《The True King of Death》Ch4: Return of the King


"What?! You don't know how to fire off a Cero?!"

"I'm afraid not." Admitted the Vasto Lord as he tilted his empty gaze towards her.

She could only stare as she tried to comprehend the situation.

A Vasto Lord, unable to use a Cero, an ability even Gillians possessed, — that was highly unlikely. No, this was a definite first. She was sure of it. However, it presented a chance for her, maybe he would stay and join them? After all, being with Starrk all the time wasn't fun at all, but up until now she could never dream of another companion. Maybe, just maybe she could show off and thus convince the hollow that it was a worthy endeavor.

"Alright, alright." She said in defeat, only to finish in a cheerful tone. "I'll teach ya!"

The skeletal hollow did everything as instructed, following her guidance to meticulous steps and voila he learned the ability to discharge Ceros at a moment's notice. Lilynette had a smug smile plastered onto her face as she showed off her teaching skills to Starrk, while Ainz made his leave.

It was an enlightening time — staying with them, he thought as he made his way over the vast dunes of Hueco Mundo. Although, the Cero which he had learnt was powerful he had a feeling he wouldn't need to use it, he had a feeling that a power much greater slumbered somewhere deep inside of him.

It was the first priority on his list as he searched for a secluded location to test his hypothesis. But this was Hueco Mundo there was no such place. Maybe the Menos forest could be of assistance, but he didn't feel like going there. Las Noches was another place which came to mind, but Ainz didn't have the confidence to challenge the so-called God-King of Hueco Mundo. If Lily were to be believed, then he was quite the dangerous adversary. It was a good idea to question them about this place.

He also learned that there was more than one world. At that his attention was truly peaked and he went on a rampage on questions. He learned of the existence of Soul Society where the Shinigami aka Death Gods resided, as well as the human world where the origin resided. Be they Death Gods or Hollows they all began their existence as humans. And he had an uncanny feeling that was connected to his origins as well, but he couldn't confirm just yet.

He finally reached to a safe distance from Starrk and Lilynette. A sizeable sand dune stood out to him, and in lack of a better place he had decided that it would do just fine.

He revealed a ring with two shooting stars glowing on his ring finger and lifted it up to the sky, as his voice boomed over the hills.

"O' ring of power, hear my proclamation! Grant me the means to protect all that I hold dear and the means to destroy my enemies! Grant me the means to conquer this world, as a ruler of my position deserves! O' ring! Hear me, and here me now! Return what was once lost and make me whole once more!"

A marvelous light blue platform was slowly adjusting itself while he made his wish, when it finally reached its final form, it released a brilliant light and with its purpose fulfilled it dissipated.

The air unnaturally cooled down in the vicinity as the atmosphere around the Undead King shifted.

The skeleton was wrought in black miasma from head to toe, and a new unseen pressure descended upon the surroundings as another chaotic crimson aura rose around his feet. The staff held within his hand trembled as souls in torment resurfaced on the staff, only to disappear moments later, for new faces took their place. A black halo rose behind the pristine skull of the Undead God and his existence became defined once more.


He was Momonga, leader of all the 41 Supreme beings, Overlord of Life and Death, Supreme authority within the Great Tomb of Nazarick, an impenetrable fortress that stood both the relentless assault of the Gods and time alike. A living legend that walked once more.

Crimson flames burst alight within the darkness of his eye sockets and the world trembled under his feet. He was here, the undisputed Overlord of Ainz Ooal Gown has returned.

He felt at his senses, now that he knew what to look for, his job all but worked itself out.

His undead sense also flared alive, and it informed him of the closest hollows that were hundreds of meters away, but one signal piqued his interest. This one was particularly close to him, only a few dozen meters behind a dune it pulsed with life. It also gave off a different feeling, this one was strong, probably a Vasto Lord he surmised. No matter, he thought. Time to test his capabilities, now that his power is fully restored this should be a child's play.

He cast {Greater Teleport} and reappeared behind a spooked female hollow.

