《Ti Lepus Dies, A Dark Lord Story》Part Five. Conflagration Chapter Forty Seven.


Quiet figures flitted in and out of the private quarters of the palace. The Dark Lord’s mood had improved, although not greatly, since the arrival of Colonel, now Brigadier and acting General Major, Dennus of Hosta. His improved mood had stopped the spread of the darkness for which He was, in part, named.

Dennus was coming to grips with his new role as protector and guardian to those of the Ladies who were to act as the Dark Lord’s ambassadors to Ti Lepus. However, he was slowly learning that this was not to be as simple a duty as it might have appeared to others at first. The Dark Lord’s words of warning that he would be losing his sleep were prophetic.

Currently, his foremost problem was Lady Jaure. He strongly suspected that the way he had come on her weeping was arranged by the other Ladies, possibly the quiet slender one he had noted who seemed to be close to the Dark Lord. Lady Jaure’s flood of tears was not feigned as far as he could see, but it was still with much trepidation he approached the Dark Lord. Making a quick assessment, he felt that his sovereign seemed in a slightly better mood at this time.

“You have a request?”

“Yes, my Lord.”

The Dark Lord waited, face immobile, sitting in His usual arm chair in His private study. Dennus took a breath. To the Dennus’s surprise, there were no Ladies present this time. Not even the Dark Lord’s usual companion. This, to the General, was a further sign of a quiet arrangement which he didn’t like at all. An open book lay on a low table near Him, its language unintelligible to the general.

“It is the Lady Jaure sire.” The General continued, “I believe that she does not wish to carry out the role of ambassador.”

The Dark Lord continued to study the officer, still without expression. “Do you agree?”

With another deep breath, Dennus replied, “Yes sire, I do.”

“I see.” The Dark Lord frowned and fell silent, looking down at His hands. After a fraction, He looked back up. “Very well, send her to me.”


“Yes, my Lord.”

“Is there anything else?”

“The forward positioning of the fleet is progressing well. The armoured planetoids are being transported as we speak. We should be ready to leave for Ti Lepus in a standard week.” And then my work will really begin, Dennus thought.

“I see, keep the good work up. As to Lady Jaure, I will nominate a Lady to replace her.” He smiled, a cat’s smile. Like many smiles, it looked out of place on Him. “It is not easy to deal with the Ladies. I was not wrong about you.”

The acting General Major left in a state of mild shock.


Relived to have a positive agreement, he went in search of Lady Jaure, finding her, with some of the other Ladies, in what he had learned was called an ante-room. Beyond was another room, which he had never entered and never intended to enter.


At his entry, several heads came up, all with frowns. He smothered his sigh, his position had been made clear to the Ladies, who had not appreciated the stubbornness and commitment he had brought with him. Consequently, when they had learned of the arrangements he was making for their safety, they had rebelled. He had been adamant. They conspired to go over his head and complain, but had left chastened by the peals of laughter the Dark Lord had responded with.

“You actually thought that I would pick an officer who would be manipulated so easily? You misjudged me and the Legion, I think,” he said between gusts of laughter.

The dark cloud had lifted for the time being.


Lady Jaure had been his foremost problem but, thankfully, was no longer. “Lady Jaure. I have a message.”

She lifted her head, but remained silent.

“He will speak to you.” She did not move. “He also told me that He would nominate a replacement for you.”

With a gasp, she rose, gave Dennus a smile and left. The red haired Lady, Dennus recalled her name was Sydney, stood and watched her leave. “Good, she was really hurt by the Sculptor Rebellion. That was nasty.”


Dennus was now used to keeping his face immobile after listening to such unsolicited revelations. The rebellion in the Sculptor Galaxy had occurred almost two thousand years before.

“Do you think that He will send me?” Lady Sydney turned and asked the room hopefully. With customary friendly derision, the idea was laughed down and General Major Dennus took the opportunity to withdraw. After visiting a washroom, he carefully followed the labyrinth of corridors to his office. Waiting there, were Colonel Horris and Nita De Posse.


Without stopping at his door, he entered his small office, ignoring the slightly guilty expression on Nita’s face and the heightened colour on the Colonels.

“Anything from the Marshal’s office Colonel?” Dennus spoke without preamble and overlooked the small point that most information could be sent without the need for a personal visit.

“Everything has been made ready for your trip to Marker’s Star Galaxy, all as you specified sir. It will begin on the 29th of Dolmas.” That would be in eight standard days. “Unless there is something unexpected that comes up.” The Colonel paused. “Are you aware of anything? I am informed that you were meeting with our Master. Is all still in order?”

“Are you hoping it won’t be?” Dennus used his peripheral vision to watch Nita’s reaction. He had to find his amusement somewhere!

“Of course not, sir!”

“Well you might get it. You can tell the Marshal that Lady Jaure is off the flight list and that a replacement will be nominated by the Dark Lord. If I know today, I will let Nita know and she can tell you when you two meet for your evening meal.” The innocent expression that General Dennus held was rewarded with the embarrassment of the two facing him.

“Is there anything else sir?” Colonel Horris said a little stiffly.

“Nothing for you, but I will need the Stewards office input on moving the Ladies out of the Palace and transporting them and all their paraphernalia, if there is any, to another galaxy.”

Nita pursed her lips. “I really do not know what they need, so we will have to ask them. If you could arrange a meeting so I could cover any concerns and make necessary arrangements, sir?”

Dennus laughed. “You are revenged! I will speak to Ladies Dana and Andrea, it seems that they are considered the natural leaders.”

“Thank you General,” Nita smiled.

“Then I will send them to you.” Her smile vanished. As Nita turned to Colonel Horris, his smile also vanished, but Nita caught it and smacked him on the arm.

“What do you think you were smiling at?”

“Nothing Ma’am!”

“Don’t Ma’am me! You were smiling, I saw it!”

The Colonel capitulated, “Guilty, can’t we discuss it later?” There was some desperation in his voice.

Dennus wanted a little more fun. “I have space on my staff for an appointment as an aide. Are you interested, Colonel?”

Nita spun around in horror! Slamming her hand on the desk in front of her she opened her mouth to protest. Dennus’s laugh took the wind out of her sails, a little.

“You wouldn’t, would you?”

The smile faded from both the officers’ faces as they exchanged glances.

“Nita,” Dennus said, as he rose from behind his desk. “The sad reality is Colonel Horris is due, some would say, overdue, for advancement. The likely next posting is for him to take command or be second in command of a brigade. At least he should get a Battalion.” He gave a slightly sad smile. “And I have an aide coming. The adjutant of the battalion I was pulled off. He should be landing here today.”

The look on Nita’s face was indescribable. Without a further word, she stared at both of them, turned and left.

“Go, fight for her.” Dennus sent Colonel Horris out of the room.

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