《Ti Lepus Dies, A Dark Lord Story》Chapter Twenty Four.


It was the next morning that Rentap Dressiler read over Camis option, something that he did not have the opportunity to do the night before. As he read the file and viewed the images of her, he smiled, Cheaine had scored a rare beauty both physically and in training. Her potential was excellent and she could reach great heights with the proper encouragement, something in which he had complete faith in his wife to do. Going through all the personal information attached, he noted that she scored high in adaptability and in deference to superiors without servility. Both desirable attributes in the rigid Ti Lepus society.

“You have picked a rare and beautiful young lady, darling.” Cheaine smiled at the infrequent compliment.

“Indeed, actually I received the suggestion from Lorena. It was her idea originally.”

Rentap’s head came up. “I had forgotten that you said that the two of you met yesterday. You never actually said why.”

Taking a sip of her special blend of flower scented rolled tea, Cheaine considered her answer. With a sign she looked up and met her husband’s frank gaze, “We discussed the news items about the Empire that were upsetting you.” Holding her breath, Cheaine waited for Rentap’s response.

“You did what!” The comm unit Rentap was holding hit the table, the contract forgotten. He stared at his wife, unable to believe what he had heard. Finding it difficult to articulate what he wanted to say, he came to his feet and strode across to the living room window. Looking out at the same spectacular view as yesterday, he sought to calm himself before speaking.

At last, he turned to his wife. “I am astonished that you met with her and discussed this. What would the two of you have to say about these … fanatics?”

“I did some research, found out some information. It was quite interesting actually. We discussed it and Lorena also told me something that surprised me.”

Rentap dropped down onto the couch. It seemed that his legs could not hold him any longer.

“Please tell me.” He waved his hand at Cheaine. “Then I will tell you what I have learned.”

Cheaine spoke briefly, giving a concise description of what she had learned. When she had finished, her husband looked at her with a strange expression, as if he was unsure who his wife was. He shook his head.

“I don’t know...” his voice trailed off. Looking towards the window, he spoke softly. “I too have learned much. I was considering how to tell you.” He stopped. “But first, why did you do this? This is not how a women of status, of Ti Lepus, should act, shouldn’t she?”

“It was you my love, so upset, I wanted to see what was so upsetting for you. That is why I arranged to meet Lorena, so that she could support you! Researching the reports was just like a school project. I used precautions of course, I did not want any of them to report on us!” She snorted.


Rentap gaped again.

“Kirkrup di Frim, I have read of him before. He is a nasty one. So is his wife Nikie, she is slippery. I knew her as a student and saw how eager she was to snag a high status man. Too eager, she tried to organise us so we could each snare a man but we all saw through her. I think that is why she hates us, one reason anyway.” Cheaine pursed her lips. “I wonder if she remembers me?” Shaking off the thought, she continued, “I am sure that they are using this ‘Free Writer’s Club’ for their purposes. Maybe you can get your policeman and the Grey to check this out if they haven’t already done so.”

Realising the truth of his wife’s words, Rentap nodded. “I will get in touch with them and see what they know.” He paused and took a breath. “Now, you must listen to me.”

Taking his wife by the hand, he led her to a couch. “The meetings I had yesterday, first with the police and second with the Minister, I was given the same message. We are potentially in danger.” Watching her carefully, he saw the doubt in her eyes. This was followed by a dawning comprehension, then puzzlement.

“Danger, how? How could we be?”

“They have weapons, the people behind the agitators. They will, unless they are stopped, at some point use them to create a crisis.”

“Why? Why would anyone want to do to do that? The people, they are all happy with their lot, aren’t they?” Cheaine looked at her husband with the question in her eyes. He grimaced.

“Apparently not, according to the Minister, and he is one who should know.” He sighed. “The Empire is only an excuse, to incite the distrust and dislike of anyone who is not born here of pure blood, as it were. That is latent in all of us.” He looked at Cheaine. “If I am truthful, even I feel it, when I deal with the outlanders.” With a bitter laugh, he stood. “I think that I could understand the low status people who work for us, and how they hate the outlanders. I have been careful. Only I go off world and deal with them, the entities who supply us with their goods. Yes, I could be an agitator.” He laughed again.

Coming to her husband’s side, Cheaine stroked his arm. He looked at her, admired her beauty. The flimsy robe that she wore in their private quarter’s barely concealed her slender but rounded figure. Rentap admired her flowing black hair and perfect face, highlighted by the intelligent eyes. He smiled as he remembered how he resolved to have her for his wife, from the first time he saw her as a young woman. She frowned at his strange expression.

“What are you thinking now?”

“Just how beautiful and intelligent you are. I am very lucky.”

