shocked that he was able to block it from an angle.
"Fly." He said before knocking him really really fucking far away before hitting on the ground really damn heart.
The mercenaries already knew about this being an ambush, but they just have to keep up an act anyway. Specter got his sabers out and went in a combat stance. "Shit! We should've known that this was a trap!"
Jael took out his five-seven and went into a modified kung fu style. Shirokami held her kitchen knife in front of her determinedly.
Akame and Leone got of out cover and went in for an attack. Then someone showed up, which that said person was not supposed to be alive. Sheele was there with her scissors, along with Mine at a high ground.
"Jon, you and Specter handle Sheele. She is in no case to escape alive. Me and Jael will handle Mine. Shiro, I want you to be our support, Askad look after her just in case." All Multiwalkers nodded before heading off to their targets.
Neramo and Shiro didn't move, Neramo instead took a grenade-sized blue cylinder and threw it at Shiro's back. The device then deployed a strange blue force field which just in time bounced one of Mine's shots off of it.
Jael dived behind a large rock, putting away his pistol realizing that this is going to be a long range battle. He drew out and aimed his Caputiaculat and shot over the side of the rock, his shot narrowly missed Mine's head. He quickly moved back just in time as a shot hit his cover.
On over the other side of the battlefield, Jon and Specter were battling Sheele. She managed to lash out at Specter who dodged under her scissors and countered it with his sabers. Sheele managed to dodge but barely as she looked up and saw Jon jumping at her with his hammer above his head, swinging it down.
She barely sidesteps it and attempts to cut Jon with Exctase, except Jon allowed himself to be thrown by the weight of his hammer as he landed the opposite of his weapon.
Sheele then looks down, which is going to be the last thing she'll ever see. A Mandalorian saber slashing upwards between her legs. (For the sake of the originality, Swiggity Swooty)
With Mine, she is currently unleashing fire upon Jael's cover but failing miserably. At this moment she was having very angry thoughts. 'What the hell!? Why arent Pumpkin's bullets not piercing that stupid rock!?'
Little does she know, that Shirokami destroyed Pumpkin's concept of 'piercing'. She ducked behind her tree cover but saw one thing that no one ever wanted to see. Neramo came in with hundreds of sawblades behind him.
She quickly dived out of the way but the that was her mistake. She rolled directly into Jael's scope, and the last thing was ever heard from her battle was a resounding bang.
The other fights were going the way they're supposed to go, with Bols self-destructing Rubicante and is running off. However, the moment he saw was a little girl with pink hair. He then remembered the thing Neramo had told him earlier.
'Hey, if you come across a little girl with a scraped leg, I want you to do something for me. You have to promise this alright? Good. I want you to kill her.'
Bols, with a heavy heart, knew that he shouldn't have made a promise before. He knew what he was being asked to do but nevertheless pulled out his flamethrower and burned the girl to crisp. All with the sense of guilt was washed away, the girl morphed into an adult woman with orange hair.
Bols then realized that Neramo had inadvertently saved him. He then picked up the woman's pink briefcase and claimed it as his Tiegu after having a mental battle with it.
With Kurome, who was walking through the forest without Chelsea to impede her, she simply walked back to the Capital until she found Wave. The two then walked back to the capital without any interruption.
The six mercenaries met up and began to praise each other and giving out high fives. Neramo then took out an orange stone and tossed it in the center of the circle of which they had formed.
The stone glowed green, sending out G-man's voice. "Yes, children?"
"We have taken care of the anomaly, sir!" Shirokami spoke for all of them.
If G-Man had an eyebrow right now, it would be the sky. "Strange, the anomaly bar is only half cleared. Perhaps there are two anomalies? Either way, I cant pull you all out until that bar's empty."
The multiwalker nodded their heads in acceptance. Neramo then shut the stone and placed it back into his pocket. Almost after a second, he looked up with sparkles in his grey eyes.
"Hey guys, weren't we supposed to go back to the capital after this mission for a three day vacation!?" The others nodded. "Well, this bar owner owes me some favors so... LETS GET SMA-A-A-A-SHED!" The others chuckled and nodded vigorously, and then the 6 companions headed back into the capital for a good night of drinking.
