《The True King of Death》A change of plans


The Soul Society was peaceful today, every soul went about their daily habits, Shinigami as well. This however would not last for long…

A tear in space opened revealing darkness inside. The Shinigami in the perimeter were alerted and witnessed with tense expressions the unfolding.

A hand reached out of the portal, then another and then…

The battered form of a Captain Class Shinigami fell through the portal, striking the ground hard. Blood stained the white robes, and the Zanpakuto missing its blade, nothing but a hilt was held by a convulsive hand.

Many instantly recognized who that was. Aizen, Sosuke Aizen Captain of the 5th division. A truly charismatic and strong man who could dispel doubt with but a few words. An enigmatic leader who moved and inspired many of them to join the rows of Shinigami.

It wasn't long until other high-ranking Shinigami arrived at the scene, seeing the disturbance earlier they made haste, they didn't know if they were under attack. When they saw Aizen's body lay there in a pool of his own blood they couldn't understand what was going on.

Aizen was a Captain Class Shinigami, one of the stronger ones and yet… somehow, he was laying there battered, defeated, in the verge of death. Medics were alerted and they made haste, carrying the captain to safety, to mend his wounds.

Rumors spread like wildfire within the boundaries of the 'Seireitei', and soon spread to the suburbs. Today a Captain Class Shinigami was mortally wounded, it was nothing but sheer luck that they managed to keep the man alive.

People were in uproar, demanding refuge behind the walls of 'Seireitei', after all, a Captain Class Shinigami falling wasn't an everyday occurrence, it was an ominous sign.

Aizen was slipping in and out of consciousness as blurry figures went about around him, some he recognized some he did not, but Kenpachi and Toshiro he did recognize. He could make out a feral grin on Kenpachi's beastly visage, while Toshiro simply stared at him, with no emotion reflecting on his face. Aizen would laugh if he could, but his condition didn't allow for such a mundane thing.

Noticing Gin was among the crowd he smiled weakly. It was a miracle he was still alive, after the wounds he suffered it would have been already difficult to heal his body, not to mention that he had to traverse Hueco Mundo for a full day before the item finally allowed him to escape. It was truly a close call. Aizen thought as he allowed himself to relax.

The shattered blade by his side worried the captains and the higher ups of the Soul Society, after all to break a Zanpakuto, a Captain Class Shinigami's no less, you would need extreme power, a gap that could not be overcome easily.

A Vasto Lord? What else could have damaged Aizen and his Zanpakuto to such a degree?

The Gotei 13 assembled, this matter was of the utmost importance.

A hollow that could ravage a captain, a Vasto Lord, it was not a thing that Yamamoto could turn a blind eye to. He had to act, but until more is revealed about the nature of the hollow, and possibly its army he would not act. He would wait patiently for Aizen's recovery while he reinforced and tightened the defenses of the Soul Society.

He wasn't the same man he was back then… in the olden days he would have rushed forth and given chase himself, turning the world upside down if it meant hunting down a dangerous hollow, but now…

He had grown over the years, he had built this paradise for the Souls, he could not leave it defenseless. This was the safest place in all the world, precisely because it was he that stood as its guardian.


He looked over at the gathered captains, all were present except Aizen. Good, Yamamoto thought before hitting the floor with his wooden cane. "Then let the meeting begin!"

Somewhere in Hueco Mundo

Baraggan kneeled in the sand before the Supreme One, the Great Hollow that descended to the world to grace them with his Supreme power. Baraggan felt the air tremble as blackish miasma oozed from a skeletal hand, not his mind you. It reached out and he swore he could hear the atmosphere scream out in pain as it traversed the distance between them, finally it landed on his shoulder and the colors drained from the world. Baraggan's mind emptied, and a dark whirlwind of power rose around him that only grew in intensity as the seconds ticked by.

"Negative Touch." His master called out the name of the technique, or spell he was under. In truth, it made no difference to Baraggan, the fallen God-King of Hueco Mundo, still the rate his power rose was a phenomenon he hasn't experienced in centuries. He could feel the limits of his body straining, but it still limited his potential, the ability to resist time, to resist aging, to defeat Death.

But then the Supreme One removed his hand as the flames slowly danced in the eye sockets of Death himself Baraggan had a premonition and soon he was proven correct. What he was awarded wasn't even a drop of the ocean that was the power the Great Hollow wielded.

A skeletal finger touched his forehead, and he felt his skull implode.

