《The True King of Death》Ch5: Laying down the foundations


The first thing Tier Harribel did after waking up was to gather herself and make haste. It was vital that she warns the members of her group of the looming threat. Although, there was next to no chance that she could reach them in time, it was the only thing she could think of now.

She had to protect them.

She limped over the white dunes of Hueco Mundo, unrelenting she pressed forward.

Time passed and she came to see silhouettes in the distance. Two specifically, seeing that she forced her legs into motion as she doubled her efforts. She couldn't have been late, she couldn't have…

The dethroned God-king of Hueco Mundo, Baraggan followed behind the great hollow. The only hollow that managed to defy logic and defeat his absolute power.

As he analyzed the being, which was so similar yet completely unknown to him, he came to a terrific realization. He could not gauge the power of the opponent before him. Although, the skeletal Vasto Lord exuded an impressive spiritual pressure that was roughly equivalent to his own, the difference in their power was like heaven and earth.

He also couldn't get out of his head the so called; mana what the Lord had displayed. He has explained it as such, mana the pure energy that makes the world go around, freely altering its reality to suit its master's will.

Only the Soul King should possess a power like that, but the great Vasto lord before him implied that only HE possessed such a unique and terrifying power.

Baraggan's bones shivered when he thought about the future. He couldn't wait. The hollow before him had displayed such bloodlust, such thirst for blood that it was a miracle he hadn't already run off massacring everything in his way.

Baraggan could not imagine the self-control one must exercise for a feat such as this. He certainly wouldn't have held back… but this hollow had a plan. He could tell. Behind those crimson orbs intellect shone, a terrifying, crude wisdom that was akin if not superior to his own.

Baraggan smiled cruelly, it was inevitable that he surrenders if he wanted to live, but now… now that he thought about it… it was worth it. By whose side would he find more excitement than the one who was hell bent on world conquest? By whom else? His cold throne? Certainly not.

As they made their way over the vast deserts of Hueco Mundo Baraggan came up with countless ideas as to the purpose of their travels… Still, when he laid eyes on the only Vasto Lord with greater spiritual pressure than his own he felt a shiver travel along his bones. Has the Lord already completed his preparations? He thought as he looked over at the towering undead before him.

The figure of Death only grew in his eyes as he scanned the area and found 2 more Vasto Lords. Has he collected all the apex of Hollows? He questioned as he felt the ground slipping from under his skeletal feet.

A hollow who commanded not one, not two, but all the Vasto Lords. If he hadn't seen this with his own eyes, Baraggan would have surely laughed it off as a rambling of a lunatic.

They made their way over to the group, the Vasto Lord he recognized as a strong foe — Starrk, didn't care much for their presence as he simply glanced at them before going back to sleep.

Harribel, whom he had tried to recruit to lead his armies flinched when she saw him, but when her eyes trailed to his monster of a master her form shivered, but she did not run.


As for the little hollow… she left Baraggan flabbergasted as she ran up to them, cheerfully waving her hands and calling out. To his master… it seemed.

Harribel watched as the monster returned. Accompanied by Baraggan it was all the more terrifying, even more so when she realized that Baraggan acted subservient to the unknown Vasto Lord. No wonder, thinking back to their initial encounter the great hollow before her had easily dispatched her as if she was nothing but trash in his eyes that needed to be disposed of.

She heard Lilynette shout, welcoming the abomination of a hollow, calling him Ainz. Harribel was horrified, what had that abomination done to her?! Has he brainwashed her already?

Also, now that she thought about it, it was uncharacteristic of Baraggan to bow before anyone, if not straight up an impossibility. Although, considering the amount of power displayed Baraggan's acting could be explained, say if the monster had dominated him, as it did her. Her body quivered.

Could it be? Could it be that Baraggan lost? No! That cursed power of his was absolute! Harribel denied. 'He couldn't hav-!' Her train of thought broke off course as the events flashed across her field of vision.

Recalling the painful memories took but a second, and everything became clear. There was no longer doubt in her mind that the monster before her had beaten even the God-king of Hueco Mundo, who even though was an arrogant ass, the power he wielded was no joke. She could testify to that.

The visions ended and she realized something. She didn't want to experience that again. No one would want to go through the pain and the helplessness she felt that day.

Harribel's brows creased as she thought about the implications of the hollow's presence.

After all, every single known Vasto Lord class hollow was in the vicinity now.

