《God´s Games》Chapter 4 Completed Achievement?


Afterwards, in dealing with crazy Neko, Lee turned his eyes, towards the female Neko wich "this is getting confusing so il just ask her name" is what Lee thought.

Lee asked: "Are you okay"?

Neko Girl says: "thank you for saving me, and thank you for not killing my brother."

Lee answered: I don't mind helping you, but I do have my own objectives.

Neko Girl glared at Lee, and asked: "What do you want?"

Lee shrugged it off and avoided the subject: "never mind that don't you, need some clothes, I can see your boobs you know.

After saying that Neko Girl, got really embarrassed, and angry so she slapped Lee, with all her strength.

Lee asks: "Ow what was that for?"

Neko Girl just glares at him and receives his spare of clothes.

Lee asks: "So can I know your name now, it is really tiring calling you Neko girl."

Neko Girl answers: "my name is not Neko girl, I am a princess from the kingdom Lunaria, and my name is Lydia Lunare."

Lee answers: "I see that's a nice name."

Lydia Asks: "what about you what is your name?"

Lee Says: my name is Leo Devon.

Lydia says: "that's a good name nice to meet you, Leo Devon."

Lee asks: Lydia can you walk right away? -points to her wound-

Lydia bitterly says: "no I can't really walk right now."

Lee asks: "do you want to wait until it gets better?"

Lydia Answers: "Never mind about that, so what are you gonna do to my brother?"

Lee surprised by that question: "asks why do you care?"

Lydia Answers: "Of course I care because he's my blood-related brother."

Lee says: "Even if he tried to Force himself on you?"


After saying that Lydia falls to the ground, remembering what just happened recently.

Leo Gently says: "sorry for making you remember, that but what I plan to do to him is my own business."

Lydia Answers with a Weak: "okay..."

Lee waited until Lydia fell asleep, and walked towards the cave.

After arriving at the cave Lee walked a couple more steps until reaching a place, where it could be seen a man, with the characteristics of a cat and a human, yes indeed he was Lydia Brother, stuck in chains unconscious.

Lee Shrugged, "So he isn't awake yet huh"

Lee Gets closer to Lydia Brother, and uses his shadow flame, in his weakest version, where it just slightly makes a sunburn.

After the Shadow flame, reached Lydia Brother´s Body, he immediately waked up and yelled.

Where am I?, Who are you? and where is my sister?

Lee ignored his questions and asked a question instead.

Do you remember anything?

Lydia Brother took a bit of time before answering him.

Lydia Brother responds to him: "Remember what?"

Lee thinks to himself: "just as I expected someone was controlling him."

Lee turned his sight again to Lydia brother, and asks Whats your name? where are you from? and what were you doing before?

Lydia Brother began to speak my name is Lennon Lunare, my age is 24 years old, im from the kingdom Lunaria, and im also the oldest prince from the kingdom Lunaria.

What was I doing before I was. with father on a meeting with his guest and...

Lee a bit taken back surprised asks: "whats going on?"

after saying that Lydia Brother, couldn't say anything more because he died, from the pain inflicted into his brain, when he tried going deeper, into his memories about that guest.


Afterwards, Lee Went deeper into the forest and buried Lydia brother there.

Before going back to Lydia Lee speaks to himself.

"So as I expected someone was behind the scenes and is probably a player like me."

So if im not wrong this kingdom shall be the kingdom, that will interfere with the main story, so it would be a smart idea to use Lydia, to control the kingdom of Lunaria.

To get closer to Shadow Empire and fulfil my duties, from the previous owner of this body.

After saying that to himself Lee was going back to where he left Lydia, but he noticed something on a tree he went there for further inspection, but when he reached close to it, his vision darkened he couldn't see anything.

After 5 to 10 minutes Lee got his vision back after getting his vision back he couldn't help but be surprised he was in the same place before he was sent into this world he looked surprised but still with a calm face on he asked:

"God, where are you?"

But what answered him back was a robotic noise.

"Welcome Contestant #4701 you were summoned here because you completed an achievement."

Lee Suprised asked: "Achievement?"

Robotic noise continues: "yes achievement when you complete an achievement, you get sent here and receive your rewards."

Lee asks: whats the reward?

Robotic noise answers him: "The achievement you cleared was d rank the lowest you can get the highest is sss rank."

Lee asks: "What did I do to get this achievement?"

The robotic noise answers him: "you cleared the achievement to save the princess from the kingdom Lunaria."

Lee talks to himself: "Hmm what a pleasant surprise so I got an achievement, interacting with the NPC´s, of this world.

The robotic noise continues: "the reward for clearing this achievement is to get one of your questions answered."

Lee asks: "How do I increase my rank of the adventurer then?"

The robotic noise Answers him: "to increase your rank of the adventurer, you´re gonna need to do sidequests, for the people of that world, or interact with the main story, or fight off other players."

Lee says: "I see so that's all for the achievement right?"

The robotic noise Answers him: "No you can still get +1 stat point to your stats choose where do you want that stat point to go."

Lee answers: "I want it to go towards my Magic."

Robotic Noise Answers him: Input confirmed.

-Transmitting Magic-

Lee felt refreshed, towards the process.

When the robotic noise Talked to him, one more time he blacked out again.

-Transmission has done-

Goodbye Contestant#4701.

After 5-10 minutes Lee gets his vision back, the first thing he sees is the tree that he got close too by curiosity.

After Lee woke up of his daydreaming, he said to himself.

-Open Stats-


Lee Devero

Health 200/200 MP 100/120

Strength (07) Magic (06)

Agility (07) Defense (05)

Luck (04) Magic Defense (05)


Abilities: Shadow Flame (rank 0) special ability effect???

Lee talks to himself: "yeah I did have an increase in Magic."

"And seems like magic affects my MP that´s good to know."

Afterwards, Lee makes his way towards the place he left, Lydia sleeping.

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