《God´s Games》Chapter 3 A New Meeting


After walking towards the trees, around fifteen to thirty minutes passed, when I heard a sound it was loud, like an explosion that came from one of those muskets.

So I went along the road, very quietly and followed the sound, when I got closer towards it I could hear some vague noises and two silhouettes one female the other male.

"Why are you doing this brother?" 'The female's voice quavered as she seemed to clutch her leg.

Lee spotted the beautiful girl, to describe her she was a human and cat hybrid, had the body of a girl around eighteen or nineteen years old, had black cat ears, long straight black hair, round silver eyes, and a black tail.

Lee got a bit taken aback by how beautiful she was.

Although that only lasted for two to three seconds, until he spotted the other person was nothing like her but had the same characteristics of her black cat ears and a tail.

Probably her relative, but instead of being female, it was a male with a scar on his face, and at this moment he looked like he could kill anyone just looking.

He held a musket in his hands; most likely what had inflicted the wound on the female's leg.

Lee snuck a bit closer as to hear the conversation with more clarity trying to keep quiet, attempting to not be spotted.

'The man with cat-like features chuckled darkly looking down at his apparent sister

"Did you think I didn't prepare this wonderful plan of mine, my dear little sister?"

The girl's face was twisted in pain, shaking as she looked up at her brother, "W-what? You planned this?"

the man with cat-like features continues "Yes my lovely little sister I planned this the day you were born."


So when our father would pass down the crown I could usurp the throne and take you as the queen to take care of our wonderful children!"

The girl spoke with terror in her voice, "What? Are you crazy? I would never be able to love you! You're my family, my brother, not my lover!"

I could never agree to something like this. I would rather kill myself right here then do something so perverse!"

The man with cat-like features Spoke "Why? why don't you accept me?"

Fine if that's the case, il bring you by force, and discipline you're body so it cant ever defy me.

The Girl almost fainting, from hearing her brother saying that, she knew things would turn out dangerous, so she tried to run.

But got hit by a gunshot on her leg, so she couldn't run as well now anymore.

Lee Thinks to himself "so from the way they were talking about, I think they are not from Light Empire nor Shadow Empire."

"Seems like a country of humans and cats, does not seem like they're harmful although, they do have some royalty issues, however.

" Well, for now, I should probably save the girl, and see if I can get any info out of her, or maybe she lead's me to her kingdom, and then show me around the world as it is well, for now, I should save her.

Things are getting a bit dangerous for her.

While Lee was speaking to himself the brother got closer to the little sister.

The crazy Neko laughs with evil intentions and says: "Let us have fun little sister"

the little sister frightened answers: "Noo.. please don't do this Older Brother."

the crazy Neko speaks: "It is too late little sister il make your body obey me!"


Afterwards, the crazy Neko started taking her clothes off, touching the boobs, of her little sister, with his cold hands.

The Little sister froze at that moment and was almost giving up on her fate.

That is until Lee burst out of the shrubbery drawing upon his newfound ability and let the flames pour out of his palm. The flames went all too fast for the two individual's to process as the cat-like man was consumed in the darker than black fire. Not even a moment later a blood-curdling scream resounded through the forest as the crazy man started to burn.

The man with cat-like features was burning alive.

Throat burned thoroughly the man reached out for his sister screeching, "What is this! It hurts, hurts, hurts—!"

Lee stood there, while the man was trying to reach her, precious little sister.

When he was finally almost reaching her Lee, reacted he would let him reach his little sister.

if she wasn't so afraid and begging, with her eyes to make her brother, not reach her, so I fell into that temptation and did what was needed to be done.

Then I got closer and sent a kick flying towards the man burning with the force of 7 strength.

Making the man with cat-like features flying, against a cliff.

Probably broke some ribs, after that since he got unconscious.

With that strike, the flames disappeared from his body.

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