It couldn't be, could it? She thought as her brows furrowed further in thought. If it were to gain control over 4 Vasto Lords, then all of Hueco Mundo would be his playground… she couldn't allow that to happen, but alas she was powerless. She realized that much.

She knew all too well that at her current level of power she stood no chance. It would be a waste dying here, and so she resolved herself. That said she would negotiate for the safety of her group of Adjuchas, even if it meant suffering. They were like family. She wouldn't allow any harm to come to them. Her train of thought was halted as her eyes glued to a single point in space.

At the hands of the undead lord space distorted and blackness oozed out, spiraling in strange forms before disappearing. Harribel blinked rapidly, not believing what was happening.

First, there was nothing in the hands of the great hollow, and then… then there was. And what?!

Leashes. Metal collars, connected to arguably long chains, chains of unknown material. The black metal glowed, and in waves ominous black fog rolled off it before dissipating into thin air. A total of four. One for each Vasto Lord present. She realized. 'This is bad.' Her mind shot into overdrive, she had to escape this place, she had to escape and take the little hollow with her!

She couldn't be sure of the properties of the item, but she could guess. Were she bound by said item she would be at the absolute mercy of her new master; she would lose every bargaining chip she may have held. 'This is bad, really bad.' She felt a chill travel down her spine as the cold words of the undead caressed her very soul.


"Let's see what you are capable of. We'll start off with a little training." It said as if to mock them.

"Whaaaaat?! You gotta be kidding me?! Training?! Why don't we have some fun instead?" She heard the little hollow exclaim, palpably disappointed about the proposal.

"Also, what's with those creepy chains?"

"Ah…" The personification of Death answered. "They are for training of course." Telling a blatant lie he faced them wholly as he handed the items to Baraggan to distribute. Harribel wasn't a master craftsman, but she knew what chains were for, and it wasn't for training.

"What'd ya mean training? You want us to train in these rusty old chains?! C'mon! Be reasonable!" Lily pouted, lightening the atmosphere noticeably and broke Harribel out of her stupor.

'Oh, right. They have no idea how Yggdrasil items work.' Ainz thought, as he let out an embarrassed laugh. Truly, he should've thought this through. Of course, they wouldn't know of Yggdrasil items.

He proceeded to explain its properties. The {Trainer collars} were special items that helped the user train, aka farm exp more efficiently, but in exchange their combat capabilities would be severely inhabited during wearing said item. Ainz wanted to try and see if it worked the same way as in Yggdrasil or was it different. The hollows before him just so happened to be suitable test subjects.

Seeing that none were enthusiastic about his idea Ainz came up with a solution. He offered to be their spar partner, and to put them at ease that the items had no malicious intent he had also summoned one for himself. Hearing his proposition that he would be fighting one versus four, the shark-like Vasto Lord, Harribel was strangely excited, but he didn't mind it, in fact he was missing such delight ever since he had arrived in this world.

Ainz removed his gown, and then he plucked the ring from his finger which concealed his power, the torrent rising had the present at awe or terror, depending on whom his crimson orbs turned to, but after placing the {Trainer Collar} around his bare neck the pillar of pure energy was stifled as if it had been a lie.

Although he neglected to mention that he has used a spell {Perfect Warrior}, while it was risky, since when used most of his magical capabilities were blocked in exchange for speed and strength, but he was more than confident that he would be alright.

As he got ready and summoned two black great swords a Shinigami had escaped his notice. Seeing that everyone had followed his example and wore his items, Ainz called out and rushed forward. "Here I come!"

The four Vasto Lords didn't know what hit them at first, but soon they had adjusted to the rhythm of the battle. Baraggan with his halberd and Harribel with her shark blade hand fought the great hollow head on. Parrying his black great swords took effort, but with the both of them they could manage.

In the distance, Starrk finally decided that he would join in the fray as it looked fun. He pulled out his sword and flashed across a sizeable distance before bringing down his blade on the skeleton, but he was blocked and throw back instantly.

Starrk actually had a surprised expression as he clutched his unremarkable blade and slashed at the undead lord unceasingly, getting parried or dodged every single time. Sweat beaded on his forehead as a smile he didn't know he had formed on his stoic visage.

Lilynette watched on the side lines, pouting as she witnessed the grand sand hurricane their bout had birthed. She was angry because she couldn't partake in the fun. Although, she was an Arrancar just like Starrk she was much weaker, she was even weaker than normal Vasto Lord class hollows.

