《Ti Lepus Dies, A Dark Lord Story》Chapter Forty Eight.


It was actually on the 22nd of Dolmas, that Captain Rickard Dule, past adjutant of the 3rd Battalion arrived at the ground terminus of the transhipment staging receptions area on a standard shuttle accompanied by a full load of passengers. His experience had been similar to that of the Colonel’s, except without the exalted personal receptions. Actually, he had been left mostly on his own; luckily, his orders had been worded in such a way that he had enjoyed priority at each stage.

Arriving at Tihad, however, his orders were unclear. They simply stated that he would be met.

Captain Dule was heading to the reception desk and eyeing the crowd lined up there, when his name was spoken behind him.

“Captain Dule?”

Turning around he saw two Black Guardsmen approaching, as usual, one younger and one older.

“Captain Dule?” The Elder Guardsman repeated.

“I am.” Noticing the additional attention around him, Dule decided he didn’t like it.

“Come with us, please. We have been tasked to transport you.”

“I see, so where are we going?”

There was no reply, just “This way please”. Without being asked, the younger guard picked up one of Dule’s kit bags and walked beside him. Both kept one of their hands on their swords.

Rather uncomfortable, Dule followed his guide. Fingering his own sword gave him some comfort. At least he was not under arrest, otherwise his sword would have been taken from him. Not that it would have been much use if he had to fight two Black Guardsmen, by all accounts, lethal swordsmen.

Leaving the arrivals, they entered the restricted parking area. No one bared their way. One benefit of my escort. Captain Dule thought. Stowing the Captains luggage in an automatic transport vehicle, the younger programmed the vehicle for their destination.

“Can you at least tell me where we are going?” The Captain asked.

“I am sorry, that permission was not given to me. But do not concern yourself,” the elder replied as the vehicle glided away.


Knowing nothing of Tihab, Dule simply looked out the window of the vehicle. Catching the signs, as they flashed by, he began to draw certain conclusions. Certain areas of the city were clearly marked and he could see that they were heading to the administrative district, where various ministries were headquartered. He sat back with a sigh. The two guardsmen sat impassively.

Somewhat depressed, wondering what backwater Ministry he would be sent to, he sat idly. At each stop he tensed, but the vehicle continued after a fraction. Suddenly, they were out of the canyon landscape and into a garden and park area, heading towards a distant building, impressive even though it was no tower. Gaping, Dule recognised the palace which he had seen in holo’s, many times before.

“The Palace?” he whispered.

The two guardsmen remained impassive, but Dule caught a twinkle in the senior’s eye.


The ground vehicle drew up in a general parking area and stopped. Exiting and removing his luggage was quickly done. The younger guardsman handed Dule his sword, which he quickly fastened around his waist. The ready code was entered in the vehicles automatous memory and it moved under its own power to a stationing area. Ignoring this, the three men entered the main door of the palace.

Wanting to ask where the Dark Lord was, Dule did not quite dare. Turning to the left, they walked down a wide corridor. There were large crowds, which mostly parted before the red and black of the guardsman. Those that didn’t were quietly spoken to, or, where possible, simply avoided. Looking around him at all the sights, Captain Dule was surprised when he arrived at an area named The Office of the Steward.

A young man, looking up as the guard approached, made an urgent sign to someone else further inside. Immediately another man came out. Looking over the three, he approached them.

“I am the Head Steward, Ardent Nespot. You must be Captain Rickard Dule, we have been ordered to expect you.” He turned to the two guardsman. “I will take him from here.” They nodded, gave a slight bow and left. Dule watch them leave, wondering at their silence. He was startled when addressed.


“If you will come with me please, Captain.”

Juggling his luggage, Captain Dule began to follow the Head Stewart. With a look of annoyance, Nespot told the young man from the office to assist. He also called for his Senior Administrator, Remi of Doscue to accompany him. Less encumbered now, the four moved down the corridor and around into an inconspicuous corridor. This corridor was guarded by palace security and alarmed. Entering a code, the Head Steward nodded to the guard who entered his code as well. Dule was impressed and said so.

“These are private areas.” The Head Steward explained. “The public do not enter here and few try. The Dark Lord does not permit it.”

Unsure how to take the last part, Dule kept silent. Turning a corner, they moved down another corridor to an area where there were a number of doors. To his surprise, Dule saw that the doors were all wooden. One of these was open and Nespot walked in after a perfunctory knock. The young man accompanying them handed Dule his luggage and left.

“Someone is here for you, General.” Ardent Nespot announced.

Dule was not surprised when he saw that the General was Dennus of Hosta.

“Sir.” Dropping the luggage he held, Dule snapped to attention, stiffened into a brace and saluted.

Standing and returning the salute with a nod and a smile, Dennus, ordered the Captain to relax. “Remember when you think back after today Captain, you volunteered.”

Another officer rose, tall and blocky. “Colonel Horris, aide to the High Commander, meet Captain Rickard Dule, my new aide.”

The two officers saluted each other than shook hands, while General Major Dennus spoke to the Head Steward.

“Ardent, I would be grateful if you could assign quarters for the Captain. I believe that the room next to mine is available.”

“Of course, General. I will see to your request and see that the Captains luggage is moved in. If that room is unsuitable, I will let you know where.” Much to his surprise, Dule realised that he was to stay in the palace.

The Head Steward turned to Remi of Doscue, “Please take care of this at once.”

“Got it’’ She tapped on her comm. Looking up, she addressed the room, “I will go and see what is what. We will find a cupboard for you, Captain.” She left with a smile.

“Thank you, Head Steward.” Dule said. With a nod and still tapping on his comm, Ardent Nespot left.

“He seems a little uptight,” commented Captain Dule. “She seems more relaxed.”

“He has reason to be,” replied Colonel Horris.

“He is responsible for the Palace and everything belonging to it. The only person he answers to is our sovereign.” Dennus explained. “Let’s go.” He picked up his cap and donned it. “Leave all your luggage, it will be safe here.”

“Where are we going?” Dule asked with a frown. It seemed that everyone was in a hurry here.

“You need to meet Him.”

“Oh.” Dule heard the capital ‘H’.

“I will give you a full briefing after, but first things first.”

Unwilling to let the two senior officers see the uneasiness he felt on going face to face with the monarch that was so often discussed, but so seldom seen in public and almost never approached, Dule squared his shoulders and followed the two officers into the hallway.

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