《Vacuous Void》Chapter 6- The dragon and an encounter, and it's loyalty (the true start)


Chapter 6- the dragon and an encounter, and it's loyalty

What came out the rift was not an dragon nor an big one. It was in fact An little girl seeming to be close to 9. She was wearing a dress which looks like scales and was rainbow colored. She had scales on her face, which seems to rip space apart seconds by seconds.

“Master, this follower shall follow your every command and protect you till the end, what did you call me for.” (dragon girl)

“First, I summoned you for a test, and second, can you please tell me your name first.” (V)

“Master, this lowly follower doesn't have an name, please give me one.” (dragon girl)

“Oh.. let me think.. how about Faire.” (V)

“This follower shall accept.” (Faire)

“Oh, and call me Void, that master thing is not to my liking, and can you tell me more about yourself?” (V)

“Well then, Void, this one is an dragon overgod, one who rules all dragons. I've lived for millions of years and you're the first that can rule this queen.” (F)

“You've lived for millions of years? Why are you still an little girl! And for so many year you still didn't have an name!?” (V)

Void’s eye shined like an lolicon, while staring at the millions of year old grandma, who looks like an 9 year old girl.

I hate this narrator! Please, someone replace him, I don't wanna go crazy. And I'm not an pervert or lolicon, shut up!

“This appearance is due to the fact that I've stopped aging at an very young age and cause of a ruler’s blood in my bloodline. This one didn't have an name because this one was alone from the day she was born and you're the first for this one to meet in person.” (Faire)

“What a sa….”

All of a sudden an ear deafening sound could be heard. Above them were fighter jets, flying in formation, they seem to be checking the area.

The fighter jets found nothing, of course Void was like a part of the shadows with his armor and Faire was too little to be seen. All the fighter jets could see was fallen trees and smoke of ash, they couldn’t find anything, so they figured it to be a natural phenomenon and an asteroid might have gotten into the orbit. Their space technology was as advanced as about Earth, so that's what they thought about this phenomenon. The fighter jets finally went away, so Void and Faire returned to normal.

“Let's get out of here Faire, they might come back.” (V)

Void was worried that Faire might have been recorded or seen because she was not cloaked like him, so he decided to get away as fast as possible.


“I don't wanna walk..” (F)

“……” (V)

Void just stared at her, reached out for her back and grabbed her dress, then he jumped of the ground and they disappeared. Faire was caught with surprise, but all she could do was hang by her back as they disappeared. They then landed in an forested area and Void put her down.

“That's not how you should treat a lady, Void.” (F)

“Well, you were gonna ask for a ride, right?” (V)

“At least make it an piggyback ride and not by grabbing my dress.” (V)

“Blablabla… let's just go!” (V)

“Uuuu… you don't understand an lady do you.” (F)

Faire made an pouting face and started chasing after him.

Then, Void suddenly stopped and stared in front and when Faire got close within an meter of him an rift opened. They stared and something came out.

What came out was Rieme, an old friend of Void, not really an friend more like an enemy, which didn't know when to give up. Void wanted to get rid of her, but…. He decided to keep her alive for fun, that didn't turn out very well did it?

She was tall, had full futuristic armor on, and had an purple glowing rapier in her hand. She then pointed her rapier at Void and took an stance.

“Finally found you, it seems your stealth was lowered, Today, you will fall for sure, may your last breath be by my hands” (Rieme)

“Shut it! Stupid void-overgod, you know nothing could kill me but time itself.” (V)

What Void said was correct, not gods, not the world itself, nothing could kill him. Only time itself has little effect on him.

