《The True King of Death》Transcendence


Soul Society — Seireitei — Sokyoku Hill

Rukia's execution was due, yet things had taken a swift turn as invaders came to save the post-Shinigami. Ichigo's group advanced unhindered through the center of the Soul Society, eventually reaching the place where the deed would take place. All things were looking good for Ichigo's group as they managed to save Rukia, however their delight and relief was short-lived.

Its cause was none other than one more challenger, another Captain Class Shinigami, Sosuke Aizen.

Although the news was that Aizen was mortally wounded not long ago, he was somehow still more than capable of easily overwhelming the now empowered Ichigo. With nothing but a bare hand, he had stopped the sword-swing head on, using two fingers.

No matter how hard they had cried, begged Aizen not to hurt Rukia, Aizen mercilessly trust forward and ripped out the Hogyoku from inside of her. He proceeded to simply throw away her numb body, not even glancing their way, as the Hogyoku occupied his attention.

Finally, he held it within his hands. The power to change the word. The power to reach greater heights. The power to become God.

Although, this wasn't the original plan, he could not allow himself to waste any time.

Going back to Hueco Mundo might be more dangerous than staying here and facing Head Captain Yamamoto. Unlike the Great Hollow, at least this foe he knew, he could measure, and judge the level of power exuded by him.

But that hollow… something didn't add up… He had much too weak of a spiritual pressure to be able to manhandle him, much too little… then how could it be that he lost? Was it some kind of special ability? Or did it suppress his spiritual pressure to deceive him?

Whatever the case, Aizen was not ready to face that one… not yet. He thought and clenched the Hogyoku. 'It must begin now…'

He readied himself, after which he proceeded to embed the Hogyoku through sheer force of will. Now, the small bluish-purple orb pulsed inside of his chest, and veins of blue spread out, gradually transforming his body.

Aizen felt power coursing through him, and a crude, confident smile crept to his face. He brought up his hands and removed his glasses, while sizing up each and every Shinigami in the vicinity.

Ichigo in a tattered black cape posed no threat to him, he was already on the verge of death. He shouldn't kill him now; his plans would go to waste.

Shunsui in a purple flower pattered cape, Jushiro in a simple white robe that matched his hair, and finally his gaze landed on Head Captain Yamamoto. He had all but ignored the gathered lieutenants, it would be a waste of his energy, to consider them anything but an ant.

This was about time when the skies would part, open and a yellow light would suck them out of Soul Society. That was the original plan.

The two captains by his side, Gin and Tosen took up a relaxed position behind him, as if to prompt Aizen to make the first move. Then again, they didn't know yet that they would stay in the Soul Society a little longer... it'd be a death sentence if he faced that hollow now.

Aizen already knew much, close to everything about the Hogyoku, he'd have to jumpstart his evolution himself, will alone would not cut it, he needed resolve and payment for his ascendence.

"We are not leaving yet, don't let your guards down." Aizen said while his pupils focused on Head Captain Yamamoto. Aizen oozed absolute confidence as he stood there, hand resting on his blade.


There was no doubt found within Aizen's mind, he could beat any other captain without a sweat, maybe Kenpachi could pose a problem, but he could always outsmart the brute. That said, Aizen wouldn't be blinded by arrogance and think he can take on the Head Captain at the state he is in.

"Give up Aizen! You are surrounded!" More and more shouts in the likeness of these filled the area, but Aizen simply ignored them.

He felt the Hogyoku calling out to him, understanding his wish, his desire, prompting him to evolve. But the Hogyoku gave nothing without something in return. It read and understood the wish of Aizen captain of the 5th division, to become a greater being, a transcended being without equal. A God.

By placing the Hogyoku inside his chest Aizen has gained the first fusion. To advance forward he had but one thing to do and one alone, to reach his limits, and prompt the Hogyoku to fuel more power into his soul, so that he can break through to the next sphere of power.

Aizen disappeared and reappeared before Shunsui, but the captain was already ready for the attack.

Shunsui might seem lazy, and an unsuspecting man, with his straw hat and flowery robes, but his power and perception were no joke. He instantly countered Aizen and impaled him on his second blade.

He was one of the few that had a double, a twin blade Zanpakuto. The blade tasted blood as it penetrated deep within Aizen's abdomen.

