《God´s Games》Chapter 5 What is PR47?


Lee Makes his way back to the place he left Lydia, after around 5 to 10 minutes, he gets there and checks on Lydia, to see if she´s sleeping or is awake.

Lee Says to himself: Hmm seems like she's sleeping, so I guess that place that God brought me time runs differently there.

Afterwards, Lee sleeps on the rough ground, he tried to sleep but couldn't so he thought about everything that has happened to him and starts to connect some dots.

After 10 to 20 minutes of thinking, Lee went to sleep.

-The Next Morning-

Lee wakes up, after waking up he sees Lydia still sleeping.

Lee talks to himself: Since she hasn't awakened yet, il go around this area to see if I can find something out.

Lee goes towards the trees and finds a River, Lee then thinks about Lydia Wound and says: better take a supply of water in case she needs it for her wound, Lee found a cup near the river.

Lee says to himself: Since no one took it, no one wanted it so don't mind me il grab it to fill it with water from this river, but as soon as he grabs the cup.

he finds himself inside the river, Lee thinks to himself: how did I end up in the river by touching the cup?

Lee tries to move out of the river but he cants he's stuck there whatever he does he cant get out of that spot.

Lee thinks to himself: since this is not working out I guess this is illusion magic hmm if I remember correctly according to the memories of this body, illusion magic is an ancient art that is lost, so that means I've stumbled upon an ancient spell.

Lee thinks a plan up: So to wake up from this illusion magic il try to use shadowflame on myself it will hurt but I hope it does the job Shadow Flame weakest version activate.


In a moment a flame with shadow characteristics appears, in his hands where he grabs the shadowflame, and drills it into his body doing so, Awoken him from that illusion.

When he Came back to he notices, that he is where he was before he tried to grab the cup, and the cup left the same.

Lee Talks to himself: That was close I would be stuck in that illusion forever if it wasn't for shadowflame.

then a weird sound ringed in Lee´s ear´s

Lee surprised What is going on?

The sound makes a voice and transmits images following a black robbed person talking:

"Greetings to all contestants, enjoying your time in this world?"

"The organizers of this event were generous and are gonna give a personal robot to each one of you that has the ability to check all the stats of the creatures from your current rank."

"But of course, this is not a perfect product so it is only useful until C rank adventurer its still something to help you players alongside this journey, and since this is given to every contestant it would be very easy to identify contestants with this so the organizers of this event especially prepared anti-tracking devices against this."

"So be assured it cant be tracked however we can´t say about special abilities good luck contestants and have a good Game."

Afterwards, Lee stood there still dazed about what happened, about 1 to 2 minutes a strange box appeared beside him.

He opened it to receive his personal robot it was small around the size of a bee, Lee asked how to operate it and afterwards, he and every contestant received how to operate the robot.

Lee pushes the button and commanded "awaken" the robot entered his mind, and spoke with a cold robotic voice.

"Hello, Master, I am the PersonalRobot#47."

Lee speaks to it inside his mind: "That's too long, il make it so that your name is PR47."


The Personal Robot#47 responds:"Okay master I will go with that name."

Lee responds:"Stop calling me master call me Lee."

PR47 responds:"Okay Master Lee."

Lee ignores him, and asks him a question:"can you identify that cup?"

PR47 goes towards the cup and scans it

-Identifying cup-

PR47 answers Lee:"Yes Master its a cup made of iron with the power of making anybody touch it stuck in an ancient illusion spell."

Lee answers:"hmm I see is there any way to grab it without the illusions making me lost me lose my way?"

PR47 answers: Unknown Not enough data.

Lee talks to PR47 inside his mind:"PR47 can you turn invisible?"

PR47 answers:"it is a possibility master."

Lee says:"Then do so, it's much easier than having someone watch you, and know im a contestant, as well show me the map of where I am currently."

PR47 answers:"Okay Master."

-Turning Invisible-

-Showing Map-

Inside Lee's head appeared a map with a black dot, that showed his location and a blue dot, that showed Lydia location.

Lee Talks to himself:"This is Much more Convenient, now I don't have to walk around completely lost all the time."

Lee talks to PR47:"Can you make a Passage, towards Lydia inside my head?"

PR47 answers loyally:"Yes Master, its possible do you want me to initiate it?"

Lee answers:"Yes do so."

-Creating Passage-

Inside Lee´s Head now appeared a Passage, showing how to reach Blue Dot aka Lydia.

Lee Speaks to Himself:"interesting this is much more convenient, and I guess if I give it more knowledge, it will get more useful later on."

Lee Asks PR47: Is it possible to give you more knowledge, and how do I do the process?

PR47 answers:"it is possible but only when Master reaches rank C, and how to do the process you need to record it in your memory."

Lee answers: So only when I reach Rank C huh, well let's go towards Lydia now.

Afterwards, Lee goes towards the passage PR47 created and reached Lydia in 10 minutes.

When he arrives he notices Lydia was searching for him.

Lydia Sees Lee and slaps him:"Why did you leave me alone, Idiot."

Lee upon arriving got slapped, but he didn't do anything to her he just accepted the slap and said in a low voice:"Sorry I went to look around this area."

Lydia Sees That he feels sorry that he left her alone so she lets him go with that and asks: "did you find anything Leo?"

Lee answers:"Yeah I did find a river, but only that."

Lydia answers shocked:"that river is famous for trapping villagers in it didn't you get trapped?"

Lee answers:"No not really."

Lydia Says:"Well I know this place better than you so il guide us through to the town called Barley Town."

Lee asks:"Is that town safe?"

Lydia answers:"there have been some rumours about it but generally it should be safe Leo."

Lee thinks about it for a bit then answers:"Okay guide us through then."

Lydia asks:"Leo what did you do about my brother?"

Lee Thinks before telling her:"he woke up and tried to kill me, so I killed him, before he tried to kill me, and buried him, close to some trees."

Lydia Froze, at that moment the words, that came out of Lee's mouth was too cruel.

Lydia cries for her lost brother, but after 10-15 mins, they continued their journey, ignoring eye contact with one another.

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