《God´s Games》Chapter 6 King of Frogs?


Lee follows Lydia towards a small cave.

Lydia Speaks:"Leo we gonna camp the night here, and continue on the journey tomorrow."

Lee answers:"Okay I don't mind."

They maintained a large distance from each other by sleeping to the other ends of the cave.

Lydia Warns Leo that if he crosses the line she won't go with him.

Lee Promises to Lydia not to cross the line.

-In the middle of the night-

Lee wakes up and gets closer to Lydia.

Lee makes his own arguments in his head:"Im just gonna touch her fluffy tail nothing more, PR47 whats the probability I will be found out?"

PR47 answers loyally:"Master the probability is very high that you will be found out statistics show that at least 70% you will be found out."

Lee was stunned:"How is the probability so high PR47 make a scan on Lydia."

PR47 answers:"Okay Master beginning the scan."



Lydia Lunare

Health 120/300 MP 80/80

Strength (05) Magic (04)

Agility (09) Defense (03)

Luck (09) Magic Defense (04)


Abilities: Night Vision (This skill is normally in all cat-like figures it lets them see everything clearly at night.) Only activates at Night and doesn't use any MP.

Slash (basic slashing attack can do around 30 to 80 damage) MP cost 20.

Pray catching (While fighting increase all stats by +1) can only be activated once in each battle mp cost 15.

Lee Gasped at the stats, and the abilities now he understood where PR47 was coming from pure stats and skills.

Lee gave up on his idea and went back to sleep.

-The Next Morning-

Lee and Lydia set off again towards the town, along the way they found some edible berries and fruits.

So they stopped for a moment to refill their bellies.


While they were eating Lydia was trying to avoid Lee he didn't want to talk to him at all.

Lee understood that so he didn't say anything.

After eating they continued towards the journey.

5 hours later it was starting to get dark again so we were searching for a place to camp the night.

Lydia found a cave near a Lake, so we went to check it out.

We didn't sense anything in the cave so we entered it, afterwards we went to explore it I explored the SouthArea, and she explored the West Area.

I went to check the South Side and found some crystal-like pebbles I picked up a few of them and checked the rest of SouthArea didn't find anything so I went back towards the entrance.

When I reached there I didn't find Lydia so I went to explore West Area to try to find her.

Afterwards, I spoke to PK47 in my mind:"PK47 can you locate Lydia?"

PK47 answers: Yes Master

Lee answers: "Good then show me the map and where she is and create a passage from the entrance to her."

PK47 answers: "Okay Master."

-Showing Map-

-Creating Passage-

Afterwards, a map appeared in Lee´s head he looked for the passage and turned to go towards it to find Lydia.

10 to 20 minutes he reaches Lydia, Lee sees Lydia running for her life and asks

"What are you running from?"

Lydia sees Lee and she runs towards him after reaching Lee she told him to start running if you don't wanna die.

Lee Sees her running off ahead while he stayed there wanting to know whatever was following her.

Afterwards, A creature that looked like the king of frogs was following Lydia but then noticed Lee and changed his target to Lee instead.


Lee looked like he was panicking outside but inside he was talking to PK47 to scan the Giant frog.

-Scanning Giant Frog-

King of Frogs

Health ??? MP ???

Strength (??) Magic (??)

Agility (??) Defense (??)

Luck (??) Magic Defense (??)


Abilities: ?? ?? ??

Lee looked at the stats and asked PK47: "PK47 why isn't any of his stats showing up?"

PK47 answers: "Master its because he's a higher rank than you so you cant look through it."

Lee upon hearing PK47 answer ran for his life, towards the direction of the entrance to the cave.

Upon almost arriving at the entrance the frog speeded up almost catching up to Lee before he got out of the cave.

When he got out Lydia was there catching some air, from running for her life because of the Giant Frog.

Lee catches some air then asks Lydia "Where did you find that monster?"

Lydia answers: "I found it on a pound inside the cave."

Lee asked Lydia: Did you wake it up?

Lydia answers: Yes I did I was washing my face, when I heard a sound within the water from the pound, suddenly I saw the giant frog coming towards me, like I was food so I ran towards the entrance, then I found you and tried to warn you,but you stayed there so I just came out of the cave to wait for you, if you haven't come back for half an hour, I would 've been gone from here.

Lee ignores the part where she almost left him here alone and continued: "Anything else?"

Lydia answers:"No I didn't find anything else there what about you Leo?"

Lee answers:"I found some crystal-like rocks in there."

Lydia Amazed asked me to show her the crystal-like rocks.

Lee opened his bag and grabbed a few crystal-like rocks and showed it to her.

Her eyes were sparkling when she saw them then she told me what they´re used for.

Lydia speaks:"This crystal-like rocks is used for creating the desired weapon with a few bonuses attached to it."

Lee Speaks:"I see that's good to know."

Lee takes back his crystal-like rocks into his bag.

Lydia speaks:"well lets camp out the night and continue the journey tomorrow."

Lee agreed and slept with Lydia again separated one in a tree the other in another.

-The next Morning-

Lee Follows Lydia Around 3 hours later Lydia speaks:"We´re almost there Leo."

Lee answers:"Finally were almost to the town."

Lydia Corrects Lee:"It is not any town its Barley Town."

After saying that Lee starts seeing Barley Town, he checks around the people living here the elderly, the young ones, and the adults were all sweating from working out in the farm where Barley grows and is cultivated.

Lee and Lydia reach the Town´s Gates where they needed to pay a fee to enter the town.

Lee and Lydia paid the fee and entered the town since they were tired from the journey they looked for an inn so that they could rest their tired bodies in a real bed.

After finding the Inn they got into their separate rooms and slept the night.

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