A soft groan was heard, before Aizen retreated, jumping back a few meters.

True, Aizen could have used Kyoka Suigetsu, Perfect Illusion and deceive his foes, but the Hogyoku yearned for a challenge, and it would not forcefully evolve his body if his limits weren't met.

The moment the Hogyoku was integrated within his flesh and soul he had an innate understanding of his new form's abilities, but he needed testing, and test he did.

There was no way he would get hit by an amateur like that. It was all on purpose.

Head Captain Yamamoto was about to speak up and tell Aizen to stop this madness, but… his eyes got caught up by the sight before him. The wound in his abdomen instantly healed, regenerated, as if it had been a lie. No strain could be seen on Aizen's face as he looked at them in contempt.

"Fear is necessary for evolution. The fear that one could be destroyed at any moment." Aizen stated as he stared at Shunsui. "But you, you cannot inspire such fear in me." Aizen carried on, as his eyes slowly turned to Head Captain Yamamoto. "Head Captain, maybe you can pose as a challenge, however fleeting it may be." He finished and flashed forward, blade in hand, ready to strike.

The spiritual pressure skyrocketed in the vicinity and the power was met with power, as the Head Captain met the assault head on.

Somewhere in the vast wastelands of Hueco Mundo

Under the pale moon of Hueco Mundo a small panther trod with haste, each pawn impacted the ground harshly as the Adjuchas rushed, never looking behind, never faltering as he pushed on.

Grimjoww panted, but he didn't dare slow his steps, for if he did all that awaited him was death, no maybe worse than that.

The group of Adjuchas, those few that realized his greatness, and his true potential as one that was destined to be King were no more. In but a few moments all came to an end, as a bizarre creature, Grimjoww wasn't even sure if that was a hollow, but it had to be, sent chills down his spine.


The Great shadow dispatched and consumed his subjects, his comrades, without a trouble and those empty eyes still hungered for more. The shadow loomed as a reaper, ready to steal his soul.

Grimjoww launched at the shadowy creature, but its hide he could not penetrate; his claws and jaw were all ineffective against the Soul Eater as it turned to consume him whole.

He was King. He was supposed to rise one day to be a Vasto Lord, and then... then he would become the King of Lords, King of Hollows.

But now, all those dreams vanished before his azure blue eyes as the Soul Eater charged him.

Yet, he was King. It was his destiny to become the greatest, he could not die here. The sacrifice of those, the many Adjuchas he called comrade could not go to waste.

A part of them he carried, a part of them he consumed before they were forever gone from this world, through the maws of the Soul Eater.

Hollows were eaters of souls, but the one before Grimjoww didn't just consume the memories, the light, a part of identity, but it devoured them whole. Their existence was erased, as If they had never lived. As if they had never even existed.

Grimjoww cursed as he ran, fled from the abomination that was as dark as the very skies of Hueco Mundo. Yet, it did not falter and gave chase, and never gave up.

It mattered not how hard and how long he had raced, the Soul Eater, a shadow of darkness always loomed behind him, always a step behind, waiting for just one mistake.

All it takes is one mistake and his soul is forever lost.

Lost in the abyss that was the maw of the Soul Eater.

The small panther raced on the Horizon, in its tracks darkness followed swiftly as it continued and tried to gobble up the small hollow.

Grimjoww would curse, yet he did not have the energy to waste on such a mundane thing. His life, the life destined for greatness was at stake. 'He had to run… he had to escape, he had to live.' This singular thought cycled, circulated inside his mind, hollowing out any useless notion and thought.

He did not know how long he had run for, but eventually he collapsed due to exhaustion, his azure eyes slowly closed, and he laid to rest. He could only hope that the Soul Eater had given up, for he no longer had the strength to continue fleeing. Finally, his consciousness cut out.

A small white panther, — defenseless, — slumbered out in the open, in the savage dunes, where eaters of souls roamed aimlessly, ever hungering to be 'whole' again.


It's been three days, three days since his new experiment was unleashed upon the unsuspecting hollows.

The Soul Eater that grew more powerful the more souls it consumed was nothing more than a middle-tier undead, a monster Ainz wouldn't consider using as anything other than fodder.

But, in this new and strange world that was so unlike Yggdrasil the Soul Eater proved to be an effective weapon.