"Maximize Magic: Greater Lethal." Dark lighting descended from the sky, while little bolts of lightning left the skeletal finger simultaneously.

"Arghhhhh! Arghhhhh!" Baraggan cried out in pain as he shed his former limits and born anew.

A specter of Death, with the absolute power over time, born of the power of the Supreme One he was immune to the cruel passing of time, at last immune to the embrace of unforgiving death. He was, by all means and purposes timeless, immortal so long as the Supreme One allowed his existence.

"Serve me well, Baraggan of the Fallen." The Great Hollow said as the Dark Halo receded behind the pristine skull and the light of the moon returned to Hueco Mundo.

"I serve and obey; this I swear on my life, master." Baraggan said as he bowed his head.

Internally though, there was no trace of his serious behavior, he was already fantasizing about the new heights of his might and wondered about the limits his newfound power may impose on him.

As he did so, he was given another order by Ainz Ooal Gown. He was ordered to learn of his new abilities and to perfect them, after he is done, he is to demonstrate his abilities to the master, and if he is deemed sufficient, proficient enough then he would be granted further might.

Baraggan held a cruel smile as he made his leave, — those Shinigami's didn't stand a chance before, now they aren't even worth mentioning. Before his master everyone and everything will bow, or they will be eradicated. Baraggan found it hard to control his excitement, as he wondered about the next step after the invasion of the Soul Society, would his master go for the human world next? Or would he skip straight to conquering the Soul Palace, he didn't know, but he couldn't wait to find out.

Ainz watching Baraggan leave recounted his tasks for him. First Baraggan would learn how to control his new power properly, then once he is proficient enough, he would have Baraggan create a constant cloud inside his rib cage, encompassing his red orb, thus his power would continue to rise unperturbed. Ainz gave a pat to his ego, he had come up with the most excellent plan.


He also ordered Baraggan to amass his armies once more, although Ainz had laid waste to them, Baraggan's armies were far too numerous, he was sure Baraggan could muster a couple thousand.

Not much, considering that their power levels were quite negligible, but Ainz was a ruler and a ruler needed subjects. They would also serve well when he would move on to other worlds and consolidate his power throughout the realms.

Seeing that Baraggan left the area and Harribel was watching him, Ainz decided not to linger around any longer and raised a skeletal arm. "Create Fortress." The ground shook as a tower manifested. The black tower was covered in protrusions of dark, vile weaponry while the base of the tower stood firm even in the uneven white sand of Hueco Mundo.

Harribel watched in horror as the ground spew out that abomination of a construct at the behest of the Great Hollow. She still held some hope of salvation, she still hoped some unfortunate accident befalls the Great Hollow, hell she was excited when he declared that he would fight them four on one, then she had a chance to 'accidentally' aim a killing blow at him… but alas she, they were too powerless.

Then, not all hope was lost as light shone at the end of the tunnel, a Shinigami, a Captain Class no less had showed up and the Great Hollow challenged it. Although, Harribel felt hatred towards the Shinigami and disgust for it to target their weakest and female member, but she felt too much elated at the events to charge at him. Maybe, just maybe the Shinigami could weaken the Great Hollow, just enough for her to deliver a killing blow at a moment of weakness.

The battle had started, and she had high hopes as the Shinigami rushed at Ainz with great speed, but… what transpired next left her flabbergasted and then in abject horror, in utter despair.

There was no way to beat this monster, she realized.

None, none of the Shinigami Captain's attack reached their mark, none…

…until one finally did, and then… Harribel couldn't believe her eyes.

The Zanpakuto, the weapon, the Shinigami's weapon that gave them such an edge over hollows simply shattered upon contact with the Great Hollow's body. It was simply and utterly unbelievable.

Then, and there Harribel realized that there was nothing she could do against a being so far above, so removed from the norm. It wouldn't matter if she attacked in a group either. The Great Hollow was capable of overwhelming the Four Great Vasto Lords of Hueco Mundo simultaneously without breaking a sweat. Not to mention, he somehow negated Zanpakutos. Truly, he was on a different level.

Harribel sighed in defeat as she made her way inside the black tower her Lord has conjured.

She was surprised to say the least, it was much more spacious than she had previously surmised. The building was also richly furnished, — sofas, carpets, and paintings decorated the place.

"Now then," The Overlord of Death spoke. "I have a task for you."

Harribel, finding her voice have been silenced, listened.

"Bring your hollow friends to me-"

The undead's voice found deaf ears as Harribel's mind was thrown into disarray.

