《Ti Lepus Dies, A Dark Lord Story》Chapter Twenty Five


Rentap had a good morning. No calls from the Minister or visits by the police! Just the usual day to day hassles, all of which were handled by his staff. None were brought directly to his attention, although he was aware of them. No one ever wants their superior to think that they could not handle a problem, after all unless it was absolutely necessary

At the same time that his wife left their apartment building, Rentap met with Osterwald ra Tyrrel.

“Any profound thoughts on the message the police brought to us?”

Osterwald shook his head. “No, but in some ways I am not surprised. I may even have seen this coming if I had thought about it.”

Rentap, to Osterwald’s surprise, nodded in agreement, “I said something similar to my wife this morning.” He smiled at his secretary’s’ expression. “Are you surprised at my agreement or the fact that I discussed this with my wife?”

“Both I think, although you have a very clever wife. Many admire her.” He paused. “On the few occasions we have met, I thought that she was an asset to you and the business.” He abruptly stopped, wondering if he had gone too far. Rentap was watching him quizzically.

“If I have displeased you sir, I apologise.”

“You have no need to seek an apology,” Rentap spoke softly. “I well know how lucky I am. Ours is a love match.” He looked away then back, “You know, it was my friend, the Minister, who introduced us. She is a close cousin.” He smiled again, later De Markus had also introduced Lorena, Rentap’s mistress.

“Yes, sir.” Osterwald was unsure how to respond to this sudden revelation. Never had they discussed such private matters, and this made him feel uncomfortable.


Sensing this, Rentap sat up and spoke briskly, “The Minister came to me last night as you know. He gave me certain information and tasked me to continue with our work. However, this may become dangerous so I want you to know that we may become targets for fanatics.”

Osterwald smiled at this drawing a sharp look from Rentap. “This is what the police told us yesterday. What you’re saying is that the minister just confirmed it.” Osterwald commented.

Rentap laughed. “Yes of course. I almost forgot.” He sobered, “But what little extra he had to say pointed to involvement at the very top, possibly even some of the Ministers may be involved.” He looked hard at his private secretary, measuring him, “You must understand, if this is true, then they will stop at nothing to conceal their identity, to protect themselves from arrest.”

There was a shrug in reply and Osterwald looked at his employer. “Did the Minister ask anything of you specifically?”

“Yes, he asked me to continue to import products from the Empire and to distribute them as normal.”

Osterwald nodded. “So, business as normal then.” He stood, “I will keep you informed of the status of all imports.” As he moved to the door that lead to his office, he turned, “Was there anything else, sir?”

Rentap shook his head. “No. Oh, I will be out for a while perhaps all afternoon, Cheaine picked up an option on a contract yesterday. I have to review it with the girl in question this afternoon.” He grimaced, thinking that his son was growing up too fast, stood and went to where his hat and coat were hanging. “If I approve it, well you know how long such things take.”


“Only from the other side sir.”

Rentap stopped at the tone of his secretary’s voice. He looked at Osterwald, eyebrows raised. “You disapprove?”

“All these contracts, especially with young children. It seems wrong to me.” Again he looked uncomfortable, wondering if he had said too much.

To Osterwald’s surprise Rentap nodded, “In some ways I agree with you about the girl. I only hope that it makes her life better.” He stood still for a fraction then turned to his secretary, looking him straight in the eye. At Rentaps next words, Osterwald’s mouth opened in shock. “The best thing I ever did was to keep your contract when I took over the company. Say the word and you will be free. No recriminations or remorse, you have earned it. Also you will stay in this company and both your salary and your position will be open for negotiation.”

There was a surge of emotion in Osterwald’s chest. “Sir, I don’t know what to say.”

Rentap smiled. “Think on it and let me know.” He walked to the door and left.

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