“And I know just how to cheer you up! We will view that girl today!” She kissed him as he laughed.


“That’s better. I will set it up and send you a message.” Cheaine smiled.

Returning her smile, Rentap picked up his comm unit, placed it in on standby and collected the papers that he had brought the previous night. With “I will wait to hear from you,” he left for his business, unworried for the moment.

Cheaine watch her husband leave, a winsome smile on her lips. The smile left at the thought that her beloved husband could be as xenophobic as those writers and their comrades. It had her worried and questioning herself. Then with a shake of her head, she tossed the thought aside as she donned her casual indoor clothes.

“Jean!” Summoned the housekeeper. “The children?”

“All ready, finished the morning meal and ready for school, mistress.” Jean informed her

“Very good, now I will be out today for some time. When I will return I do not know. There is a contract my husband and I wish to investigate and it may take some time. You understand?”

“Yes mistress, the children were excited about it this morning.” Jean permitted herself a smile. “I did point out to them how upset you and the master would be if they were to discuss family matters outside the home.”

Cheaine smiled. “Well spoken, I also will speak to them before they leave. We want no gossip, certainly not at this time.” A frown furrowed her forehead. “When I get back we will talk Jean. There are things that you need to know.”

Jean was puzzled, but hid it with the training of a lifetime. “Of course Madam.” She paused. “Is there anything else?”

“Not now, thank you.”

Jean bowed and left.

Engaging her comm unit, Cheaine contacted the Trigon Club. Arranging a time for the viewing with her husband was quickly done to her satisfaction. Sending the information to Rentap, along with a place for them to meet, took only a fraction more. This left her with plenty of time to reinforce the housekeeper’s words of caution. No undue threats were necessary. The children of Ti Lepus were trained from birth to understand the importance of status. There would be no boasting or otherwise, no showing off. They would uphold their family’s status.

Satisfied, Cheaine saw her children off and turned to her own matters. Going to her private study, she checked for messages. There was nothing of importance. Her husband’s mistress had sent nothing, but this did not surprise her. It was too soon for them to contact each other. She considered contacting other wives, but soon rejected the idea. Even with the wives she knew well, she could not be certain of trust.

Leaning back in her chair she sighed. There was no fear of attack in her mind, it was just too remote an idea for her to consider. An attack, threats, such things might occur on other planets, but not here. No! Their status might be threatened. Now that was a real possibility, one that cut fear into her heart. But an attack, with weapons? Never!

Checking her time she saw that she should leave soon. Changing once again into clothes suitable for the public, Cheaine left to meet her husband.

Exiting the tower, which was their family home, Cheaine walked to the conveyance she had waiting for her. Entering the address, a café near the Trigon Club, she settled in for the ride.


Walking to the club that morning, Cami could only just suppress her excitement. An option! Both Lin and Nia had been excited for her and even the other two roommates had said that they were impressed.

“Cami,” At the sound of her name Cami started, turned around and froze, the club manager was walking towards her. “I have news for you, you will be viewed this afternoon.”

“This afternoon, Madam Manager?” Cami replied, her eyes huge. Lin and Nia had kept walking towards the changing room, but both turned around at this startling news. Although curious they did not stay to listen as the conversation between Cami and the manager was a private one.

“Indeed, while it isn’t a record for the club, it must be close.” The manager’s lips quirked in what might have been a smile. “Now keep your excitement under control and remember that you have duties that you must attend to. You don’t want to disappoint your family do you?” The manager gave Cami a motherly look. She had seen many young women at this stage and knew just how dangerous this time was for Cami. So she sought to calm her and prepare her for the ordeal ahead.

“No Madam Manager, I don’t want to do that.” Cami replied.

“That’s good, now hold onto that thought, and think of the other girls in the club, they will be watching to see what happens as well. Everyone will be hoping for the best for you.” The manager stopped and looked closely at Cami. “You run a comm check on the Dressilers as I and other I know have suggested?”

“Yes Madam Manager, they seem to be highly regarded and their status is high. The Master is highly connected through his business and is a friend of a Minister.”

“Good, this is your life and an important moment for you, but remember control, that is the most important thing at this time.” The manager paused and now satisfied that Cami, while excited would be able to control herself, finished with, “Now go and get changed, ready for your shift.”

Excited and scared both, Cami headed for the changing room where she received congratulations from Nia and Lin as well as some of the other girls. Quickly she had her makeup applied, changed and, now ready for the day, went to her station on the floor.

Concentrating on her work help Camis shift pass without incident and it was almost a surprise when, in her last period she was called to the viewing room. Taking a deep breath, she entered through the door.

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