With the exception of Askad, he then heard a voice in his head. 'So, how was your experience with my children?'
'You do know that it kinda sounds weird even if you kinda made them, to call them your children?'
'Would you prefer for me to call them my creations?'
'I...' Quickly pondering on the results if G-Man called them that. 'Never mind what I said, you have a point.'
The voice chuckled. 'Although, do they enjoy this job you give them?'
'You are asking the obvious question.' The voice settled down. 'I'd rather force them, but to give them a choice. And that I gave it to them. And you can already see the answer to that question of yours.'
He hummed. 'Huh, and to think that you're actually enjoying a talk with me...'
'I am not, if you think I am.'
'Oh yeah you are.'
'No I'm not.'
'Yeah you are... Anyways, after the mission... What next?'
'Well, it depends... Although I sense a disturbance in the reality space. One that goes to your universe.'
'The Overlord Universe?' He raised a brow. 'What about? I thought there's nothing going on there?'
'And that I overlooked. There is a creature of a race that I never thought to see again, appeared there. It has been taken care by your brethren, you Players what I mean, although there are still a few who are roaming around. Destroying your universe's balance.'
'So you want me to take care of it?'
'In a sense, yes, but mainly no. The creature comes from a race called the 'Yogg'. A tricky pest to deal with. They are also categorized in the 'Enemy' Database section, considering them as a dangerous enemy, even for the high tier Multiwalkers. Only seven certain races can only kill them. Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Angels, Vampires, Werewolves, and Dragons. There is this an ancient blood curse that was bound to their kind some time ago, and that's the reason why the said races can only kill them. And with you being an Undead, you cannot take the chance. Even with this so-called 'World Class Items' of your world, which are totally broken in a way, cannot beat them.
And the reason that you not one of these seven races cannot kill them, is that once you kill a Yogg, they then take possession of both your mind and body. Taking complete control, over wiping your existence.'
Askad shuddered. Him being controlled by something that maybe even more powerful than a WCI? Hopefully not one of the Twenty.
'So you gonna give this mission to others?'
'I would be, as it is my recommended choice of action, but my Multiwalkers arent most likely Human. I wouldn't want one of them to be taken control by one of these dangerous beings. Your kind; not you literally, on the other hand, can most likely deal with this directly.'
'Wait... So you're saying that WE Players will have to do the hard work on taking these 'Yoggs' down?'
'In a way, yes. But you will not be alone in this case, there will be some of your kind that will help.'
'Wait so there are other Player Walkers like me?'
'No, you are the first one in the Dimension Hoppers. And Player Walkers... Sounds new.'
'Yeah I came up with that, and if there are none like me, then what are you going to do? Send in into one of the worlds they staying at and just simply ask them to join me and find where the 'Yoggs' are hiding at and concede an exterminating act on them?'
'...I can tell that silence of yours means yes.' He deadpanned. 'And you know it really depends on who I'm recruiting, because if it were one of those racist punks, then I'm not letting them.'
'Just remember, only one of these seven races can give them the death they deserve.'
'Couldn't you just turn me into one of these races?'
'And you wouldn't complain about not having the Undead traits that you preferred to have?'
'...You made a point there.'
'See to it, and don't worry. There's no time limit to this 'crusade', this isn't some quest like that horrible woman does to her Gamers...' He voice in his head mumbled. How can you even mumble in your head?
'What was that?'
'Nothing you need to know.' And with that, the voice in his head vanished.
Checking if G-Man is still in his thoughts, which he isn't anymore, he released a stressful sigh. "And there's goes a job to do... Saving my own universe in this fricking Multiverse..." He grumbled before heading off.
After a good night of blessed drinking for the Multiwalkers, to which Askad's demise of not getting drunk is both a blessing and a curse at the same time, they all went on a day off.
Esdeath hasn't received any intel for their next mission yet, which gave them a good break from what happened yesterday.
The acts of what they have done today have been a bit shocking for Askad. He doesn't really mind it, but the morals on not helping the good guys kinda annoy him.
Although, alternating the plotline would mean that their jobs would become harder, to which he heard from Neramo, which means that changing the timeline for the sake of a new good end would mean a really really REALLY bitch-ass job hard enough for them to do.