Tier Harribel felt a strong spiritual pressure in the distance, and so she decided to check it out herself before her group would cross the path.

She always had an uncommon, strange mindset. After all, while all hollows searched for power through evolving and feeding off of others, Harribel did not. In fact, she gathered a group of Adjuchas and made them a part of her family. They would live and die together, they'd fight together. They would protect each other even against stronger foes and thus they didn't need to consume hollows in pursuit of power, but to sustain themselves, at least that was the idea.

Today however she felt a Vasto Lord, not an opponent her group could face off against. Maybe if she could overpower it alone then they would be fine, but if that were the case then it would be safer if they waited for her return. After all, she was fast, really fast, maybe the fastest of all Hollows, if the situation called for it, she was confident that she could make a run for it. But, if even she could not escape with her life intact, then there was no chance for the others.

She hid behind a dune of sand in lack of a better obstacle and waited. She didn't want to get in needless fighting, much less if her opponent could potentially end her. She would observe for now and decide on the best possible course of action according to the hollow's mindset and relative power level.

The spiritual pressure spiked in the area and soon she could see it.

She caught sight of the Vasto Lord.

Baraggan? She questioned, but it soon turned out to be a false guess.

The one before her eyes was like Baraggan, he was skeletal and had a bearing befitting of a ruler, but… he was something else, something more sinister, something more dangerous, — she could tell, she could feel it.

The wind picked up and a blue glow emanated from the ground beneath the skeleton's feet only to subside moments later.

Whatever that chanting was for also unnerved Harribel, but she couldn't leave. Not yet, not until she had confirmed that the skeleton meant no harm, but… it soon became painfully clear that it was highly unlikely as chaotic auras clashed in his immediate vicinity, struggling for supremacy the crimson and the dark mingled and rushed at each other again and again.

It was plain to see that it was no small disposition of power, and yet the spiritual pressure had remained the same in the area. That could mean only one thing, whatever that ominous pressure was, it wasn't related to Reiryoku. And that only made it more frightening.


She had seen enough. She better get out of here before she gets noticed. She turned around, ready to utilize the speed she was famous for only to come face to face with Death.

She didn't hesitate and brought up her bladed hand in front of her in a protective stance as she intently followed every move of the opponent before her. Although she did that, she still hoped that there was a way out of this battle without one of them dying but it seemed highly unlikely as a skeletal hand reached out in front of her and made a crushing motion.

She heard the cold words of the Undead God, "Grasp heart." that sentenced her to death.

The pain instantly assaulted her chest, no that wasn't quite right, — her heart as she felt it being squeezed, being crushed. But she wouldn't go down so easily, she couldn't.

She had her group, they needed her, they were still too weak. If she were to die here… then who would protect them from the vile male hollows that preyed on the weak? They had yet to grow, they had yet to learn. They couldn't possibly protect themselves without her, at least not yet.

She clenched her teeth behind her hollow mask as she summoned her spiritual pressure and coated herself with it, hoping to overpower and negate whatever the foe had done to her.

"Interesting…" She heard the skeleton mutter out loud as it closed its palm and then directed a single finger at her.

"Dragon lighting."

In an instant a white dragon curled itself around the skeletal hand before shooting forth straight at her. She utilized the speed she was so acclaimed for among even the Vasto Lord class and dodged the questionable attack only for her eyes to widen as the rushing lighting made a 90 degree turn and hit her right in the side.

She cried out in pain as she felt electricity coursing through her veins, ravaging her body.

Smoke rose up and her body plummeted to the ground, slightly twitching as small bolts of lightning flickered in and out of existence.

"Hah, pathetic. And that was just a weak 5th tier spell."

She could hear the God of Death mocking her, but it was all blurry as she could feel her spiritual pressure draining and her body shutting down.

She stared up defiantly at the monster that so easily dispatched a Vasto Lord, where had such a beast hid until now? Why would it act now of all times? And more importantly, why would it target her?

The crushing truth of the matter, that she was just in the wrong place at the wrong time totally escaped her as she stared up at the blurry figure.