She was getting more and more agitated, she has even removed her limiter, aka the training collars Ainz had provided, but the difference in power was still too great. As she pondered whether she should just jump in anyways she had an ominous premonition. Not a moment later she felt a cold hand grasping her shoulder.

Before she could turn a long blade came up to her throat, threatening to end her life should she make any unnecessary moves. The blade she recognized. A Zanpakuto, a sword. 'A Shinigami, here? In Hueco Mundo?' She questioned absentmindedly before she felt a breeze past her and saw Starrk standing next to her, staring down the Shinigami.

The fight has stopped she realized, relieved she looked at Starrk expectantly, but it wasn't Starrk that moved first. Baraggan, Harribel both had a bone to pick with Shinigamis but it wasn't them either.

No, it was Ainz. Unbeknownst to them, Ainz didn't know why they had stopped fighting and instead went to a frozen Lilynette. He assumed there must have been a reason.

When he walked over to her, he still couldn't see any reason for her inaction and so used a fairly simple spell, or more like a skill that allowed him to see through the eyes of others. Now that he saw the cause of the alarm he reached out and simply grasped the sword at her neck. He crushed it without hesitation between his skeletal fingers alarming a certain Shinigami.

"Now, now." He said slowly as he seemingly stared at a vacant spot in the distance. "It isn't nice to play such crude jokes on people. Especially not on my people."

Soon, a man dressed in white captain robes appeared out of thin air.

"How curios."

"So, this is what a Shinigami looks like." Ainz remarked absentminded, as he recalled a certain spell {Perfect Illusion} that had a similar effect to the man's earlier display, to think he could reach the hights of the 9th tier, but alas there were much stronger spells of that tier and there was no reason to acclaim the man for this much. 'Still, just to be safe.' Ainz thought as he carried on.

"I have to say, I am not impressed." As he finished, he inconspicuously removed the collar from around his neck, but to the surprise of the other Vasto Lords the torrent of power didn't return.

"Oh?" The man in white asked, as he brandished his blade. "Please take a look at my sword; Kyoka Suigetsu. I believe you'll reconsider your opinion." The man said confidently as the winds of Hueco Mundo blew by ever so softly.

Ainz had already cast {Appraisal} a spell, he could manage even in perfect warrior state.

He chuckled. 'Absolute hypnosis, is it? This isn't a match up you can win.' But Ainz wouldn't tell him that, he would let him struggle until the bitter end. He couldn't wait to see the face of the man when he learns that he is immune to attacks that affect the mind. This would be a treat to his sadistic side. There was also the possibility that the Shinigami was hiding some kind of power that could be of use to him, if so then he might even decide on enslaving him instead of annihilating.

Ainz let down his guard and waited for the Shinigami to make his move. He didn't have to wait for long as the white robe blurred and reappeared in front of him, blade coming down at insane speed. Ainz brought up his great swords and blocked before quickly launching a counterattack on his own. His two-raven black great swords impacted on the outstretched blade before a clang could be heard.

The Shinigami's confident smirk disappeared as his hair became disheveled. Although, he wanted to make this hollow learn his place. In truth he never needed his sword's ability to defeat anyone, it was more like a mercy kill. He had absolute confidence in his power. But when he tried to block with a single hand, he found himself struggling and could not stay laid back as he clenched his Zanpakuto with both hands. He gritted his teeth as he released his spiritual pressure, and the area trembled.

His power was like a flood, sweeping away all resistance, but contrary to his expectation the undead lord before him stood as an unmovable object, like a wall keeping his energy at bay.

His glasses shattered from the impact as he launched at the undead with full force, creating a whirlwind of power in their vicinity. His eyes unnaturally dilated as the skeleton let go of his swords which disappeared into nothingness.

He had been through many battles and gained experience like no other, but even though it was obvious, his rationality didn't allow such thoughts. After the earlier display of power, there was no way this hollow is giving up, so there must be some hidden reason behind his action.

Still, he saw an opening he couldn't just ignore, and thus he pressed forward.

The Zanpakuto was caught with two fingers.

"This is where it ends." The cold words of the hollow struck a chord within his soul.

Although shocked, he still had enough composure to register the situation. He immediately tried to pull back, but the iron grip of the great hollow firmly kept his Zanpakuto in place.

