《The True King of Death》Terror unleashed


Ainz Ooal Gown levitated high up in the darkness.

Hueco Mundo was a world where night reigned, and no starts shone upon the dark sky.

There, in the darkness of the night, only illuminated by the half moon, a gown billowed in the breeze.

If one looked close enough, they could see a pair of crimson orbs dancing ominously as they beheld the entirety of Hueco Mundo. The endless wastelands, the endless deserts, the Menos forest… none could hide from the prying gaze of the Undead God, Ainz Ooal Gown.

It was time yet again for a new experiment, and a skeletal hand stretched out and grasped the fabric of space and twisted it to his liking.

{Super tier magic: Creation} God has spoken, and the realm shifted.

Pristine white bones and marble statues erected themselves from the ground and monuments of monstrosities arose, shaking off the white sand they stood proudly under the dark heavens.

Crimson orbs beheld the view, satisfied he nodded.

The orbs danced through each and every of the 40 Great Monuments, each depicting a comrade of his. They were scattered throughout the realm, and all 40 faced towards the middle where an even grander statue stood. There was the statue of Momonga, Leader of the 41 Supreme beings, the Overlord of Life and Death. The one to whom all being must answer to.

All around the desert, tombs, white and black alike, half buried in the endless expanse of white sand graced nightfall as a skeleton strode with purpose between them. It wasn't long until Ainz Ooal Gown came to a halt, beholding the statue that resembled, — no that wasn't right, — which was identical to his appearance. That depicted his self, his past greatness.

The monument stood at a staggering 180 meters, impaling the night sky. Only the crimson light that shone high above gave any indication as to where the top of the statue might be.

Ainz stared long and hard at the statue made in his image. Longing reflected in those crimson flames as the Overlord let out a long deep sigh.

No matter how long and hard he tried, Ainz could not recall his origins, the experiences that had made him the great leader and strategist that allowed him to stand as the leader of the Supreme beings. Although, he still recalled his humble beginnings as helpless undead, a simple skeleton without a job class and the pain he had to go throw to acquire his current power, but he had a feeling. A feeling that it was not the true beginning of his existence and that didn't let him rest.

A desire burned in his soul that he could not explain, a longing for the 40, for his comrades, for his guild. A wish manifested and grew stronger within him as a clear goal presented itself before his mental eyes. Unite. Reunite with his past comrades, his friends, his support, and his guild. A place that he could recall as clearly as daylight. A magnificent tomb that housed all the nightmare of man.

Oh, how he longed for that, he could kill for it, and yet the question remained. Why?

Lilynette was rudely woken when an abrupt noise permeated the air. The sand shifted, and the ground shook. The disturbance was to such a degree that even Starkk had stirred, and that was a big word. Lily exited the black tower, conjured up by Ainz and came face to face with something new.

Ever since she could remember, Hueco Mundo was always a stagnant desert, devoid of anything but hollows, who themselves were empty, souls yearning to regain what is lost.


Now there were Great Statues depicting monstrosities, one was a black smile that was frozen in the shape of a wave, the other a paladin clad in silver armor, yet another a devil dressed in crimson… truly they were quite the colorful bunch.

Lilynette's eyes gleamed as she sized up each and every statue in the vicinity, all towering high into the heaven, some scraping the very skies of Hueco Mundo. She admired the strange constructs for some time, guessing as to whom they may depict. But even if she could not figure it out on her own, she had a strong guess as to who could provide an answer for her, she didn't have to wait for long.

A gentle breeze blew past her, and then she could feel the familiar presence behind her.

Ainz Ooal Gown has arrived, she knew it the moment she laid eyes on the scenery. Ainz was behind this! It couldn't be anyone else, but her student! Aww, he had to teach her that! After Ainz masters everything, she will definitely ask to be taught those flashy spells he always practiced in the evening! Now there was one more to add to the list!

Although, he must have thought she was already asleep, Lily always stayed up late and marveled at the impossibility of the powers exhibited by Ainz Ooal Gown.

"Lily, you like what you see?" Ainz asked her in a gentle tone, one that was a rare occurrence.

'Was he reading her mind? How did he know?' Lily wondered, before bouncing up and down.

"Y-yes! Very much so Ainz!" Lily looked at Ainz with curious eyes. "But-but… what do they represent? These statues I mean… they are a bit weird." She said pointing towards the staggering paradigms.

"Ah, is that so?" Ainz asked as he brought up a hand to support his chin while giving an appraising look to a couple statues in the distance.