The summon preyed on the hollows, the lost souls of the people of this world, growing ever stronger, becoming ever more useful tool for the Supreme One to wield.

For the inhabitants of this world lacked power and thus had no hope of salvation against the savagery of a Soul Eater. Days passed, and the souls, hordes of hollows wailed in torment before the last fragments of their selves were consumed by the shadow that continued to grow on the Horizon.

The beast hunted relentlessly, consuming anything and everything in its pass, as it amassed more and more power. Growing stronger by the minute Ainz considered ordering the Soul Eater to stop, to end its rampage, but... he was yet to see the new limits of his creation.

Back in Yggdrasil the Soul Eater couldn't grow any more powerful after a certain point, no matter the amount of souls fueled into its evolution, but here... it didn't seem to be the case as a mere middle-tier summon already reached the upper echelons of undead, boosting a surprising level of strength equaling that of a newly evolved overlord.

Aizn pondered as he witnessed the Soul Eater devourer yet another Adjuchas class hollow.

Maybe the limits of Yggdrasil were no longer in play, no longer imposed upon the Supreme Lord of Death. He felt different after all, he felt stronger, he felt like nothing could oppose him anymore.

The crimson orbs flared threateningly as Ainz beheld his creation and pondered.

'If such a weak summon could ascend to such heights, then... what would a high tier one be capable of? Say... a Death Emperor?'

Ainz levitated high above ground, his {Perfect Unknowable} active, hidden from prying eyes, he pondered. He had accompanied the Soul Eater, seeing its growth in first person.

'Hmm, then again, the Soul Eater might be a special case due to its unrestrained growth via soul consumptions… more experiments are needed.'

The Overlord concluded, and weighted his options, ultimately deciding against summoning a high tier undead, after all if the rules of the game had changed, then it could mean that the summons' unconditional loyalties might be compromised.

Although unlikely, it wasn't out of the question, best if he tests the waters first with a weaker one.

Ainz thought to himself as he watched the Soul Eater launch after a small white panther. Said hollow was an Adjuchas class, just from its appearance alone, but what caught Ainz's attention was that it held a considerable amount of spiritual pressure, one bordering on Vasto Lord class.

All around them other Adjuchas slowly faded out of existence as the last of their souls were sucked in by the Soul Eater.

"Hmm, that one might prove useful." Ainz thought as he compelled the Soul Eater, giving a mental command and bending the monster to his will.

'Don't hurt that one. Chase it towards the Black Tower.' He ordered, knowing that the Summon had an innate understanding of the master's most primitive knowledge, allowing it to understand and carry out orders more efficiently.

While his crimson orbs tracked the fleeing panther Ainz suddenly remembered something.

'Hmm, come to think of it, the seven days is up, is it not?'

The Overlord disappeared from the night sky of Hueco Mundo.

Las Noches, The Hollow Night Palace

Baraggan laid back on his obsidian throne, granted by the goodwill of the Great Hollow.

The Fallen-God King was deep in thought as he held his chin with a bone hand.

In the past couple of days there was and continued to be an influx of hollows. Primarily Adjuchas class, but there was no absence of Gillians either. Hundreds upon hundreds, sometimes more hollows flocked under his banner as Barraggan stared on baffled.

Normally, Hollows would do absolutely anything to avoid him, now… they searched refuge in his shadow.

Although, it is true that the Great Hollow called to them and gave an ultimatum that all hollow capable of intellect should understand, there was no reason to assume that they would flock to him.

Baraggan himself wouldn't have done so, maybe to alleviate his boredom he would punish the insolent fool who would declare such a thing... but he would not take it seriously, and yet... many have gathered.

Then again, maybe it wasn't most ideal to compare his situation to theirs, after all the weak always flocked to the strong, that was the nature of things. Even in Hueco Mundo, where hollows consumed each other, and the weaker one was nothing but food to the strong, there were those that gathered in groups, as a form of defense, to protect themselves.

There was also a rumor going around the camp that worried Baraggan. He elevated his line of sight, and his second in command, a hollow of the Adjuchas class greeted him, much in the form of a saber-toothed cat.

"So, have you heard the rumors?"

"Yes my liege."

"And...? What do you think about its legitimacy?"

"My Lord, I only heard bits of pieces, but if you insist." Said the hollow as he looked up at his Lord.

