《Vacuous Void》Chapter 9- war rages on


Chapter 9- war rages on

Right now, Void was in his realm and couldn't use the status screen because it was “broken”.

So, he decided evaluate Colo with his instincts. And what he came up with was an very vivid but was really an inaccurate description.

Colo was level 8, her class was citizen, and her stats were all close to 10. She was an child born born to suffer, and she had titles like the homeless and stuff. She had an skill called survival, which kept her alive all this time. These were just all Void’s thoughts none can be confirmed.

“Oh, Void, you're already back. That was fast.” (Colo)

“Yeah, yeah, it was.” (V)

Void walked up to the castle and went inside with Colo.

The inside was full of beautiful furniture and technology. It truly did not look like anything from an modern world, even the furniture were futuristic.

Colo, who has never even touched technology before had her eyes sparkling. The horns on her head turned into an rainbow color somehow, what kind of race is this? All you can tell was that she was very happy and ran around jumping up and down touching everything.

“Okay, you can play with them later, you'll break something stop jumping around.” (V)

“Okay.” (Colo)

She stoped but was shaking on the spot and her eyes wondered around the room. She seems like an kid who just ate an bunch of sugar and couldn't control her energy.

“Come with me, I'll explain a few things to you.” (V)

Void walked into another room, followed by Colo. He then sat on an chair with an table in front of him and told Colo to sit on the other side.

“Okay, now let's get started. I want you to do something for me Colo, and that is rule this realm when I'm not here.” (V)

“But, I'm just an kid.” (Colo)

“I know your actual age is around the 20s, you've just never grew like an person with nutrition in their system. I'll give you the knowledge to rule and keep this world stable.” (V)

He put his had up and transferred memories to her and then took his hands off her. He then took his seat back on the couch.

“Aw.. I wanted to play.” (Colo)

“You can play, but keep it in moderation. Too much and this realm will go into chaos.” (V)

“So what do I have to do?” (Colo)

“All you have to do is watch over the creatures and I'll give you the resources needed to build some stuff.” (V)

“Okay, but where are the creatures?” (Colo)

“I'll make them, they are to be trained into an army strong enough to shake all dimensions and the general shall be here sooner or later, you just have to keep watch.” (V)


Void then stood up and came out of the castle. He then waved his hands and wind blew and materials came together.

An flash sounded throughout the realm and shadows came down from the skies. They had horns like purple lightning and an shadowed body.

They roamed the realm and Void did nothing to stop them. All he did was walk back inside the castle.

“Now, Colo, you will be given the power to control but the weakest of the ranks, sovereign’s lieutenant.” (V)

“Thank you!”

Colo jumped off the ground and punched the air. Her small size made her look like an kid who just got something great and loved it.

“I'll be going now, bye.” (V)

“Bye, bye.” (Colo)

Void left the realm and what he came to was an place unvisited. He put his voided-robe back on, from which time it was taken off, he didn't know.

He walked around the place, an battle was happening. One side had black wings and the other had white wings.

This was the battle between the fallen and higher gods. Lightning, water, fire, and many other elements flew around the place. Swords and other weapons would clash from time to time.

Void was flying above the battlefield and soon came to an room with 13 white winged angles.

“That damned Void to kill the supreme god, he shall pay with his soul.” (??)

“He started this war, we have to win.” (??)

“Heaven shall always be ours.” (??)

“This world shall spread to the lower realms and then we bet the fallens and go for Void’s head.” (??)

Void disappeared from the room

Now, Void was in an room with 9 black winged angles.

“Heaven shall be ours, and it was ours from the beginning.” (??)

“We shall win this war, nobody can stop us, hahaha.” (??)

“The highers are probably thinking about going into the lower realms, well shall also expand there before they get the upper hand. But first to take care of this traitor.” (??)

There was an hooded black winged angle tied up in front of the 9 people.

"You shall be punished with eternity in the flames of the deepest part of the underworld. Beg, but nothing will happen, hahaha!" (??)

An red portal appeared under the hooded angel and flames that melted the heavenly air appeared and grabbed onto the person.

There was nothing he could do, the flames were the type to eat all. Even Void would be damaged an little.

The fallens' wrath upon traitors were very cruel. Not even death himself would want to experience the flames.

Void disappeared and reappeared in the sky and then he flew higher and higher until he was gone.


Void teleported into an room, and someone was standing in front of him.

