《Vacuous Void》Chapter 5- Void is an OP main character and a change


Chapter 5- Void is an OP main character and a change

It's was the afternoon Driana has gone to work and Void and decided upon something. He wrote an note for Driana and tied it to her room handle.

The note read-

Dear, Driana

If you're reading this then I'm gone, I hope you will take care. I don't know when we will see each other again, so use my computer all you want as a farewell gift(just delete the history for me, If I forgot). I will be going to get an identification card and going into the woods. Don't worry about me, I will be fine, you know my skills. Be careful around people now, the world is a deceiving place and remember to not walk around naked.

Sincerely, Void

At this time, Void was walking outside the gate and going into the woods. He was in an attire different from usual, he had an sword around his waist, and was wearing armor, which made him look like an thief, you would find in games at the highest level.

The sword shined with darkness, it felt like the shadows could come to life and charge at you at any moment. This sword was an sword Void made a long time ago. He has used the highest blacksmith skills to create this weapon. The weapon was named . It was an katana made for stealth battles and could kill without a sight of moving. It also had skills embedded in it that could be triggered by the user.

[An weapon created by an existence that could over rule all. Had power to split space and time itself. The most and all omnipotent stealth weapon of all world and shall ever be]

{Embedded skills}

[time splitter]- split time itself and stop it from moving completely

[black eater]- summon darkness to eat anything in your path

[beheader of gods]- instantly behead people no matter how strong or far away

[status of the unknown]- whoever wields this shall never be found under concealments

[overgods blade]- raise all status of the wielders by 1000%

[owner of Voids]- only Rift-sovereigns can wield this weapon

It was an truly overpowered weapon.

The armor Void has on seems to be invisible and like you would go through it if you touched it. The armor was all black and faint purple would show up here and then on the armor. The armor had An mask only covering the lower head, like an criminal would wear a bandanna. This was also made by Void himself and was his best armor also. It was called


[an armor that protects against all. The armor none shall see in their whole life and only death shall show it to them. Shadows will connect and time will fellow your orders with this armor and those worthy to wear shall only be one for all eternity]

Void has been walking for hours now and came to an stop in an heavily forested area. Only thing, he could've had just use one of his skills to get here faster, this guy is really stupid.

(I think I messed up the font)

I think I've made it, why I came here? I have my reasons. I came to train an new class I got a few hours.

The class was called . I got it for some reasons I do not know, but the adventures, I can imagine with it is like presenting an kid candy. So, I want to play around and have fun with this class.

[one who rules the beginnings and end of all. No one shall surpass this sovereign and it will always be the top. Gods and overgods are ants in this classes eye.]

[race: human/void-sovereign]

[age: 27,193]

[gender: male]

[level: 1]

[class: Sovereign of alpha and omega]

[Strength: 42](+1000%)

[Agility: 64] (+1000%)

[Intelligence: 30] (+1000%)(even more stupid now, I see)

[Techniques: were still dead] (+1000%)

{Title} [everything you can think of, from hero to lolicon, even panty licker]


[supreme control- lvl.1/10]- power to force anybody to fellow your commands. Won't work if level differences are too much, the higher the skill level the more you can control and....(controlled amount: 0/10) (level differences: 10)

[dimension craver- lvl.1/10]- ability to control time and space, the higher the level the more control and options.

[Usurper wish- lvl.1/10]- ability to kill any targets you desired dead. If your level differences are too much, it won't work. The higher the skill level the more control and higher level differences amount one can take.( Level differences:10)

[hyper-growth]- passive skill – Experience gained is multiplied by 1000%

This change of class made my power drop, but this class is even stronger then Void-Omega. When I get it high enough levels I will go higher in ranks, not that I have to. I want adventure, having all the power in your hand and making no progress is boring and this is the chance I wanted.


He's still OP as always. The people of this would compare to the level 1 him they would spend their whole life just to get to where his stats are now. And the lower the level the faster you level up and also there are still more skills from this class that he doesn't have, now. I'm just gonna go to an corner and rethink my life as a narrator. This fucking idiot is lucky to have such talent and still doesn't learn from the past he's been through.

Whose an idiot!? And I don't learn anything because my memory keeps deleting itself for space and my own good. The things I can hold in my head is not like my power and you may think I am an naïve person but I have my problems and if I did remembered everything then my life would have ended long ago. This world is cruel and despicable or full of happiness but the bad can block out the good.

Okay, then let's start by leveling up my new class by killing monster in this forest.

Void slashed his blade and an wave of black shadow came out and destroyed every thing in its path. This was the katana’s basic attack and nothing could block it’s way from killing. Trees fell down, monster disappeared without an sound and there wasn't even an trace of what happened when the slash finished.

The monster monster in the distance all lost their heads at once by the sword skill { beheader of gods}. They didn't even know their death, Void started jumping around high off the ground and kept slashing and the amount that died kept increasing.

[you leveled up! Now level 2] stats +1/ skill points +1]

[you leveled up! Now level 3] stats +1/ skill points +1]

[you leveled up! Now level 4] stats +1/ skill points +1]


[you leveled up! Now level 66] stats +1/ skill points +1]

My level went up a lot because of hyper-growth and earned a lot of skill points, stats, and a few new skill while fighting.

I've gained some useless skills that I will never use, so I won't tell about them, and the author doesn't want to write it down and keep note because he's too lazy. This author need to get his head fixed, I think my memory is better then him.

(You shut up or I will strip you of your happiness!)

Okay, never talk bad about the author…

(that was for wall breaking, I'm not crazy, I think)

yeah, right.

So the useful skills I got was {Verse-space}, {Armor of the sovereign}, {summon(sovereignty’s dragon)}, and {sovereignty’s ruler magic}

[create an dimension just for you and your rule. You control everything, nothing can disobey you when in this dimension. The world is you and you are the world.]


[you are protected from all attacks of any kind. The higher the level the more armor you have on you.]

[summon a dragon to fight alongside you. The dragon trust you the most and will ends it life to protect you from any harm, the higher the level the stronger and more loyalty]

[magic unknown to all, the strongest and rule over every other magic skill you could possibly think of. All magic power level will increase with this skill level.]

My status had also increased high compared to normal people here, I earn more then them for level, they only earn about.. fuck math! My strength and agility was over 100 at 107 and 129. My intelligence was at 95 and techniques were still making the system drop dead.

{sovereignty’s ruler magic} allows me to use all magic from all classes even ones like void-omega. So, I got the magic I used to have in void-omega but at a lower level. What I’m most curious about is the summon skill, let's try it out.

Void held out his hand and a rift, big as a house opened up. Then, something came out and Void stared in shock.

“That ain't no dragon!”

It was no dragon, alright. This, you will have to wait.

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