"I believe that they are too far-fetched to be trusted. I mean... a monster of a hollow that feasts on other Hollows... there is nothing new in there... but..."

"Yes, it leaves nothing behind. Not even a shell of the former hollow... this is worrying...Ggio-" Baraggan fell silent as his eyes strayed to the fugitive crowds that continued to stream into his domain.

"I'll ask around and see what I can find, my Lord." The hollow which eerily resembled a saber-toothed cat said with a light bow of the head, before taking his leave.

'Better to ask Lord Ainz... and see what he knows about this.' Baraggan thought and stood up from his obsidian throne. 'Although, it'd be nice if I could test my powers on him." He thought, and took off, his destination; the Black Tower.

At his abrupt departure many hollows, small and great have been alarmed, for they had come here for the protection of Baraggan; God-King of Hueco Mundo.

Now that he was gone there remained little to no reason to stay here, was the thought process of many gathered here. Still, the confidants of the God-King have stayed and thus most did not flee even without the God-King's shadow. He would surely return, or else his commanders would have followed their Lord.

Some hollows recalled the words uttered three days ago, echoing in the entirety of Hueco Mundo, the words that declared Hueco Mundo as its property. Was that it? The hollow, relentlessly hunting them wanted subservience?

No, that wasn't right... Many hollows nodded along the thought. That shadow wanted nothing more than to feast on their suffering and consume them whole.

Then what was it all about? They wondered, some of the more intelligent ones suspecting a ploy of some kind, yet none of them could guess how wrong they all really were...

The Soul Society

Yamamoto grasped his Zanpakuto mightily as he faced off against Aizen. 'How has it come to this?' He asked himself, Aizen had such potential that Yamamoto secretly hoped that one day maybe he would be the one to take his place as Head Captain. He grumbled and creased his aged brows, and flames roared by his sides, lifting his white uniform, charring it in the process.

"Aizen throw down your arms, you are surrounded!" Called out Sui-Feng, captain of the 2nd division. Fearing what Yamamoto's wrath might entail.

Six captains and the head captain himself was present, Aizen could not possibly think he could win, — Gin and Tosen were already overwhelmed and knocked unconscious, — but then why? Why would he continue struggling? Why wouldn't he just give up?

There was no way Aizen could get out of this alive, other than surrendering that is, but… they all doubted such an outcome as white matter manifested, like a crust, covering Aizen's whole form.

The Hogyoku's power exploded in pure white, covering Aizen's body from head to toe, forming an impenetrable barrier. He could no longer be damaged physically but could receive and understand any attack. Aizen intuitively understood that, and so he let himself be pummeled into the ground again and again. Each attack pushing him closer to his limits, to his next evolution.

"Fall back!" Someone shouted in the chaos, as the three captains bearing down on Aizen retreated, an earthquake manifested and a huge crater formed on the ground, collapsing under the pressure.

Yamamoto's eyes opened by a fraction and a pressure that would force most Shinigami to their knees descended on the area, yet Aizen weathered it without a hitch.

"P-please h-head captain, d-don't do this!" Momo, lieutenant of the 5th division cried out, the strain clearly audible in her voice.

She was so happy to find out that Aizen is alright, but why? 'Why were the other captains hurting him? He didn't deserve this! He didn't do anything wrong!' She was convinced Aizen was not in the wrong, she was convinced that this was all just a misunderstanding.

She continued to cry, and beg the head captain, yet all in vain as her cries fell on deaf ears.

Yamamoto raised his Zanpakuto, the air trembling in the heat, as his monstrous Reiatsu raged.

He could no longer deal with Aizen half-heartedly.

The heat skyrocketed and massive, all-consuming flames burst alive.

The change was palpable in all of Soul Society as air became dry, and hot, increasingly more unbearable as one closed in on the source.

The captains had all moved and evacuated their lieutenants, few had seen Yamamoto in action, but they've heard of the tales, and knew that the power of the strongest would be overwhelming.

Monstrous flames roared around Yamamoto as he held a serious expression and clenched his sword, Ryujin Jakka, the strongest fire type Zanpakuto.

"You will learn your lesson child, there is a reason I remained as the Head Captain through all this time… the reason being… not one Shinigami strong enough to replace me has born for over a thousand years!" Yamamoto roared as the last of his vestiges disappeared, revealing his scarred, steel body.

Shikai was released.