What?! Did that monster read her mind? How else could he know about her group? How else? What did he want with them? Hostages? Make sure she obeyed? But there was no need for that!

She was already a peaceful lamb, following instructions. And that was because she had realized that there was no way she could go against the will of someone who was so far removed from her level of power!

She screamed inside her mind and gritted her teeth as her whole body trembled, should she attack now? Maybe, maybe she could hurt this monster, but… recalling how the infamous Zanpakuto of a Captain Class Shinigami simply shattered upon contact she resisted the urge to slice at the Undead God. She also had a feeling that somehow the Great Hollow held back in the fights she had witnessed and partook.

The seconds slowly ticked by as the undead's words failed to register until he finally finished.

"-and bring any hollow you deem worthy to serve under me." With that said the Undead God simply sat down on the sofa, summoned a dusty, ancient looking book, and began reading.

Harribel slowly left the room, her body quivering under the struggle, she wanted to end the monster of a hollow that was before her, but… every instinct, every logic of hers dictated that it was a futile attempt, that would only bring about her untimely demise. If she could, then she would spend some more time with her 'Fraccion'… Sung-Sun, Mila Rose and Apacci, they were all precious to her, precious enough that she would risk her life for them.

If it came down to that, then she would stand against the Great Hollow, even if it meant certain death, she would not allow him to hurt any of her subordinates, or to further his evil gains.

Soul Society – Assembly of the Gotei 13

"Aizen, tell us about what had happened to you." Yamamoto made his inquiry in a grave voice as he rested his hands on his wooden cane.

The captains in the room looked at Aizen expectantly, maybe Aizen did some experiments that had gone awry, although it was cause for concern, it was still much better than having a powerful enemy on hand that could reduce one of their strongest captains to such a state.

Aizen pushed up his new square glasses before he answered with a wry smile.

"I am afraid Head Captain, that we have a disaster upon us. "

At that Yamamoto creased his brows, "elaborate on that. What kind of disaster are you speaking of?"

"A Vasto Lord."

Murmurs rose in the midst of the Gotei 13, but Yamamoto silenced them with but a slight pat of his cane.

"A Vasto Lord… did this to you?" Yamamoto questioned as memories of the Four Great Vasto Lords of the past resurfaced. They were indeed troublesome to deal with, but not impossible. Moreover, a captain with Aizen's abilities should have no trouble dealing with such a threat. He was a competent captain, everyone knew that. He was secretive yes, but he had a way with words, and he always lent a helping hand. Aizen also had an unorthodox fighting method, which the Head Captain valued highly. It was unthinkable that he would be wounded so severely.

"Yes, and I can confidently say that this is the strongest Hollow I've ever seen. It would be no exaggeration if I said he is your equal Head Captain." Aizen said and the room was silent once more.

The silence was broken by none other than Kenpachi, famed for being the strongest among the captains.

"HAha-haha-haha! Aizen. You surely jest!" Kenpachi said, as he was near losing control of his body in the madness that was his laughter.

"You, Kenpachi, are strong, I respect that. However…" Aizen said as he made eye contact with him, "you'd be blown away like a helpless child in the face of the terror that this hollow brings."

The laughter died down as Kenpachi's wild features contorted. "Yo-"

"Enough!" Yamamoto exclaimed and brought down his wooden cane hard against the floor.

"Aizen, if you truly believe that he is such a threat, we'll treat it with great care. Now then, how do you suppose we deal with this hollow?"

Aizen smiled before he went on explaining his 'master' plan to the others.

After the assembly Aizen had retreated to his quarters and began to reconstruct his plans for the future. He didn't expect such a powerhouse among the hollows, but he could still come out on top.

He began writing a letter when he heard a knock on the door. "Come in." He said, and a girl with black hair in a black Shinigami uniform entered the room.

She was his lieutenant, and Aizen had to give credit for the girl's devotion, after all she had only become a Shinigami so she could be closer to him. If only she recognized him for who he is really.

"Momo, what a pleasant surprise." He greeted with a warm complexion.

"A-Aizen…" The girl practically squeezed out those words, it seems the news of him getting beaten half to death reached her ears. Aizen mustered up a fake smile as he embraced her in a tight hug.

"It is alright, everything will be alright. I am fine." Aizen said, but it only opened the gates for the flood. Momo broke out crying in the embrace of Aizen, while she clung to him with all her might.

"Captain A-Aize-"

"Shhh…" Aizen rested a finger on her lips to silence her, while he internally sighed.

This would be a long night.

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