"You see, they were my subordinates, my comrades, some of them I even called my friends… although my memory of them is blurry, it doesn't change the fact that many of them lived and died by my side as we dared the dangers of Yggdrasil, always looking for places to discover…" Ainz trailed off as his eyes strayed to the form of the silver paladin. The monument reflected the moon of Hueco Mundo, giving it an eerie appearance.

A memory resurfaced, depicting a time when he was helpless, when he was weak. The day when he was saved by Justice, the day his life was turned around and would eventually lead him to the top of the 41 Supreme beings.

"Huh, do you think they are here?" Lily asked, waking Ainz from his stupor.

"Ah, no… I do not think so… but as they say hope dies last, so there may be a chance I reunite with them… one day."

"I hope you do!" Lily exclaimed enthusiastically, hopping up and down, "and I hope you will introduce me as well, Ainz!"

"Hahaha! Yes, I surely will Lily, I surely will."

That day they did not train, nor did Ainz learn new hollow techniques as they reminisced about the past and marveled at the scattered monuments throughout the desert. All the while Ainz retold his raids and painted glorious adventures to Lily who intently listened and soaked up every word uttered by the Supreme being.

Soul Society – The Council of the Central 46

Gin, captain of the 3rd Division of the Gotei 13 stood before Aizen. All around them bodies laid to waste. Although, this wasn't the original plan, it would do all the same.


He had to give credit to Aizen though, his acting was perfect, no-one suspected a thing.

The ever-present creepy smile that served as his poker face has stretched further as he eyed Aizen. What a frightening Zanpakuto he had. He had made the right decision by not trying to end his life then and there. It was all but a mirage, employed by Aizen's Zanpakuto to further his gains.

Gin's façade remained unblemished as he cursed inside. Aizen that man… that despicable monster was not his comrade, he never was. All this time, all his life since he was little Gin played the part of a loyal comrade, a subordinate, but in truth it was all done for a single purpose alone. And that was to kill Aizen.

Since Aizen was too powerful Gin had one choice, and one choice alone. He had to gain Aizen's trust and strike him down in his moment of weakness. But the man has never shown any weakness, even when he did, it was all but an illusion to bait his enemies into certain death.

Aizen… what a meticulous man he was… it was almost impossible to get behind his perception, but Gin was certain that one day… one day his time would come, and he could avenge Rangiku.

The original plan was to make everyone believe that Aizen was dead, killed by the invaders.

Why did the plan change? A severely wounded state would do, but it would only lessen the intruders' importance, moreover Aizen told the Gotei 13 that it was a Hollow not a Shinigami that did this to him. What was his goal? What was his end game here?

What was the purpose of this change of plans? Aizen was yet to reveal it, and it didn't seem like he would anytime soon, and thus Gin only nodded, he would follow along… for now.

Aizen passed him a letter and left the chamber, leaving Gin to his thoughts.

Somewhere in Hueco Mundo

Tier Harribel walked deliberately, behind her 3 hollows followed. They were her 'Fraccion', her group of hollows gathered, so they could protect themselves from the vile male hollows. They trod the lands of Hueco Mundo, but today was different… something had changed.

"Hey, what's up with these monuments? They are huge!" Exclaimed Apacci, a hollow with a deer-like appearance, with large antlers. Seeing as Harribel was as oblivious as them, she didn't press the matter.

"Whoever had raised such constructs in Hueco Mundo, moreover in such numbers, not to mention they appeared from one day to another, they'd hold extreme power. What do you think? Girls?"

Sung-Sun a hollow, in the likeness of a large snake remained silent while observing the staggering statues. Mila Rose, their other companion, a hollow that resembled a large lioness however didn't stay silent, as she voiced her opinion.

"What? They are just rocks, pretty white rocks, but they will crumble all the same in Hueco Mun-"

"Hey, you — female gorilla — don't spoil the mood!" Apacci exclaimed, her impulsiveness got the better of her… again.

"What did you just say?!"

All the while traversing the endless deserts of Hueco Mundo, the topic of the statues scraping the heavens came up again and again. Scattered all around them they radiated an oppressive presence, as if they were alive. Burdening and challenging all the souls that would dare cross them.

Tier Harribel led the group while silently listening to them arguing.

Rose and Apacci were at each other's throat, that was nothing new… while Sung-Sun tried to diffuse the situation. This went on a seemingly endless cycle…

'Maybe, it would be a good time to enlighten them before reaching Ainz… who knows what that monster would do if her Fraccion disrespected him?' Harribel surmised as she resolved herself and halted her steps to face the disputing bunch.