Askad didn't really want to handle hard-ass jobs, but some Universes, as what came from Specter, aint really worthy of attention since they're Sandbox Universe.
And the universe they are in right now is a Reality Universe. A really invaluable side of a world, that must not be changed or be alternated for the sake of balance.
Keeping the universe balance is really a hard fucking job.
Anyways, right now Askad is in their respective rooms. Although he is not alone, Jon and Specter are with him.
Why? They are getting to know each other, for the sake of coordinating and getting along.
"So, you're saying that you're dead?" Specter said, a bit surprised. "And you're not alive?"
"So you're undead?" Jon said finally.
"Doesn't look like it... You seem to be alive."
"Its the disguise that G-Man gave me, although I know some spells that can put up illusions if I want to."
The two multiwalkers blinked in unison, processing on what they've heard, before looking at each other and staring back to Askad.
"...Why are you looking at me like that?"
"'G-Man'... You mean the boss?"
"Well its a nickname I came up with, I don't like saying long-ass names like Gentleman, no offense, and the nickname kinda fits the bill."
"Huh... Well, it does kinda makes sense... And the nickname does fit him."
Specter smirked. "Yeah, though did you call him that the moment you were recruited by him?"
He shrugged casually. "Yeah, nothing out of the usual. Plus it came from a certain game character I knew about a long time ago."
And before any of them could respond, someone banged on the door several times... Loudly. "Hey, guys!" It was Neramo. "Get out of your rooms! We got a new mission!"
"Wonder what it is..." Jon mumbled.
As they got out of the room, they noticed another female slightly behind Neramo and Shirokami. A female wearing a bit... revealing attire.
*D.H Database activating*
*Name: Yuwaku Jujun'na
Element: Lust (Type of emotion)
Home Universe: Shadowverse
She is a member of a Division Department of Time.
She became a Multiwalker as she was summoned by Urias to fight but then was killed by a glint dragon summoned by Rowen.
And in her dying moments, the Multiwalker of Emotion, Yusana Chow, offered her a new life. For her first century of Multiwalker-ism, she was then partnered with Neramo to learn in the tight ropes.
She has a silver hair, blue eyes (white dragon) with heart-shaped pupils, triple D sized breasts, semi-large ass, of American descent, has two arm-length bat wings with thin prehensile 5-foot black devil tail with a heart at the end.
She's extremely good for crowd control, as she uses an extremely fucking powerful aphrodisiac with her. Making them horny and forget what they are doing, and go to the nearest person of the opposite gender and have sexual intercourse directly without a care on the battlefield.
She ties her tail around her waist whenever she's at public, and since she's a succubus she wears nothing but her extremely tight leather underwear and leather boots and gloves, as she wore for it to maximize the aphrodisiac's effect.*
*D.H Database ending*
"Really glad that I'm an undead..." Although he was glad, in the inside he thought hard long enough to realize that he cannot do what any living being do... Having pleasure.
And by that, he envies them. But at the same time, glad that he isn't alive.
After some time, the mercenaries then gathered around for a short, quick mission briefing from Neramo. To put it all together, they are going to Night Raid's base on which Doc Stylish has found and is bringing them with him.
"-So you're saying that the anomaly we're killing this time is gonna be a gamer?" Specter asked for clarification.
"Did I not just say that?" Neramo said a bit irritated. "Listen, after we kill the guy and be done with this universe, we're gonna come back and kill Minister Honest." They all nodded in agreement.
"As long as I have Akame's severed head as a trophy, then we can leave." Jon said. No one objected to this, so they all nodded in response.
"Then it's settled. We kill everyone in the Night Raid, and then return to kill the minister."
"So you're the new guy huh?" Yuwaku slowly went up to Askad, checking on him.
He nodded. "Name's Askad, nice to meet you and hope we'll get along." He said respectfully.
The succubus widens her eyes ever-so-slightly. "Oooo a gentleman! How rare!" She said seductively.
In the Night Raid's base, Najenda has just received some interesting information. Apparently these mercenaries, who were hired by Esdeath, were actually working for someone named "Gentleman".
The name is obviously a fake or an alias. Though, their plans were to kill her newest Night Raid recruit.
