《Ti Lepus Dies, A Dark Lord Story》Chapter Twenty Six
Taking an automatic transporter, Rentap joined his wife at the agreed café. Exchanging greetings in the approved style (no touching) they sat for a short time chatting while Cheaine finished the drink she was enjoying. Done, they stood and walked to their objective.
“We should do this more often.” Cheaine smiled.
“I agree, we do not get out enough.”
“It is lovely. I so enjoy the early spring weather.”
“And I remember how much you and the children enjoyed the Green Leaf celebrations. You glowed afterward.”
Cheaine smothered a laugh. “I am so glad that the four major festivals we celebrate are so enjoyed by everyone! I think that it helps to bring us all together.”
“I agree,” Rentap responded, “My personal favorite is the Sun Festival, it is always so bright and the weather is usually better.”
“Oh yes, while the Rains Festival always gets everyone so wet!” Cheaine gave a little shudder.
“But the children love it,” Rentap teased his wife, “and they so enjoy getting us both quite soaked.”
They walked in silence for a fraction. “You know, there are some citizens I know who don’t go to the Snow Festival here in the city but go into the mountains and play games on boards in the snow. I mean, it’s cold enough here, why go to where it’s even colder?” Rentap wondered aloud.
“My family did that one year,” Cheaine mused, “I almost froze, it was cold indeed.” She was quite for a fraction. “It’s the only one of the festivals that I don’t really enjoy, but I am glad that the government continues to promote them and support them,” she continued, “especially as they are so important to everyone on the planet.”
“I agree,” Rentap said, “Remember a few years ago when someone suggested that they cut support, well it was the one topic all classes were vocal about!” Cheaine nodded, the uproar had caught the government by surprise and the minister involved quickly backtracked.
As they walked side by side, Rentap asked his wife about the girl they were going to see. While he had reviewed the contract and its details after supper the night before, he was not certain they were doing the right thing. The images he had seen were the ones taken by the assessor and Cami had been uncomfortable then. This had made him feel equally uncomfortable so he decided to ask his wife.
“Are you sure that this Cami is the right girl for us?”
“O yes, she is quite sweet, you will see.” Cheaine was confident.
Rentap hesitated before asking his next question. “Do you think we should really do this, I mean in the images she seemed very nervous?”
Cheaine gave her husband a quick glance. “Oh yes!” She replied artlessly, “Cami is a delightful subject. You’ll see!” She knew the real reason for the question. Contracts for business was one thing, this was different, Rentap had in the past made comments which equated the display of girls for sale to selling cattle, which was just what they were going to do. I guess that he just can’t see it from a girl’s perspective, Cheaine thought, these girls are eager to get a good contract and do this voluntarily, She recalled again her time being a mentor to a younger girl and how eager that girl had been to learn. Looking at her husband, she noted the frown. He will accept it once he sees her, the confident thought calmed Cheaine.
It was halfway through the fourteenth period that Rentap and his wife entered the Trigon Club. Looking around with interest, he had never been there before, he noted the seats and tables where several people were sitting, mostly women although there were a couple of men present. “Do we take our own seats?” He asked his wife.
“No, this is the open part,” Cheaine explained, “I am a member and have another place to go to, but we won’t go there either.”
Guiding him to a counter, discreetly located around a corner and out of sight of the front room, Cheaine spoke to the modestly dressed woman standing there. “I have a viewing appointment.” Cheaine said, giving her name when the woman switched her eyes to her husband.
“Of course. Sir, madam.” The concierge made a note on the display screen. She waited a fraction then, with a professional smile that had been absent before, pointed towards a door Rentap had not noticed. “Room number seven, sir, madam.”
The room, they found, was well furnished in a modest but comfortable style. Instructions on a placard beside a comm unit on the low table placed in front of a couch, told them to sit on the couch and the girl to be viewed would enter onto the dais on the other side of the room. They were clearly instructed to not approach the dais or alarms would sound. Also, they were advised that the girl would not be allowed to leave the dais or again there would be alarms. Further instructions told them what to do next and how to finish the viewing.