She felt her life slowly draining away as she thought back to the time she had spent with her group.

Although it wasn't long, she still cherished those days, the days when she walked alone no more. The days spent hunting together, the days spent in rest, hell even the days she had to intervene in her groups' arguments and mock battles… Truly, she wished she could be of this world… at least a little longer. However, as she stared up at the crimson orbs of death itself, it was clear to see that it held no compassion for the living, nor the dead.

She heard death's gown billowing in the chilling winds of Hueco Mundo as her life slowly trickled away. Awaiting the moment when she would draw her final breath she waited, and waited but the finishing blow didn't come, instead the skeletal hollow threw a weird item at her, leaving her with the words "I'll be waiting for you. Next time do put up a fight." he disappeared.

She let out a relieved sigh, before she let herself relax. She was embraced by emptiness once more.

Ainz teleported great distances as he neared his destination; Las Noches, the castle of Baraggan.

It was about time he introduced himself to the God-king of Hueco Mundo and decided who is it that stands at the top. Although, he hadn't been there himself that's why it took a little longer.

He could not use {Gate} to instantly appear there after all, but knowing the general direction, with {Greater teleport} sooner or later he should have the place within sight.

As he crossed great distances he wondered on his course of action, what kind of spells should he use? Should he spare the arrogant lord? From what he had been told it would be troublesome as the old ruler had a short temper and a serious god complex.

In the end he came to the conclusion that first he would see the God-king for himself and then decide his fate. It really only depended on one single point, was his power worthy, great enough to join his ranks for his conquest on this world? Or was it inefficient, negligible? He would see soon.

He thought back to the female Vasto Lord whom he spared her in the end… why? Because from what he had been told there were only 4 great Vasto Lords, meaning that she was certainly on a prominent level in the hierarchy, her death could also spell chaos within Hueco Mundo, even more so if he decided that the fourth Vasto Lord, Baraggan wasn't worth his time.

At least she didn't seem arrogant about her position — that was a plus, although that could be due to the power discrepancy between them, but to Ainz this was still more impressive than an arrogant ruler. Maybe he would recruit her later, he could only hope that he had instilled some kind of gratitude by gifting that trash item to her… well, we'll see, he thought.

Finally, the castle of Las Noches came into view, although it was a little shabby. Incomparable to the Great Tomb he and his friends had built over their long struggles in Yggdrasil. But then again, it wouldn't be fair to compare the two, they ruled on another different level altogether. Ainz let out a sigh, before proceeding to make his entrance.

Inside Las Noches, under the dark skies of Hueco Mundo stood a throne, upon it the God-king Baraggan sat leisurely, garbed in a regal purple coat with a black fur lining, golden crown atop his skull he waited. Supporting his skull with a skeletal hand he stared at the gathered hollows under his command.

Ants they were in his eyes, but still even the weakest among them have uses, he thought as he was about to order them to split into two groups and kill each other for his amusement.

He has stood as the absolute ruler of Hueco Mundo for far too long, no longer were anyone who would dare to challenge his rule, his name was enough to invoke fear, after all he had the greatest of powers, — time. And he took pride in that, believing himself to be invincible. After all, none could resist the passing of time, not even him.

The past centuries have been utterly dull, and thus he had to find a way to alleviate his boredom.

He was about to rase his tilted skull and voice his next command which would send many hollows to a meaningless death, when something unprecedented happened. Something that could provide him with excitement.

He watched as several white pillars extending to the sky around his castle crumbled, something was coming, something was here.

Obscured by the clouds of dust it moved with deliberate steps, cleaving a way straight to his throne. The hollows under his command where utterly incapable of stopping the being as it decimated them with bursts of flames and streaks of lighting.

Then, it stepped out of the cloud and Baraggan froze.

He came face to face with another of his kind, he so believed. The first skeletal hollow other than himself, and as expected of someone who had his appearance, he radiated power. A Vasto Lord, so a fifth was born, Baraggan surmised.