Aizen captain of the Fifth division had never experienced such overwhelming might, maybe Yamamoto the Head captain could defeat him if he challenged him unprepared, but for a hollow to best him? Unthinkable.

They were needed for his next phase of plan, after he steals the Hogyoku he will force a transformation onto the hollows and turn them into Arrancars to serve as his army against the Soul Society. That was the impeccable plan he had come up with.

But never in a thousand years did he think that any hollow could resist his perfect hypnosis, much less his power. He was already twice as strong as any other captain. There shouldn't be such disparity between his and a Vasto Lord's power.

A skeletal hand impacted his stomach, knocking out the air from his lungs as he was sent flying. Upon impact he spit out a mouthful of blood and a crater was formed in the white sand. Aizen felt his body aching all over, a feeling he had all but forgotten. 'It's best if I retreat for now.' He thought. It was best to not tempt his luck.

He pulled out a prototype of an item that allowed Shinigami to travel between planes and used it to escape. It imitated the hollows' ability to open a way through the Garganta, the black void connecting Hueco Mundo and other worlds. Said item would open a breach between dimensions and would keep it from collapsing until he passed, it would also not alert the Soul Society so that was a plus as well.

Something was wrong, Aizen realized as no tear in space appeared to accommodate his intent to leave Hueco Mundo. When he turned his head back to the great hollow that managed to wound him, he gritted his teeth. It must have done something. The great hollow's bare bones no longer graced him, but a purple gown that shrouded the undead in darkness, giving Aizen an ominous premonition.

'So be it.' Aizen thought as he summoned his spiritual pressure at maximum capacity and flashed next to the hollow, bringing down his blade.

Ultimately it was useless as his trusted Kyoka Suigetsu failed him.

The sword shattered on impact with the pulsing crimson orb, Aizen had theorized it to be his weakness, but he was sorely mistaken. He watched his blade retreat, collapse, disappear into the wind leaving only the hilt.

Aizen stared at the remnants of his Zanpakuto, and for the first time he did not believe his eyes.


His hands trembled as he became furious beyond measure and reached towards the skeletal Vasto lord. He called out; "Hado #90: Kurohitsugi," a black tower encompassed the form of the skeletal hollow, swords sticking out all over the construct, not to mention its impressive size, maybe the greatest he had ever achieved.

'Kurohitsugi' was a high-level Kido that sealed its target in a black spiritual coffin, there was no escape, the entirety was covered in spear and sword like protrusions which pierced the box, lacerating the one inside from head to toe.

A smile formed on his exhausted visage as blood slowly trickled down his neck. "I got you now, "he said before turning his attention to the other Vasto Lords, who even though their companion was in trouble did nothing to support him.

'Hah, hollows what did he expect?' He thought. It was best to return and subjugate the rest when he was back on full power. He summoned the item and tried his means of escape, but it failed him yet again.

'What now?' Aizen questioned in frustration before he felt an ominous premonition, just when his eyes turned back to the black tower, — he had previously summoned, — his smile curved downwards, and his brows creased.

A skeletal hand punctured a hole into it before proceeding to rip more and more new holes. After the 4th or so, the barrier gave out and the black prison disappeared, leaving an unscathed Undead God.

Its crimson eyes danced threateningly as he took step after step, nearing him gradually.

With each step the pressure became more and more unbearable as terror gripped his heart. To enhance his distress a ring fell from a skeletal finger, and the very moon of Hueco Mundo darkened, disappeared, leaving them in an endless night.

Aizen couldn't bring his body to move, to fight, to resist.

He was a man who strived to became perfect, an unbeatable deity to the masses. But witnessing death closing in while he could do absolutely nothing to resist made his knees grow weak, and his determination futile.

Still, he was Sosuke Aizen, he would not go down without reaching his goals, his ultimate wish was to be God that stood and stared down at the masses, he couldn't accept dying here. As the Undead God's heavy steps echoed closer and closer his mind shot into overdrive, he wouldn't die here today.

Ainz looked over the battered form of the Shinigami. 'So, this was a captain class,' He thought, to be honest the man left much to be desired. Then again, — Ainz thought back, — he was able to hypnotize everyone present, except for him. So, the man might not be strong physically, but had an ability that worked even on the strongest of Hollows, although that would imply that the 9th tier was too much even for the strongest of Hollows. 'Interesting, truly interesting…' Ainz thought.