She had some interests and suspicions as to why would they target him?
"Alright Josh, you heard Tatsumi, these mercenaries are coming for you next. I'll expect you to be on your guard at all times."
A blonde man with blue eyes, a decently muscular build smiled sheepishly. "Arent I always on guard, boss?"
The said man was having some rather smug ass thoughts. 'Heh, what can a few mercenaries do against a gamer?' And little did he know, his days were numbered.
Najenda then turned her attention to Tatsumi. "Do you have the item he used?"
Tatsumi reached into his pocket and pulled out an orange stone. The same one that Neramo had used.
Apparently Neramo, and the two other ladies baited them by having the stone. He intentionally let Tatsumi get it, as to make them more... paranoid in a way.
He handed the stone to Najenda and she inspected it.
"Susanoo, do you sense anything from this?" Susanoo came forward and picked the stone. And as soon as he touched it, he felt unimaginable power. Enough to destroy the entire multiverse with little effort.
And they didn't know that this is just a smidgen of Gentleman's true power. HAHAHAHAH!
He promptly threw the stone on the ground, he was visibly sweating, hard. He then looked at Najenda and spoke softly. "Whoever their true boss is, if he has sided with the Empire, we have no hope."
They all became very sadden and shocked by this, if Susanoo loses his cool, then it is a very, very important matter.
Soon as nightfall came, Dr. Stylish gathered his troops along with the mercenaries and led them to the location of where the Night Raid base is.
Some hours of walking, they were overlooking the place as Stylish stayed behind with his 3 surveillance minions, along with Neramo, Shirokami, and Yuwaku. The rest walked down and went to their ambush positions.
Leone walked out, clearly drunk, in hungover and looked at the pond and stayed there for a while until the assassin lashed out her throat, slitting it.
Knowing that she's not yet dead, Jael snuck over to her position and took out his suppressed customized pistol and shot her head three times, to be sure.
And then, that's where the true raid began.
Stylish's troops began their assault on the base, attacking the people inside and surprising them.
Inside, Lubbock killed the first minion as the rest just busted in with Specter leading the charge.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the base, Jael was killing all the non-Night Raid members who just happened to be in the base, using some kind of a fighting style with his pistol. Badass.
With the robot sword dude (originalities), Jon was supporting him against Akame.
While for the gamer anomaly, Josh was running up to Stylish's position who was using his prior knowledge of this universe.
'Alright, that doc guy should be right up this hill!' As he arrived, he didn't saw Doctor Stylish but saw three unknown figures.
'Huh!? Who are those three? They aren't supposed to be here!'
Said three are the multiwalkers. Neramo looked at the man then to Shirokami. "Hey, destroy that guy's concept of inventory."
She nodded and swung her knife onto his general direction.
"Ready to die, blondy?"
The gamer chuckled and tried to access his weapon from his inventory, but widen his eyes when he realized he couldn't.
'Fuck! I'll have to resort to my magic then!' He summoned forth a spectral sword and dashed towards Neramo, and Neramo towards him.
Both charged towards each other.
Back upon the Night Raid's base, the Night Raid members have been surrounded by Stylish's troops and the mercenaries. They couldn't move due to the poison deployed by Stylish.
Soon enough, Najenda and Susanoo showed up, riding on a majestic flying flap flap (the flying manta ray) and Susanoo jumped down to assist the downed Night Raid.
Once he got there, Jael only then ran up and met with him. And before the two could directly start their clash, Jael heard Neramo's voice ring out in his earpiece.
"Death is inevitable."
He soon felt himself being overwhelmed by some force of anger, the same one when he was under the Stalkers when they came back to him in full force.
He cast aside his gun and ripped off his balaclava along his beret, revealing his pale (seriously white, like Salem pale) skin, grim-like eyes, pointed eyebrows, and slicked black hair.
He ran forward and concentrated his negative energy into his arms and hands so that they would strike harder and move extremely fast like a blur.
He soon then clashed with Susanoo, ducking under his opening attack and lashing out with an uppercut, and then a follow-up haymaker.
Susanoo backflipped and landed on his feet until he attacked back, but Jael blocked his attack and countered it with a kick to the side of his head.
He dashed Susanoo, thrusting his hand on his forehead.