Hurricanes of flames rose and raged as they moved by Yamamoto's will and closed in on Aizen.

Aizen merely drew his sword, and a confident smirk formed, hidden behind his white mask.

The cries of Momo were drowned out in the chaos as the flames of destruction rampaged.

Aizen simply stood his ground and welcomed the flames of destruction, silently thanking Yamamoto for his hand in his evolution. In the end he was nothing but a steppingstone.

After only one hit, his threshold was reached, and he was ready for evolution.

He attained the 3rd fusion, where his spiritual pressure could no longer be perceived.

Aizen stared down the Head Captain even as tempests of hellfire raged around him.

The shell covering his head disintegrated, his shell in shattering, revealed his 'woken form'.

A visage characterized by deep purple eyes, and a longer hair.

He was no longer bound by the rules of the universe.

"Head Captain, this is the end." Aizen said, as he flashed forward, slicing at the aged Shinigami.

The Soul Palace

Upon the most high, sealed within a brilliant palace the most ancient being awoke.

For centuries it laid dormant, carrying out the job forced upon him by those he trusted most.

The Six Ancestors, they had betrayed and sealed him away, forever bound to do their bidding.

They conducted a ritual, where they teared him apart, limb from limb, clouded his mind, and compelled his power to separate the world into three. Finally, he was sealed within a primordial crystal and compelled to be the linchpin that held these three worlds in balance.

He worked on autopilot, never thinking, nor comprehending the work he was assigned to do, a role no-one else was capable of fulfilling.

He was the fabric, from which the three worlds were made. He was the linchpin that connected and held the universe together, without him there would be no Human World, no Hueco Mundo, and no Soul Society.

He carried the Souls through their never-ending cycle, to life, to death, to the afterlife, to hell, to reincarnation, wherever their journey leads them.

Maybe the Soul Reapers where the ones present at such jobs, but in truth it was his power, his presence that allowed them to fulfill their purpose.

It has been this way for eons, and the number of souls has never decreased nor increased, it had always remained the same. Always keeping the fragile balance.

A balance for which he was sacrificed for. A balance for which he paid with body and soul. A balance for which his free will was taken, a balance that was for the greater good.

There, in the pale light of the room, a torso frozen in a pale crystal towered unmoving.

There were no limbs, none.

Only a torso, and a head.

That was all that is left of the Soul King upon the Palace above the realms.

His stark eyes were clouded, empty since time immemorial. And yet, now they shone with power and recognition as the countless seals holding a part of his body, a fraction of his omnipotence, shivered.

Cracks spread in the crystal as the rumble rose in volume and the ethereal chains binding him shimmered, reaching a breaking point.

The Soul King, the first being in existence, whose very shards had created the many universes and its multiverse now had awoken.

He had felt a definite shift in the presence of Hueco Mundo, as if it had expanded and crumbled. He moved his sight over the dunes, but something had interfered. Something had clouded his vision.

The seals binding him would not allow him to regain any more power, as they eventually tightened yet again around him, stifling his consciousness, returning him into a vegetative state, where he continued his assigned job, as a puppet without a mind of its own.

Souls had gone missing, disappeared, gone were they from the cycle.

The Soul King felt the anomaly and expanded his senses, searching for the cause of concern.

Right before his all-seeing eyes were the entirety of the Three Worlds, but soon zoomed in on Hueco Mundo. In an attempt to find and correct the mistake, the seals had allowed more power of the first reaper to manifest.

The Soul King, a mockery of a title given to him out of pity for his fate regained a semblance of his past self, his memories, his intellect, his powers... and yet the chains binding him constricted, not allowing any leeway that would free him.

The crystal carrying a slight hue of orange shimmered as the Soul King's unnatural eyes opened wide to the world, taking in all that was stripped of him. His senses flared, just like the spiritual pressure in the realm and he regained conscious thought.

Now fully aware, yet still bound, a prisoner, he watched.

His all-seeing eyes travelling and scanning Hueco Mundo for the source of the anomaly, as the spells binding him compelled him to fulfill his purpose, his job as ' The Soul King', Keeper of the Balance.

Ethereal whispers left the chamber and expanded unimpeded in the realm of the floating castle.

'My royal guard, I order you, go forth. Find the source of this anomaly and eliminate it. That is my will. That is your King's will.'

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