Hueco Mundo, at the sight of the Black tower

Baraggan done with his tasks marveled at the change in Hueco Mundo, the place that remained stagnant in all his time spent here… there was no doubt found within his mind as to who is responsible for such an abrupt change. Truly, his master was the strongest under and above the heavens. He didn't have much time for himself though as a tear opened in space and a hand reached forward.

Baraggan stood at attention at the front of his army, welcoming the master who just exited a tear in space-time, a swirling mass of violent energy, behind him several other hollows followed.

Harribel and her Tres Bestias, Starrk and Lilynette, and another has arrived, and stood behind Ainz.

Baraggan faced Ainz, behind him his own Fraccion of Six Adjuchas stood, those six that somewhat elevated themselves from the crowds under his rule and directly served him. Although, Baraggan still held contempt for Harribel not accepting his offer, in the end it mattered not.

The fallen God-king turned his gaze on the new face he recognized. Nelliel, a Vasto Lord.

She had human-like appearance, that of a well-endowed grown woman, Nel also had long green hair and wore her hollow mask on top of her head like a hat.

'Ainz truly intends to collect all the powerhouses of Hueco Mundo, hah magnificent' Baraggan wondered. Internally hoping he would be appointed as the governor of Hueco Mundo once the Great Hollow has conquered the Soul Society and moves to the next realm… that would be truly fortunate.

Having Ainz by his side meant that nothing could oppose him any longer, other than Ainz himself.

"I see you've accomplished the tasks I have given you… well done…Baraggan…" Ainz trailed off, only for his voice to elevate several notches as it boomed over the endless dunes of Hueco Mundo, travelling even to its most hidden reaches.

"Hollows! Hear my proclamation!

I am the last of the Supreme beings, all the Vasto Lords have sworn their subservience to me!

There no longer exists a force that can oppose me!

I am Ainz Ooal Gown, and I claim dominion over this realm!

In honor to my fallen brethren, I declare Hueco Mundo to be the property of Ainz Ooal Gown! Join me and thrive! Oppose me and perish! You have one day to decide whether you live or die!

Be wise and make the right decision or else your fate is all but assured!"

Ainz finished with his speech waited patiently, soon, within moments, roars of approval echoed all around as Baraggan's foot soldiers gave their approval.

Lily looked at Ainz, unsure of what to say, he was just joking, right? Right?!

Lily recalled the past few days, weren't they friends? She has not sworn her fidelity, she wasn't even sure what that meant but wasn't friendship a stronger bond? After all, as far as she could tell she was the sole friend of Ainz. The others were just kind-of there… That earlier speech however was off, she got the gist of it, but it didn't sound like Ainz. It worried her.

She stared at Ainz for a long moment before she proceeded to tug at his violet gown.

"Umm, Ainz what was that about dominion over Hueco Mundo?" It didn't sound like the hollow she has been teaching for a week now, no this sounded exactly like that megalomaniac Baraggan.

She looked over at the Fallen-God-King who had amassed his armies and brought them here. All his trusties were present as well, it couldn't be, could it? Lily was alarmed now, she looked back at Ainz. 'Has Baraggan corrupted her new friend?'

"Ahh, don't worry Lily, it's just a game we are going to be playing… you remember I told you… don't you love games? How would other hollows feel if they were left out?"

Now that she thought about it, Ainz's words made sense, and a stone fell from her heart. She didn't lose a friend… still… she eyed Baraggan… just to be safe Starrk should teach him a lesson, not to try and corrupt her newfound friends.

She turned to Starrk only to be met with a serious expression. 'Huh, what's up with him?' She questioned.

"Hey, Starrk-"

That afternoon after being left all alone, Ainz Ooal Gown has decided to run a significant experiment, he held out a hand and dark miasma left his index fingertip {Summon middle tier undead: Soul Eater}, if his theories were proven correct then it would be a great boon to his forces.

Hollows were souls after all, although empty, they were souls all the same.

He watched as the shape took form, a dark shadow growing as the unholy being was birthed. The hands ended in razor sharp claws, while the ethereal form shifted in the breeze. Nothing more than a shadow, a naïve person might say, but it was much more than that. Much more terrific, and much… much hungrier.

The empty gaze of the Soul Eater flickered slightly with cursed power as it awaited its master's orders. He didn't have to wait for long, as the Overlord of Death had voiced his command.

"Go forth and consume. Devour these lost souls to your heart's content! There are five you must not harm, spare them, but the rest is yours! They are ripe for harvesting! Go forth! Soul Eater, go forth and devour!" Boomed the Overlord's voice, and the Soul Eater gave a shrill screech as acknowledgement before disappearing on the horizon.

That day the hollows of Hueco Mundo experienced the horrors they sowed among humans, only this time they were the prey.

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