Najenda was about to activate Susanoo's trump card but was deemed too late.
Jael's hand punctured through Susanoo's head, holding a small black orb on the other side. He crushed the orb to dust, with Susanoo following in suit.
Noticing the soldiers who had come to aid him, instead of stopping, he ran towards them and attacked.
However, before he had hit the first soldier, Neramo's voice then was heard in his ear.
"Fear is a choice."
All of his movement stopped and dropped his fist, he slowly walked up to his discarded weapon and headwear. He put them back on and holstered his weapon.
"Casualties?" He simply asked. One of the soldiers took a step forward and reported that only Susanoo had died. "Good." He then replied.
Jael then turned and saw that the Night Raid members somehow got free, and ran in to join the fight.
Askad was having time in his life as he fought Lubbock, toying with him, enjoying the fight as much as he can, as he can see his wires and shooting him from making himself being grappled by them.
He wouldn't want to use his Time Stop items since it would be a waste to use them from this.
Specter then saw Jael incoming and noticed above to see Najenda on her manta ray. He smiled, then used shadows and manifesting a ginormous hand and launched himself towards her.
Back on the hill, the gamer was not... doing quite well.
He has extremely high-speed stat and was attacked as if he was a blur, but Neramo was constantly stopping time and moving away from such attack.
Eventually, Neramo was done messing around and summoned out a red-black broadsword, and his weapon was glowing.
He slashed forward in extremely high speeds, leaving an afterimage of red lines in the air. It stayed like that for a second before they launched forward at incredible speeds.
Most of them missed, but few were able to make a hit on the Gamer.
Josh kneeled from the pained and looked up, seeing Neramo slowly walking towards him.
"You Gamers and your bullshit." He started. "You all always act like you're doing the right thing, but you are only making our jobs a fuckton harder..." He growled. "The less of you goody two shoes being around, the better my life will be."
Josh felt rage by what he was saying. "So are you trying to say that I should just let these people suffer!? How can you stand by and let this fucking thing happen!?"
Neramo suddenly vanished, then to reappeared behind the gamer.
"I'll tell you how... I. Don't. Give. A Fuck."
Josh turned around, just to see the blade coming down upon him, and the last thing he was his own reflection from the red and black blade.
Back with Specter, he and Najenda were currently dueling on top of a Manta ray. Najenda fired out her robotic arm at him, only for him to dodge as he swung his Mandalorian saber down on the chain, severing her robotic arm.
She made a 'tch' and took a sword out and charged towards him. Specter activated his red Lightsaber.
Najenda swung her sword downward, but Specter simply raised his saber, causing for the blade to be severed by itself, and the blade flew into the manta ray's skull
The animal then began descending rapidly, as Specter summoned forth a shadow Phoenix and rode to safety.
The only thing that Najenda had time to recognize was that the ground beneath her was getting closer.
(Another one gone, and another one gone, another one bites the dust)
With several Night Raiders, and the gamer anomaly dead, Neramo and the two girls fought against Tatsumi, and Askad was finishing up his fight and ending it by stabbing the heart of Lubbock with his hand, and saying to him: "Nothing personal... Kid."
Akame was watching everything, everything she had worked hard, only for it to fall apart. She then saw the man, whom she believed to be the perpetrator.
Jonathan was standing across from her, brandishing his hammer. She got up, her hair shadowing her eyes. She then cut her hand with her sword, causing the black curse to spread across her body.
Jon knew what was she trying to do, and was not gonna have that. He dashed forward with a small stone in his hand and threw it near Akame.
The stone then activated and almost immediately turned into a black hole. Her sword the first thing to be sucked into the hole, and then Akame soon followed after, despite her attempts on clawing herself to the ground desperately.
He soon shut off the black hole after she was sucked in.
Jon picked up the stone and whispered. "I'm going to enjoy this later..."
After that 'riveting' fight, all their enemies are now finished and dead. They then met up with Stylish, revealing that none of Stylish's soldiers survived, excluding the surveillance minions, the big eared one which Jon resumed his flirting with... Weird.
The seven heroes then went back to the palace to finish their business with this universe.
