《Ti Lepus Dies, A Dark Lord Story》Chapter Forty Six.


Rentap returned to his office after meeting with the police. The meeting had gone well with several recommendations. Having never needed to use a security firm, he hadn’t even known that they existed. Over the next few days Rentap and Osterwald had made some decisions, for one, neither of them would be together when they were away from Ti Lepus Imports. For another, the security of the office would be increased and no one would be allowed in without first being vetted. Further precautions were to follow, with similar measures taken at both their homes. Cheaine, when told of the precautions, had been unhappy but accepting.

“I am sorry that we cannot be together for our trip to the Rain Festival tomorrow. Our family enjoys attending each one of the festivals, but Cheaine accepts the changes as necessary.” Rentap did not reveal Cheaines first reaction to the new precautions, to say that she was unhappy with them would be an understatement.

“My family and I will attend the next day.” Osterwald smiled. “The festivals first day is always so busy anyway.”

“Not to worry, you can attend the openings of the Snow and Sun festivals. You can get your full taste of the crowds then.” Rentap laughed. Osterwald laughed in his turn. “I am sure that you will enjoy mingling with the highest of the high status of Lepus Mal. They are a wonderful lot! So gracious and accommodating, all of them.” Rentap had a combined smile of innocence and insincerity firmly pasted on his face.

With a smile still on his face, Osterwald stood and moved to the door. “Go home. Tomorrow we start anew with all this security. The Rains Festival will probably be the last occasion that you can have some time with the family without big muscled security all around you.”

“I will. Speak to you in the morning at least.”

With a wave of acknowledgement Osterwald left. Rentap turned to the few items left on his desk.


Cheaine was waiting with a smile when the doors slid open on his arrival. To the casual observer, it would seem that the new security arrangements had no effect on the beautiful woman, but Rentap knew his wife well.

“Darling.” He took his wife into his arms and kissed her.

“Rentap! The children!” Cheaine protested the, to her, unseemly display of open affection.


“We are in our own house and there is no one in the vestibule, so why should I not kiss my beautiful wife.” He looked around. “Where are the children and Cami, anyway?”

“Jean is watching them, they are in their lounge.” Although Cheaine had protested the kiss, she had made no attempt to release herself from the hold her husband’s arms had of her. Indeed, she was holding him just as firmly.

“I will go and get changed. We will need to talk to the children about the festival tomorrow.” Kissing his wife again, he released her and, walking side by side, they moved to their private quarters.


After the family meal, the family gathered together, the parents joining the youths in the latter’s lounge. Jean brought in light refreshments.

“Thank you Jean.” Rentap acknowledged the service. Jean left thinking again about her good fortune, she had hopes for improving her status. As this was her last task, she retired for the night.

“We really must do something about her status,” Cheaine commented, unaware of Jeans thoughts.

“I agree. After the festival, we will,” Rentap agreed. Both Dinis and Kapat agreed vocally while Cami, still uncertain of her place, especially after what had happened at her last race, nodded her head.

Turning to Kapat, Cami expressed her curiosity about the Rains Festival. “What happens? I have never been able to attend one before, I always had chores, work or school to attend to.”

“Oh, it is fun, but be prepared, you will get wet!” Came the laughing response from Kapat.

“Wet. All the clothes!” Was Cami’s horrified response, thinking of all her lovely new clothes. Another thought crossed her mind and she turned to Rentap and Cheaine. “I am sorry that we missed the Sun Festival because of me.”

“Oh yes! So don’t wear clothes that have dye that will run and stain.” Dinis interjected with a grin.

“Now, don’t scare Cami,” scolded Rentap. “None of our clothes are of the type that the dye runs.” Turning to Cami, “It was important to meet your family and gather effects that are important to you. Also we enjoyed meeting your family, I think that they were very nice.”

Cami nodded, thinking of to the trip back to her home. It had been good to see her family again, but in the manner of the young, it was the festival that now occupied her mind. She asked about her clothes again.


Hiding a smile, Cheaine stood and beckoned the two girls to follow her. “We will select the clothes that both of you will wear tomorrow. And make very sure that the dye in them will not run!”

With a laugh, the two girls hustled out the room holding hands and giggling at the same time. Cheaine gave her husband a rueful look and followed.

Rentap gave his wife an amused smile as she left, but wisely refrained from comment. His son was not as restrained.

“Why do girls act so, I don’t know, silly.” Dinis stopped and his father just waited. “I mean, I love my sister and like Cami a lot, more as I get to know her better, but they just annoy me so much at times.” He sat back with a huff.

“Because they are fourteen year old girls, that is why and you are not yet sixteen and don’t see the possibilities.” Dinis opened his mouth to speak, but closed it as his father held up his hand.

“Son, you are fifteen, and you will be sixteen years of age within the month. That is a turning point for you. You will be given more responsibilities. Your curriculum at school will become more focused and you will have to make more choices. One of them may involve Cami.” There was a pause for a fraction.

Dinis was sitting with quiet attention. He had anticipated this discussion.

His farther continued, “You know that Cami sis Nep will not be fifteen until next year and therefore, sixteen a year after that. She will not be allowed or available until then, even if she agrees or refuses as is her right.” The unspoken implication was clear. “That will be a long time for you to wait. And you must be patient and wait! If you are having problems with that, you must tell me.” Again, his father paused.

“You know the law, any rupture of the law cannot be hidden and the consequences would be severe. Not just to you and her, but to all of us. Not least our status. You will face the greatest test over the next year and a half.”

Rentap eyed his son, the message seemed to be getting through, at least at this time. Although he was sure that much of it would be soon forgotten. After all, he too had been young once.

“Father …” Whatever his son was about to say was interrupted as the two girls came back into the room. This time, sedately, as young women of their status. Cami was to consider herself of the same status, and be aware of how girls of high status should hold themselves. Cheaine followed.

“All ready for tomorrow, dear?” Smiled Rentap. His wife gave him the look that wives gives husbands at such times.

“The clothes are at least,” Cheaine replied, then looked at her son. She too could read the signs of a serious talk. Knowing her place in the convoluted world of Ti Lepus’s internal workings, she remained silent. On that subject at least, but there were others that she could broach.

“Have you selected your clothes, Dinis?” Cheaine asked her son.

“Not yet mother,” Dinis was somewhat subdued. “I will see to it now, then retire.” He nodded to both his parents. “Goodnight mother, father.” Then to his sister and Cami as well, without speaking.

“Goodnight son.” Rentap returned the nod.

“Goodnight Dinis.” Smiled Cheaine.

“Goodnight brother,” Came from Kapat. “Goodnight,” from Cami.

“You two need to go to bed as well. It will be a long day tomorrow.” Rentap addressed the two young women.

The two girls stood gracefully. Kapat moved and kissed her father, then her mother. Wishing them goodnight, she left to her room.

Cami gave them both a graceful bow as she had been taught and also wished them both goodnight and retired to her room.


As the two adults walked to their private quarters, they talked quietly, as husband and wife are wont to.

“Cami has really come along, she is becoming part of the family. You have done well, my dear.” Rentap congratulated his wife.

“Yes, she is.” Cheaine gave a satisfied smile.

“Dinis is taken with her but still very young. But the next couple of years are going to be hard for him.”

“You will help him take care of things for the best, I know, darling.”

The two continued to talk, arranging the affairs of their family as good parents always do.

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