《Vacuous Void》Chapter 7- rebirth and dead


Chapter 7- Rebirth and dead

It was nighttime, the sky seemed to bring sorrow and silence was the only thing to be heard. On two beds, were two people laying there without any movement or disturbance of any kind. The bright moonlight shined on their bodies, which made them look like they were fully connected with the world.

Suddenly, one of the bodies sat up. It was Void, he served surroundings, then spoke.

“You can stop pretending now, that bitch is gone.” (V)

The other body then jumped up, looking fully alive and full of excitement.

“Why couldn't we kill her? She was so troublesome and stupid.” (F)

That whole battle they were pretending, to get rid of an cunning lady, Faire was irritated to the point of wanting to slaughter everything.

“I have my reasons, this will keep her away for a while, but she will come back. She should learn that there are zero ways to kill me, there might be Rinz, but we shall never meet” (V)

Rinz was an person who has power parallel to Void, but they couldn't fight or meet with each another for reasons though. He was superior in one way Void was not though, and that was he didn't have an human mind like Void. He never wavers from his goal and would have killed Rieme, if he was in Void’s position.

“Who's Rinz? And there is actually someone who has power as much as you?” (F)

“Faire you don't need to know anything, but sometime in the future you will meet him. And I'll only set this warning for you, go back to your realm as quickly as possible and never get near him or talk to him.” (V)

“Okay, if you say so, but why do it seems as if he's an bad guy.” (F)

“Don't worry he's not an bad guy, just run as soon as he comes, I'll probably be hiding in my own dimension.” (V)

Void has never feared anything, this was not fear but an escape from trouble.

“Yes.” (F)

Another troublesome fellow will come and make the story progress, is that the way an story goes when you run out of shit, author!

“Now, let me warn you this Faire, we cannot die anymore. The skills are limited to the system and the minds of the creative, and also my skill level is a bit low for another revival. At least we survived.” (V)


An sound came from behind Void and when he looked back, it was too late. An arrow, which had black liquid dripping from it had shot into his heart. The liquid went up to make an rainbow flame and left an hole in his heart.

“Fuck, why? Stupid author! Why…” (V)

(To make the story progress the way I want it, of course)

“Why this way!” (V)

(If nothing could harm you, then an outsider will have to do)

Void fell back and laid on the bed. Faire at this point was in full worry and surprise, nothing could describe her feeling right now.


“Ah..ha, are you alright!?” (F)

“Don't worry about me, I am an person that flames will not go out until the end… -I am the main character after all-“ (V)

Void eyes closed and went back to being like he was before he woke up a while ago.

-perspective change- (Faire)

And so we changed to Faire’s perspective.

She was crying and holding on to Void’s body as tight as possible.

“Hahaha, I'm going crazy! Void come back, I hear an voice in my head!” (F)

Oh shit, uh.. author change back!

-Perspective change- (Void)

Everywhere in his vision was dark, nothing could be seen. After an few moments an light showed up far away and flickered.

This was not in his mind he knew that. This was somewhere unknown and he was brought here when he died.

Void could not speak or hear an sound, all he could see was that light. He started to walk towards it and then he heard something.

“Well, well, well, isn't it Void. Nice to see you again, hahaha.” (??)

The voice came from the light, it was pinkish towards the edge and black in the middle.

“Well, well, well, isn't it my asshole. How the fuck did you get out of my body.” (V)

“Uh…” (??) *raises middle finger, oh wait it's just an light*

The light could do nothing back, he didn't have an body, all he has was an orb of light.

“Can't do anything back, huh? Expected that from a guy whose always serious.” (V)

“Says the dit witted dumb brain.” (??)

“Well, Rinz, you were born with the rift-sovereign side and I was born with the human intelligence. So what?” (V)

“It means you're dumber! Hahaha” (Rinz)

Totally unfunny………

“Remember Rinz, we are the same person just different personalities and a few more.” (V)

The darkness around Void started to crack and disappeared like it never existed.

What came into view was an shining sun in the sky and beautiful landscape. In the middle of all the was an castle and an man who looks exactly like Void but with white hair was there.

“Welcome to my realm Void, your darkness shall never reach this part of the world.” (Rz)

This was Rinz’s world and home. He mostly resides here because he didn't really like adventure and just like to read or do some experiments.

After a while, Void pulled out his sword and Rinz pulled out his. They were like opposites, one had an shade to it and the other shined like the morning sun.

"hahaha, Void, we have to fight huh? May the best win." (Rz)

"We are like fire and water, like the moon and the sun, we are opposites and incompatible." (V)

After Void said that, he slashed, but Rinz side stepped and avoided it.

"Oh, are we already going, then let me show you my skill Void." (Rz)

Rinz came back with an downwards swing, but when it got midway, he disappeared and was now behind Void, putting out an stab.


