《Vacuous Void》Chapter 8- Colo


Chapter 8- colo

Right now Void was still in Rinz’s realm.

“Well Rinz, I better go. I hope you don't ever come out of this realm.” (V)

“Well, Void, Void.. you know that is unavoidable. And if I do come out, the world shall kneel before the sovereign.” (Rz)

“Hahaha, you think they will kneel before you? Just wait.” (V)

Void waved his hand and jumped into an dark purple hole that appeared out of nowhere.

What came into view was not what he expected. His body had actually traveled with his mind somehow, just imagine Faire right now.

The area was an forested land, which was when he meet Rieme. Looking around the ground was messed up as fuck. It was like an huge Phoenix from space had came in like an asteroid coming into the orbit to never burn up. Dust were still flowing around and if technology and magic wasn't in this world, it feels like everybody might have died just going in here.

He looked around and found an unknown person laying on the ground. The guy had horns and was hugging his knees.

Void came up to him and looked down at his ragged clothes. He then pulled him up only to get pushed back.

Void tried many other methods but nothing worked and in the end he decided to throw the guy in his verse space.

He literally just kidnapped an homeless guy.

Once that was done, Void walked toward the town and came upon an familiar face.

That face was Driana’s and when she saw him, she ran towards him with crazy speed.

She was not wearing armor, but an white dress. The dress had yellow flowers and purple patterns on it, it went nicely with her flowing blond hair.

“Where have you been? It's been an whole month, you were in the hospital, but then disappeared and that little girl didn't know where you went and just said you disappeared in front of her.” (DV)

What? I've been gone for an whole month? Rinz! So your fucking realm had slowed down time compared to the dimensions, fucking bastard.

“Nothing, I've just got teleported by an unknown being and came back here.” (V)

“Really? Did you take care of that unknown being or is he still here.” (DV)

“Don't worry about it, all I can say is that I'm here right now.” (V)

Void didn't want to give much information or that tyrant might strike, again. Please don't.. my head.. ahhhhhh……

““What the.”” (V&DV)

“It's raining chickens?” (DV)

“What the fucking hell, this dimension is fucked up, I better get out of here fast!” (V)

Yep, it was raining chickens… chickens! Uh….. help!!!!!!


Oh, yeah I forgot, this les got punish too.

I'm not an lesbian! no offense, I didn't know my gender!

“Okay, Driana, where's Faire now?” (V)

He decided to just ignore the raining chickens and ask Driana. That didn't go for the town's people though, some tried to catch the chickens, some got pooped on, and some were so stunned they couldn't move.

“She's in my house, she has been locked up in your old room for weeks.” (DV)

Driana was looking around like she just saw the most stupidest thing in her life. She didn't know why Void was so calm, but she suspected he had something to do with it.

“What? Really, I hope she didn't…. um, lets go see her right now.” (V)

He was about to say something, but decided not to say it. This bitch probably had some kind of porn somewhere in the room.

“Okay.” (DV)

Void decided to ignore the narrator and just move on. Ignore me, huh? I'll just keep talking then.

They soon arrived at Driana’s house and went in.

What greeted them was an flash of light.

It was Faire and it seems she was full of spirit. And ran into Void, hugging onto him, when he tried to shake her off, she wouldn't budge a bit.

“Void I'll never let go, again, I shall always be by your side until you die.” (F)

“Please Faire, let go I'll never die, really I won't.” (V)

She still wouldn't let go, so Void just walked to his room with Faire hugging his leg.

Unbeknownst to them someone was watching them, with the eyes to an killer. I really gotta keep my fucking mouth quiet.

“I already know, I already know.” (V)

“Know what?” (F)

“Nothing, don't worry, uh.. I gotta stop saying that.” (V)

Once nighttime came, both Void and Faire was in their room sleeping. Void’s eyes opened and he got away from Faire and jumped into an unknown hole like the last time.

What he came to was an world where purple and darkness roamed. And on the floor was the guy that Void saw on his way.

This was Void’s realm made with verse space and was mostly the opposite of how Rinz’s realm looked.

Void walked up to the guy and told him to stand up. And in this realm nobody can disobey him and so the guy stood up.

When he stood up, his hair flowed down like an river and Void soon realized the guy was an girl.

Why is mostly every character in this series an girl! Even me!

“Oi, what's your name?” (V)

The person didn't answer.

“{what's your name}” (V)


Void decided to use his control, if she didn't answer.