“You were never meant to exist, you hold too much power in your hands, and I'm here to stop you from causing chaos with that power.” (Rieme)

“What have I done that caused chaos, huh? Explain.” (V)

“That one time you killed the Supreme god and caused chaos for the throne in the upper realms, that one time you teleported in on me in the showers, you also ran from your wife and I got a lot more.” ®

“Okay.. first the supreme god was trying to kill me, so I killed him.” (V)

“Within the first second you met him!” (Rieme)

“Future sight?” (V)

“Bullshit!” (Rieme)

“And second, I did not teleport in on you on purpose, I was testing it out.” (V)

“More bullshit!” (Rieme)

“And third, that lady was crazy! She would tie me up to keep me from messing with other girls and I just knew I had to run.” (V)

Rieme’s face turned red and she stabbed out her rapier. The rapier had an very was speed and you couldn't see it with the naked eye. The stab went through Void like he was an ghost and he made an crying expression. Blood poured out from his stomach, mouth, and nose and he fell down on the ground lifeless and pale.


Faire from the beginning was listening to their conversation, but she did not expect Rieme’s stab to be so quick. She looked at Void lying lifeless on the ground and regretted that she was alive and he wasn't.

Faire then turned to Rieme with an red face full of anger and her dress changed into armor and an great sword appeared in her hands. The armor was full of black scales and the helmet had horns. The great sword was thrice her size, like it would fall back on her in any moment but it didn't. It had an dragon symbol on it, which was black, and the sword had red for the part without the symbol.

Faire slashed out with great speed, making the wind move with the blade. Rieme at this moment was staring at the lifeless Void and barely managed to escape from death. Rieme was was wounded but could still fight, she stabbed at Faire with her rapier, but Faire blocked it with her great sword.

Faire was in battle mode, she would fight until she died. She slashed and slashed, thinking in her mind, her master was not dead, but she could see him on the ground with a pool of blood around him.

Rieme stabbed and stabbed, but managed to miss every one of them. She on the other hand was heavily wounded from the start. She knew her rapier was powerful enough to kill Faire, but Faire was too agile even with an great sword, she had to find a to take her by surprise.

Rieme knew the rapier would pierce her armor and the traded blows and sparks flew every where. She was fighting against an dragon race, which specializes in armor but this dragon seems too agile. She herself was an unique race, an rifter, whose has the power to travel and manipulate space. She was also an overgod, so why couldn't she kill this person. She came to an conclusion that the person before her was an higher being.

The battle went on and on, in the end both were overwhelmed with tiredness and wounds. They clashed blades, trees fell, the ground got deformed, and birds flew away. They moved from spot to spot, jumping, flying, and running.

Faire slashed out her great sword, and Rieme dodged backwards. Rieme stabbed and Faire dodged to the side and slash with her great sword. Rieme teleported to Faire’s back for a last hitter, but Faire teleported, too. They were like experts which was on an level nobody can reach in battle.

Their energy and mana was running out at this point. The battle slowed down and their swings, slashes, and stabs slowed down.

Rieme during when Faire was swinging downwards teleported to her back and Faire was too tired to react in time and a sword pierced her armor from her back. She fell down on her knees, looked backwards and could only watch as she fell face down on the ground with an pool of blood forming. She went unconscious and could finally enjoy an time where she was not fighting.

Rieme kneeled down, looked at Faire and then Void. Tears came from her eyes, what had she done, and for what. All she could feel was emptiness inside, like her heart was gone. She then stood up, looked up at the sky and disappeared into nothingness.

The place were Faire and Void were lying was in an mess. Trees were no where to be seen, the ground you couldn't even tell it was dirt.

Their bodies did not make any movement for days, there were no signs of life, only silence. One day an group came into the woods and discovered them. Of course they could see Void, because the effect of the armor didn't work at this point. They decided to carry them back to town and investigate them and why they died. One of the group member cried while carrying their bodies back for an investigation on them, it seems she has probably never seen an dead body before.

At this time in the higher realm, which was an home to gods and overgods, an battle was happening.

The battle was between fallen gods and higher gods who wanted to rule the heavens one way or another.

There were ranks for gods, lesser gods are little known and mostly weak gods, gods were just an ruler who controlled something, greater gods had a little more power over their controlled powers, and overgods were the most powerful in their control and power, the supreme god was one of a kind god which ruled all but now he's gone, you know why. The fallen and higher gods were made of gods from the rank lesser gods to greater gods. The reason why overgods were not in the war, was they lived in another realm above the heavens called everian.

They were connected but overgods ruled their own realm and had very set rules and minds.

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