《Vacuous Void》Chapter 3


Chapter 3- The organization

The next morning, after that happened, Void was woken up early by an knock on his door. He stood up, pointed his palm to his face and with magic water came straight onto his face. He then walked to the door and opened it.

“Oh, you're not naked today? Why did you wake me up so early?” (V)

She's not naked today, what an disappointment, that was her good point.

“Did you forget? You have to go to the organization today.” (DV)

“Oh.. yeah, if they mess with me they will die an horrible death.” (V)

“Uh, I don't think they will. So please don't do that.” (DV)

Void didn't really want to go, but Driana has pushed him to the point of making him have no choice. She looks and acts like an kind person but she is wicked inside, Void thought. But all she really did was tell him no more naked body, if he doesn't go.

Void put his robe on and just started playing on the computer he bought the other day. When Driana saw this, she wondered how he got the money to afford the computer by doing nothing.

“How did you get that computer?” (DV)

“I have my ways, if you want to use it, you can just come and use it.” (V)

Void had his ways, alright and he didn't have to work for it. He just had to rob an bank the professional way. And that is with teleportation and the power of an idiot.

Driana got out to get an change of clothes from her room but the next moment she ran out.... naked, again. While she was changing she saw an spider and got scared, so she ran out.

“Wow, you really keep doing this until the day you die, huh?” (V)


Void was astonished he thought she wouldn't do it today, but she actually did do it. On the inside he felt very happy and on the outside he kept an calm face. He was a man with the pervert title after all.

“There's an spider please, help me!” (DV)

Somehow this girl was an coward but she was an knight at the same time. Void didn't know what to say and just killed the spider with an skill called {eye of death} which kills anything you look at.

After that, Driana wondered how strong Void was but decided not to ask and just blushed and decided to go back in to change. When she stood up, she realized she was fully naked and tried to cover herself and rushed into the room.

When preparation was finished Driana was blushing while looking at Void. Void just stood there still remembering the event that just happened and reviewed it over and over again with photographic like memory. The pervert who lived for so many years but still a virgin, I cannot say why he didn't get a wife sooner.

They soon got out the house, this time through the door, cause it got fixed. Driana lead the way while Void followed and soon they came to an building, pure white and had a logo with an Pegasus in the middle of two crossed swords. The building was very big enough to be the size for 5 houses combined.

The organization was called valirios and the people who worked there were called valorios. They were people like soldiers that protected people. They would go on quest and do missions that people request of them. They would do work the army couldn't have time to take care of. And they were part of the army itself.


When they walked in what greeted them was a very modern registration station. Driana pulled out something from her {inter- space item box} and showed it to the person behind the desk and pulled Void along.

What they came to was an room with an sign that read . They went in and there was an person wearing an suit in all black behind an desk.

“Manager, I brought the person you wanted to see.” (DV)

“Oh, you must be Void then, nice to meet you, I'm the manager, name's hylire.” (hylire)

“You already know my name, then what do you want me for?” (V)

“We want to give you an reward for saving Driana and see if you want to join us.” (hylire)

“I do not wish to join you but rather work with you, if you need help I will help but I will not accept all and no need for the reward.” (V)

Void hated getting commanded, he would rather be the leader of his choices instead of someone else commanding him.

“Okay, I will think about it but do you really not need the reward?” (hylire)

“Yeah." (V)

I can always just rob the bank.

“Okay, then that all.” (hylire)

They then walked out the room and about to go home but somebody interrupted them. It was an man which was 2 meters tall and wore armor and yelling towards them.

“Hey, you I want to duel you!” (man)

This was a man who admired Driana and when he found out about Void, jealousy overtook him.

The battle between a perfect flame and a delicious bunny, now begins.

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