He grabbed the person and shoved the person into his verse space. He then walked out the house and watched the sky dance before him.

He was now beginning to kidnap people. Wtf… someday he's gonna drive an candy van and go for little kids! Somebody stop him!

“hahaha, this is getting interesting.” (V)

He only kept the whole heavens alive for an little game and some excitement. If he wanted to the whole realm would be gone by now.

“Let's see if the overgods join in, after hearing they went to the lower realms.” (V)

“Hahaha.” (V)

Void laughed with an grin on his face and turned into nothingness.

Void was now back to Driana’s home and what greeted him was an hug, but this time from the both of them. Of course he changed into his original cloths, that didn't apply stealth, so they could see him.

“So Void shall we have an talk.” (DV)

“Sure, sure, now get off me. You too Faire.” (V)

“”Yes.”” (F&DV)

The both of them actually obediently got off him. He expected Faire to at least have some resistance.

“Okay, Faire stay here for an moment, I'll have an talk with Driana.” (V)

“Yes.” (F)

She was really obedient, ever since he was gone for an month, she never wanted to let go of him. Now, she followed his command like an servant.

After confronting Faire to wait, Void and Driana went into another room and sat on an couch.

“So, what do you want to talk about?” (DV)

Driana who was sitting next to him stood up and said.

“I want to talk about how you didn't know it was me in the beginning and the rule of the dimension with the planet called Earth.” (DV)

Void actually ruled an advanced civilization in the branches of empires in the Milky Way.

“First of all, I did know it was you, and what about the Milky Way?” (V)

“Then, why didn't you say anything when we first meet in this world” (DV)

“You know how I do stuff, I realized it was you, after you kept going around naked. What kind of lady would do that?” (V)

“You realized after that! Not even my name made you remember!?” (DV)

She was really mad, she stumped the ground and had an red face.

“Uh, I knew from the beginning.”

He really did know, he showed her hidden status and didn't show her real status in the beginning.

[race: Arch angel]

[age: 30,801]

[gender: female]

[level: 1000](max)

[class: overgod of war]

[Strength: 800]

[Agility: 703]

[Intelligence: 400]

[Techniques: 900]


[One who has her hands in blood]

[The possessive]

[Killer of hope]......



[Moon slash- lvl.10/10]

[War cry- lvl.10/10]

[Quick flash- lvl.10/10]

[Sixth sense- lvl.10/10]

[Cooking- lvl.10/10].....


He knew he saw her hidden status and the people around this town had fragmented memory. He did really know, but he couldn't refute.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah!” (DV)

She kept kicking the ground and walking around full of anger.

“Calm down, now let's get to talking about the Milky Way” (V)

“How can I calm down! You didn't even remember me by my name, and instead my body! You pervert.” (DV)

“So what? I'm a pervert, now calm down and get to talking about the Milky Way.” (V)

“Okay, okay, calm. The whole Milky Way is in a turmoil, right now. There is an war uprising from the heaven realm, and religious humans are now going into war.” (DV)

“War… just what I wanted. The war will spread to here, too.” (V)

“But, Void, One of the biggest empire is under your rule, they have colonized their whole realm and if an war broke out, with their technology, they could destroy their whole realm.” (DV)

“Don't worry, I've got an plan to stop it.” (V)

“With an sovereign’s blood in my veins, There is nothing that could stop me, but...” (V)

He decided not to say it.

Void then stood up and walked toward the door, he then went into his own room.

What he came to was Faire on his bed sleeping. He walked up to her and sat next to her.

“The world can be truly harsh, living alone for so many years and with no fun or something to fulfill your curiosity.” (V)

“Non shall change for you, the chaos will continue, war shall ravage the dimensions from today on, but I will treat you like my own blood.” (V)

He truly wanted to treat this girl, who was so loyal to him, like his own daughter and protect her from suffering.

She was like an untainted soul, and the one thing Void hate the most was people who were malicious. This girl, had no ill intent and nothing bad could be said about her.

Void then decided to go to his own realm.

When he got in, the realm had changed, some of the creatures had wings and flew. Some had tools, more advanced then anything you could imagine. They truly have an fast advancement, 1000 human years, were like an hour for them.

On the floor was somebody who was not of this realm. She looked around, full of fear, she never moved from that spot from the beginning.

Her face was very familiar, she had something on their head. When Void walked closer to her, she crawled backwards.


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