Excellent! He would make a fine addition to his armies, maybe as a general if he has the intellect. Baraggan already imagined a future for the intruder before him, although he had killed many hollows which were under his direct command, but he would spare him for now, and see if he could make up for the losses he has caused.

"You are Baraggan, correct?" The arrival questioned while letting go of his staff to fade into the darkness. Which to be frank impressed Baraggan, what a technique, he thought, but he didn't show it. As his position as the greatest under and above the heavens didn't allow him to do that.

"Indeed, you are addressing Baraggan, God-king of Hueco Mundo! But what are you? You are a hollow like me, yet I feel such malice in your presence. Well, it doesn't matter… Tell me intruder, what is your name?"

"I am the last of the Supreme beings, Ainz Ooal Gown!"

"Huh, such arrogance we'll see how long you can keep that up. Well, welcome to my palace, Las Noches!"

"Hmm, you say palace, yet where is your roof, where are the walls?"

"I don't need a roof. The very skies of Hueco Mundo are my roof. Walls? Laughable, all of Hueco Mundo is my domain, its reaches are my walls."

"Hmm, I like that idea of yours, still a little renovation might do good for this place."


"I shall help you, now obey me."

Baraggan bent forward, questioning if he had heard it right. Did the intruder think that him, the God-king of Hueco Mundo would yield his position and be subservient to anyone?! What an outrage!

Ainz carried on, giving no chance to Baraggan to intervene. Unbeknownst to Baraggan Ainz was surprised that his {Dominate Undead} failed, but maybe the rules have changed, or somehow Baraggan classified as a high ranking undead that even he could not easily sway.

"If you do, I will give you greater power."

"Greater power, you say?"

"That's right."

"Ha-ha-hah! Laughable! Ridiculous!"

Baraggan lost it for a moment and laughed at the sheer inability of the intruder to read the mood.

"…Greater power? Don't make me laugh, you ant!"

"I see."

The atmosphere froze over as the wind died down.

"I shall take you on." Said the God-king. "You're going to be killed by the King of Hueco Mundo. Consider it an honor."

He rushed forward, and brough down his great halberd on the intruder.

Baraggan had his hopes up that this battle wouldn't be like all the rest, but alas he had overestimated the intruder. The moment he appeared before the intruder and brought down his halberd it was obvious. The skeleton, declaring itself as a Supreme being couldn't even react as the halberd fell down on him, ending his life in the process. At least that's what should've happened.

The skeleton garbed in purple gown stood there motionless as Baraggan kept hitting him with the halberd and yet... It was deflected. Every time it hit the bones the weapon would recoil back without dealing any damage.

"Impossible." Baraggan said, before realizing that he was treading in dangerous grounds and disappeared and reappeared back 20 ft from the undead lord.

"Don't do anything pointless." Ainz simply stated as a black halo reemerged behind his skull and his gown levitated and shifted ominously around him.

"I am also the Ruler of Death; did I neglect to mention? Hahahah! My bad!" Ainz declared enthusiastically as a dark aura seeped out from his bones, and a chaotic crimson under his robes.

Ainz didn't know if undead could pale, but he was sure if they could Baraggan would at this point. However, contrary to his expectation the God-king also broke out in a laughter. Which admittedly left Ainz confused, did it go mad? He questioned as he looked over the at the self-proclaimed King of Hueco Mundo. Ainz catching up to the thought process of the God-king declared in a playful matter.

"You can't kill me." He stated in a mocking voice.

The cackling of the God-king came to an abrupt halt and purple mist started to gather around him.

"It doesn't matter who you are, or what powers you have. All those things are meaningless to me. All are equally helpless against my power. Now, DIE!"

The purple mist rushed forward and enveloped Ainz.

"Have you realized your folly? Too bad your bones have already withered away! Ha-hah-!"

"Is that all?" A voice cut off Barragan. It carried over the purple miasma, sending chills down his spine.

Baraggan fueled more power into his ability, his was the power of time, to age anything he touches, or his miasma reaches, yet why? Why hadn't the skeleton withered away?

Meanwhile, Ainz couldn't help but cry out in sheer joy as something out of wildest dreams came into play. Every second he spent inside the purple cloud seemed only to empower him further.