“My name is Colo.” (Colo)

“Colo, can you tell me why you were doing in the forest and what happened to your clothes.” (V)

“Uh.. I have no family, no friends, and no home… I was there because nobody accepted me living in the streets.” ©

“Wow, an little girl living in the streets, the world is truly cruel.” (V)

The world is always cruel, whenever you go, true peace never exist unless no life exists and not even an atom moves.

“How about this Colo, join me and you'll have an better life.” (V)

Void needed another little girl in his harem, so he decided to invite her. Fucking lust driven idiot!

what... I'm doing this for an plan! Girls are scary....

“Really?” (Colo)

“Yes, but you must agree and never betray me.” (V)

She thought about it for along time, and finally said.

“I swear, I shall agree and never betray you.” (Colo)

“Good then stay in this realm for a while, I will come back when time comes.” (V)

“Yes.” (Colo)

All of a sudden an futuristic castle came out from the ground and covered the lands.

“You shall live here for now.” (V)

“Yes! And thank you.” (Colo)

Her eyes were wide open, she had never seen something this big just come out of nowhere. She was also very thankful that Void gave her somewhere to live.

“Yeah, now I have to go.” (V)

When he said that he made something out of thin air. They were clothes and he tossed it to Colo and headed off.

Void disappeared and came back into his own room but had not expected this to happen.

Faire was gone and the room was like an whole new room.

All he could come up with was that the time in his realm was really slow.

Then all of a sudden Faire ran in and hugged him, again. But this time it was even tighter.

She had an sense that told her where Void is, and for a long time the sense didn't work but now it does.

Then, Driana came into the room and said.

“ Void you've been gone for an month, again. Where did you go?” (DV)

This voice was full of ill intent and very cruel sound and her eyes glowed more red with every second.

“Uh.. honey, I can explain.” (V)

“Explain what? How you ran away from me? Your wife.” (DV)


Nah.. I'm back

“Hear me out Driana, I wasn't running from you, I was running from the crazy.” (V)

“So you were running from me?” (DV)

“No, I was running from her.” (V)

Void pointed at Driana.

“Uh huh, from me. So, why did you run? To get some more girls!?” (DV)

Her face reddened, when Void didn't that and she made Ann fist.

“No, I was doing it for adventure and excitement.”

“Then, how do you explain her!” (DV)

Driana pointed at Faire, who was still hugging onto Void.

“She's a dragon that I summoned.” (V)

“No matter how you look at it that's an little girl!” (DV)

“Just believe me she's an dragon and an overgod.” (V)

“Okay, this once because she's cute but any other and I'll hunt them all down.” (DV)

She said that transforming into an angle with wings and an butcher knife in her hands. The appearance did not fit an angle at all.

“Okay, I've gotta go now.” (V)

“You better be back within an hour.” (DV)

Void decided he couldn't do anything and just ran. He went to the town square and walked around.

He saw townspeople who had chicken poop on their face, one had it in his mouth, some hugging chickens, and some being chased by chickens like they were the prey.

It was really lively, it seems like they enjoyed the author's punishment, help.....

That lady is a pain in the ass, first she made me marry her and then decided to keep me locked up in everian.

She had even chased me all the way over here, when she's got something to take of and look over. She could be what you call possessive and would never let me look at anyone, not even a boy.

Before Void knew it 30 minutes had passed and he was still walking around the town. He then decided to go check on colo.

I quickly decided to go to my realm and check on Colo. Oh, and I changed to speed to time to match this dimension’s.

When I got in, Colo was still at the doorway. Still holding the clothes that I gave her, looking at it with shiny eyes.

She looks like an cute girl which just got something they really wanted as an present.

The time here was so slow compared to that dimension’s, she barely moved. I decided to check on her status before talking to her.

Error… error…

System overload… 101010110101010101100101010110101010101010010110100101010101010011010101010101010100011001100101010101010101010101010101010101010101011010101001011010010110100101010101010101010101010101010101010101010100101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010010101010101011010101010101010101010100001010101001011010101010101010101010011001010101101010100111010110101010101010010101101010101101010110101010101010

(It broke, I'll fix it)

“What happened?” (V)

(They system broke, so apparently you can't use the status thing anymore)

“Fuck you! You just didn't want to write the status screen did you!” (V)

(Dark clouds rolls in)

“I'm sorry! Please don't do it, my bum bum still hurts.” (V)

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