Void was fast enough and turned back. He tried to parry the strike, but only managed to block it and didn't hit Rinz. He then jumped and rolled on the ground, what came afterwards was an flash of light where he was standing before.

"I see Rinz, now it's my turn to show off." (V)

Void was now out of sight, what came in was about 20 shadows holding weapons. They all ran at Rinz, taking an strike at him but none managed to get through and Void showed up in the sky.

He was flying towards Rinz and at an very high speed. The next moment, they clashed blades and were now face to face.

They both had an grin on their face, they moved and put the weapons next to each other's neck. They sliced, but the hit didn't go through for both of them, they were both protected by the sovereign's armor skill.

Both of them slash at the other sides, their swords glowed with their color. They didn't dodge, because they knew, now, the only way to hurt the other was to not fear other's incoming attack.

This time their attack went through, the side of their abdomen was cut. Void bled the color red and Rinz's blood was black.

They both stepped back and disappeared. All of an sudden the sky had only two colors, the color of an purplish black and an yellowish white.

An boom, then sounded throughout the world. The once colorful realm, now had dust all over.

When the dust cleared both, Void and Rinz, were standing in the middle of an field of grass. Blood fell from their eyes and they puked up blood, the field was being polluted with blood from the two.

They both fell on their knees, but managed to stand up again. They seemed lifeless, as they slashed, dodged, blocked, and parried each other for a few more hours. Blood kept on spraying around the place and it was finally over when both were lying on the field, unconscious.

They both came to, at the same time and stood up. A flash of light came from both of them and it was like nothing had happened. They had healed themselves, the blood around them were gone and they put their weapons away.

Both, Void and Rinz, were the same person but some status were different about them. When Void checked Rinz's status they were almost the same.

[Race: rift-sovereign]

[age: 27,193]

[gender: male]

[level: 66]

[class: Sovereign of Timeless]

[Strength: 107](+1000%)

[Agility: 129] (+1000%)

[Intelligence: 95] (+1000%)

[Techniques: The best of the best] (+1000%)

{title} [the one who has no beginning or end, the one who shines,....]


Skills and most, were the same as Void, but this guy was an full rift-sovereign and he had the class sovereign of timeless.

The class was like the opposite of sovereign of alpha and omega, they had no beginning or end.

Void then stopped looking and the status screen, somehow they got into chairs. He stood up and said.....

“Wanna study an way to get out of this system and beat this author up?” (V)

“What?” (Rz)

I have nothing to say……………….

“Hell yeah! Now, you're speaking my language.” (Rz)

The sky above both of them darkened, storm clouds came into being, and lightning struck all around them.

“Hahaha, darkness shall not reach, look at the sky!” (V)

Void did all this to make darkness to reach that realm, but he was soon to realize, he made a big boo-boo.

“You're an idiot! Now we're both gonna get an electric spanking!” (Rz)

“Oh… fuck!” (V)

Void just realized and the worst part was that he realized, they couldn't do anything back or stop it.

The next moment lightning strikes hit the both of them like crazy. I'm glad I'm not a physical being, this author was an tyrant of tyrants, he was the worst of the worst. Oh shit….

(Did you learn your lessons? Now, I got somebody else to take care of)

Oh, shit! Shit… shit… shit… shit

Ahhhh!!!!!!!! It hurts!!! It hurts!!! Please stop! Please!

(Just because you're not an physical beings, does not mean I can't punish you)

“To punish an lady, how cruel.” (Rz)

Both of them were charred black and you couldn't even tell which was which or if they were even alive. Not that I got off any better, the terror, the pain, that chicken was gonna rip me apart. Ahh.. I have a phobia of chickens now…. Ahhh.

Both Void and Rinz were now back to normal. As for me, I still have an phobia of chickens, get this chicken out of my head!

By the way? What lady was Rinz talking about? I thought he was an boy..

““Aren't you the lady?”” (V&Rz)

What? I was an lady? Wait.. then why did I ask for an lady narrator in the beginning?

“I thought you were an les.” (V)


“Void, why do we have an lesbian inside our head?” (Rz)

Rinz talked to Void like they never fought and like they were on friendly terms.

They were still the same person, all in all.

“I don't know, I bet this guy didn't even know her own gender.” (V)

“So, you were assuming your own gender, wow.” (Rz)

I didn’t know, wait… I'm not part of Void's harem right?

“Hard to say, if this guy could get an fucking literal dimension in his harem, then it'll be bad if he couldn't get you.” (Rz)

I'm doomed… author please tell me, I'm not part of it.

(Hard to say…. I'll leave that up to the story)

No, don't leave that up to that, I'm doomed….. uhhhhh

“Do you hate me that bad?” (V)

Shiny, handsome, fuck!

( (- •) )


“What about me?” (Rz)

……. ugly

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