He eyed Baraggan satisfied, truly it was worth to keep this one around. As he thought about that he recalled his World Class Item's description, the item that becomes stronger when he wields it, the item that becomes greater the longer it is equipped. Truly, such fortune. Lady luck was on his side.

Ainz smiled cruelly, although his jaw was hardly equipped to accommodate such an expression. He taunted Baraggan, hoping to reap further benefits.

"Do not tire yourself Baraggan," he said mockingly, "your power has no effect on me, after all from what I can guess seeing the surrounding wither away and die, your power is aging, and I am eternal." Ainz finished in a matter-of-fact manner, as if he were stating the obvious.

Baraggan charged another, more condensed attack while he retorted. "The concept of eternity is an absurd notion, born out of the fear of aging! Just you wait, you'll age, you'll rot, and you'll die! Breath of Death: Respira!"

Ainz was enclosed in a rapidly deteriorating field of death and decay once more. He couldn't help but laugh, it was so easy. Everything was going according to plan.

Hearing his mad laughter Baraggan was emboldened once more.

"Humans die. Animals die. Plants die. Even soul reapers die. It is the arch of the universe. Everything that comes to life eventually ceases to exist."

"Is that so?" A deep voice came from inside the dense purple smog. "Then wouldn't you agree that the exception only strengthens the rule?"

Baraggan staggered in disbelief. It was impossible. The skeleton should be nothing more than dust by now, no, not even that should've remained of him! His was the power of time, the power of aging.

Everything he touches dies, that was the truth of his power. In fact, it was so potent that he had to shield himself with his robes, otherwise he would fall victim to his own power, like a flamethrower papier mache, it would consume itself.

If he were to touch a stone now, it would be dust within mere seconds, and yet the bones of this hollow did not give, it was truly unbelievable. It challenged the very fundamentals Baraggan had laid his beliefs on.

An exception to the rule he said, hah? Maybe if he had chased power more feverishly, he could've attained a body that can withstand his power? Maybe he could've strengthened it more, but why would he? It already decimated everything, at least that's what he has always believed.

The purple miasma dispersed as he stopped fueling more power into it, it was meaningless. The enemy before him was a giant whose power was beyond his comprehension.

"Ah, so you've grown bored as well. Hmm?"

Ainz took a step forward and questioned in a calm, patent manner.

"So, you ready to take my deal?"

Baraggan grasped his halberd as he analyzed his opponent. He was not done, not yet; he was not defeated. However, try as he might, he couldn't sense any weakness before him, only unbridled power. Sensing his resolve, the skeletal Vasto lord who introduced himself so brazenly as a Supreme being had moved.

He lifted an arm in front of his skull, the skeletal fingers all displaying a precious ring glowed with ominous power.

"Consider yourself lucky, none had seen the depts of my power and lived. None."

A skeletal hand slowly reached out and removed a single ring from the outstretched hand and then… Baraggan froze.

The spiritual pressure died down in the vicinity as if afraid of what was to come, when suddenly a pillar rose around Ainz Ooal Gown, a pillar of chaos, of pure energy roared high above the heavens, piercing the skies Baraggan imagined it continuing upwards endlessly, reaching the palace of the Soul King himself.

His resolve rapidly drained as his knees grew weak. Although he surmised that he was yet to see the trump card of the one before him, but not in his wildest dreams could he imagine what presented itself before him now.

It was no spiritual pressure, no bloodlust, no killing intent… it was… pure energy, unbridled chaos, ready to tear apart the world.

The very skies trembled as they distorted, freeing up space so the phenomenon could continue.

There was only one rule amongst hollows, — power ruled above all. As the strongest, Baraggan knew this well, and he had no choice but to accept that the anomaly before him was truly a Supreme being, one to stand far above all.

No words were needed as the golden crown dissipated into the wind, leaving Baraggan's skull bare.

He let his halberd fall to the ground as he fell to his knees before the Great Hollow, who would later become known as the terror of men.

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