Satisfied with the instructions they seated themselves on the couch and entered their names and the name of Cami sis Nep into the com unit installed into the table. After a fraction, the young woman entered the room onto the dais, scantily dressed as before with hands held demurely behind her back and eyes downcast.
“Sir, madam,” she said nervously. “I am Cami sis Nep.”
“Hello, I am Rentap Dressiler and this is Cheaine Dressiler, my wife. You understand why we are here?”
“Yes, sir. I do.”
There was silence for a fraction as Rentap looked the girl over. Cheaine noted that she was wearing the same uniform as the day before. “Do you supply all your clothes Cami?” She asked. “And do you have other, public clothes?”
“Yes, madam I do; although not many. The club supplies this uniform for us.”
I will have to take her shopping, Cheaine thought, Perhaps Kapat would like to come along and help. Cheaine continued to watch as her husband asked Cami to turn around, slowly.
Watching as Cami turned, Rentap silently agreed with his wife, Cheaine was right to option her, she is a rare beauty. When Cami had completed a full turn a command from Rentap stopped her. He pointed, “There is a chair over there, please bring it to the center of the dais and sit down.”
Cheaine hid a smile as her husband’s eyes followed the young girl as she moved. She is indeed a lovely young woman, she thought.
Slowly sitting and facing the two across the room, Cami felt anxious. She was somewhat uncomfortable sitting in front of the pair, this was not something that she had ever done before but she knew how important this was to her future so she controlled her breathing and tried to relax. As she had told the manager, the discrete enquires she had performed had informed her that the couple now sitting in front of her were of high status and the husband was successful with highly placed contacts. What was happening now was critical to getting a contract she knew so she sat still and composed herself as best as she could.
“Tell us about yourself,” Rentap requested Cami even as he thought, I am still not certain this is the right thing to do, although Cami seems a lovely girl.
Cami launched into the all too common tale on Ti Lepus of a young girl plucked from her family and school and effectively displayed for sale to interested parties.
“You are from Libus Re, that’s a long way away.” Rentap commented. “How do you find living in Lepus Mal?”
“It was very confusing at first sir.” Cami replied. “But I found my way around after a bit.” A shrug of youthful shoulders followed. “I don’t have much time for sightseeing, what with the club and school.”
“Have you continued your studies?” Rentap asked.
“Of course, sir. All the usual courses and I run, I am training in The Jump.”
“The Jump, that’s a tough race, I ran in it when I went to school, do you do well in it?”
“I did at home, but here, not so very well, sir. The competition is harder here, but I try.”
“I see.” Rentap said thoughtfully, “And your other courses, what are you studying now, and where?”
Cami recited the curriculum and named the school. “It is The Lepus Mal Service Girls Institute No. 1245 sir.” There was a wide-eyed earnestness about the young girl that made Rentap want to smile and he was certain that his wife wanted to as well. “It is a good school, sir! The instructors, sir, are firm, but not harsh.”
“I am sure.” He paused. “And how are you in mathematics, science and history?”
Feeling more relaxed and her confidence growing, Cami laid out her accomplishments before the Dressilers. She did well in math, but science was a little more difficult. History was boring; all those places, names and dates! But she applied herself as her marks showed. Other subjects were then touched upon.
“Your family, they are comfortable with you coming so far away from your home and having an open contract?”
Cami expected that question and had her answer ready. “Oh yes, sir. When I left, they told me to apply myself and get a good position.”
“And you think that we are a ‘good position’?” Rentap was back to working hard to not smile as was Cheaine. They were both certain that the staff who would be listening, were groaning and silently begging Cami to stop.
“Indeed, sir. The very best. Why when I asked about you with the mistress here and searched on the … com …” Camis voice trailed off and she suddenly looked stricken, her hands covered her mouth and a knot formed in her stomach. She just knew that she had made a mistake. She was sure that she had lost her chance.
When both Cheaine and Rentap laughed, her relief was palpable and she put her hand on her stomach, “That was smart,” said Rentap, “don’t worry, we are not displeased.”
“No, not at all.” Cheaine smiled. The look of relief on Camis face was plain. Rentap and Cheaine looked at each other. Cheaine nodded and Rentap nodded back, his mind made up at Camis innocent reply.