"Alright guys, I talked to Gentleman, and the plan is that when we get to the throne room, we kill the minister, and jumped out the balcony, there'll be a portal waiting for us after."
They are currently hanging out in Neramo and Yuwaku's room. They've already packed their stuff and sent their luggage via portal back to the D.H HQ.
And if you all are wondering about Askad's bike, he just simply de-summoned it. He found out that he can make it appear whenever he wants.
They all then walked through the halls until they reached the bigass throne room door.
Neramo was caressing Yuwaku's tip of her tail, causing her to moan heavily, as her tail is extremely sensitive, she turned to Neramo nonetheless.
He gestured towards the window, and then upward, telling her to go out the window, climb onto the ceiling and use her whip to hang the Prime Minister.
She nodded and flew out the window.
They knocked a few times on the door, and the guards opened them afterward as they saw who they were.
"Ah hello! If it isn't the heroes of the day!" Minister gave them a smile, a false one that is.
"Sir, due to the threat we were hired to kill being deceased, we believe it is time for us to be paid." Jon said respectfully.
Honest chuckled. "Well, isn't serving your country a good reward enough?"
Neramo then noticed directly above the minister, Yuwaku was tying her a noose of her whip. He slowly leaned over to Shirokami and whispered: "Destroy the minister's concept of making a sound." She then flicked her knife slightly.
After that, the succubus began lowering her whip above the minister. She gave it a quick jolt, wrapping it under the minister's neck, raising it off the ground with no effort. He tried to call for help, but unfortunately, none came since he was positioned behind the Emperor, and the guards were under the influence of Yuwaku's stimulant and were in a dark corner.
All that would be heard from a female and a male guard was a faint slapping sound and the occasional moaning.
Some moments later, the minister stopped twitching from the DIY noose, and released him on the ground, and dropped to the floor along with the rest.
They then ran towards the balcony outside the throne room and jumped off.
"NO! WE ARE NOT!" Jon yelled back.
And a few feet above the ground was an infinite yellow tube. And for a weird chance that they all fell into the tube at the same time, they all landed in very awkward positions on each other, with the exception of Jael being the only one to stick to the landing.
Their positions were rather hilarious. Neramo landed on his face directly on Shirokami's chest, blushing ridiculously hard but was pinned down by the rest of them.
Jon had been screaming when they were falling and had accidentally mouthed the tip of Yuwaku's tail in his mouth and subconsciously licking it. She, however, was thrashing in pure ecstasy.
Specter had landed with his right hand, accidentally squeezing Yuwaku's right boob/breast.
Askad landed his face in between Shirokami's thighs, his nose sticking between her panties. In the outside, his face is rather simple, but inwardly, his mind is having a time in his life.
Although, none could see Askad's body was surrounded with green glowing aura several times.
Among all the others, Shirokami's face was colored blue.
After some moments of managing to untangle with a few mishaps, they nonetheless walked to where Gentleman's office is at and to report.
Once they arrived, they saw him, a floating fucking green orb, with floating screens scrolling with information in front of it than any mortal could comprehend.
"Ah, welcome back children. I've already been told that the universe has been set straight now. Go have some fun. You've earned it. I'll call you the next time I require your services."
The multiwalkers bowed, and before they could go, Gentleman then spoke once more.
"And Askad, I would like to talk to you." The voice of a thousand voices said in a quite stern tone.
Askad glanced back behind him, noticing the faces of multiwalkers. Their expressions were however mixed.
Few are surprised, some are curious and have questioning looks.
As the rest of the walkers left, they were left alone with Askad and the Gentleman.
"Yes, boss?"
"Quick to assure you, that you wish to take this job and fix your home universe?"
"Yeah, my mind's already been set to it." He shrugged.
"I see... Then I would like you to make a delivery to one of your colleagues... Assuming if you still remember him?"
Askad raised a brow. He has friends, but not exactly that many, he didn't check if they were online the moment the game shut down. "I'm not exactly sure about what you mean... Depends on who this 'he'?"
The floating screen then floated downwards to Askad, the screen then slowly showed a picture, two pictures in a separate frame of two different people.
The first picture shows a man in a black trench coat, black shirt with a spider symbol on both front and back, black padded pants, and skeleton arm gloves.