If that was truly the case, then his weakness could be forgiven as this might have been the man's first real confrontation. And the man should be on top of the hierarchy if the other Vasto lords were helpless against his ability. 'Hmm, this man provided more intel than I thought… I wonder how much more can I squeeze out of him?' Ainz pondered.

Ainz wondered about what to do with the Shinigami after he had extracted every bit of information as he slowly made his way over to him. Should he just kill him and be done with it? He was yet to test his higher tier summons after all, maybe the body of a Captain class Shinigami could hold lvl 80 summons, though… as he recalled the disappointing display, maybe not.

'Oh, yeah that could work.' Ainz thought as he stepped next to the shivering form of white and red. He could use a spy in the Soul Society, he was planning to send some Hanzos, but it wouldn't hurt to have an insider as well. "Yeah, this will do." He thought as he reached out to help up the man.

"Wait!" The man called out; the fear gone from his voice. 'Hmm, what is it?' Ainz thought.

"Let's make a deal." The Shinigami said, as he gathered himself and stood up to face Ainz.

Ainz retracted his skeletal hand and gestured for the Shinigami to continue.

"I can give you more power, more power and a new world!" The Shinigami so declared, absolute confidence in his voice.

Ainz hesitated for a moment, ever since he had performed {Wish upon a Star} he has regained his memories of Yggdrasil, although blurry sometimes he was positive he could remember the important things. But, even after using the ring a lingering feeling of emptiness remained.

He couldn't quite place it, and although it might be a waste, he wanted to figure it out so he used yet again {Wish upon a Star}, to his surprise the spell failed, which could only mean one thing — a world level power had a hand in his amnesia, but that also shouldn't be possible since he had a WCI equipped at all times. The mystery concerning his past gnawed at the back of his mind.

More power, a new world? Was that what he needed? He pondered on the meaning behind those words, after all the man was weak, if he could give him more power then how come he didn't empower himself? Something was fishy here, but he would entertain the idea for now.

New, and new questions blossomed inside the hollow skull as the crimson flames danced playfully in the hollow eye sockets of the skeletal God.

"I am listening." Ainz decided to humor the man, it wouldn't hurt to listen to his plea. Ainz had already dispelled his {Perfect warrior} and cast {Dimensional lock} much earlier, so there was no escape. Certainly not with this level of power.

"There exists an artefact within the confines of the Soul Society. That certain item is called the Hogyoku and it is capable to dissolve the boundaries between Shinigami and Hollow, allowing one race to attain the powers of the other!" Aizen exclaimed.

Seeing the skeletal hollow nod along he continued.

"With it you will attain the powers of the Shinigami corresponding to your current level of power as a Hollow! Feeling your power firsthand, I can confidently say it'd be quite the boon for you, Mr.?"

The crimson orbs crackled intensely as the black halo receded behind the pristine skull.

"You may call me Ainz Ooal Gown, and you are?"

"Aizen, Sosuke Aizen."

"Well, I have a feeling that we'll have the most fruitful relations, Sosuke Aizen… Oh, you wouldn't happen to possess that item?" Although, Ainz asked he already knew the answer to that, if he had it in his possession then Aizen wouldn't have explicitly stated that it is within the Soul Society.

"Soon, I'll have it. My plan is already on its course."

"Hmm, then I'll give you a week Sosuke Aizen, if you don't return by then…" Ainz let the words sink in as he allowed his despair aura to roar, making Aizen sweat bullets. "… I trust you understand."

"Such a generous offer, I will surely deliver, Lord Ainz Ooal Gown." Aizen said as he disappeared into the wind. Well, to the other Vasto Lords it might have seem as such, but Ainz could easily tell as the Shinigami teleported short distances while certainly masking his presence with his perfect hypnosis, as no hollows reacted wherever he went.

When Ainz could no longer feel the Shinigami's presence in the distance he began to recount of what has happened. Although, he had seemingly made a deal with the Shinigami for greater power Ainz doubted it was worthwhile, after all it wasn't his hollow powers and spiritual pressure that was his predominant force.

It was his power originating from Yggdrasil. He scanned the distance as he pondered, although Aizen told him the truth Ainz had a feeling that he had left something out… something vital.

He might just pay a visit himself to the Soul Society and decides to grab the Hogyoku himself, just in case if Aizen were to betray him… 'I was planning on conquering that place anyways.' Ainz thought as he turned towards the four Vasto Lords. "I better prepare them fast."

"So, where were we?" He asked. "Ah, yes training it is!"

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