“We accept you and your contract.” Rentap stood and spoke with customary formality. Stooping, he entered the appropriate command into the comm unit.
Cami jumped up from her chair and danced a little jig on the dais drawing a smile from both Rentap and Cheaine. Cheaine stood as the club manager entered and bowed. She first spoke to Cami, “Return to your duties, Cami. You will be contacted once the formalities are completed.” Cami smiled and left, still dancing. The manager then addressed the Dressiler’s. “Congratulations sir, madam. Let us now complete the contract transfer. Please follow me.”
They all had to smile as a round of shrieks of delight echoed from the back of the stage. The cheers came from what they knew was a bevy of excited young girls, each hoping for the same result.
Leading them out the same door she came in, the manager lead them down a corridor, turning into a small, almost empty office.
“Please forgive the sparse nature of the office. It is not normally used for these transactions, but the regular office is being repaired due to a recent incident.”
“I am sorry to hear that. There have been too many such incidents lately. I hope that no one was hurt?” Cheaine was distressed, as a club member she had heard of an ‘incident’ but not the details, she wondered if Cami knew any more but knew that she could not ask.
Actually Camí knew no more than the bare bones, although the news had spread with the usual exaggerations.
“No, no one. It was just a fanatic of the usual sort, the patrol are dealing with it.” The manager opened Cami’s file and turned to Rentap, wanting to move on from an obviously embarrassing situation. “You have already read the contract I presume sir, note that the usual clauses apply: One quarter of what you agree to pay the subject goes to her family and one quarter is to be held in trust for her future.” Rentap nodded. He had already reviewed the financial obligations. He too wondered what had happened but could not inquire, although he noted that the fact of an incident pointed to others disagreeing with the purpose of the club.
“Good, and the balance goes to her, in an account you agree to set up.” Again, a nod of understanding.
“Now her current contract is for one hundred Konna a month. That is to be increased to one twenty five on her contract being purchased and then two hundred on completion of her first year. The standard provisions apply regarding satisfactory completion of the contract off course. Finally, you agree to house her, keep her safe and provide all necessities of life, these being set out in the contract.” The manager paused and smiled. “Do you have any questions?”
“No, all that was very clear. Now your commission?”
“That is the usual amount, equal to twelve months of the first year’s salary. Twelve hundred Konna,” the manager replied. “That is payable in monthly payments and stops if the contract is not completed.” She paused. “Or you can pay in full. Subject to the usual satisfaction, of course.” Why it was twelve months and not fourteen, no one could say.
“Off course, and I think payment in full is what we will do.” Rentap replied. “Cami seems delightful. One question is her schooling. We know where her school is now, but I think that it would be best if we enrolled her into the same academy that our children go to.”
The manager looked pleased at the payment, as indeed she might. “Wonderful, and I agree with your thoughts on her schooling, I am sure that you know best there. Now let us complete everything.”
Finalising the details took longer than expected, but soon the Cami sis Nep contract had the Dressiler’s signatures on it and it was formally passed over to them. By tradition there was both a written and an electronic copy.
After leaving the viewing room and being greeted by Lin, Nia and some of the other girls, it had been with some difficulty that Cami had kept her composure until the manager came to collect her. Fortunately her shift was now over and she was starting to change when the manager arrived. After returning the few items that belonged to the club, her friends performed the ritual of escorting Cami to the new owners of her contract. The patrons of the club who were present looked on indulgently, most had seen similar processions before.
“Promise you’ll keep in touch now?” Nia pressed.
“Of course I will,” Cami replied, “And with you too, Lin”
“I will.” Her mentor replied with a hint of tears.
With final hugs and “Good contracts’ all around, the girls turned Cami over to the Dressilers. Cami could not help but note the look of surprise on Rentaps face.
Shortly afterward, an obviously delighted, and properly dressed young girl along with an older couple left in an automatic rental. Cami could barely keep still and Rentap smiled to himself while maintaining a somewhat aloof and solemn air as he watched his wife instruct their new charge on preserving an outward appearance of composure. She is going to keep Cheaine on her toes, he thought with amusement. Then he considered something else, I wonder how soon I should introduce her to Lorena. Not for a few months perhaps, let her settle in first. I will discuss this with Lorena, she will know from her own experience. And he put that thought aside.