But the most noticing part of his feature was his skin and face. He has red-slit pupils of eyes, some parts of his skin and face seemed to be covered in charcoal scales, while his skin tone is Pallor-Caucasian. And his hair is dark maroon.
And another picture shows off a slightly above average muscular man, wearing a jacket and shirt that barely covers up his upper chest. He was wearing a bear hat that covers his eyes completely and has several items and accessories that made him suspiciously become familiar in. Although he resembles almost a Viking if he remembers well.
"So... Who are these? Multiwalkers?" He questioned.
"No... These are your kind, Players, in disguise."
That widens his eyes, his fellow brethren? Although, where was Gentleman going with this? "You want me to... recruit them?"
"No," Gentleman seemed to shook his 'head'. "I want you to deliver an item for them, merely a gift, and yet a warning."
A small portal appeared and emerged from it came a small box. "This contains something that needed to be given to them."
Askad nodded, then remembered something. "And what do you mean 'him'? One of my colleagues? They don't seem to be quite familiar to me." He inspected their pictures, their appearances aren't exactly one of his friends as he remembered them.
Gentleman chuckled as the orb glowed briefly as if reflecting his emotions by the brightness. "This is your colleague." The selected screen of a 'mutant' black scaled man enlarged. "You've known him. And from what I've seen from your... memories, he has saved you, along with a certain group that you've praised about."
Askad took a moment to ponder and process his words before slowly his eyes widen. "Ainz Ooal Gown..."
"Yes, but he is not one of their members... He is the certain someone that you were saved by."
"...Wait... Wait wait wait wait wait a fricking minute... Are you saying that this man-" He pointed at Lordez's picture. "-is Coldstalker!?" He shouted.
- In Serial374 Chapters
Tunnel Rat
Milo lives in a steel cave within a man-made mountain of steel and concrete. He spends his days repairing the machinery that keeps the habitat livable and tinkering with the prosthetics that help his twisted body move about through the small tunnels and air shafts that are his world. He's as much a piece of discarded machinery as the equipment he keeps running. Given a chance at being someone different will he become a hero and live in the sunlight? The light beckons, but there are secrets buried in the ground. Ancient mysteries left by races that delved deep and stayed below. Maybe only a tunnel rat culd find them?And thanks to the artist of that handsome rat for inspiration. Find more of her work here: https://www.deviantart.com/watch/memymine/deviations
8 284 - In Serial13 Chapters
A God's Freedom
Thu gods that you rose again. Go and fight until your end, In bloody battle you struggle again. And may it be in vain! For a god is born free And a god shall die free! "WARINGING" Sexual content will occure in this story! It has been some years since I last wrote something, actually I wasn't able to truly finish any story since my novel Dao of Emperor. So yeah I will try to finish this one. Stay tuned for stupid humor, strange action and some fucked up fantasy world!
8 174 - In Serial42 Chapters
The Memorial Day Murders
A series of murders which all of the victims are tied to their involvement in the war in Afghanistan puts the remaining members of Elite Alpha, a now disbanded black ops team led by deceased Lieutenant General Gerald Forest hot on the killer's trail.
8 76 - In Serial39 Chapters
My Poems
I love making poems for my sparetime. They are inspired by random stuff. Hope you drop by and enjoy them~( ╹▽╹ )/
8 548 - In Serial33 Chapters
Infinite Swordsman and His Cafe
A man was filling a CYOA that ROB sends to his email. Now he is in the other universe and tries to have a simple life and finish the task that ROB gives him. Try to survive for ten years.
8 79 - In Serial21 Chapters
Final Hour
Had you the chance, would you change yourself?The story tells of a boy, name withheld, who came into the world with what seemed like an invisible curse. Through this darkness, he found an escape - Empire. It was the first VRMMO, and his doctors convinced him to try it. This is the tale of a boy who was willing to throw everything that was left away. A victim of the world, a great adventurer, or... something beyond even that?*Warning: This fiction contains BORDERLINE mature themes. Okay, maybe VERY mature themes. But only SOMETIMES.**Note: Don't give me 5 star ratings. I doubt you'd want to anyway, but ratings without any criticism don't help me improve, and thus destroy the purpose for which I write.
8 59