After a stop at Camis apartment to recover all the items that Cami had there and signing her out of that residence, the trio took Cami to her new apartment. Once at the apartment spire, they took their private elevator to their floor, after signing Cami in with attention to all the necessary details and biological samples that their security demanded.
If Cami was excited before, she almost lost control and dissolved into tears when, in her spacious new bedroom she was told that she would not be sharing it with anyone. “I never had a room to myself before,” she stuttered. Cheaine smiled, understanding what that meant to the young woman.
“You have one now, and full use of the bathroom we showed you.” Cami gave a tearful, but beautiful smile at Cheaines reply.
Stowing her clothes, including those that had been collected from the Center, was the work of just a fraction. During this, Cami could not stop looking around her new room, touching the bed, the side tables and looking out a large window onto the city scene of towers and streets. “Our bedroom doesn’t have a window, my sisters will be so jealous,” she said wistfully.
Cheaine, watching Cami wander around the room smiled at that, then decided to change the subject as she helped Cami finish stowing her clothes.
“Shopping will be high on the list of activities for you,” Cheaine told the young girl. “We will include Kapat, my daughter. She will be your mentor and is just a few months older then you.” Cami was delighted, a girl of high class and her own age as her mentor! She had forgotten about that.
Thinking about her sisters brought back her family to mind and she turned to Cheaine and Rentap, “Tonight, may I call my parents please, they will want to know?”
“Of course you may and we will speak to them as well.” Rentap replied, he had stayed at the door to the bedroom. “As they are far away and in a different time zone it will be necessary to set up a timetable that is suitable for both you and them.” Cami was even more delighted, she could talk to her family and give them the news.
Even though they hadn’t known that Cami was to be assessed that day, when they arrived home Dinis and Kapat were just as delighted as Cami was. For once the rules went out the window and Kapat took Cami into her arms and hugged her. Dinis, as befitted the son and oldest child, was more formal, thinking back to the discussion with Kaput the previous night, but his delight was clearly equal to Kapats.
The three quickly got to know each other and Kapat was soon organizing a shopping trip, in order that Cami should be dressed in the proper manner that befitted her new status. Dinis was in agreement. Of course he did not explicitly say so, but copied his father’s lead in acknowledging that new clothes would uphold the family’s status!
Rentap was quietly pleased and sat back enjoying the show when he remembered Osterwald’s reaction earlier that day. Sitting back in his chair, he found himself disturbed by the unspoken questions that Osterwald had raised along with what the manager of the Trigon Club about an incident. I must speak again to Osterwald about releasing him from his contract. Not straight away, that would not be wise. Osterwald will need time to assimilate the idea himself. But soon. He thought before returning to the question about buying of Camis contract. Others disagree, it’s clear but the reaction of the girls at the club to Cami getting a contract showed me a whole other side, I must consider this.
Noticing her husband’s change of mood, Cheaine gave him an expressive look of enquiry. Rentap gave a slight shake of his head at her look. I will find out later, she thought as she turned to the children.
“Enough. Cami needs to settle in and start learning her duties. And you two,” indicating Dinis and Kapat, “you need to take care of yourselves as well. Yes, this is an exciting time, but you both have duties to attend to and homework to complete!”
Reluctantly, Dinis and Kapat left and Cheaine turned to Cami. “Your first and most important lesson is one you already know. You must never forget your position and status. What you say and do impacts on all of us. Don’t be frightened, just remember it.” The frightened look that had appeared slowly ebbed from Cami’s face. “Now come with me. Jean ne Pator, our housekeeper whom you have already met, will instruct you in the workings of the house.”
The two walked to the kitchen, the domain of Jean, the housekeeper.
Later, in her room, Jean did something that she normally did at least once a month, she called her brother.
“Hi be there Ilari, how be things in Nether West?” The response gave her a rare laugh. “Well, betcha can’t guess what arrived here today.” The ribald suggestions almost made her grin. “Wizo you ain’t, we gotta contract girl!”
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